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42.22% Demonic Guide: I Have a Demon Goddess! / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: We're Nobles!

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: We're Nobles!

"And you, Mary, how have you deviated from the original technique so much? I need to see a stricter show of technique."

"Marco, why aren't you putting in any effort?! Those swings won't be enough to swat a fly!"

Oswald's roars and instructions resounded across the compound as all the children swung their swords in an organised fashion.

Despite feeling a sense of exhaustion, no child dared to give up and carried on swinging.

Back when Oswald first started the training, there would always be children sneakily dropping out and hiding away.

It's just that all that stopped once their parents started finding out.

The day their parents found out, Oswald could have sworn that he saw some burst a blood vessel and Oswald could kind of understand them. Imagine your child receiving some once in a lifetime training that you couldn't ever hope to afford and your child ends up running away!

It goes without saying the children on that day receive a full serving of 'a parent's love', meaning they didn't dare drop out ever again.

No matter how tough Oswald's sword training was, it would never compare to the vicious beatings they had received on that day!

Fortunately for the children, Oswald could see they were all nearing their limits and decided to end training.

"Alright guys, that's enough for today. You all did great!"

As soon as Oswald's words rang out, the children all dropped onto the floor like deflated balloons.

Seeing this sight, Oswald just chuckled and clapped his hands.

Within seconds, a group of servants with trays filled with fresh fruit appeared.

As soon as the children saw this, their eyes shone with greed as they quickly felt their energy recover.

The allure of fresh, exotic fruits was just too tempting for these children.

It had to be remembered that in times like this, exotic fruits were a true luxury that even some established families couldn't afford to buy, much less these poor lower-class children.

But the previous Oswald's was just too kind again and would often test these children to a few fresh fruits whenever they finished practice.

Oswald was on the side eating a few grapes that his family had imported from god knows where, when he felt a few presences approach him from god knows where when he felt a group of people suddenly approach him.

"Father," greeted Oswald.

"I see you had fun training them again." Said Elliot with a slightly displeased look.

Oswald could only awkwardly scratch his head under his father's admonishment. Fortunately, he knew that his father would never really take things far, these words more for show than for anything else.

"Well, those children aren't important right now. What's important is that we've finally made a breakthrough in what to do." said Elliot

"This time we've determined which gangs have been involved. Right now, our focus is to move the workers into a protected area, and soon I'll make contact with the gangs to see if we can buy them off the Rowley family."

"Buy them off?" The moment Oswald heard this sentence, a frown appeared on his face.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Elliot, confused.

As Oswald heard this, he realised his father's problem.

He was not ruthless enough!

It was not that his father was soft, it was just that the man was a complete businessman by nature. In his mind, most things could be solved with wealth, benefits, and negotiation.

But Oswald knew that it wasn't the case.

Some people in this world were simply unreasonable and at the end of the day, no amount of gold could save you when you faced the fireball of a Rank 2 Mage Transcendent!

The previous Oswald was a third year in a Transcendent Academy, so had completed many different missions and this even included missions where he had to kill.

He knew the truth more so than his father. In this situation, negotiation was not needed; it was strength.

They were nobles!

In this world where there were clear distinctions in class, there was no need to negotiate with mere gangsters!

"Father, I promise to solve this more efficiently if you can just give me a Transcendent warrior to borrow for a few hours."

"What are you planning to do?" Asked Elliot

"Nothing much," smiled Oswald

"Just going to teach those dogs a lesson"

hearing this, a look of realisation appeared on Elliot's face as he asked

"Oswald, are you sure that this is the best method? Are situation is already sensitive, doing this might provoke a full-blown conflict,"

"Conflict?" Chuckled Oswald

"Those nobles have held on for so long so there's no way they would rush things and start things for a mere group of gangsters, they're probably waiting for me to get kicked out of the Transcendent Academy so they can act with peace of mind, so there's nothing to fear," explained Oswald

"As for those gangs, there is even less of a threat to worry about. If they dare jump up and try anything, well, just have to remind them that this is the domain of the Thourian Empire, where nobles are still in power. If they Dare to act against a Noble, I dare to throw the crime of treason on their heads!"

As Elliot looked at his son, he was left stunned.

'When the hell did I raise such a vicious beast' thought Elliot in disbelief.

The ideas Oswald threw out were too fierce!

But after truly looking at them for a moment, Elliot was shocked to find that Oswald's reasoning all seemed to check out.

His methods may be a bit extreme, but they didn't cross the boundaries.

Having already made a decision in his heart, Elliot could just sigh.

It seems like the collapse of his mental runes had affected his little boy more than he had originally thought.

It had brought out something truly terrifying, a ruthless beast he never knew existed!

'He's already grown up,' sighed Elliot

Now that his son was mature enough to make decisions for the family, Elliot would only support it.


