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92.3% The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero / Chapter 12: Under the Moonlight I

Chapter 12: Under the Moonlight I

Back inside the room given to him by Rimuru, Clark stood before the mirror gazing at himself, and what he saw staring back was a tired boy.

Physically, the Adonis he was looking at appeared to be the epitome of vigor, his hair was still stylishly rustled, and his dress despite the sprinkle dust back at the Cannat Mountain Ranges, did not smear the crimson vermillion he adorned and his face still clear of any form of stress marks.

His eyes shifted to the illustrious S on his sleeveless inner shirt, before giving a wacked sigh.

Physically he wasn't tired and from what he understood, tiredness was something that he would now find to be Sisyphean, ever since his coming to his kryptonian form… but mentally… mentally… he just wanted to close his eyes and sink down into the embrace of Mobius.

The sounds of cheers and merriment made him to turn to the window looking outside to see, twinkling lights moving around erratically. He sighed again, brushing his face with a palm.

King of the Elementals…

When Clark first heard the title, he had been addressed with, he had been too flummoxed to even constitute a proper response. Luckily Rimuru had decided to allow a meeting to take place back in her town, and when all the Elementals had arrived, they all kick-started a festivity in honor of him, thankfully Rimuru allowed them to do so. Candidly, it gratified him, if Clark had to be frank with himself.

The sun hadn't even set for the second day since his coming, and here he was apparently a king. Anyone in his shoes would find it while cringe-worthy, but extremely flattering.

For Clark, it had given him a place to establish himself in this world. If it was before he had begun his hazardous testing, he would happily accept such a responsibility, after all he had been whining about his place in this fantasy world, and if it was to lead the Elementals, while it would be a challenging task, he still would have accepted it.

But now, he wasn't so sure the role of a King was meant for him…

Just look at what had happened today, if it wasn't by a shear stroke of luck, the entire forest would have been burned to ashes, plants and denizens… all because he just wanted to show off how strong he is.

If it wasn't apparent in the morning, now, if was as clear as the burning sun. There is a rift that existed between Clark and the citizens of Jura Tempest. The way they all looked at him when he had arrived, the unconscious berth they had given… even Rimuru, the way she sounded scared, the terrified eyes that she had showed him, back then…

No, Clark she's different. What happened back then was circumstantial.'

Quickly closing his eyes, Clark calmed the stirring fire in his eyes, while releasing a mental sigh.

Physically Clark Kent was the epitome of health.' The kryptonian thought to himself. But mentally… he was just so tired.'

Gritting his teeth, he gave himself a chiding pat. He had asked the others for some time to prepare –more like time to organize himself- get ready, and head back to Rimuru's residence where the representatives of the Elementals were at, of which he was to clarify on this whole new matter.

{Clark are you alright?} Villa his faithful A.I interrupted his thoughts, asking in concern.

"Yeah… I am." Clark replied, but both kryptonian and A.I knew that wasn't so.

Deep within the constraints of the Inheritance System. Villa felt pursed, wishing that there was a way she could be the emotional pillar of her Master. But unless something is done, then only by oral communication could she utilize to converse with Clark and provide him support.

{Just hold on Clark, don't let this be what brings you down.} Villa said supportively.

Giving a light smile, Clark replied, "I know Villa, I know."

He made for the door, giving a satisfying neck pops. It's time for a proper explanation for all this.

Just as he left the building to the outside, he saw Souka waiting for him. Immediately the dragon-newt saw the Light God, she abruptly stiffened, even the small colloquially shown earlier shown in the morning was gone. Clark could see that she wanted to be anywhere apart from here.

There was no need for telepathy, the fear in her eyes told him that.

"Light God-sama…" She said fretfully.

Clark noted wearily that she had reverted to addressing him with honorifics, only this one is new. Well if that is how she was going to be he wouldn't stop her. "Hmm, Souka you're here…"

With a short nod, the Vice-captain informed him, "Yes, I'm to take you to the conference site. If you would please follow me." And began to move immediately after she said that.

Conference site… eh~' Clark mentally echoed while he deadpanned.

Shaking his head as he stared at the back of the stiff ambling dragon-newt, Clark followed right after.

"You know I don't really need directions, right?" He told her. After all the meeting place was where he had gone just yesterday, so there was no way he would have missed it.

Even as she faced ahead Souka nodded in agreement. She had repeated the exact words the kryptonian had said in verbatim to Souei-sama, but he informed her that it was merely for formality. She swore at that, if not only it was Souei-sama that had given her this job, she would have refused as curtly as possible.

The events of today, where still clear and fresh in her mind. Souka was proud to admit that she had seen power. Power displayed by Rimuru-sama and his entourages back at the war with the ravenous orcs, when she was still a lizard-folk.

