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22.22% The Hard Road to Success : The Road to Glory / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - The Training Begins

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - The Training Begins

When they arrive at the Fight Club, Harold asks Elizabeth, "Would you please accompany me inside and meet with Chris since this is the place where I'll be fighting Freddy Fury". Elizabeth and Harold heads inside the Fight Club. Once they are inside, all those who are training sees Harry and gets talking about him because Harry has beaten everyone here at least once in the ring or during sparring and is considered to be the King of the Fight Club.

All he has to do now is to beat Freddy Kent. Elizabeth and Harold walks over to where Chris is busy with a young prospect. Harry greets Chris. He says to him, "Hello, Chris" He turns towards Harry. He returns the greeting, "Hey there, Harry. What can I do for you, mate?". Harry first introduces Elizabeth to him. He informs his friend, "This is Elizabeth. She's my new girlfriend. She's going to be here for the fight against Freddy Kent since I asked Mr. Levi for a ticket for her to sit at ring side" which Chris acknowledges.

Chris tells Harry, "I'm glad that you met someone because it's been years since you had a girlfriend. You should remember just one thing" Harry asks him, "What would that be? Since you're sort of like a manager to me, my old friend". Chris responds, "Remember and never forget this, women weaken legs. If you truly want to be ready for this fight, you know what to do" while Harry asks him, "What does that mean?". Elizabeth lets go of his hand and approaches him.

Elizabeth whispers into his ear, "What Chris is talking about, what he meant by women weaken legs is you having sex with me, since that's what he means by that saying". Harry is surprised to hear this. He whispers back to her, "Why would he say that. We aren't even at that level in our relationship yet as yes, we shared one kiss but sex isn't on the table, not yet". Harold tells Chris, "I'll keep that in mind but the main reason why I am here, is to have a meeting with you, my brother Andy and Manny because I'd like to ask Manny to become my manager and become part of our team" Chris replies, "Sure thing, Harry. I'll take you to meet with Manny right now just let me finish off things first".

Eventually, after some time, Chris, Elizabeth and Harold leaves the Fight Club. They make their way to the Aston then travels over to fetch Andy at his parents place in Fairfield Street. They arrive, Harry parks the Aston outside then makes their way into the Edwards Residence. Harry greets his family, "Hello everyone". Harry notices that his cousin, Rose is here. Rosalyn is a beautiful woman, with red hair and green eyes. Rose is the same age as Zoey and Harry since they were born in the same year.

Before he goes to speak to them, he introduces Chris. He informs them, "Everyone, this is Chris. He is part of my team which I've chosen. I am going to need his help in the fight against Freddy Kent" Harry also informs his family, "Andy is going to help out too since he's also part of this team". Andy confirms this. He tells his family, "Yeah, that's right. I am going to assist my younger brother, in order to have him one day win the Heavyweight Title" to which Harry smiles.

He asks Andy, "could you get ready to go please since we are heading to meet with Sir Manny Cooper". Sean asks his son, "Harry, are you talking about Sir Manny 'The Ki;;-shot' Cooper?" Harry answers, "That's the Manny Cooper I am talking about, dad". It takes Sean a moment before he responds. He tells Harry, "You're going to be the greatest boxer with Manny's help" while Sean whispers to him, "Even though it was your Grandfather who was the one who Manny lost the title to. He is a great former Boxer and Champion to have as your manager, son" while Michelle asks Chris, "Would you like anything to drink?" Chris responds, "Yes, ma'am. I'd like a cup of tea please".

Harry informs Chris, "My mum makes the best cup of tea ever" Elizabeth and Harold walks over to Zoey and Rose. Harry introduces Elizabeth to Rose. He tells Elizabeth, "This is Rosalyn, who we call Rose. She's my cousin from Uncle Robert, who everyone just calls Uncle Bobby" he then tells Rose, "This is Elizabeth, my new love interest so to speak, my girlfriend". Elizabeth and Rose shake hands then tells each other that it's good to meet you. Rose asks Harry, "Have you and Elizabeth kissed and had sex yet?".

Harry tells Rose, "Come on, Rosalyn. It hasn't been five minutes yet. What's with those types of questions? But nah, we never did that yet because we are going to wait before we do and you shouldn't be crazy and ask such things since we haven't reached that level in our relationship". Harry does keep it a secret that he and Elizabeth shared a kiss on his sofa and have held hands too. Rose asks Elizabeth, "Would you like to hear an interesting fact about Harry?".

