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Chapter 4:The Road to Greatness

Six years had passed since Minkyu Kim's reincarnation into this parallel world, and he stood tall as a confident and determined six-year-old. With his helmet strapped securely under his chin, he introduced himself to the world as a budding cyclist, ready to conquer the road and chase his dreams.

Minkyu's cycling skills had flourished over the years. His once wobbly rides on his tricycle had transformed into graceful maneuvers on a proper bicycle. He could navigate sharp turns, ride uphill with determination, and even perform impressive tricks that left his family and neighbors in awe.

His family had become accustomed to his cycling adventures, and they wholeheartedly supported his dreams. His parents had even bought him a new bicycle, a sleek and shiny upgrade to his previous one. Minkyu cherished it as a symbol of their belief in his abilities and the limitless possibilities that lay ahead.

Every day, Minkyu would venture out into the neighborhood, exploring every corner and street, always eager to discover new challenges and push his limits. The wind whispered in his ears as he pedaled with fervor, his imagination soaring as he envisioned himself racing against the world's finest cyclists.

Yet, amidst his cycling pursuits, Minkyu never lost sight of the importance of his family. He recognized their unwavering support and love, and he knew that his dreams were intertwined with their happiness. In the evenings, he would sit with his parents and Eunji, sharing stories of his cycling adventures, his voice animated and filled with enthusiasm.

But even as Minkyu reveled in his cycling prowess, he understood that there was still much to learn and achieve. He yearned to ride faster, conquer steeper hills, and eventually compete in real races. He knew that he had the potential to become a cycling legend, and he embraced the challenges that lay ahead.

As Minkyu continued his journey through the world of cycling, he couldn't help but notice that it had a special place in the hearts of people in this parallel world. It was not just a personal passion for him; it was a widespread phenomenon, even in Korea.

He discovered that cycling was embraced by people of all ages, from young children to seasoned adults. There were dedicated cycling lanes and trails that spanned the city, inviting enthusiasts to embark on their two-wheeled adventures. Minkyu would often pedal alongside other cyclists, exchanging nods and smiles, a silent camaraderie that bridged the gap between them.

On weekends, he witnessed organized cycling events and races that attracted participants from far and wide. Cyclists would don colorful jerseys, their bikes sleek and polished, as they vied for the top spot. The streets would come alive with the sound of cheering spectators and the hum of spinning wheels, creating an atmosphere of excitement and shared passion.

Minkyu marveled at the cycling culture that surrounded him. Bike shops dotted the cityscape, their windows displaying an array of cutting-edge bicycles and accessories. He would press his nose against the glass, admiring the aerodynamic designs and lightweight frames, imagining himself on one of those professional racing machines.

He soon discovered that cycling had become a beloved sport in Korea, with a rich history and a community of dedicated fans. Famous cyclists were revered as local heroes, their names spoken with admiration and respect. Minkyu would avidly read cycling magazines and watch televised races, absorbing every piece of information like a sponge, eager to learn from the best.

The realization that cycling held such significance in this parallel world ignited a new fire within Minkyu. He saw it as an opportunity, not just to pursue his personal dreams but to become part of a larger movement. He aspired to stand on the same podiums as the cycling legends of this world, to inspire others with his own journey, and to contribute to the ever-growing cycling culture.

With renewed determination, Minkyu set his sights on becoming a true champion. He would spend hours perfecting his techniques, studying the strategies employed by professional cyclists, and even creating his own training routines. His family stood by his side, witnessing the unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of his dreams.


As Minkyu delved deeper into the world of cycling, he soon realized that his skills, while impressive for his age, paled in comparison to the standards set by the cyclists of this parallel world. The level of road cycling here was astonishingly high, requiring not only speed and endurance but also impeccable handling skills.

He watched in awe as cyclists effortlessly navigated sharp turns at high speeds, leaning into curves with such precision that it seemed almost supernatural. They performed maneuvers that defied the laws of physics, balancing on two wheels with an almost balletic grace. It was as if they were in perfect harmony with their bicycles, the wheels an extension of their very being.

Minkyu couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-doubt. He realized that if he truly wanted to become a top-tier cyclist in this world, he would need to push himself beyond his limits. The road to greatness appeared steeper than ever, but he was determined to rise to the challenge.

With a newfound determination, Minkyu embarked on a rigorous training regimen. He spent hours practicing his balance, honing his cornering skills, and perfecting his technique. He would visualize the smooth lines and graceful movements of the elite cyclists he admired, striving to emulate their style.

