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100% Remnant of a Soul knight / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Playmate and Tragedy

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Playmate and Tragedy

-The next day...-

{No ones Pov}

Under the shade of a tree Shiro was sitting under it relaxing until he hears a voice calling out to him

"Shiro!" He saw Ruby wearing a red summer dress calling out to him sprinting at his direction

Shiro smiled as he waved at Ruby

As Ruby got closer she leaped and tackled Shiro to the ground hugging him

"Hey Shiro did ya miss me?" Ruby still hugging him asked enthusiastically

"Hm~ nope!" Shiro said with a cheeky grin

Ruby pouted as she started hitting her fist playfully at Shiro's chest

"Meanie~!" She said pouting

"Hey, hey I'm kidding." Shiro said as he put both in the air as to say 'i surrender'

"You better be." She replied with a huff and stared at Shiro's eyes as both of them started giggling

Shiro ruffled Ruby's hair as he stood up

After a moment of silence Ruby spoke up

"Hey Shiro?" Ruby said quietly

"Yeah?" Shiro replied looking at Ruby

"Do you want to play a game?" She asked

"Sure~ what do ya want to play?" Shiro said with a smile

"Hm~ let's play hide and seek, and your it." Ruby said pointing at Shiro

"Got it." Shiro said turning around while closing his eyes and stared counting to 20

"1...2...3" Shiro counted loudly

Ruby took off running trying to find a good hiding spot

"9...10...11" Ruby heard him continie

Ruby stopped running and gazed at a tall tree, smiling as an idea hit her

She started climbing the tree and settled at a tree branch

"18...19...20, ready or not here I come!" Ruby heard Shiro exclaim loudly

Shiro started to wonder the forest looking for Ruby

He walked pass the tree Ruby was on as she started giggling quietly as Shiro started searching

Shiro walked to a bush searching in it after not finding Ruby and continued searching

"Ruby are you in there?" He asked ruffling through a bush

Ruby only giggled on top of the tree branch

*Rustle* she heard rustling at the leaves beside her

"Huh?" She looked at rustling leaves out came from it was an adorable bushy tailed squirrel

"Awwww~" Ruby squealed as she gazed at the adorable animal

Ruby started slowly trying to get close to squirrel trying to pet it, but...

"Eh?" A surprised yelp exited from her mouth as she lost balance

As she was falling Shiro caught her in a princess carry

"Are you ok?" Shiro asked worriedly

"Y-yeah..." She said still in shock

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you home?" Shiro said worried

"N-no I'm fine! Let's continue playing!" She said flailing both her arms

"Ok then... You're it." Shiro said booping Ruby's nose

"Yep, I'm it." Ruby said smiling


-a year and months later-

{Ruby's Pov}

Hello there my name is Ruby Rose I turned 6 years old a few weeks ago! I like my family, hanging out with Shiro, eating cookies with milk and weapons. My dream is to be a huntress and be a hero like my mom

I was currently walking down the stairs of our house to go visit my best and only friend Shiro! Wait... Does Yang and mom count as my friends?

I shook my head

Yang doesn't count as she's more than my friend she's my sister and mom is my super mom

'Shiro...' His name sounded in my head

Shiro was my first true friend, I was to shy to play with other kids on the park and playgrounds, but for some reason I don't get as nervous when talking to Shiro, actually it was the opposite! When I'm hanging out with Shiro, be it playing, talking or simply taking a nap together in the shade was some of the happiest moments of my life, don't get me wrong it's not that I don't enjoy being at home, but hanging out with Shiro makes my heart warm and fuzzy

Today he was going to teach me how to fish at a nearby river! It's gonna be so much fun!

As I was humming to my self and practically skipping down the stairs I heard Yelling but I didn't hear what they were yelling about, so i got closer

"Mom left us!" My sister, Yang yelled

'what?' I thought confused

"She didn't abandon us!" Dad yelled


"She did! Mom said she'll be back after week at most but that was weeks ago!"

'That's lie... Right?'

I got closer...

"M-mom's gonna come back right...?" Those words croaked put my throat

Both looked at me

"Y-yeah she's just busy-" Dad tried to say but wat cutted off by Yang

On the mention of 'mom,' Yang for the lack of better judgement spoke out

"No Ruby." Yang's lips trembled. "Mom's not coming back."


It was like something shattered in my mind, the world that revolved around the woman who called me, her Little Rose breaking. I knew that it was weird that mom hadn't returned back after weeks, weirder still that i hadn't been able to notice anything

I missed mom, i missed her cookies and hugs, and the warmth of her smile

Moisture welled into my eyes, and before i even knew it, I was running

"Ruby, wait!" Yang's voice trailed behind.

Yet no words Yang could say would stop me


I kept running, running and running until I reached the forest where Shiro was

He was there in the forest entrance waiting for me

As he saw me he smiled

"Hey Ruby how are you doi-?" Before he could finish I tackled him and hugged him tightly

"Eh!?" He made a surprised sound at my sudden hug

He looked at me until he noticed I was crying

"Ruby wha-?!" He tried saying but I cut him off

"She's gone..." I said with a quiet sob


"My mom... She's gone..." I said as my hugged him tighter as his clothes got soaked with my tears

His eyes widened at realization and embraced me with a warm hug

"Oh, Ruby..." He said while rubbing circles at my back

"I-I'll never see her again." I sobed

"It's ok Ruby, let it all out." He said gently

Tears welled up in my eyes as i cried loudly in his embrace

As I was crying Shiro ruffled my hair

"Trust me Ruby I know how it feels to lose someone dear to you, it's gonna hurt." He said with a sigh

I looked at up saw him with a sad smile

"It won't fully heal and will leave scars on your heart, but don't forget Ruby they'll never truly die, as you're memory of them will forever live on, in here." He said pointing at my heart

"Thank you..." I said sniffling

"And remember this Ruby when you're sad... No matter where I go, I'll never leave your side, You will never be alone." He said in comforting tone

"Even when we go through changes, Even when we're old, Remember that I told you,

You'll never be alone." He continued

After crying for who knows long, my eyes where puffy and red

I looked as Shiro who was now humming a lullaby

"Shiro..." I said in a raspy voice


"When you said you'll be by my side... Do you mean it?" I asked in a quiet voice

As our eyes locked at each other he smiled gently at me and said...

"I will be by you side, now and forever be..." He said in utmost resolution that made my heart skip a beat

I held out my pinky finger at him

"Pinky promise?"

He smiled and locked his pinky at mine

"Pinky promise."

After the promise I fell asleep on his lap


{Shiro's Pov}

I stared a Ruby who was sleeping at my lap as I gently pat her head

I smiled

'I promise Ruby... I'll protect you I, shall not fail again...' I vow with determination

-Hours later...-

"Hmm..." I heard the sleeping Ruby grumble as her eyes flickered open

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her

{Ruby's Pov}

"Did you sleep well?" I heard Shiro ask

I rubbed my eyes as I slow sit up

"Yesh~" I replied stretching with a yawn

Until my eyes widened in realization

"How long was I asleep?!" I asked Shiro urgently

"Uhh... A couple of hours?" He replied with his tilting to the side

"Oh gods! Dad and Yang are gonna be so worried!" I yelled as I stood up

"Sorry Shiro but I have to go!" I said with urgently

"It's okay Ruby we can go finish another time." He said reassuringly

As I was about to run home I looked at Shiro again

"Thank you..." I said quietly but enough for Him to hear

"Any time." Shiro said smiling

"See you tommorow!" I yelled as I ran


A/N: Goddamnit I was listening to sad music while writing this chapter, well see ya next time!

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