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16.12% HP: The Legendary Arithmancer / Chapter 4: The Godfather & The Magic Series Codex

Chapter 4: The Godfather & The Magic Series Codex

'Indeed…It's him…Albus Dumbledore…'

Adrien thought as soon as he saw the iconic wizard. Dumbledore looked exactly as he was described in the books, and was smiling at him as soon as he appeared within view.

'Why is he here though? Is it just because of Maman?...Papa never mentioned him coming to visit….Well, I'll soon see why'

Adrien mused as he approached the two legendary wizards. The ground floor of the Flamel Manor was rather spacious, with a long carpet extending from the front door to the staircases. The floor had multiple living rooms, a kitchen, and a well-decorated ballroom, a room that Perenelle personally requested for.

Perenelle, like a wealthy French mother, had been adamant on raising Adrien sophisticatedly. She personally taught him proper etiquette, how to cook, and how to play musical instruments, mostly piano. She also arranged for him to learn how to dance formally, which was why she requested for the manor to have a ballroom.

Adrien made sure to learn everything she taught him in order to please her, and portray himself as an ideal child; a child who was always obedient, and well-behaved. Though, Adrien surprisingly found dancing rather enjoyable. It made him feel…alive.

"Come here, Adrien. I would like you to meet someone…He's an old friend of mine." Nicolas said, as soon as Adrien was a few feet away from him.

"Oui, Papa." Adrien nodded and replied then walked over to Dumbledore, bowed and politely introduced himself,

"Bonjour Monsieur, I'm Adrien Flamel. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Dumbledore continued to smile at Adrien, and then responded, "It's certainly a pleasure to meet you too, Adrien. I'm Albus Dumbledore. Your father talks a lot about you.."

Nicolas chuckled after Dumbledore upon hearing Dumbledore's comment, "I certainly do, don't I?"

Adrien just smiled seeing their interaction.

"Adrien, Albus here is your godfather. Your mother and I had already decided on it before you were born. Feel free to talk to him, you two will be spending a lot of time together soon.." Nicolas added, a few moments later.

Adrien, who was not expecting anything remotely close to this, was completely shocked upon hearing Nicolas's statement. Dumbledore was his godfather? How weird was that? Is he supposed to call him 'uncle' now?... Also, what did he mean by saying he and Dumbledore would be spending a lot of time together soon?

Honestly, Adrien did not know how to feel about it. He had always disliked Dumbledore when he watched the Harry Potter series, and even more so when he watched the Fantastic Beasts series. He disliked the man largely because of his excessive manipulative nature.

In the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore basically groomed Harry to be a martyr. To Adrien, it honestly felt like Dumbledore was raising Harry to be a pig for slaughter, which was something no one deserved. Adrien sympathized with Harry and felt that he deserved much better.

Harry deserved to know more about his parents, learn of his complex predicament of being a horcrux, and to decide on whether to make the choice to sacrifice himself for the 'greater good', as Dumbledore would say.

Even in the Fantastic Beast series, Dumbledore manipulated Newt Scamander and sent him off to America while keeping him in the dark.

So such a man was supposed to be his godfather?

'Not really a fan of this arrangement by Papa and Maman, though, If it's what they truly want, I'll respect it….No way I'll let this old man manipulate me though. Knowing him, he'll probably try to throw me into his schemes involving Harry.'

Adrian mused, looking at his Papa with a blank face, which caused the latter to raise his eyebrows concernedly.

"Adrien, are you alright?" he asked softly, with his frail old voice.

It was then that Adrien snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oui, Papa. I am." He replied, flashing a smile.

Nicolas just hummed in affirmation.

"We were going to have lunch together, you should join us." he then added, gesturing towards Albus' direction.

"Yes, Papa." Adrien replied respectfully.

Nicolas smiled and nodded. The three then proceeded to make their way over to the dining room. The dining room was large, fancy, and hospitable looking. It had multiple floating chandeliers, multiple paintings of natural scenery, and antique ornaments like vases in it.

