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Chapter 51: CHAPTER 51

"FOR DARKSEID" and with those words, two new Parademons stood for a few seconds before flying away at such speeds that no one could keep up with them without 4 sets of wings.

As everyone looked at how much events had changed in such small time as before, today they thought they will more few thousand of years yet here they got the time of a few hours, and by looking at fast the creature was that they only saw a blur they can't imagine what an army of million billion can do he beat two nearly satan level beings in mere seconds then turn them into one of his people. And the newly turned Parademons looked exactly as they all were looking and they even lost the Aura they had now only the aura that surrounds them is somewhat of blood lust and madness.

By looking at the creatures who just flew away with their senses they can easily predict they were heading to the Vatican and it's already started as many portals across the world were opening to raining Parademons from the sky.

Those creatures knew they really are like Zombies creating more of their kind with every death in every past second…

They were truly shocked beyond belief. How easily everything is ending as without humans their existence will not mean shit as Gods need faith to live Devil needs contracts fallen needs sex, and angels are the same power of faith only one who can survive this is Dragons and he is hunting them down…

Madelyne: "We'll be at least two down on the list, I don't like who they talk like they are high and mighty yet they are prey and amusement. As most humans and lower lifeforms are. Would you not agree with me, Laura" Said Madelyne testing Laura's will with her silly question as she herself believed only women who can stand beside her husband must have strong will and convenience.

Laura: "In a way yes, let's set aside who should we start first?" Said Laura who knew what Madelyne was doing but she was not against it as she herself knew she was changing, no she was transforming into someone better someone who can stand with the love of her life and this is all she wanted, she had spent a lot of time with more than anyone yet this woman had taken her first how can she let that go just because of some moral point of view.

Madelyne: "How about India Mount Kailash

Kangrinboqe after all they are the so-called strongest God faction here and there are already too many of them. And there is the saying ``always start with the strongest" said Madelyne while looking around as people had their eyes wide as if it seemed the woman had gone mad or was she just too brave.

She is planning to start with Hinduism. They have Gods for everything and their Gods are counted in the top ten multiple times and if you top 50 their Gods will hold the most places. When Shiva heard this everyone didn't know how to react to such a bold assumption.

Laura: "Mmm not bad as India does not only hold too much population of not only Humans but also Gods and Rakshasa.

Madelyne: " Then it's final India is first then the Olympians then the Celtic, then the Chinese, and so now do like play a game who can get the most shots in." Said Madelyne with a mischievous smile.

Hearing this Laura just grinned and shot into the sky at such speed that not even able to catch sight of a blur. Only they heard some sounds. " Game On Sister".

Madelyne: "Haha haha mmm yes game on sister as she also shot forth and she was even faster than Laura leaving a fiery stake behind and she was not alone they were followed by 200 Parademons few of them were very fast while others were slow but not that slow. And they are not normal Parademons, they are all Shi'ar Empire Imperial Guard and all of them were very powerful.

While the whole Supernatural community could only watch with horror in their eyes all of them were very serious; they did plan to kill them all. While Shiva and Indra instantly recognize the threat level is truly high and they are one first to fall then most of the Supernatural community will just give up and try to remain with their loved ones in the final moments of their lives as they had most army even if you don't count that they had an army of Gods and some of the most powerful Gods in their roster.

And even with all that, if they didn't win then who can win so people will just give up as what little hope they will leave with? Rather than accept the truth of upcoming doom. Was it even possible to defeat them? They will know it in a few hours?  "Screech Screech Screech"

But before they could think of anything a giant shadow was cast on the ground and ear-piercing Screeches could be heard that were so loud that they thought their ears would bleed if they remained in the place. As the Screech were not just loud sounds they were cries of souls trapped in these bodies forever be dogs of Darkseid.  And these Screeches had their own effect as they created primal fear in any normal being that could hear them. Their bodies are frozen from fear.

As these sounds influence any creature three primal fears Fear of the unknown is universal, Fear of Death, and Fear of Abandonment, which shakes any creature's very soul. As they resist it as they were not all of them had seen their own share of Death and destruction.