The explosive firepower of Benimaru-sama, the reticent ruthlessness of Souei-sama, the monstrous strength of Shion-sama, the swiftness of Hakurou-sama, the rampageous power of Ranga-sama, and of course, the might of Rimuru-sama, who had put an end to everything…

She thought that was true power, she believed it so.

But Nothing-Nothing, would have prepared her for what she had seen today!

His speed and strength, those red lines of unbelievable heat from his eyes and ice from his mouth, his command over the Psionic forces, and then that incarnation of Fear… she had felt her soul almost leaving her body when she stared at that bug-like creature, and now this… that was why she didn't want to be with him here, but despite her own protest, the mission demands it.

Ah Souei-sama, how am I supposed to ensnare someone I am utterly terrified off!' Wailing in her heart, while her face was as stoic as it could get, Souka replied while trying to keep her tone amicable. "Please Light God-sama, I'm still your keeper, so this is among my duties, so there is no need to think about it."

But to Clark he only heard, 'You are too dangerous to be left by yourself, so I have to watch over you, in case you try something dangerous again.' He shook his head morosely, humoring her reply.

"Ok I understand, led the way."

Her shoulders slacked in relief, before stiffly straightening herself as she caught onto her demeanor. No matter the relief she felt, simply displaying it so openly is just plain rude and asking for trouble.

Souka threw a glance back to see the Light God quietly following her. Thankfully he said nothing about what she just did.

As for Clark. While he noted Souka's reaction, he just wasn't so invested in it to care.

Sauntering on, both kryptonian and dragon-newt burst out into the opening square where Clark had been presented to the denizens of the town this morning.

Tables were strewn out, occupied by the miscellaneous species. But what was different was they dancing lights in the air. Elementals of all kinds whizzed around excitedly, cheering for him as soon as he was seen. The humanoid Elementals –which according to Villa were Greater Elementals- crowded him excitedly bowing with adorations on their faces, while the Middle Elementals petered him animatedly.

"Hey look, it's the King."

"Yeah, it's really him."

"King, are you going to play with us…?"

Clark forced out a smile that felt awkward on his lips while he tried to quell them down with small talks, but it seemed like his demeanor only increased their fervor. As some of them remarked amongst themselves how he was such a humble lord.

Me, humble?' He thought shaking his head. He wasn't so sure about that. He wasn't outwardly proud, but humble…? That required a scrutinizing viewpoint.

He observed from where he stood the expressions on the faces of the people of Jura Tempest Federation, and what he saw tied a knot in his stomach.




All sorts of negative emotions raged on their faces, and when they saw him, they all blanched moving their eyes away as fast as they could, while some even precipitously stood up leaving their table, moving away with enough swiftness that was short of bolting. Whether it was out of self-preservation Clark didn't know, but that only affirmed one thing.

Maybe it's time to see the wider world, I've come to.' He mulled. While he was happy to arrive here, if just a short display was enough to make them fear him this much, then he must now conclude his stay.

Escaping the excited crowd with Shion, they both left the celebratory area arriving at Rimuru's abode. He could hear the breaths of the Rimuru and the others as well as some new ones.

Turning to Souka, he nodded. "I have already arrived, so you can go back." Not waiting for a reply, the kryptonian entered the compound for the second time.

Souka stood still while watching the back of the kryptonian moving away. Closing her eyes tights, while releasing a bated breath. She gave a small thanks that he was finally gone, Souei-sama had given her permission to recuperate after all that had happened to today, and she intends to graciously take it.

"But…" She trailed off. The B-rank monster felt she was doing the kryptonian wrong. How? She doesn't know. But when she looks into his eyes, the earlier observation she made before repeated itself, only this time in surety.

His eyes really became dimmer.

He stood before the shoji door, fingers pausing from sliding it open. He moved other hand to play with the space rock in his pocket, before he began to chide himself.

What are you waiting for you idiot, an invitation.' He sighed and then slide it open.

Immediately all noise ceased and every eyes were drawn to the kryptonian as he stepped into the room. There was an electrical tension in the air as he locked eyes with Rimuru and her subordinates.

Shuna, Benimaru, Hakurou, Rigurd and Geld, gave him stiff lights nods, with the shrine dressed kijin forcing a faint smile. While the other kijins merely tried to appear unresponsive, although Shion flinched when his eyes passed hers.

"So how does it feel to be a King, in just day two, Clark?" Rimuru said with such casualness that Clark appreciated. "Breaking my own record, I see."

Her frivolousness was such that a small smile bloomed on his face. Shrugging he entered, moving an empty space, "Well what can I say, but only, it was just a coincidence."

Miming a thinking pose, Rimuru said, "Now where have I heard that one…" He snapped his fingers, "Oh I know, just the same thing happened to me too."