At its center, was a large rectangular table for 12. Nicolas, Dumbledore, and Adrien took their seats on the chairs at one end of the table, with Nicolas sitting at the head chair, and Dumbledore and Adrien facing each other.

Nicolas clapped, and food appeared in front of them. It was mostly savory french dishes, like Boeuf Bourguignon, and a few english dishes. Adrien licked his lips in anticipation as he saw the dishes, eating was one of the things he loved the most about reincarnating.

Adrien loved the French dishes Filley prepared, they were always savory and sumptuous to taste. He much preferred them to the bland American food he had grown accustomed to eating back when he was on Earth.

The three soon began to eat, with Nicolas and Dumbledore chatting casually and Adrien just thinking about Arithmancy and magic. After a while, Dumbledore focused his attention on him, which he noticed immediately.

"Ah, Adrien..I've heard from your father that you often ask to visit the muggle side of the world. You seem to be interested in them, what are your thoughts on muggles so far?" He asked calmly, looking at me intently.

Nicolas just kept on eating, seemingly oblivious to Dumbledore's sudden focus on Adrien.

'Is he testing me?...Does he think I'm a potential dark lord?' Adrien raised his eyebrows inwardly and thought.

'He can actually just read my mind so what I say pretty much doesn't matter. Though, putting on a facade would probably tell him whether I'm the cunning sort or not.."

Adrien continued to muse. He had yet to practice occlumency so trying to shield himself against a master legilimens like Dumbledore was a pipe dream. And judging by his Papa's behavior, Nicolas wouldn't bat an eye if Dumbledore decided to read his mind.

Thus, he casually put down his fork, raised his head and replied coolly, "I think muggles are normal people, I haven't got much of an opinion on them to be honest. They're just like me and you, just without magic and magical abilities."

Dumbledore continued to look at him intently, with his eyes twinkling ever so slightly. A moment later, he smiled and responded,

"I see…very much so Adrien. So you don't think wizards don't need to live in hiding?"

"Technically we don't since we're able to do the supernatural but I think it's for the best." Adrien replied as-a-matter-of-factly.

"How so?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"It's not for any complex reason really. Simply because it's easy, straightforward, and peaceful. Prevents inevitable disputes between the two parties and enables both parties to live peacefully. Plus, I want to be able to continue to see operas with my Papa."

Adrien replied calmly, to which Nicolas smiled.

"I see. You are quite a unique person Adrien.." Dumbledore chuckled and responded.

Adrien just smiled at that and resumed his tasty meal.

Like that, the dinner continued, with Dumbledore and Nicolas talking a lot, and Adrien just sitting there. Dumbledore occasionally asked him a few more questions, but they were mostly about magic, and things he liked to do.

Eventually, Adrien decided to leave out of boredom, so he asked Nioolas if he could excuse himself for the day politely, to which Nicolas agreed. Adrien said goodbye to Dumbledore and went back upstairs.

Since it was already night time, and he was feeling somewhat spent from the dinner, he decided to call it a day. So, he went to visit Perenelle, his maman, and spent time with her, telling her about his day as well as his conversation with Dumbledore.

Perenelle listened attentively to him as he spoke, and asked a few questions about what he thought about the matter. Adrien simply said that Dumbledore seemed nice, and that he had no other thoughts on the matter. The duo then proceeded to read their daily book together. Today's book was about history, specifically the history of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, something that Adrien didn't know much about.

Apparently, the bank was created by a goblin named Gringott in 1474 after the soap blizzard event of 1378 that led to the bursting of the 14th century Wizarding Economic Bubble. Perenelle said that it was highly chaotic during that time because the wizarding economy was on the verge of collapse, which Adrien found very interesting.