A few hours later,

The figure of three muscular men could be seen walking through the lower rungs of the Eastern district. Each man had a fierce face with several scars all over their bodies, whilst also carrying a set of long knives at their waist.

"Are you sure we need to go over there and do this all again?" Asked one of the men.

"We've already scared them yesterday so don't think those guys would have the courage to even walk near that workshop."

Hearing this, the leader of the group, a taller man with a fierce scar running across his face, spoke.

"It doesn't matter if we think they won't do it. What matters is the words of the boss and the employer. If the boss says we have to go again, then we'll have to go again."

As the group of men were discussing, they quickly travelled through the streets, appearing at a small narrow street of houses.

"The family lives here, right?" Asked one of the men.

"Yep, this is the place." Said the scar-faced leader, stepping forward.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

"You people can pretend to not be in but the next time I act I'll be kicking your door down!"

As soon as the scar faceted man spoke, a loud rustle could be heard behind the door

Suddenly the doors swung open to show an average looking middle aged woman.

Her eyes shook with a hint of fear as she gazed at the group of terrifying men.

The scar- faced leader didn't bother paying attention to her and just shoved to the side as they walked into the house.

Inside they saw a middle ashes man who they knew was her husband and a pair of two children huddling behind his back.

The group of men smiled when they saw this sight and were about to display some more forceful intimidation when they suddenly froze.

They hadn't noticed it when they came in, but now there seemed to be a strange, new person sitting at the table of this humble, little family.

He was an extremely handsome man with an elegant, refined aura about him.

The man was casually sipping some tea when he suddenly looked towards the group and smiled.

"What rude little guests we have here. Didn't your mother ever teach you to have some manners?" Chuckled Oswald.

"Who the fuck are you?" Asked Scarface

"Your father." Sneered Oswald

When Scarface heard this, he was sent furious.

Some brainless pansy that looked like he couldn't even take a flick from him actually dared to talk like this!

"Damn! Do you know who we are? We're the Cut-throat gang! Have you heard of the Blood Blade Assassin? That's our leader! A pretty boy like you shouldn't have any delusions of playing hero!"

But surprisingly for Scarface, once. He was finished stating his backer, instead of humbly bowing and retreating like most other wanna be heroes, Oswald simply asked one question.

"Are you done?"

For the first time since they came in, Oswald put down his cup of tea and slowly stood up.

His mysterious green eyes looked down on the group, as an arrogant smile appeared on his face.

"If that's all then I guess it's time to deal with things." said Oswald

Hearing this, Scarface laughed, practically boiling with anger.

"Just you!" asked Scarface

"If not me, then who else, dumbass?" Said Oswald, giving the man a strange look. If one saw Oswald, they wouldn't think he was looking at a dignified Peak Warrior apprentice but instead a mentally ill lunatic.

The moment he saw this look Scarface's anger exploded!

This guy was just trying to humiliate him!

He was a peak warrior apprentice and his brothers, although slightly worse, were still both intermediate warrior apprentices! How could they just be humiliated like this?

With just a quick glance between themselves, the trio of warriors shot out at Oswald.

Within seconds silver flashes burst out in the tiny rooms as they all drew their short swords

Despite facing three attacks from all directions, Oswald remained unmoved.

He just stood with a wide smile on his face and his arms behind his back.

Just as Scarface was beginning to wonder whether Oswald had been a crazy man all along, a blur shot out of the nearby room.



Before Scarface could even adjust to the change in his situation, he heard a tragic cry as his two brothers shot backwards faster than they had come forward.

As Scarface looked up, he was horrified to find his blade stopped between the fingers of a cold-faced man.

The man didn't even look at Scarface as he turned towards Oswald.

"Sorry for taking so long, Young master. you were almost placed in danger."

Hearing this, Oswald just chuckled

"Mr Kirk, there's no need to be polite. If it wasn't for you this wouldn't even be possible."

As Oswald and Mr Kirk were talking, Scarface was still struggling to comprehend what had just happened.

'Fuck! A Transcendent!'

The sudden realisation was like a punch in the gut for Scarface.

He turned and glared at the family who had always been so submissive and fearful of him

'It was a damn trap from the start!'

Scarface grit his teeth in frustration as he stared at the most despicable of them all, Oswald.

If he had known there was a Transcendent from the start, why would he be so stupid as to stay and fight?

That despicable bastard spoke with such bravado and stood there as if he was going to fight them only for him to shamelessly call in a transcendent!

They were both Knight apprentices, so what was the point in doing this?!

It was like if two elementary school kids agreed to fight but one suddenly showed up with his older brother in High school.

Too Despicable!

Too shameless!

The more Scarface thought about it the more aggrieved he felt. The poor man felt his chest turn as he almost coughed up blood in frustration.

If Oswald could hear Scarface's thoughts, he wouldn't be embarrassed and in fact, would just sneer at the man.

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