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20% MHA: A Change in Course (Stopped) / Chapter 2: A Friend from the Other Side

Chapter 2: A Friend from the Other Side

What do you do when an officer of the law tries to arrest you in a world where you don't have any kind of ID, surrounded by people with superpowers, and thrown in that world like 5 minutes ago?

You run away.


A high-pitched air sound came from behind me as I sped away, the repeated usage of a whistle ringing out. My heart pumped from fear, excitement, and probably happiness. I weaved through crowds as I made my way away from the officer.

With no knowledge of where I was, there was no telling how I could even shake the cop off. The only strategy I had in mind was to tire them out.

The metal tapping of my steel soles chipped away at the sidewalk as I turned another corner. I bump into someone with green hair and knock him down but that didn't warrant my attention. What did warrant my attention was the person chasing me for being too exposed, which I do agree with but I'm not going to get arrested that easily.

"Hold- hold on! Hah… Stop!" the officer screamed behind me.

Sweat dripped from my brow, I had been chased for almost 5 minutes non-stop. I bring up my hand and wipe my sweat off and start to quicken my pace. It would be my final sprint.

I won't risk revealing my non-existent identity. That would open up a whole new can of worms. I'd rather run and hide, besides I'm used to that kind of life.

My muscles screamed at me, feeling my breath hitched and spike from the increased load. Surprisingly enough I felt like I could still run more miles. It was a blistering day and I am not used to this kind of weather.

"Plea…se stop run…ning! Haaa…"

I looked behind me, seeing that the officer was falling behind and was clutching himself as he stopped to catch his breath. I wonder if people actually stopped when the police asked them to.

"An…anyone! Catch that… girl!"

I scoff. As if anyone with that kind of power I saw earlier would stop to arrest me. I mean seriously, you got troublemakers who can turn into giants, and random police are supposed to stop me for not wearing pants?

If I was going to have to escape the people who had abilities, I might not stand a chance. That power I was promised could do good, if only I knew what I had been given.

Checking my back, I saw no one actively running after me. I stopped and hid in an alleyway. It was a recurring sight to see the familiar narrow passageways that connected the city, I felt at ease.

I crouched low, using my hands to keep myself up as I peeked around the corner. My tense shoulders dropped in relief. I leaned on the wall and slowly sat down on the hard and cold ground.

"Well, look at that piece of meat!"

A shiver goes up my spine, I stood up and darted my eyes all over the alley. A group of men was on the opposite side, smoking up a storm. Their eyes were filled with lust while they kept looking up and down unnervingly.

Something about the way they spoke and the way they looked at me just made me want to punch them. Crush them to the solid ground and send them to the morgue. I shook off that feeling and focused on the situation.

They weren't aggressive at all, they were typical cat callers and creeps. Drunks and lowlives do that kind of thing, no need to be so aggressive when all they did was talk.

I emptied my thoughts on the matter and didn't let them control me since I needed a cool head. The last thing I need is for them to come back for revenge or reveal themselves to be some part of some obscure gang.

That could be resolved by just killing them outright. Wait- no! What's happening to me? I don't need to kill anyone!

Chatter from the streets made me stiffen. I peered right on the edge to see police officers right there questioning someone. The woman they talked to nodded her head and pointed in my general direction.

The officers tipped their caps and walked toward the alleyway I was in. No good, I have to cross those creeps.

I hastily speed-walked toward the group of three still laughing and drinking while conversing. The man on the left that called out to me smiled as I got closer. I hoped that it wouldn't happen but fate had something else in store.

Just as I was going to leave the alleyway, a hand snatched my wrist as I tried to wrestle it away. It tightened while I tried to pull out of his vice grip.

"Woah there, what's gotten you in such a hurry?"

I clicked my tongue loud enough to at least make the man know my discomfort.

"No need to be like that sweet cheeks."

I actually gagged at that name-calling. Is this what girls have to go through? Man, I feel bad for doing something similar back in high school.

"Let me go and I won't have to force you to let go."

The man who had gotten a hold of me stood up, along with his pals from behind him. They all tossed their smokes and crushed them underfoot as they came to their friend's aid.

"I've got a better idea, why don't you stay with us and let us have our way with yo-"

"I've had enough of this."

I twisted my hips and brought out my right leg, using the end of my shins to impact right at his groin. He crumples in pain and falls to the ground. His friends at his sides stared in disbelief and went into a fighting stance.

"You bit-"

One single jab to the face, courtesy of my left fist made one of them stagger backward, he grabs his profusely bleeding nose. The man looks up and stares at me just for a second, his contorted fury-filled face meeting my face equally maddened before I send out a powerful right hook at him, sending his body down to the floor below.