They looked up and their mouths were wide open as a giant size of Manhattan boom tube opened just a few hundred feet above them and like raindrops, Parademons came pouring out of it and started to attack all over Japan. They now knew why the man was confident that he would wipe out a population of 8 billion in half an hour. As they are sure is the government doesn't use nuking the places whole of Japan will fall in just a few minutes

With it, it's Gods as there will be no Faith power to fuel them. And it's not like they're not killing anyone, in fact, they are not killing anything they anyone they're harvesting them as even a born kid is turned into a Paradromon with same looks they don't understand how this is happening but nothing can't be done here as it seem the green goo has power to rewrite reality as it seems to create matter and hyper age people to fit the need all this happens in seconds. And a Paradeomon is born by going through Para Genesis.

It was skeptical if you are not the one who is going through the process., and this all happening over Japan this isn't an isolated incident either it's happening across the world Egypt, India, the USA, Australia, Africa, China, and so on.

It's like a master full plane to put so-called gods in their places. They knew this so all of them instantly teleported to their homes as they prepared for the upcoming danger as to survive this they truly had to create miracles. Man said is the truth then they knew even if they survive this the world would still be gone.  and they still are dying. The clash between two beings of this power only brings doom.

The man said with a straight face he will clash with the Dragon of Dragons and if he said anything but true then. The Embodiment of the Apocalypse in the corner and slay it to win against the foe, it was a sign that they were against a foe which you should not be fighting.

As all the people 3 fractions looked at Ajuka whose Ajuka Beelzebub's hand with his whole body had frozen. His lips pursed. What are the odds of defeating the enemy?

The Kankara Formula, the ultimate calculation of demonic power embodying the concept of creation, resounded an answer for him: Zero-point-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero –

The 'zeroes' continued to ring off within his head, endlessly, infinitely. Ajuka blinked. He did not want to believe it. Yet, he knew it was true. Strange, Satan mused. Cognitive dissonance…? His brain held two entirely contradictory notions. The first was simple: His Kankara Formula was absolute, and could not be wrong. The second was simple: He and all the people here are one of the strongest people in existence, hence, it was impossible for there to be a foe he stood absolutely no statistical chance of winning against.

The two contradictory ideas could not reside in his brain simultaneously. One had to surrender. Either his belief in the infallibility of his Kankara Formula or his belief in his superiority as a powerful being.

The decision was made swiftly because Ajuka had little need for pride. His strength had always come as a side-effect of his studies and interest, and unlike the vast majority of devils, he was not above believing in his own imperfection.

What are the odds of defeating the enemy with significant and powerful aid? Ajuka tried again. This time, he heard something far more favorable.

One-point-two-four-one-one percent chance of success

Ajuka pressed his lips thinly. Odds of defeating the enemy with the combined might of the Three Factions?


Satan almost signed. The combined entire three factions have roughly the same odds as he is playing with them.

Ajuka jerked straight. Odds of the enemy toying with their opponents?

The answer was swift: ninety-nine-point-seven-five percent.

A laugh escaped Ajuka's lips. So, that's it, is it? The odds of success went lower with more firepower because the more people that attacked meant that their enemy would be forced to fight more seriously. It was a common trait of immensely powerful beings, utterly and completely assured of their superiority. They would only ever fight at the level of their opponent, ever so slightly matching their power to that of their foe in pursuit of a thrilling battle. Zeus, Thor, and Odin, amongst others, were fond of doing this.

Odds of Enemy doing everything he said.

Ninety-eight-point-nine-seven-one percent.

The odds of any of us surviving this as we are now

Negative nine-hundred and ninety-nine-point-nine-nine-nine-nine percent.

The Satan's brows rose.

Calculating… Parameters are inconclusive. Attempting this approach will yield a significantly negative result.

A significantly –

Ajuka took a sharp breath.

The odds of us surviving this

The answer was sharp: One-hundred-percent.

