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34.87% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 119: Ymir Part 7: The Frost Eldar Bloodlust

Chapter 119: Ymir Part 7: The Frost Eldar Bloodlust

(General POV)

Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, Alderi Settlement Azir'Ymir/Battlefield Frost Eldar vs. Carnage Forces

A cold wind and mist started settling in the area, as the gobos were starting to feel the true cold of Ymir, with this sudden frosty mist, howling winds, and increase in cold came to a surprise to the Carnage forces.

But the Carnage-touched Alderi aside feeling some unease from this mist, they also felt some familiarity from it when Jar Zera realized why these feelings were happening to her and her fellow enlighten Eldar before she could warn the sorcerer, a abundance of long, sharp needles of ice soared out the mist, impaling several gobos and a few corrupted alderi.

That's when all hell broke loose, from the frosty mist came out brown skinned eldar with heavy armor that resembled more ice than wraithbone.

The Shi'lanorai Ice Warriors, with their weapons ready, charged in at the weaken and disoriented gobos that were brutally cleaved by greataxes of ice or impale by ice-spears.

As the gorery bodies of the dirty green skinned gobos were chopped down by swings of the ice warriors, some with head cleaved in half, nearly to fully decapitated by the heavy ice made axes while others were slashed or stabbed by the ice warriors wielding spears, one of said warriors had his spear impaled through the chest of a gobo, as he lifted the squirming creature up in the air before the ice warrior tossed the dying gobo away into the snow covered in small dirty green skinned bodies.

The gobos reacted when the ice warriors were amidst of killing others of their horde, fighting against the dropping temperature they roared some aimed their guns while others charged with difficulty.

The gunners could barely see with the closing frost mist but still fired wildly at the shi'lanorai as bullets, bolter rounds, red blazing lasers, and heavy explosives flew across the snowy and bloody battlefield, immediately the ice warriors reacted to the sound of gunfire, and laps-fire and started to backup into the mist while the other gobos armed with various blades, axes, buzzsaws, and hammers still charge in even despite being caught in the crosshairs of the gunners' line of fire.

The ice warriors moved swiftly and without difficulty in the snow and frost, but some were unfortunately caught by the line of wild shots of the gobos, they were barely injured by bullets or lasers, but bolter rounds and rockets did caused some damage to those that didn't move as quick as the others.

But they were warriors, proud predators, the injured amongst the ice warriors stood up despite their range of damage they took and stayed to fight the approaching gobos, whilst the others returned to the mist.

Instead of fear or desperation, these shi'lanorai showed excitement and eagerness on their faces as they ready either their greataxe or spear welcoming the savage, bloodthirsty gobos that rushed at them once close the ice warriors chanted in some tongue that the Carnage-touched gobos didn't understand or care to.

Once the ice warriors finished their chant, the snow and frost around them started to converge into their ice weapons and armors, have become more larger, covered in ice spikes, and also become much denser and tougher this is a last resort that ice warriors possess using a special rune hidden in their armor and weapon to absorb the ice element around them to become stronger, at the cost of mobility and speed.

When the gobos reached them, those with serrated blades and brute axes broke on impact with the stronger ice armor that the shi'lanorai have conjured, these ice warriors seeing their prey defenseless and shocked made them smile with a predatory grin as they swung their heavier weapons brutally chopping, cleaving, slashing, and stabbing the gobos in close melee but the Iron Kollarz weren't weak or defenseless while the more slashing orientated amongst them were being massacred.

With their own wicket smile of sharp-teeth, the gobos with buzzsaws swung down at the brown skinned eldars and reved their weapons on, actually power sawing through the armor and bitting into flesh as shredded ice and blood blasted out the area of the attack, and to cause mayor damage the gobos using power-crushers smashed hard against the ice warriors, the blunt blow dealing great amount of damage both to their armor and their body underneath it.

The gobos were finally causing damage and even better agonizing pain to the shi'lanorai, some of the gobos were laughing as they swung their hammers down upon the ice warrior that they were surrounding, six ice warriors remained in total at the beginning they were butchering their boys and gals but now it was their turn, but that's when the temperature dropped further.

This greatly affected the Iron Kollarz, never fighting in such a cold ambierment as they breathed faster and with difficulty, their breath notice in puffs of frost this made the ice warriors happy, knowing was coming the full fury of the Bloodstained Snow Beasts.

Once again, the gobos were attacked by a barrage of sharp ice needles that stabbed and impale many, especially with the range they were from the more denser part of the mist.

Then the other ice warriors charged out the frosty mist again, only this time not alone.

Running through the snow with little resistance, passing the heavier ice warriors were the snow wolf pelted shi'lanorai, dual axe wielding Snow Hunters that upon seeing the prey, they pounce at them like wild beasts.