But despite his best efforts, Minkyu faced moments of frustration. The feats of skill he witnessed seemed almost inhuman, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to reach such heights. Doubts crept into his mind, whispering that he might never be good enough.

However, Minkyu refused to succumb to despair. He reminded himself that every great cyclist had once been a beginner, facing challenges and setbacks along the way. He understood that the road to mastery was paved with perseverance and unwavering dedication.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Minkyu's progress became evident. His handling skills improved, and he grew more confident in his ability to tackle tight turns and tricky descents. He sought out local cycling clubs, joining group rides where he could learn from more experienced riders. Their guidance and advice became invaluable, pushing him further towards his goals.

As Minkyu continued his pursuit of cycling excellence, he discovered that the cycling community was not solely comprised of competitive racers. There were also groups of older gentlemen who enjoyed leisurely rides through the city, sharing stories, and relishing the joy of cycling together.

One sunny afternoon, while navigating his usual route, Minkyu noticed a pack of older cyclists, their jerseys adorned with colorful emblems. Intrigued, he pedaled closer, joining their casual pack without hesitation. The seasoned riders welcomed him with warm smiles and nods, sensing the passion that radiated from the young boy.

Minkyu found himself amidst a group of kind-hearted individuals who had spent decades cycling. Their weathered faces reflected a lifetime of experiences, their eyes sparkling with memories of countless journeys. They had witnessed the evolution of cycling in this world and held a wealth of knowledge waiting to be shared.

As they pedaled through the city, Minkyu listened attentively to their stories, soaking up their wisdom like a sponge. They spoke of long rides along picturesque countryside roads, of cycling adventures that transcended time and place. Minkyu found himself captivated by their tales, his imagination painting vivid landscapes of open roads and breathtaking vistas.

In turn, Minkyu shared his own cycling aspirations and dreams, animatedly describing his training routines and the races he hoped to conquer. The older gentlemen chuckled at his youthful enthusiasm, their laughter blending with the hum of spinning wheels.

During their ride, they stopped at a local café, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of baked goods. Minkyu sipped on a cup of hot chocolate, his little hands wrapped around the warm mug. He relished the sense of camaraderie that filled the air, cherishing the bond he had formed with these experienced riders.

As the group bid their farewells, Minkyu felt a sense of gratitude and newfound inspiration. The older gentlemen had not only welcomed him into their pack but had also become mentors and friends. They imparted valuable lessons about the true essence of cycling— the joy of shared experiences, the camaraderie that extended beyond competitive races.

From that day forward, Minkyu's rides became enriched by the companionship of the older gentlemen. They would occasionally join him on his training sessions, offering guidance and advice honed through years of cycling.

Among them were Mr. Choi, a sprightly retiree with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and Mr. Park, a wise and patient cyclist with a gentle demeanor.

During their rides, Mr. Choi would regale Minkyu with tales of his youthful cycling adventures, embellishing the stories with colorful details and exaggerated gestures. Minkyu would listen, captivated by Mr. Choi's infectious enthusiasm and his ability to turn even the most mundane cycling trip into a grand adventure.

Mr. Park, on the other hand, would provide Minkyu with practical advice, sharing his knowledge on technique and strategy. He would patiently explain the finer points of pacing, proper bike maintenance, and the art of conserving energy during long rides.

Minkyu found himself caught up in their banter, trading jokes and witty remarks. Their playful exchanges added a lightheartedness to their rides, creating an atmosphere of joy and friendship.

One sunny afternoon, as they pedaled along a scenic riverfront, Mr. Choi challenged Minkyu to a playful race. The two cyclists sped ahead, their wheels spinning furiously as they engaged in a friendly competition. Minkyu giggled with delight, his heart pounding in his chest as he strived to keep up with the spirited retiree.

Meanwhile, Mr. Park rode alongside them, offering encouraging words and gentle reminders to pace themselves. His calm presence provided a sense of reassurance to Minkyu, reminding him that cycling was not just about speed but also about enjoying the journey. Obviously, Mr. Choi was going easy on him, but it truly didn't matter. The aura of entertainment and homeliness filled him up with joy.

After the race, the trio settled down on a grassy patch overlooking the river. They sat in a contented silence, their breaths steady as they watched the sun slowly set, casting a golden glow over the city. It was in these quiet moments that Minkyu realized the true value of their friendship—it wasn't just about cycling, but about the connections forged through shared passions.

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