About half an hour later, Adrien kissed his maman goodnight and reclined to his room to end his somewhat eventful day. His room was located on the third floor of the Manor, which was also its highest floor. The room was pretty simple, which is how Adrien likes his things. It had a large bed, a table and chair by the corner, and wardrobes containing his clothes.

Adrien walked over to the table in the corner, and pulled out a black diary from one of its drawers. He walked back to the door, made sure it was locked and climbed on his bed. Once he was comfortable, he caressed the cover of the diary, looked at it and smiled.

The cover of the diary read,

'The Magic Series Codex'

'A Compendium of the Advanced Applications and Usages of Theoretical Arithmancy and Numerology.'

'By Adrien Timothée Flamel.'

It was the base framework for his future inventions that he had been constructing since he learnt how to write in this world. It contained his ideas, theories, and speculations on the way Arithmancy could be used in magic and magical arts.

Most of Adrien's 5 years in the wizarding world was spent reading Arithmancy, Numerology, and Ancient Runes. As soon as Adrien came to terms with the fact that he was now living inside the mystical world of Harry Potter, he immediately threw himself into magic and the mathematical aspect of it.

Adrien was dying to see to what extent Mathematics could explain something as mystical as magic. He was too eager to see if mathematical equations could directly lead to the supernatural occurring; such a thing was impossible back on Earth.

Currently, Adrien was sure he was roughly around the level of a novice Arithmancer, who had just graduated Hogwarts. He mused that within the next few years, he should be at the level of Septima Vector, the Hogwarts Arithmancy professor in the canon.

This way, he was able to understand a few crucial things about the subjects.

Arithmancy is a magical discipline that studies the magical properties of numbers, including predicting the future with numbers and numerology. Numerology is a branch of Arithmancy that focuses on combining numbers in various ways.

One thing that Adrien noticed was the fact that every single Arithmancer was focusing on using Arithmancy as a means of divination or fortune telling, much to his disgust. He scoffed at the short sightedness of wizards because he knew that Arithmancy was capable of so much more; they were ignoring the practical side of the subject completely and not using the subject to study what numbers were created for to begin with, measuring.

Mathematics originated because of the need to measure quantities and the earliest mathematicians were purely metrologists. Adrien thought that in this world where magical energy exists, the fact that arithmancers have completely ignored finding a way to measure the mystical energy baffled him.

As a bonafide mathematician, it seriously irked him that there was no system to measure how much magical energy a person could conduct or use in their spells so it was the very first thing he planned on inventing.

A system that measures magical energy in general and can be used to determine a wizard's power level.

Asides from that, Adrien also thought that if numbers had magical properties, what was stopping arithmetic operators from having magical properties? He had a hunch that signs like +,-, etc had magical properties which could be exploited.

Adrien was sure that with the magical properties of arithmetic operators, stuff like spell amplification, debuffing and even multi-casting could be possible. It was certainly crazy to even think about. Multicasting in Harry Potter? Was such a thing even possible?

Well, Adrien was a scientist, physicist, and mathematician. It was his job to investigate the seemingly 'crazy' and he was going to do just that.

All of this was just the surface of Adrien's theories. He was even going as far as wondering whether limits, functions and calculus could be used in magic. He wondered what kind of applications those things would have.

Adrien smiled as he read his compendium. He closed it, and put it on his bedside table.

'Maybe being reincarnated into such a fascinating world isn't so bad after all..' he thought, as he closed his eyes and entered the land of dreams, dreaming about numbers warring against each other with calculus, infinite series, and combinatorics…


A/N: Hope you liked the chapter.

I polled the readers on scribble hub, and currently the results are about tied, which is troublesome, considering that Adrien would be meeting Fleur in the next chapter. I initially planned to make them the same age, so I may just go with that tbh. I have a lot of ideas for developing their relationship that are based on them being agemates.

What do you think of Dumbledore being Adrien's godfather? Let me know in the comments below.

Next Chapter Title: The Christmas Ball.

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