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Chapter 55: CHAPTER 55


Then I felt the warmth disappear, only nothing remained.

But then I felt another warmth. This is a very different kind of warmth I got when I absorbed the Great Red soul.

Then for the first time in my life in this second life, I slept. I truly slept as my pain was too much even for me to bear. While I slept my cells proceeded to adeptly turn themselves into the void itself that will devour the void itself.


Fuck Fuck fuck I fail, I failed at my objective, I thought I was able to control the pain, but I was wrong, I get plunged into Madness and nearly Become Nothingness, this shows me how much I am nothing in front of real monsters I am still a small fish as I open my eyes again, I was still in the same place but now I felt a familiarity with it. in the base but, I felt Nothingness itself staring at me.  I knew this feeling well.

That was more than I ever imagined. I have spaced out many times from pain alone. I don't think I will ever adapt to pain like this but is it going to stop me from reaching for more power?

Of course, Not I will never, even if the pain is hundreds of thousands of times more than this, I will go through all the pain for power as I always knew the path of power was never easy. It's Hell filled with thorns that I had to walk through while burning in Hellfire. And I will do it. As I do want to lose anything ever again.

The Power, Life, Death, Family, and Conquest are what I now live for. Simple Goals yet hard to get. I don't want to ever experience this pain yet I am ready to throw myself in thousands of times if needed. What a living Paradox I had become on my Human side is truly what most influences me. Like Men of peace build weapons of war. I am messed up by any human category that means necessary.

But let's aside that now nothing could possibly be changed. I am already falling. It's time to embrace the surface rather than look up and think about what could have changed.  And now this is who I am.

Now I know I am ready as I can feel my cells turn into a Void/ Nothingness themselves yet I still live. It means that the desirable effects I want have been taken and now my cells themselves are well with the Void.

Now it was time to start the next stage. Now I was ready with it slowly letting out the great Darkness that was covering my whole body. Slowly Slowly the pure Darkness that covered me started to thin out directly exposing my body to Nothingness.

And as I thought nothing happened now I had become one with it. When I put its Source inside its body, I am connected to it so now I am officially the New mind For the Nothingness

Good news, I am officially a half ABSTRACTA for Nothingness, with my mind intact and no sign of corruption, better more, now I am  capable of Controlling the Nothingness,

Bringing Creation to Universe or Bringing destruction to Unfortunate Planets and Universes does not reach my expectation.

I am God Demolisher along with God Annihilator. I always state that Overkill was never enough, so with those thoughts and one deep breath I spoke the magic Words."Drain".

In an instant, the energies of Nothingness assaulted my body like a void. My cells suck dry any energy that touches very Nothingness without turning themselves into Nothingness as they already were Nothingness. absent energy, or the absence of energy, such as heat, light, sound, etc. I can increase or decrease the absence of energy, and even erase energy, making it so that things simply do not have much, if any energy at all.

It possesses a nigh-limitless echelon of abilities, the power over the void, in addition to having the ability to manipulate space-time, which is another power it's known to have so far. With it, It can erase its enemies from existence, summon black holes, and among other powers that possibly come with the ability itself.

Now I already had this power but it was nowhere I wanted as Now I only had its blessing and with drain, I will get the soul the power.

As I felt power like never felt before, a pure force of infinite creation. A concept that can't be changed or erased by any means necessary. As it's been erased from it and now represents that void in creation. A concept that far exceeds any concept of Death, Life, Time, Space, Dream, Reality, Destiny, Fate, Eternity, Infinity, or all of it. representing the inevitable ending of all things, oblivion.

And I can feel that power beyond anything even my Darkseid powers and this power is mine like every power I look for. As this also will not satisfy my endless hunger for power, why stop here when you can get more? I always state that Overkill was never enough, and with those thoughts, I enter into deep contemplation to let my body absorb all of it.


3rd Person pov.

In Marvel in X-man School just after Darkseid Left.

It's been a few minutes since Darkseid had left but everyone was still in Voltex of thoughts, especially the girls who sink deep into corruption as it's not power that will only work in his near vicinity. It's a permanent suggestion that works to put some deep thoughts and feelings in their minds…

After all, What is love more than some mix of chemicals in your mind? That happens when Oxytocin, known also as the love hormone, provokes feelings of contentment, calmness, and security, which are often associated with mate bonding. Vasopressin is linked to behavior that produces long-term, monogamous relationships.

But there are some differences as Gods of Love and sex exist here so love is the concept here but even that concept influences them and suggests them.

After all, never underestimate the power of suggestion. After all, if someone hears a lie enough times it will turn into a cold hard truth. If enough people believe it, it will be an undeniable reality a fact... "HERMETICISM" is the foundation for many of the magical themes you've probably seen pop over everywhere.

