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95.34% Revenant in an Anime World / Chapter 39: Ch 37: Asako's Revenge

Chapter 39: Ch 37: Asako's Revenge

"Damn it!" Oslo threw the monitor to the floor, shattering its screen along with its other electronic components. "How could this happened?"

Oslo couldn't understand what was happening at that moment. It was supposed to be another day, in which he was going to sell his products and gain a great amount of money. However, now a single individual, who seemed to be a supernatural being, was massacring all his men. But the problem was that he didn't recognize his race.

In that branch of the business, it was very common to him to have many enemies and as someone who has many experiences in that field, he knows almost all of them, but he had never heard of a race who could create tails and claws like the intruder did.

He could ask for Zest to help, but it seemed very unlikely to that to happen. She was simply the envoy of his client, and she would not intervene unless her master says so. This meant that he was alone with whatever this mess was.

"Prepare the emergency transport, we are leaving now." Oslo ordered his men in a calm manner, and then he turned his attention at the demoness besides him. "It's a pleasure to make business with your master. If we have a chance in the future, I would like to propose another deal."

Zest just nodded her head without saying a word. She didn't want to stay more in that place, and probably her master would be displeased if she returns late.

Extending her hand a green magic circle appeared under the cage where the girls were. They were screaming, fearing what would happen to them, however, there was nothing that Zest could do about it. If she betrays her master, she'll die, and if she fails in her mission, she'll die, it's just that simple.

Suddenly, she felt something ominous coming at her at great speed. It caused that her body turned cold and each nerve in her body alerted her about the imminent danger approaching her. She had to act fast.

Interrupting her spell, Zest jumped back when a red projectile passed besides her left cheek until it hit the floor, creating a small crater in it.

"Who is there?!" Asked Oslo, who hasn't left yet.


The sound of boot steps resounded through the entire warehouse interior. By the sound, it was only one person, but at least Oslo knew that it wasn't the intruder that he saw in the monitor. There was another intruder.

"Hey, Oslo." Spoke a female voice.

Oslo was slightly surprised that the other intruder knew his name. Whoever they were, the attackers must already know with whom they were dealing with. However, there was something in her voice, something familiar.

(No, it's impossible.) He thought, trying to deny the possibility.

"I must thank you about the three little gifts that you gave me six months ago. After all, it would be rude to not return the same hospitality, don't you think?" The woman stood in front of them.

She looked as he remembered. Blue long hair tied in a long ponytail hair, slim and athletic figure, wearing a confident smile on her face that suited her, and her eyes that were deep blue like the ocean. There was no way that he couldn't recognize her. After all, killing her was one of his greatest achievement during his life. At least, that was supposed to be.

"Kusakabe Asako." Said Oslo in disbelief.

"Yo. Sorry for leaving so soon that day. I had to do some things so I couldn't stay." Asako said to him like if she was talking to a longtime friend, but the hostility in her eyes said another thing.

"You are alive." Said Oslo calmly, but in the inside he couldn't understand how it was possible.

(Those OSD bastards said that one bullet was enough to cripple her. And received three of them. Did they lied to me?) Oslo thought. After all, that could had been a trap for him by making him Asako's main enemy.

"Of course I am. Did you thought that I would die before killing you?" She said.

Her smile widened, showing her white teeth. However, something that the present people didn't notice, with the exception of Zest, was that her eyes glimmered with a red light for a split of a second.

(What happened to her?) Zest asked herself.

From what she heard from 'The Blue Nightmare', she received that name because all the people who saw her, described her as someone who always use blue clothes, and her characteristic blue hair and blue eyes. She had never heard that Asako had a red glimmer in her eyes in any of her descriptions, and she was sure that what she saw wasn't her eyes tricking her.

Either way, she had to finish her mission first. Other things didn't matter for the moment.

Placing her left hand behind her back, she started again to activate her teleport spell. However, before she could even had the opportunity to properly activate it, another red projectile was shot directly to her head. She knew that she couldn't avoid it this time, so out of reflex she place both of her arms in front of her, protecting her head and created a barrier in front of her.

The barrier shattered in pieces, colliding with her arms, launching her towards another cage that fortunately was empty. However, due to the impact her internal organs were damaged, making her cough blood. Fortunately, it didn't seem to have caused any major damage, but her entire body hurt like if she was hit by a truck. At least in human terms.

All the present were shocked by how fast Asako shot, and then they glued their attention the sniper rifle in her hands. It seemed to have some strange red marks in its black shell.

"Na ah, I didn't say that you could take those girls with you." Said Asako, holding her sniper rifle while still aiming at Zest. "I will keep them. If your master wants to reclaim them then you can say him that I will be glad to give him or her a fight."

Zest thought about the possibilities of escaping there along with the girls. However, in each plan she made, she could always see the result of her head being blown up by one of Asako's bullets. She somehow knew that before, Asako was containing herself, and if she wanted her dead, then she would had been a long time ago.

She only didn't know why she would let her live when she could obviously kill her, but she decided to take the chance to escape. She would report what happened to his master later, but she knew that he wouldn't be pleased.

The magic circle engulfed her body, and she immediately disappeared, leaving Oslo and his men alone with Asako, who was still smiling at them with a menacing grin.