"…I see," Ajuka said. "A hundred percent certainty."

So it's true we don't die, we just turn into those things. so technically they are all going to survive this haha haha hahaha.

Statistically, it should have been impossible. Nothing was ever one hundred -percent certain. Unfortunately, Ajuka was dealing with beings that cared little for mathematical improbabilities

And Hearing those odds everyone sighed they knew this could happen. All the beings with truly vast and ineffable power were typically too lazy, uninterested, busy, or bottlenecked from making use of it for selfish ends. Everyone knew, was the Great Red to one day descend from the Gap on a bored whim to annihilate reality – reality would be annihilated. There would be nothing to do but muse as to whether or not their friendship family had truly been the best part of his existence, as they awaited the inevitable. Perhaps they would use their final minutes to engage in a few choice pleasures of the flesh? No, no, that would be a waste least for him. He would rather spend it on his research.

Research… He missed his research. Everyone almost groaned in school-girl like frustration. A war between those beings would interrupt his research so terribly so or should they say It will be genocide they will survive in different from, although it would, simultaneously, provide new avenues for it. War was a certainty, Everyone knew, yet, he'd clung to the idle hope of delaying it for several more centuries at the very least.

But now it seems the end is here.

Then there were those 'Scorned' creatures in the sky that had attacked everything. Ajuka was very interested in discovering their origins, picking and prodding away at what secrets they could potentially reveal. There was a caveat of problems with that, as well. then there is the Outside he seems to hold knowledge he can't even compare.

Ajuka pressed his lips thinly. closed the connection so one can hear him. Odds of I will live in my current form.

Error Error Error... the same continued to ring off within his head, endlessly, infinitely.


Darkseid Pov

This definitely looks beautiful I thought as I looked at the endless void, where in every direction, a mix of iridescent colours this place seems to be endless and full of energies such as Mana, Demonic, Holy, and Divine energies  I can feel it how my cells adapting to new energies getting nutritionist by it and this place is quite I can hear nothing beside the giant lizard coming here a prefect training place and I can feel.

HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT I  the touch of Fucking NOTHINGNESS here a law that is very hard to find in fact it's impossible to find.

So imagine  I'm an artist I am going to create a universe in this universe is going to have no numbers I never liked them, to begin with, and I've already decided the first planet is going over here then O no they're there is always something even when there is nothing as there is always Zero things. the number.

let's try this again all right apparently planets make numbers so no planets this time no planets Stars either I've pretty much gotten rid of everything, it's completely empty but now there is one Universe

all right this time it's nothing, not even the universe you can't say there's one of anything because things aren't even a thing but now there are Zero things. as there is always something even when there is nothing as there is always Zero things.

Numbers are really hard to get rid of well kind of they're the product of logic coherence reality which is in and of itself very hard to get rid of and if you can't get rid of reality then you can't get rid of its opposite either dream there are two sides to the same coin, if one exists so, does the other by

Simply saying this is the reality you're classifying everything that's not in reality as a dream and vice-versa making reality without dreams is hard because making a reality without reality is hard there are two things that exist by necessity they just kind of have to be

There and they aren't alone destiny exists by necessity if anything exists that thing is going to do things even if it does nothing that is its destiny death exists by necessity if there's any life no matter how you define it we also need a word to define the opposite of life the things that don't have it.

And on that subject when something's created destruction comes into play if we're going to start putting Sinti at things into the universe that lives breathed reproduced etc desire is also absolutely necessary they'll need to desire to do things if they're going to survive or at the very least they'll need to have an aversion to other things that endanger their survive

Despair and should these creatures ever get wise enough to reason and think and develop their own lucidity we're going to need delirium there are certain truths in our universe that you just can't get rid of no matter how badly you want to if you were to give every living entity in existence immortality for example death would still be a thing people just wouldn't be dying in the universe.