So with this everyone looked at each other's faces while everyone was lost. The world around them was in chaos as the USA Government had fallen and no amount of Weapons and Heroes were able to stop Darkseid from killing them ...

The crime rate has skyrocketed as there are no law enforcement officers that we're able to stop them as the world thinks they can end them whenever they want so they should least enjoy it.

This type of thinking had affected everyone in the world as where there God's didn't come out to help them. Hunger and poverty gave birth to situations in which only one can survive.

While other countries had planned to invade the U.S. as in its latest fight the U.S. had lost a large portion of the war weapons, it was not an all-out war but a small invasion of the country as the U.S. Had many enemies in its long life span as a county.

And with the reality of the situation is that they are not alone in this vast cosmos and their power far surpassing of what could human dream of got annihilated by Darkseid in two hours when he didn't even do much then just stand their fire some beams and travel so fast that it sounds impossible,  and experts had analyzed the video and told the cold truth it's true.

From this alone, the countries who try to think they could fight just gave up when they saw how much energy it needed to power up that giant laser, and the numbers were so astronomical that they thought it was a joke. Yet he was fine and he wanted them to know what promise he made to them. So now the current state of this planet has gone worse.

And from the devastation of the world. The ones who were most devastated are mutants now gone in full underground hiding in small groups while people had come out to rally behind some influencing people control by big alliances such as Hydra, The Hand, AIM, and so to kill all mutants blaming them for all of it while these organizations collected their DNA in hopes of getting away to beat Darkseid.

As they knew if this continues they will be the next. Even the Hand had come to the ground as Hell dimension had fully locked down so they can't contact the beast.

While a whole new community of people had come concurrently to warships him as one true God. That is not a merciful God for anyone who came it's way.

They even had statues of him and are now out in the world collecting any remains and DNA that are held by the type of Association. And they also came out to directly support any Mutants in his name calling themselves followers of Darkseid.

And Now in this time of need The world/  humanity is on the edge of an abyss — and moving in the wrong direction. The world has never been more threatened. Or more divided. We face the greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes. selfishness and mistrust. A surplus in some countries. Empty shelves in others. A majority of the wealthier world taps out. Over 40 percent of the world is now with an empty stomach. This is a moral indictment of the state of our world. It is an obscenity.

Bridging the gender divide is not only a matter of justice for anyone. It's a game-changer for humanity; peace and stability remain distant dream that seems impossible to achieve.

This all seems to be part of some big chessboard, everyone playing their parts and the controller of this all is using the oldest strategy in the book used by every major power in the history of the world: The Romans, The British, The Meghalaya, the Macedonian army and so on and it's...

Divide and Conquer

Humans are so lost that they can't even see such a simple thing. dancing on the palms of his hand's simple minded creatures lot in their own little world can't seem to even grasp the situation,  or don't want to look at the big picture.

As we returned to the room where we see everyone he'd set down. And all of them were sharing their own thoughts. Domino is already in her room in deep thought as to why she didn't at least try to go with him. Will he be disappointed with her? As Laura's answer was firm yet she sat there.

Erik: "No it's not possible why would he even lie to us he doesn't have any reason for that what he spoke all was a cold hard truth that you can digest, you of all people should know this Hank and Charles why you all so ignorant that you can't see flaws in your thinking if and something. ``said Erik, who looked very angry.

Hank: "Erik we never said he could lie to us as everyone here knows that man doesn't have any reasons to lie but we ask how much is the truth in all this. If... "

Ororo: "I will agree with Erik here he doesn't need to lie to us or even speak with us yet he not only warned us for what he will say is the curse of knowledge but he also gave us these all things so on some level he does care for mutants, and he also shows he is not ignorant of what is consequences of his actions he know the world is on fire and Mutants are the one that burns the most."

Jean: "I also agree with your words Ororo he does look very serious and there must be a reason to go that deep that he let a portal open to his own dimension. I was fleeing and something big was going to happen. And that's why he had gone through all these steps to keep us protected."

Emma: "I second that, he was very serious about being long for long, and don't you see Laura he didn't deny her yet didn't allow her she had to be a force gone with him and I don't think what he said was lie after all you seen Aliens yet the Universe is not full of them so it's very much possible that God's who see also this created creatures like these so Universe and Multiverse could remain stable and ongoing." Said Emma with firm looks but her heartbeats told a different story.

Pietro: I know I am new here and just met him few for a few hours but in those hours he showed me he does care about Mutants at least for us, you can't imagine how we met him or our situation when we met him. He truly was like a God to me. He didn't only save us but also awakened our power and gave me something I can't tell you but he is what he is". Said Pietro who looked very emotional when he talked about him.


3rd Person pov.