They both shared a laugh for some seconds, before Benimaru interrupted. "Eh, Rimuru-sama, Kent-sama. Please can we go into the objective of this gathering, and also it seems rude to ignore the guests present."

"Oh! I don't think we mind much, in fact it is pleasing to see our King so lively. It only gives us hope that our new ruler is of such an interesting character." A voice boisterously said with a gruff baritone.

Turning Clark now decided to pay attention to the new arrivals that seated in adjacent to him.

The one who just spoke was a red giant, he was dressed in vermillion baggy slacks while his upper torso was untouched revealing a skin etched with red markings that occasionally puffed out flames. His face appeared human-like possessing blood red eyes, while his hair… was on fire.

Clark halted to take in the ludicrousness of the Elemental, before him. Ok… now, that's weird.' He thought.

Noticing the kryptonians gaze, the obvious looking Fire Elemental gave a raucous laugh and bowed, "You look like this is the first time you have ever meet an Elemental… well an Elemental of my stature, but I'm not surprised. I haven't really been to the outside world in thousands of years…" His eyes briefly turned melancholic, before it cleared. "I am a no named Greater Fire Elemental, leader of the Fire Elementals. It is an honor to meet you my King."

Nodding Clark replied, "And to you as well." He turned to the others, who also began to introduce their selves.

"My Lord, this lowly, no named Greater Water Elemental, presents herself before you." The Water Elemental, who had the appearance of a cool beauty of delicate facial features with long blue hair, and whitened skin, dressed in a long gown transparent enough to show her… buxom figure.

There was something in her mannerism and her high-class tone, that made Clark to unexpectedly blush fighting down a blush, he replied. "It-it's nice to meet you." While he internally raved at the shaking in his intonation.

Rimuru snicker almost made Clark to furiously blush, but he fought it down. The Water Elemental who tried to appear innocuous of her actions gave a bow that showed Clark the frontal view of her rather impressive burst. But he forced himself to swerve his head, while internally spewing apologies to his girlfriend.

Ah~ forgive me Laurie. It's all this vixen's fault.' He doesn't know what this Elemental is doing, but on the honor of his girlfriend, and of the faith she had on him… He Shall Not Submit!

Unseen to the kryptonian, the Water Elemental pouted at the actions of her lord. Am I not beautiful enough?' She tilted her head in wonder, she was seen as one of the most beautiful Elementals back at the maze and the few who had summoned her reaffirmed it so.

Maybe it's because he's the king.' She mulled, before clenching a fist. Well no matter, she had all the time to rectify this.

A sudden shiver passed through Clark's spine, as he whirled back to look at the perpetrator who stared back innocently. Was he really just imagining things? He wondered.

The Earth Elemental fortunately looked normal enough. A young dark skin man of muscled stature, with a no-nonsense face, dressed in verdant robes with white accents. "Please do not let the actions of the Greater Water Elemental disturb you my lord." He threw her a sharp look that made her shrink back.

"I'll make sure to educate her on courteous behaviors."

"O-oh…" Ok… maybe something is wrong with this one.

With a yawn, a woman in russet billowy robes cut in. Her hair partitioned half her face revealing a youthful impassive appearance and droopy brown eyes that held a tinge of mischievousness, "Not I want to interrupt with your rather, chaste foreplay." The reactions she got rose her lips for a moment, "But I believe I should also introduce myself." She turned to the Light God, "I am a no named Greater Wind Elemental, pleased to enter your service."

Clark nodded.

"Oi, Wind- chan. What the heck do you mean by foreplay?" The Greater Water Elemental cut in eyes narrowed, "Please, do I look like such an easy woman to you?"

Face still impassive the Wind Elemental rose up slightly, making a show of scouring the appearance of the Water Elemental, before nodding to herself and reclining back, "Hmm…" She nodded, "Easy appears to be your middle name."

Eyes narrowed the atmosphere immediately dampened, as the Water Elemental stood up, her face set in an indignant scowl. "How dare you, insinuate that?! Do you really wanna' die, huh?!" Her manner of speech abruptly changed.

Edging to the Earth Elemental, to who she used as an impromptu barrier. The Wind Elemental quipped. "Hoh~ finally, you've casted that high lady tone, to reveal your true colors." Raising her long wide sleeves to cover her mouth, revealing only amused eyes, she taunted. "Once a gangster, always a gangster."

"You!" Her face set in a furious blush, as she caught at her peripheral, the flummoxed expression on her King. Damn this fucking bitch!' She growled irately. The air began to grow colder and the temperature of the room dropped, above her a wicked looking trident of ice began to take shape.

"It looks like it's finally time for a new Wind Elemental leader to step in, since the old one has finally kicked the bucket."