DC Multiverse these necessary truths have names and faces destiny death dream destruction desire despair and delirium they are called the endless existence on the edge of creation infinite layers above the conventional reality mortals used to this small dysfunctional family is made up of some of the most powerful and most important entities in all of everything you might think it's impressive that the true forms of the

new gods can dwarf the multiverse in size or dr. Manhattan can keep timelines from collapsing by barely paying attention or fifth-dimensional MC mom imp it into anybody in our lower reality but to the endless, these beings are all tiny dimensionless specks I could probably go on about their powers and abilities but their names really say at all don't they

Morphies is not the god of dreams he is the dream he's where most gods come from think what's more interesting is exactly how endless the endless are like consider if you were omnipotent and wanted to kill one of them I mean sure you might be able to kill one aspect of them one point of view of an endless concept that alone would cause realities to fall spin and shatter across time in them one point of view of an endless concept that alone would cause realities to fall spin and shatter across time in existence but said point of view would just be replaced with a new one.

How can you kill the personification of an action or an idea that exists by necessity? You could say I'm omnipotent. I'd do whatever I won't so their destiny doesn't exist anymore even though destiny is still totally a thing but does that really work some people think so but others don't.

In Quantum mechanics omnipotence might mean the power to do anything but things that don't make sense might not classify as things to quote CS Lewis "if you choose to say God can give a creature free will and at the same time withhold free will from it you have not succeeded in saying anything about God meaningless combinations of words do not suddenly acquire meaning simply because someone prefixed to them the two words God can nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk about God.

So the endless are so endless that even God might not be able to get rid of them but it gets crazier the endless are so in lists that they exist everywhere why because it's necessary Lucifer Morningstar once left to design his own creation separate from DC and the in list cropped up over there to there in every comic you've ever read every movie you've ever watched every video game you've ever played every battle you've ever seen each monologue and conquest and moral and story is ultimately a byproduct intentional.

That's Why came here as this world holds two of the greatest concept but now three I don't know how this Super OP thing is here yet no one realized it here is this place wasted on Lizard and a mindless beast I can make those concepts as strong one DC holds and Infinity is also here and with NOTHINGNESS being here is charry on the top.

And the remaining things like God's Sacred Gears, Malevolent Pillar Gods, More Parademons and other things are just very powerful useful bystanders that came with all these Concepts. After all, if you want to take something then take it all. and that's why I even plan to throw this whole Dimensional Gap.

I don't know if I will do it but I will do this as this place in my dimension will not only be going to empower me but the dimension itself. Also any life form I allow will be a slow process but it will be very effective. And this will also support my dimension to build its own energies,

As of now, my dimension is kind of empty without any entries of its own even the entries of its sun are nowhere near the level of earth Star I will solve this with Dimensional Gap as I will throw this whole place in my place while the other dimension such as the different pocket dimensions of various Gods of various mythologies the Heaven and the Underworld I will suck them dry and take their dimension cores and let my dimension have an amazing feast. Which helps it to eloved.. 

Typically for planes to evolve into higher grades, there are two possibilities. One is natural by aging. This path could take hundreds of thousands of years at the shortest, and millions usually. The second path was letting the Plane devour other planes. Or rather, it was done by extraction of the World's Core and letting another World's Core absorb its energy

From what I read about everything and Darkseid Knowledge, the second most common reason behind planar conquest was precisely this. Strong factions would often wage wars to obtain more World Cores to fasten the evolution of their own Plane. That would bring them many benefits, such as more God Slots, higher energy density, size expansion, and many others.

A long time ago, there were even wars between Universes, but I didn't have many records about that. This is one of the reasons why there are not many beings in this universe and the reason for the creation of the dimensional gap. 

planar exploration and conquest plane is industrialised 

development of the Laws of the World. Currently, my Plane is undergoing evolution to reach the Grade 7 Plane. I will start mining the Planar Core. Planar Core from the Plane. 

Planar Core we're mostly a crystal that was a condensation of an enormous amount of energy. Not only that, it could be refilled and it was the best battery one could wish for.