In a lab we see Hank Pym going mad as his whole Lab was in ruins. papers were everywhere the munchies were either gone or destroyed the Data in the computers were gone and they were burning with intense flames.

but this only happens to commuters and paper files nothing else was on fire means someone or something intentionally burns all his research and lifetime achievements.  while he was going mad looking for something. His wife and daughter behind him just watched all this with fearful faces as they knew this was going to bite them.

Whoever did this had escaped but Pym's anger issues had. He will take all this boiling anger on them. as after he looked at the empty Shell he ran to his nearest computer that was still intact then started to type codes at intense speeds while sweating like hell as the fire was still around them it was controlled but still there.

After one hour of trying he became so angry that he picked up the computer and threw it away. as computer pieces were everywhere. 


Pym: "It's not here, my life's best work is not here." Said Pym after finding the shell he created, the machines inside are empty.

Wasp: "Wha what is not here Honey."

Pym: "My life's best achievement is all these years of work I put into creating this.  My peacekeeping program was created to help us defeat threats like Darkseid and Magento but now it's gone. I can't even track its source code. Ultron is gone"

Janet: "Bu- But you said it can't even have normal functions without your commands and some work on his was still remaining."



Pym: " How dare you bitch talk to me like that it seems you had forgotten the lesson I teach you…. 


3rd Person pov.

We're gonna pick up with the Gem where we see Thanos setting on a space Throne, Thanos travels to a planet called Tamata where he fights a being known as the champion of an elder of the universe. 

Acquisition of the power at the hands of Thanos against the foe the champion and what we see going on here is that Thanos has arrived at the planet Tama Huata Anna Stannis explains it to us Tamara is a planet which has is a strategic location for five different warring factions and that because in effect a War zone. 

This planet is constantly being conquered by one of the five factions and then reconquered by another of the five factions and what we see is that the champion who is an elder of the universe 

This places home and the reason why is because there's always conflict there's always the ability for him to test his prowess because the champion lives for combat what we see is that the champion for the most part is simply just tearing away at the landscape tearing away against various enemies and all this really does is give us an idea of where he stands in terms of his capabilities and his powers but what we also see is that Thanos gives us an explanation on

The stance or where it is of the champion stands in the grand scheme of things. 


What we learn here is that by wielding the power Gem the champion has become one of the foremost foes within the Universe one of the strongest individuals but that he never really knows or he never actually knows what's going on with his Gem he doesn't realise that the power Gem vessel him near infinite an

an infinite source of physical energy, the ability to manipulate the energy of Zenda's sheer physical strength and so what we see as the story progresses is that Thanos arrives at hamurana. 

And confronts the champion now one thing I would like you guys to pay very close attention to here is that again what we will see is that Thanos is able to manipulate his opponent and this I think is one of the most interesting attributes of Thanos a lot of people look at pharaohs and view him as some sort of extremely powerful and some sort of being who has vast energy manipulating powers and physical strength but doesn't view him as someone who is extremely smart when in fact that is very much the case while Thanos has a vast array of powers at his disposal his most formidable weapon is his mind it's his intellect and his ability to think strategically. 

And so what we see is that Thanos arrives and Thanos tells the champion that he has arrived on this planet seeking a challenge seeking someone worthy of facing him and the champion tells him that on this planet Thanos will only find a defeat because the champion is invincible he is the strongest there is and so what we see is that Thanos and the champion begin to engage in combat and almost immediately Thanos is able to demonstrate to us that he's capable of not necessarily physically overpowering the champion. 

But at the very least out thanking him and this is one of the drawbacks this is one of the inherent flaws of the champion as relies too much on his physical power he doesn't think enough basically and so because of this any opponent that he goes against who is or who has any real measure of intellect is going to be able to outthink him

And is going to be able to easily outmanoeuvre him and effectively beat him simply just by using his mind now the conflict for the most part isn't that incredible of a conflict it's really not that amazing for the most part we just sees Thanos fighting the champion and engaging the champion in combat and over time making the champion angrier and angrier and this is one thing that fan oohs takes note of the fact that the champion is very similar, Incredible Hulk in terms of how he develops or how he gains his power that the angrier he gets the stronger he gets

but again unlike the Incredible Hulk the power that the champion has is drawn from the shining stone the Power Gem on his forehead and not from anything due to his actual physiology what we also see is that as this as the story progresses as his conflict continues on that eventually the champion in an enraged state falls right into the trap that Thanos had set and this trap was the champion jumping into the sky coming back down and then destroying the planet tamarod axe. 

And the reason why this was a trap that Thanos had set is that Thanos wanted this to be done he wanted the champion to destroy the planet and the reason for this is because the Power Gem allows the champion to manipulate his energies but the champion is only able to manipulate its energies and then in the form of physical strength and so the champion can't fly and this is what we see that was telling the champion this is what we see him communicating to him. 

As he begins to taunt him that the problem here is that while the champion is immortal while he's an elder of the universe and that he can't die he can't go anywhere and so he's effectively just floating in endless space forever we see Thanos taunt him. 