One of the men used one of the six ice warriors to jump off his shoulder and cleave both his axes into a buzzsaw wielding gobo, as the head of the gobo was chopped into gushing blood and the gobo went limp the snow hunter using his strength along with a strong kick to the dead gobo, freed his axes and roaring he started fighting the other gobos like a raging animal, as he chopped and slashed the Iron Kollarz that tried to rush him, other snow hunters and huntresses join the frey.

Each of them clashed their shi'lanorai silver and ice axes against the macabre weapons of the gobos, enjoying the thrill of battle, and as the gobos were also enthralled in the fighting and carnage they forgot the ice warriors have returned and also join the fighting, as a gobo unfortunately experienced as she tried to stab a hunter as he was clashing against another gobo, she failed to notice the ice armored shi'lanorai coming from the side, and drive his ice-spear through her neck.

Not expecting the blow, the female gobo dropped her blade, struggling and gaging as the shi'lanorai warrior pulled out the spear-tip from her neck and blood no longer obstructed gushed out the wounds and her mouth, choking and desperately trying to stop the bleeding the she-gobo reached up her hand to her neck but it was futile as she dropped to the snow choking on her own blood and dying.

The battle raged on as the gun wielding gobo saw all the gore and carnage and wanted to be a part of it despite the intensifying cold and the mist making shooting nearly impossible from their location, it didn't mean they couldn't shot the brown skinned eldars closer as one of them yell out, "Let's rampage in the Havoc Queen's name!!!" upon yelling this, all the other gobos were pumped and as eager to fight!

Firing their guns as they charged forward through the snow, while it slowed them down along with the cold, they were all re-vigored to massacre.

The Snow Hunters heard all the gunshots, and turned towards the swarm of gun wielding psychotic, gobos and around twenty of the snow hunters liking the challenge counter charge them, running with their axes held wide as another bloody battle was about to begin.

While all the carnage was happening and more ice warriors and snow hunters were coming out, the [Call of Winter] mist, along with another figure, a beautiful light brown skinned, long silver haired, and her silver tinted turquoise colored eyes.

As she had a huge shi'lanorai silver and ice axe resting on the right shoulder, and her face had an expression of pure joy, excitement, and predatory hunger she lifted her ice-axe Skathi and pointed it forward and slightly up along with roaring, giving the signal for the rest of her warriors to join the carnage.

Upon her call the last remnants of the Bloodstained Snow Beasts' ice warriors and snow hunters came rushing in, along with all the princess' cryowitches and cryomages their ice claws all eager for blood, as the frost winds swirls around these heavy clothed shi'lanorai.

The cryowitches and mages were standing beside their princess and leader as she looked back at them and said, "What are you'll waiting for? Let the hunt and fighting begin, let the world know why we're the Bloodstained Snow Beasts!!!" as she laughed with happiness, she rushed ahead, and they followed behind her.

The princess immediately started cleaving through the gobos, hacking them to pieces with a smile on her face, as a group of autogun wielding gobos came shooting at her and one of the bullet bounced off her shi'lanorai silver breastplate.

All she was doing was laughing, because of the rush and thrill she was feeling at the moment, as she used her ice powers and swung her axe in a rising arc and once she did a wide spreading, forward rushing wave of razor-sharp ice spikes sprouted from the snow and heading fast the gobos, they couldn't dodge the attack and were all impaled by multiple ice spikes from below, as the frost blue ice spikes were covered, and dripping with fresh, fast cooling blood.

Seeing her work the shi'lanorai princess reached into one of the impaled gobos' mouth and using her superstrength with one quick flick she tore out a fang, inspecting her small trophy she grin and put away.

As she continued on with the slaughter she and her warriors were doing, enjoying the conflict and thrill of battle, unknown to them all that slowly but surely a dark outerworldly entity was corrupting their souls, as he was watching with joy and excitement.

Location the Warp, Neutral Space-Infinity Fountain Resting Place

Laharl has manifested in his shadowy form in the neutral ground of the Warp, after he has just finished marking the souls of Crystallyl and her warriors, taking a little inspiration from his future the shadow aspect of Laharl reached his right hand to his head and though about how Nurgle is going to the third amongst them to be born, but he has always presented himself as a Grandfather and older than the rest of the Chaos Gods in appearance and persona, so Laharl was confused should Nurgle be considered his older or younger brother, he was knocked off his train of though when he sense two dark presenses were coming.

In front of Laharl appeared two shadows of blood and flames, making the core of these two silhouettes, one was clearly Khorne, the other next to him was more slender and feminine like with horns and a long, long fire made ponytail Laharl knew who this entity is, his sister-in-law aka the wife of the Blood God, Valkia.

