As soon as Kazuichi nodded his head, Ayaka clapped her hands together, her eyes smiling.
"I'll tell you what," Ayaka said, a spark of challenge in her eyes. "We'll discuss everything tomorrow. But first, let's hold some practice sparring sessions over the next few days. Lea, you look strong. I'd like to test your mettle."
"I'd be honored," Lea straightened, surprised but not intimidated.
Kazuichi and Arisu exchanged glances. They had never seen Ayaka in combat, and this would be an opportunity to witness her skills firsthand. Also, if they were going to hold practice sparring sessions, then that means they get to fight each other as well.
"You know what, that's a great idea, Ayaka, I've never seen you in combat before." Kazuichi said, standing up. "Tomorrow, we'll start with a sparring session between Arisu and me. We'll all get a chance to show what we can do."
Anyways, I started blasting! Ahaha