Planetary Core for its energy. It was usually done from high orbit, so when the planet started to explode,

crashing down on the Planar Core, severing its connection with the Plane and subsequently shrinking it down as it is always bigger than small cities. Plane was destroyed after the Planar Core was extracted.  I want the plane to evolve fast. To do that I need to feed energy to it. 

consumes worlds by absorbing their life force directly the energy within elements that allow a planet to grow. This Is same for whole dimensions. 

I thought as I look upon the mighty red Dragon that coming towards me at incalculable speeds but was still far from me, place like these define limits of space and time as I gaze upon the giant lizard I was reminded how useless beings of this Multiverse are never using a fraction of the true potential they always have. Only lost the size of Boobs getting more power from it. 

I mean I am kind of motivated by sex Women it doesn't mean I am obligated by it two completely different things 

Once I reach the Original DxD I had to put the women in line and let them realise what they can really do if they look past the fade of the shadows as even the Dragon of Infinity Ophis lost its half power how was this possible as now matter how many times you can divide infinity it always be Infinity but I will do I will make them better or best.        

Once he was near me and saw my full size. His eyes were wide open as I am sure he had never seen something bigger than himself. 


Come on, give me some power stones. And do some comments.  

And why people gotserver of thoughts zelda getting a humanoid body and entering the harem, No its not going to happen as it's not like that they are like partners in crime one other orders but Darkseid care about her gmaybe more than even his girl as both know each other very well. If 

And why did I change from "father box" to "mother box"? Well it's simple she is always with him even in their fun time with girls so that's why I did it and They will live forever and I would rather not have male voices in my head for the rest of my life . If it's female it would be amazing that's why I changed her. 

So how about this new way of writing? As I realized that if I throw all this in one time then I give females their own chapters it feels like fillers and we had to skip it this way and they even get boring fast. We got stories and love interests of females while the story is still going on. and this is how I am going to write all of my work....

- Jessica Drew (Ultimate Spider-Woman)

- Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)

- Julia Carpenter (Spider-Woman)

- Charlotte Witter (Spider-Woman)

- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Woman)

- Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy (Spider-Gwen)

- Cynthia "Cindy" Moon (Silk)

- Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

- Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

- Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

- Felicia Sara Hardy (Black Cat)

- Silvija Sablinova (Silver Sable)

- Anna Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue)

- Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

- Nebula (maybe not)

- Hela

- Brunnhilde

- Elektra Natchios

- Death (maybe not)

- Jean Grey

- Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde

- Jane Foster

- Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) (maybe not)

- Tamara Devoux (Captain Universe)

- Shuri (maybe not)

- Monica Rambeau (Spectrum)

- Neena Thurman (Domino)

- Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman)

- Emma Frost

- Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)

- Daisy Johnson (Skye) (Quake)

- Jemma Simmons

- Barbara "Bobbi" Morse (Mockingbird)

- Maria Hill

- Sif

- Thena (Azura)

- Gwendolyn Poole (Gwenpool)

- Ororo Monroe (Storm)

- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

- Laura Kynney (X-23)

- Jessica Jones

- Caiera

- Galacta

- Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (Red She-Hulk / She-Rulk)

- Cassandra Web

- Sersi

- Thena

- Ajak

- Selene

- Medusa

- Illyana Nikolaievna (Magik)

- Kwannon

- Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock 

- Lorna (Polaris)

- Tessa (Sage)

- Ruby Summers

- Monet St. Croix, (M)

- Rachel Summers

- Clarice Ferguson

- Heather Cameron(Lifeguard)

- Amara in Disguise(Magma)

- Amelia Voght

- Meggan

- Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind)

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating. everything princess single circumstances



It's generally referred to as a euphoria-inducing power, but he also has the ability to make someone infatuated with him with a touch, and coupled with the fact that he's a natural handsome and charismatic guy with a pretty open attitude to sex, it's led to some pretty awkward moments that came to a head when he was put on trial for sexual assault in the pages of "She-Hulk."

It wasn't just his string of one-night stands that got him in trouble, though: His powers also had a profound effect on the life of Elliot Kohl, former agent of Hydra:


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