The Dark One was the first to speak, "Is an honor to finally meet my dear sister, the Gorequeen Blood Goddess, Valkia." Valkia scoffed but responded,"Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage. My husband has told me much of you, while grateful for you creating the Fountain and Void Gate, allowing me to marry my beloved one...know that it will be blood and war that shall reign the universes not carnage and darkness!!!!" Laharl's only thought was,"She and Khorne were made for each other." with all the pleasantries aside, Khorne asked him why he had summoned them as they were still in the midst of massacre, bloodshed, and destroying much of the Eldar.

Valkia nodded to what her husband said, as Laharl only wanted to inform them of Nurgle's estimated birth at it seem that like Khorne he was mostly feeding his birth from the Earth...for now, and also he was grateful to them for inspiring his own daemonic invasions of the Alderi Empire as he openly told he hated majority of those space elves, his comment made Khorne raise an brow, while Valkia laughed a bit as Khorne illavorated that his wife calls the Eldar, space elves as well which in true didn't surprise the Dark One much since she was originally from Old World Warhammer, so it made sense her comparison.

Before they all returned to their own bodies, Laharl told him of his plan for Ymir, and a sub-race of eldar called the Shi'lanorai, and exchange for keeping the Bloodstained Snow Beasts, and their princess for his own he is willing to make the gestation facility a another neutral ground in the Warp were Chaos Eldar could be rapidly birth and grown, they get more mortal followers, and warriors that they can design and twist as they desire, Laharl saw Khorne and Valkia interest and accepted this contract, but Laharl told them it'll be neutral that not only meant that all Chaos Gods have authority of part of the facility, they can't mess with others part as well...Khorne grunts but still accepted his brother's term for the benefits outweigh the cons.

As they faded away back to the Blood Lands, Laharl secured Crystallyl and her warriors exclusively for himself, along with open new opportunities just like when Slaanesh murder-eff the eldar, and soon Aspects started to emerge along with paths of these warriors, he can create his own Chaos variant along with his siblings this made Laharl laugh with joy as he faded back to his real body.

PS: Shout out to Titus_Makasobe for the Chaos Aspects idea. Thanks, and keep supporting.

Location outside of Azir'Ymir, some distance from the main battle

The Chaos Sorcerer was furious his forces were being slaugher by these xenos and their ice sorcerery, but it wasn't just rage that filled the head of the sorcerer but fear as well should he fail his punishment will be unimaginable.

He turned to the she-eldar seer who he felt was also furious as he commanded her and her forces to kill the interlopers she turned to him and said that it will be a pleasure to kill shi'lanorai filth, and their princess Crystallyl Shik'Adammine.

Remembering her words as the corrupted seer, Jar Zera took command of her fellow corrupt alderi and rush into battle with their wraithbone armor providing protection against the cold, but still they must trust more on their psychic abilities over their senses for their didn't possess the abilities to fully adapt to extreme cold combat like the shi'lanorai which they despise greatly especially now that the Carnage corruption was affecting them all.

The sorcerer watched as Jar Zera led her kin xenos to battle, turning toward the alderi settlement Azir'Ymir, he began to use the surging forces and powers of the warpstorm to add that power to his sorcery as warp-energies started to surge, and gathered around the chaos sorcerer.

Violet and black energies started to coat the sorcerer as he began to chant in the dark tongue of Chaos, preparing to bring down the psychic barrier once and for all.

Location Battlefield, the Frost Eldar vs. Carnage Forces

The injured ice warriors were already treated with bare ability, as the cryowitches and mages only froze their wounds as their shi'lanorai physiology will prevent frostbite or damage but not numb the pain but as true Bloodstained Snow Beasts they ignored the pain, and returned to battle alongside their fellow warriors of the princess.

The other ice warriors and snow hunters were slaughtering the Iron Kollarz, as they were bathed in blood and many short, dirty green skinned bodies littered the snow, of course a few of their own warriors fell but the bloodstained snow beasts have killed double the amount of Carnage-touched gobos in return.

A snow huntress was in the middle of fighting a couple of blade wielding gobos, and a lapsgun user as well.

She was covered in fresh blood of her slain prey, along with some wounds on her light brown skin ranging from cuts of various depths, and burns, as the cold winds made her snow wolf pelt fur flow, and she gasp for air realizing the puff of frost when she breathed out, she looked at her opponent circling while one was powering up his lapsgun, the snow huntress tighten the grip on her ice-axes roared and lunged forward gutting one of the gobos necks, and clashing blades with another.

While caught in a death-lock, lapsgun wielding gobo chuckled as he had a clear shot to her back, and just when he was about to fire, when a pair of frost blue with hints of light blue and white claws pierced through the gobo's chest, the sharp crystal claws releasing cold vapors as they were pulled out revealing a Cryomage with his arms cross and his ice claws coated in blood.

