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Ch 06: Together 2

Fever (Villain4ever): I want to make an announcement, and that is that I changed Zircon's red eyes by one red (right) and the other blue (left).

I did this due to the combined souls inside him.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I expect that you still enjoy the story.


Blood was spilled from the child's corpse.

His blood was being mixed with his mother's blood, making a pool of the crimson liquid.

"By the way, what did you do with the father's corpse?" Asked the man with the sword.

"A that weakling." He speaks with a sneer on his face. "I just burnt it to ashes with the artifact that that witch gave us. And if you don't want to suffer the same fate, it's better that you hurry up and get rid of their bodies." He pointed his finger towards Zircon and his mother's corpses.

"Yeah, yeah." He started to get near to them. "But I must say, that witch's magic is very convenient. It can protect us from the light of the sun.

From his pocket, he took a kind of lantern with purple fire blazing on it. In no time, the flame increased its size, similar to a torch.

With the idea of burning the corpses with the flame, he approached the flame to them. However...



It was the only thing that he could said when his hand was bite off from his arm, making it leak with blood.


Two metallic wolf heads appeared from Zircon's body, and started to devour the man piece by piece, beginning with the head, then the arms, the legs and finally, the torso.

The two beast's heads were too greedy that they didn't even left the blood being spilled in the floor.

All of this just happened in a few seconds. The man with the sword couldn't even scream. The only thing that could been heard from the gruesome scene, were the sound bites and the bones crushing due to the violent tearing of flesh and bones caused by the beasts.

"W-What the hell!?" Shouted the other man.

The fear could be noticed from his eyes and expression.

As a creature from the supernatural world, moreover, a vampire, he had seen many things than could be considered as impossible for normal people. However, nothing could have ever prepared him for the scene developing in front of him.

From the body of the child, a black goo with red veins started to cover his body, along with his mother, turning them into some kind of slime. Meanwhile, the two wolf heads guarded the slime without attacking the other man, like dogs protecting their owner.

He could have used the opportunity to escape, however, due to the fear he couldn't even move.

(Fear? How could I, a noble vampire like me feel fear?) The thought made him feel angry and humiliated. (Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable. UNFORGIVABLE!)

He clenches his fists and with the same flame that his partner was going to use before being devoured, and points the flame towards the 'slime'.

"BURN IN HELL!" He shouted with the expression of a madman.

The flame began to grow even more, like responding to his emotions and wave of scorching flames flew towards his objective. At the same time, both of the metallic wolf heads began to change their forms and turned into blades.

However, even if with this happening, the vampire wasn't afraid anymore. The reason? Well, it would be a futile attempt to killing him. The slime would be burnt to ashes even before the blades reach him, leaving him without an injury.

(That's what you get as the inferior insect you are for trying to humiliate me.)

But contrary to what he expected, the blades weren't after him, but went directly to the ground, burying themselves.

The vampire was confused, but then his eyes widened when multiple spikes made of blades sprouted from the ground, forming a shield that protected the slime against the purple flames.

When the flames ceased, the blades took an orange color due to high temperature exposure from the flames.

"I-Impossible!" He couldn't believe it. "Even if it's weak compared to the original it still is the power of a L-"

Before he could finish his sentences, he felt something piercing his stomach. When he turned his gaze down, he noticed the great blade impaling him, with his feet away from the floor.

Then another change happened.

The black slime started to transforms its body, looking more humanoid, but less than human.

First, two hands with sharp looking claws appeared from its sides, and when the claws made contact with the concrete floor, it was sliced like butter with a hot knife.

Next, a metallic tail grew from the body, with the tip looking like a spear, capable to pierce through any metal.

Finally, a humanoid head with no eyes and long sharp teeths growing in his mouth, with any lips to be seen.


The creature let out a furious roar at the sky, like a predator announcing its arrival to a new hunting ground.

The creature then focus its attention towards the vampire who was still impaled through his stomach spilling blood, with a terrified expression, and starts approaching to him.

Step by step, the creature got near to the vampire, while the latter was trying to escape. Even if his race has a great endurance, the pain is still there. Moreover, let me tell you, that he wished to unconscious by that time.

At only few inches from his prey, the creature with his eyeless face, looked at the vampire with a sadistic grin. Only then, the vampire knew that the creature was enjoying it, having him at its mercy.

Then, while holding his head with both of its hands, the creature started to crush slowly the vampire's skull, making him feel a pain and fear that he never imagined.

He started to regret everything that made him accept the witch's offer. She told him that in exchange of the child with special blood, she would grant any of his wishes; one of them granting him the total control of Tepes and Carmilla's households.

All due to his greed, he was going to die like a helpless animal in the clutches of his predator.

(If I only haven't-)

Without finishing his final thoughts, his head was smashed into pulp, with only the maniacal laughter of the creature resonating in the empty alley.

Villain4ever Villain4ever

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