Elizabeth hesitates before answering since she doesn't know what to expect from this. She answers, "Well, sure. Why not. I'd like to know more about Harold". Rose informs her, "The first girl who Harry kissed was me, that happened when we were both nine years old". Elizabeth is stunned to hear that the first girl Harold ever kissed was his own cousin. After hearing this, Zoey and Rose have a good laugh over it while Harry defends himself, "When I did that, I was very young and didn't know much about women. I wanted to know what it was like to kiss a girl and I never knew that it wasn't okay to kiss your cousin".

Harry gets upset with Rose telling Elizabeth that his first kiss was with her and he's upset with Zoey for laughing as well. Harry instructs Zoey and Rose, "Never do this again because it's embarrassing to me" Harold tells Elizabeth, "I'm sorry you heard that the first girl I kissed was my cousin. It's embarrassing to have you hear that" while Elizabeth says to him, "It's embarrassing but in a way, it's quite funny and cute" Harold asks her, "Really, you're laughing too?". Elizabeth answers, "It wasn't as funny as the joke you told me about why you became a boxer".

Zoey and Rose are surprised to hear that Harry can make jokes. Harold tells Elizabeth, "I'm glad you enjoyed the joke. It's one of my best jokes. I've got many others to tell you about but now is not the time, Elizabeth" Andy approaches them. He informs them, "I'm ready to leave". Harold asks Elizabeth, "Are you going to accompany us?" Elizabeth answers, "No, I'd like to stay here with Zoey and Rose in order to discuss things with them" while Harry responds, "Okay, I'll see you later when I get back from the meeting with Manny". Harry warns Zoey and Rose, "Please, don't share anything else that's embarrassing about me to Elizabeth. I'm asking you nicely".

Afterwards, Harry, Andy and Chris leaves his parents place. They say their goodbyes to everyone before they leave. They make their way towards the Aston, as they make their way towards Manny's place. Once they arrive, Harry parks the Aston, as they approach Manny's front door. Chris knocks on the door and eventually Manny opens the door for them while Chris says, "Good evening, dad" while Harry and Andy are surprised to hear Chris calling Manny dad since they are astonished that they're related.

Manny asks Chris, "What are you doing here, Christian?" Harry answers on his behalf. He tells Manny, "Hello, sir. Chris brought us here because I'd like to ask you something important". Manny responds, "Ask away, lad" while Harry requests from him, "If you could please come back to the boxing world and be my manager. I really need one in my life, to assist me in my career since I plan to one day become the Heavyweight Champion of the World" Manny tells Harry, "Okay, let's head inside to discuss things since it's nine o clock and it's nearly time for bed".

Harry, Andy and Chris heads inside. Manny introduces Harry and Andy to his wife, Susan Cooper. He informs her, "My dear, Christian brought these young men here because Harry needs a manager and they sought me out and asked for my help". Harry and Andy are please to meet with Manny and Susan. Susan is wary about this since Manny is 86 years old. Susan informs Harry, "Please, I don't mean any disrespect to you but my Emmanuel is very old and I am concerned about him and his health. I was there the night he had his heart attack in the ring and was forced to retire at the age of 33".

Harry ensures her, "Not to worry. I'll take good care of you both, by giving Manny a monthly salary and other benefits as well". Manny likes what is being offered to him as he smiles at Susan then asks Harry, "What's your record, lad?" Harry informs Manny, "As things stand, my amateur record was 16 Fights, 11 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Draws with 7 Knocks out, while with my professional record that would be 21 Fights, 17 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Draws with 11 Knocks outs, so my total record would be 37 Fights, 28 Wins, 9 Losses and 0 Draws with 18 Knock outs". Manny responds to this, "I'm impressed, that's a good record. You seem like a great fighter".

Manny looks at Susan, looks at Chris then informs Harry, "I'll be your manager, lad. Your training starts tomorrow at the gym where I used to train myself and prospects back in the day after I retired from professional boxing. Our training begins at six then ten in the gym because I would like to see what you got. I don't want to waste any time since I am 86 and I don't have much time to waste, since we are living in modern times but we are going to train old school, by not using too much of this advance technology and do more raw and good old fashion training the way we used to do in my time because those were the good old days, my days, the best of days which are never going to come back since those days made great fighters, tough one for that matter".

Harry responds, "Sure thing, Manny. I would train like that for every fight in my career but first things first, I've got to speak to my girlfriend about this new training schedule since she might not be too happy about that". Manny asks him, "What's this girl's name?" Harry informs him, "Her name is Elizabeth and she's from London". Manny instructs him, "If you truly love this woman, you are to lay off from her while in training because you need to keep a clear and focused mind on your training and on the fight, that's coming up next then you can continue to love this girl as you please".