Before any other gobo could react to the new eldars attacking them, a bunch of ice needles were fired at them along with wide waves of sharp ice spikes, the cryomages and cryowitches were relentlessly attacking using their ice sorcery against them.

At the same time, all the bloodstained snow beasts were charging in to put the final noose around their preys' necks.

When a cryowitch claws spread wide as she rushed at her target, a gobo that looked straight at the half shaven brown skinned eldar with his macabre axe ready for her.

That moment, she was blasted with a psychic Bolt that greatly damaged her body and mind, allowing the gobo to rise his axe and cleave it through her skull, splitting it in half as the shi'lanorai dead body joined the rest in painting the snow vibrant red, as the gobo lifted his bloodstained axe into the air praising Adrak'Maal.

In another area, Crystallyl was killing four gobos with a wide slash beheading all four of them with aid or shi'lanorai superstrength, when she heard one of her warriors scream in pain which is rare, gaining her attention she saw the dirty green skinned creature brutally chop her cryowitch head in half, her smile fading as she prayed that her warrior will enter to "Hall of Honor" as in the shi'lanorai belief in paradise in the afterlife.

That when she spotted the white armored with violet and black patterned alderi come to fight them led by a female seer covered in blood and wielding two ghostswords.

Clearly, the alderi weren't cowards like the rest of those insufferable bastards as her smile returned along with the thoughts of carnage and atrocities she'll wrought to them as she tightened the grip on her ice-axe, Skathi at first Crystallyl was surprised by the thoughts in her head but she'll admit that she liked them as she yelled, "Warriors let's celebrate cause this hunt...this fight has gotten a lot more incredible!!!!" even in the howling cold winds, her warriors all heard her proclamation as they all cheered and shared the same thoughts as her, spinning her axe a couple time and with a huge smile on her face, Crystallyl rushed towards the newest prey.

All the while the other shi'lanorai were having similar thoughts and visions as the temptation, and infection of Carnage is already begun to root in not just their minds but also their souls, and all honesty the frost eldar of bloodstained snow beasts were enjoying it.

Surrending themselves to thralls of carnage and genocide, the desire to fight along with destroying the alderi that have always opressed and belittle them coming to the forefront of their minds, as they roared like the beasts that they've always meant to be and doubled their efforts into massacring the gobos and gaining more glories as real warriors, they increase combat abilities forced the gobos to fallback and join forces with the gun shooting and psychic blasting Chaos Eldar that are also joining the battle at last.

Location the Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion/Bathroom

Laharl and his Wives were enjoying a relaxing warm bath in the chamber that he created long ago, as he watched all his wives enjoying either the waters of bath or the waterfall surrounding the bath.

Even when not directly observing the progress in Ymir, he felt the spread of his corruption on the planet, and on Crystallyl and her warriors, which was surprisingly how willing they are falling into carnage he had to thank the abuse and superiority view the eldar have that they basically gave him new, powerful, loyal warriors to his command and a new Daemon Queen in the making, he also felt that his warpstorms were calming down and swiftly fading away meaning that the construction of the Chaosgate must be double if he hopes to enjoy another war personally before Nurgle comes.

Knowing that he is still increasing in power with the carnage happening in the Alderi Empire he decided to check his stats one last time, and Aillia already brought his Stats as he thanked her and told her to have a break as this will last time in a while that he'll check them, she responded with a happy, cheery <Sure!> and Laharl starts inspecting his stats.


Name: Laharl

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the One that Dwells in the Void

Titles-Warp Bender, Breacher of Realities, the Great Seductor, the Defiler of Reality, the Father of the Neverborn, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Force Within the Void

Major Divinity: Carnage

Dark Divinities-Greater: Infernals, Void, Atrocities, & Devastation

Lesser: Lust, & Punishment

Noble Divinities-Greater: Love, Promises, & Omni-bending

Lesser: Authority

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Force of Nature (Mid)

FON: The Void

Army Size-40M

Soul Collection-67.99M

Strength: 22.25M

Durability: 19.84M

Psychic: 17.09M

Resistance: 11.11M

Domination: 9.34M

Worship: 26.75M

He finally broke one of his stats to ascend if his daemons plus Khorne that was aiding his latest ascension to Aillia called the realm of [Cosmic Force of Nature] he needs the khornate daemons to really bring the Carnage for him to ascend before Nurgle's birth.

With a satisfied smile, he dismissed the screen when he noticed that all his wives were swimming in closer to him, all flustered and blushing as Laharl could feel their love and lust for, with a predatory smile he spoke, "Well my dears, what are you waiting for? Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest." as Laharl said, that cheesy line all seven of his wives chuckled, stood up from the warm water, and the steam barely covered their delicious bodies as the Dark One made his way to his awaiting girl's

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