The concrete below actually cracked from the force and when the man's arms fall to the side I saw that I completely knocked in his teeth! I stared at my thin and in no way muscled arms. Did I really do that?

Before I can get stuck in my inner thoughts, I returned to the fight to see the other person slowly leaving with his arms held up in the air. A surrender which I allowed.

"Go. Pick up your friends later." I waved my hand.

The last man standing nods rapidly without much protest and nervously retreats away. I guess he had more brains than the rest of these people. I was about to dash out when I suddenly couldn't move my left leg.

"You! You'll pay for that!"

The man I kicked in the groin was cradling his nutsack while oddly with one of his legs also sticking to a single spot. I tried to move in to knock him out but that feeling of not being able to shift my leg kept stopping me.

"Heh, you like my quirk?"

Quirk? Is that what they're called?

"I'll have plenty of time to have fun with you."

He flicks out a knife and steps into strike zone with his leg now loose, he steps forward with a thrust.

The stiffness in my legs get released and I could finally move from my spot. I easily move my body sideways and drag his outreach arms upward.

He tries to swing with his off-hand but a single twist made him unable to strike. I pull on his collar as I took control of the fight. I cock my head back as I released every single ounce of energy I had to cave in his face with a headbutt. One simple lunge forward and the man goes unconscious and on the floor.

It was certainly something to worry about, there was no way I could accurately tell what kind of quirk, as it was called, anyone held. I stared at the unconscious body of the men I had fought.

What I saw made me happy, a pair of pants that looked like they could fit me. Finally, I could at least not get stared at by people half the time I even showed up to just walk.

I gently prop the body up and use my shoulders to brace as I slowly slipped off his belt and yanked his pants down. I was halfway there, only a few more tugs and it should come loose.

I heard the footsteps of incoming figures, it should be the cops that we're headed here. I yanked off the rest of the pants and got away before I could get caught.

I could finally rest easy when I slipped into the crowd and happened upon a nearly empty park. The satisfying sound that the zipper made honestly made me feel elated.

Call me meticulous but I still didn't know how breezy it felt, the person that sent me here was an actual annoyance. I couldn't focus on what to do but now that everything was fine at the end of the day, I could think about what I'm supposed to do here.

I said to myself that I'd have a chance but what would that be? I don't have any idea how to go about this. When was the last time someone got transported to another world with people with superpowers?

I need some time to just relax. Maybe the first thing I could do is just look at what I looked like.

A fountain nearby was gushing water down its layers. It was a gentle stream that splashed on the lowest level. I pushed myself up from the bench I sat on and slowly made my way to the fountain and gazed at the reflection staring back at me.

I was... to say the least. Pretty looking. Was I being egoistic? I mean yes since I'm this person now. I can't help but be curious as to who this was supposed to be anyway.

"Who am... I?" I spoke to myself.

"Ara~ You should know well who we are, Commander. Or were you too busy staring at yourself than realizing whose body you took over?"


"Who's there?!"

I look around the park, no one but myself was there, it was a clear day. I couldn't possibly miss someone right beside me.

I was startled at what was my own voice speaking to me. Like she was just in front of me while she uttered those words. She spoke in an almost sarcastic and playful tone.

"Looking for me, how cute. You look so funny whipping your head around when in fact I've been so close to you all this time~"

I might actually have gone crazy, or this might be the weirdest moment in my life.

"Who are you?"

The voice chuckled inside my head, "More like, who are we? Commander."

What was this person thinking? I wouldn't know! I only remember me being Arthu-


A deep piercing pain entered my head, it felt like a pike was stuck right through before battering it in with a jackhammer. I clutched my head as a massive amount of information was suddenly poured into me.

My head thrashed around as I couldn't take the massive headache I was experiencing. It was a migraine that could kill a man, if not for the fact that I was a college student before so I was used to migraines.

It was information overload, I could see who I was, no. More like, what I was before being a human. Then getting summoned here and being inhabited by someone. That, someone, was me.

"I am... Prinz Eugen, aren't I?"

"Good boy~"

I knew who I was, what I could do, and how to do it. I can't fathom what just happened. Memories of someone completely different somehow made their way into me. The voice I was hearing was the original owner of this body!

I breathed hard and drop to the ground. The dirt dirtying my newly acquired pants. I was utterly dumbfounded, way too many surprises to be sure. I need to calm down.

I started counting backward from 30. Slowly easing my mind as I slowly counted the digits. Finally, after the counts were done, I was able to relax and let the memories settle.

"Hmm, that was quick of you. I hope that wouldn't be the case in battle~"

Christ, help me with this.

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