The champion says that he'll battle Thanos for his vessel and taunt and simply says no there's no reason for him to do that there's nothing worth fighting over anymore and this again is simply just Thanos baiting. 

The Champion pleaded by saying. Thanos can't simply just leave him there. Thanos, 'll throws pies by again telling the champion that he's immortal and that the vacuum of space won't kill him and that maybe in a few centuries somebody will arrive to take him somewhere else we then see that the champion continues to plead and Thanos says that he will move him he and take him to another location but only for a price and when the champion asks him what that price is. 

Thanos says it's his soul gym the gym on his forehead we see that the champion initially says no that he's not going to do this that somebody will find him at some point or another and then Thanos replies by saying that if that happens if somebody does arrive they'll 

happens if somebody does arrive they'll remember who the champion is, that he's violent that he is an individual that listens to warfare and they may very well soon we just leave him. 

There at this point, the champion surrenders his gem to Thanos and tells Thanos said it never functions anyway which again gives credence to the statement of Thanos had made at the beginning of the Thanos the quest that the individuals who wield these gems simply don't know what they're capable of at this point we see that Thanos locks a tractor beam onto the champion and begins to drag the champion away and then what we see is that he deposits the champion onto all to another planet and when the champion asks why does it he's doing this Thanos simply says that they agreed that Thanos would take him to another planet. 

He wouldn't exactly say that he didn't didn't specify how he would be transported to that planet. 

At this point, we see Thanos really looking over his hand holding two glowing green and red Gems. He was looking over the Gems and Gems looking over the fact that he has gained...


Come on, give me some power stones. And do some comments.  why comments are going down so much come on man show some appreciation by commenting few good line nothing more.

So how about this new way of writing? As I realized that if I throw all this in one time then I give females their own chapters it feels like fillers and we had to skip it this way and they even get boring fast. We got stories and love interests of females while the story is still going on. and this is how I am going to write all of my work....

- Jessica Drew (Ultimate Spider-Woman)

- Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)

- Julia Carpenter (Spider-Woman)

- Charlotte Witter (Spider-Woman)

- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Woman)

- Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy (Spider-Gwen)

- Cynthia "Cindy" Moon (Silk)

- Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

- Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

- Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

- Felicia Sara Hardy (Black Cat)

- Silvija Sablinova (Silver Sable)

- Anna Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue)

- Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

- Nebula (maybe not)

- Hela

- Brunnhilde

- Elektra Natchios

- Death (maybe not)

- Jean Grey

- Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde

- Jane Foster

- Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) (maybe not)

- Tamara Devoux (Captain Universe)

- Shuri (maybe not)

- Monica Rambeau (Spectrum)

- Neena Thurman (Domino)

- Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman)

- Emma Frost

- Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)

- Daisy Johnson (Skye) (Quake)

- Jemma Simmons

- Barbara "Bobbi" Morse (Mockingbird)

- Maria Hill

- Sif

- Thena (Azura)

- Gwendolyn Poole (Gwenpool)

- Ororo Monroe (Storm)

- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

- Laura Kynney (X-23)

- Jessica Jones

- Caiera

- Galacta

- Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (Red She-Hulk / She-Rulk)

- Cassandra Web

- Sersi

- Thena

- Ajak

- Selene

- Medusa

- Illyana Nikolaievna (Magik)

- Kwannon

- Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock 

- Lorna (Polaris)

- Tessa (Sage)

- Ruby Summers

- Monet St. Croix, (M)

- Rachel Summers

- Clarice Ferguson

- Heather Cameron(Lifeguard)

- Amara in Disguise(Magma)

- Amelia Voght

- Meggan

- Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind)

- Martinique Jason (Mastermind)

- Succubi

- Morgan le Fay

- Hisako Ichiki (Armor)

- Kara Kilgrave (Persuasion)

- Sooraya Qadir (Dust)

- Megan Gwynn (Pixie) FC

- Adrienne Frost

- Angela Jones (Firestar)

- Laynia Petrovna (Darkstar)

- Vanessa Carlysle (Copycat)

- Petra

- Sway

- Irene Adler (Destiny) Maybe not

- Eva Bell (Tempus) Maybe not

- Crystallia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Patsy (HellCat)

- Greer Grant (Tigra)

- Yelena Belova

- Viper (Madame Hydra)

- Tandy Bowen(Cloak)

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating. everything princess single circumstances



Marvel once published an employee's resignation letter in a comic. 

In 1979, former Marvel Comics artist Dave Cockrum had resigned and later found his resignation strangely inserted into the Iron Man comic issue number 127. His letter was featured in a panel which shows Stark's butler, Jarvis, resigning after an abusive episode with Tony Stark. 

One of the most unexpected Marvel facts: The letter published was copied word for word from the original letter the former comic artist had written


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