"Now, why don't we continue to where we left?" She said, looking at them like if she was a predator and they as her preys.

Some of the mercenaries gulped unconsciously by being under her stare, taking some steps back. Oslo noticed this, and his expression became grimmer than before.

"What are you doing?! Even if she is alive, she must be weak now! Shoot at her!"

Responding to Oslo's orders, the group of mercenaries, which consisted in a number of at least six people, aimed their guns, being handguns or assault rifles at her. Oslo really believed that even if Asako somehow managed to survive that day, she was still weakened by the damage of the anti-magic bullets that the OSD gave to him, did to her. She surely wouldn't be able to avoid all the bullets.

Then, the mercenaries started to fire at her. However, unlike to what Oslo expected to see, Asako was avoiding the bullets effortlessly while running towards one of the metal containers of the place.

With supernatural strength, she managed to reach to top the five meter height container with only a jump.

Then, she pointed her sniper towards the group; however, she wasn't aiming to any of them, which confused Oslo after noticing her movements.

The sniper started to glow with a red crimson mist involving it. Asako muttered something that no one of the present could hear.

Her words were. "Gáe Bolg." Then she pulled the trigger.

The bullet was shot from the gun, and its crimson colour was even deeper in comparison with the other two projectiles that she shot at Zest before. The bullet had an immeasurable amount of killing intent that even the mercenaries could feel from they were. However, they relaxed themselves after noticing the bullet wasn't directed to any of them.

Suddenly, the bullet changed of direction, and before any of them could notice it, it pierced through one of the mercenaries' chest; to be more specific, in the area where it's located his heart.

The mercenary fell on his back, with a hole that reached from his chest through his back. The rest couldn't believe what they saw, in fact, they could barely noticed a red ray piercing their companion's body in just a split of a second.

However, this was just the beginning of their nightmare. Once again, the bullet changed of direction and once again, it pierced one of the mercenaries' heart. Then the next, and the next, making the group to start to panic and try to run away, only to get their hearts pierced by the merciless bullet, until there was no one left, only Oslo and Asako. The bullet then became into mist, disappearing in the air.

Gáe Bolg. Asako took that name from the legendary cursed spear from the Celt mythology. Very well known for always aim to the heart of its target, no matter where it is. Even if it isn't comparable to the real Gáe Bolg, Asako thought that that name was very suitable for her new revenant magic. Yes, she was now a revenant in all her right.

After being bitten by Zircon and then turned into a revenant, Asako's body passed through various changes. Not only healed the same injure of that day, but also many others that she gained during her past missions. It also recovered part of her youth, even if she was in her middle 20's, her skin, bones and muscles got rid of every imperfection on them. And not only that; she obtained a set of abilities and 'magic' that only she could use, this included Gáe Bolg.

"Impossible. What kind of magic was that?" Asked Oslo dumbfounded.

"Nothing important." Said Asako nonchantly Now..."

The sniper in her hand became into a cloud of red bright ashes, disappearing in her hands and turning itself into a red tattoo of an aim in her left hand.

Then, Asako stood a few meters away from Oslo, placing herself in a combat stance. She extended her arm and with her hand, she made a taunting signal at him, challenging him to a close combat duel.

"This time, I won't let you escape." Said Asako, this time all trace of 'fun' left her face, replacing it with a serious expression.

Oslo knew that now he didn't have escape. Even if he try it, she would shoot him. He didn't know what happened to Asako, but now she seemed to be in her prime condition. No, it could be considered even better than that.

"W-Wait. Let's negotiate." Said Oslo trying to get more time for himself.

Asako by her part, she didn't let her guard down, but she was a little interested in what he wanted to say. Just in case, she prepared herself to attack him in case he had a trick under his sleeve.

Seeing that Asako didn't attack him, Oslo felt a slight relief and then started talking. "I'm sure that you are asking yourself about how I got those anti-magic bullets. You see-"

"Ah, we already knew."


That was the only thing that Oslo could say before his head exploded in a mist of blood due to the impact that suffered due to Asako's fist. Let's just be fair, during this six month that Asako, Yuria, Zircon and even Cleria had to plan their vengeance, they had already knew that the prototype of the anti-magic bullet that the OSD gave to Oslo belonged to the first. Therefore, if she already knew that then Asako wouldn't even bother to listen to the man and simply kill him. She only was disappointed that the man was weaker than what she thought, or it would be correct to say that she became stronger.

Either way, she now had to clean up the mess and take care of something more. She looked towards the cage where the group of girls was. The girls noticing that Asako was looking at them began to retreat, not wanting to get near to Asako.

"Eh? What happened? I am saving you, you know?" Said Asako making a friendly face.

What she didn't know was that her 'friendly' smile was more like the one of a terrifying monster with her face completely stained with blood while showing her fangs, causing that many of the girl, in the majority the humans, started to faint due to their fear, leaving Asako confused about what just happened.

This was going to be a long night.


Villain4ever: Hi guys!

Sorry for not updating any chapter during these three days, however I have a good reason for this. My final exams are already coming, along with some projects. Haah. But at least, I'm almost free (until January).

But because I'm almost in the final part of the semester I'm thinking to take a two week break until I'm done with my exams. I ask you to be patient for the next update.

With nothing more to say, 'see' you in two weeks.

Villain4ever Villain4ever

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