Harry states, "That's going to be tough but I'll do it, thank you, Manny. I appreciate it and I am grateful to you. I'll do that from now on, while I am in training" to which Manny responds, "Good as soon as we're done training at the old gym, we are going to change gyms for training for in ring and sparring to see what you got and what needs to be worked on and improved". As of now, Harry and Manny shakes hands even though Manny knows that it was Harry's grandfather who he lost the title to but Manny buries those things which happened in the past and forgets about it, like it never happened, for Harry and Manny, their sage begins since the come to an agreement and shake hands to make it official.

After Harry has his discussion with Manny, he heads home after dropping Andy at home. He arrives back at The Loft where Elizabeth is waiting for him. She's sitting on the sofa while chatting with Zoey and Rose on her phone since they are on a group chat together. Harold makes his way inside The Loft. He greets her, "Hey, Elizabeth. I spoke with Manny and we both agreed, he'll be managing me from now on". Elizabeth ends her chat with Zoey and Rose for the moment as she locks her phone. She responds to him, "Hey, Harold. That's great to hear, All of the best for the two of you. I hope everything goes well between you and Manny, I really do".

Elizabeth and Harold continues to talk to one another while they are sitting on the sofa. They are speaking about their futures and hopefully forming a good and honest relationship with each other and moving in together too but then all of a sudden, Elizabeth and Harold looks deep into each others eyes as they begin to kiss and make out on the sofa. They continue to kiss and make out, to which kissing and making out leads to them going one step further, where they haven't gone before in their relationship as now Elizabeth and Harold begins to get undress and have intercourse for the first time in their relationship, something which they haven't done in quite some time.

21st April 2010.

It's been a month since Harry and Manny shook hands and made their agreement as boxer and manager. Harry has begun his training under Manny. He gives Harry good yet old school training like Manny had done back in the day when he was probably one of the best fighters of all time. Manny is currently training Harry in the sparring department with the help of Andy, Chris and the new member of the team, Johnson, a good fighter in the Heavyweight Division, since it's the last three weeks until the fight against Freddy Kent.

Harry has completed all his training thus far and has been excelling in it since he is determined for victory and glory. Manny advises Harry, "You should move around more and mover your feet, and move your head as well and slip the jab as much as you can because yes, you throw a good, powerful, accurate and a deadly left hand and work the body like a champ but that's all useless if you take too much punches to the head so it's either you dodge them, get you hands up to protect yourself and block or slip the jab and get out of the way".

Harry acknowledges this advice. He responds to Manny, "I'll get to work on that in the next round. I know I can do it". Manny encourages him. He says, "That's the spirit, lad. Now get going and do what you got to do". The next sparring round begins. Harry and Johnson begins to throw punches, jabs and hooks by keeping things easy and not killing each other since this is just a sparring session. As the fourth and final sparring round ends, Manny ensures Harry, "The rate you're going about things, you're going to murder Freddy Kent within three weeks. You're like a Grey wolf. Tough, strong, fast and ferocious and a deadly killing machine. A true predator as your name suggest, The Hunter" just now, And receives a phone call.

He informs everyone, "I'm sorry about this but I got to take this one. I'll be back soon after this phone call" Harry tells Andy, "All right, bruv" Harry tells everyone, "Thank you. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have been here and getting ready for this fight against Freddy Kent which is probably going to be my biggest and my most toughest fight yet but I promise you, I am going to smash Freddy's teeth in since that fight is mine and that number 7 spot. In three weeks time, I am going to show the world that Harry Edwards is no joke, that I am for real and serious about challenging for both the English National Title and the World Heavyweight Title".

Manny states, "You're going to do it, by knocking out every one of them that's in your way. I've spent my time well. I can see that you're going the distance and those Titles are definitely yours because like I said before, you're the Grey Wolf, and apex predator". Harry responds to this statement. He responds, "Yeah, in three weeks time, my road to winning those Titles begins by taking out Freddy Kent---" but Andy soon returns. He interrupts the conversation. He informs Harry, "Little brother, we got to get going right now".

Harry asks Andy, "Why, we aren't done with training yet. I've still got to do more rope work since I've still got about 15 minutes left on the clock" while Andy states, "That's got to wait because this is more important to us than your training" to which Harry asks him, "What's wrong? What's going on?" Andy answers, "It's Zoey" Harry asks his brother, "What's going on with Zoey? Is she all right?" Andy answers, "Zoey has been rushed to hospital and it sounds pretty bad".

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