"Hoh~" Slinking away from the Earth Elemental, the Wind Elemental asked dangerously, "But why is that, I am still here whole and hearty, aren't I?" From behind her, manifested two opulent looking chakrams spinning ominously.

The Water Elemental eyes narrowed, "Oh don't worry. That will be rectified right this moment."

"Oi-oi-oi, I didn't bring you all here to wreck my house." Rimuru cut in. Clark looked at her as he saw for the first time, her stern expression. "So you both don't fight or my subordinates here would take it as an act of aggression."

The kijins all gave both female Elemental leaders pointed looks. A rumbling sigh from the Earth Elemental and both Water and Wind paused, looking at each other in a voiceless discussion, and huffed at each other before starchily sitting down.

"You two… not even an hour has passed…" Earth Elemental groaned, dragging a hand across his face wearily. As he wondered why for more than millions of times. Why was he dealing to children disguised as Elementals leaders? They probably inherited that from Ramiris-sama.

"Now you see what you are going to be dealing with my Lord?" The Earth Elemental said to Clark.

While Clark still was not sure of his position with the Elementals. He could see that, they all possess their own kind of quirks. Not to mention of the others.' He idly thought, while glancing at the others who still haven't introduced their selves.

"Is it finally out turn, Sister?!" A childish voice crowed excitedly.

"It seems so, Brother." Another replied.

The two Elementals that were talking appeared to be children, a pair so identical Clark assumed them to be clones. From their exotic looking hair of silver mixed with light blue, kaleidoscope eyes of silver and blue and beautiful faces. It was only when they began to talk that Clark could spot the differences.

The brother from what Clark could see appeared to be the one animated in energy, while looking at him with a sense of awe. The sister on the other hand, appeared rather subdued. Both Elementals stood up from their seats moving into his contiguity.

"Alright just like we rehearsed, Sister." The male Elemental said.

The female twin titled her head bemused, "But we didn't rehearse anything Brother, all you said was that I should follow your lead."

The male twin eyes turned to polka dots as he thumped a fist into his palm laughing. "Oh right I did say that, sorry."

And Clark knew at that moment that the male twin… was an airhead.

The Elemental turned to Clark and bowed with his sister following suit, "I, the no named Greater Time Elemental and my Sister, the no named Greater Space Elemental, greets the King of the Elementals."

The Space Elemental repeated, "Greets the King."

Clark at that moment felt a stirring in his heart. What the hell… is this?' He thought lifting a hand to his rapidly beating chest, there was something in how the kids before him behaved, their innocence, their naivety, that heart gripping feeling that comes over him. If there was one word he could use to describe it. Precious…'

At that moment Clark remembered one of his weakness. That is his uncontrollable soft-spot for children in general.

How it happened he didn't know, but from that one time, he and his friends visited Laurie when she went for volunteering at the orphanage, he had discovered that Clark Kent was a simp for kids.

Remembering what his friend, Alexander, used to say about that made his lips to twitch in nostalgia. It was actually kind of embarrassing remembering the way the kids back then crowded him, as they all asked him to do all such of things that day.

Embarrassing things…

Little devils.' He coined them, while he dragged himself back home with Laurie supporting him that day -which was the silver lining- but he still visited them as often as he could.


He didn't know, but he just did. And as he looked at the two Elementals before him, a feeling of melancholy washed through him.

I wonder how those little devils are doing.' He wondered wistfully, as his eyes almost watered, forcing it back. He only affirmed what was waiting for him back at home. I have to go back to them.'

In reflex he stretched both his hands ruffling their heads carefully as he said with a smile, "Nice to meet you as well."

Both Elementals looked at him as he withdrew his hands and them at themselves in a mental communication, before nodding at each other… at bounding over to his lap.

"Can we please sit with you?" The Greater Time Elemental said with dopey eyes.

"Please…" His sister repeated.

Deadpanning Clark replied, "But you're already doing so…" Seeing that they made no effort to move, he just sighed. "Well it's not like I'll stop you, anytime soon. So, do what you want."

The Time Elemental hopped in joy, while his sister snuggled in. Clark letting out a breath only gave room for the pair to settle in, as laughter rang in the background.

With the sleeve of her garb covering half her face, Shuna since the start of the meeting giggled with mirthful eyes at the amusing sight of two child looking Elementals perched on the Light Gods laps, "While I imagined Clark-sama, to be a man of many idiosyncrasies. Children management is not one I would have pegged you for."

"Took the words out of my mouth Shuna," Hakurou said with a laugh.

"Oh buzz off," Clark turned his head away, futilely hiding his flushed face. "It's just that they remind me of some little buggers back home."

"Hmm~ is that so?" Rimuru hummed amused, at Clark's flinching. "Brothers, perhaps…" Throwing a faux gasp, he whispered conspiratorially. "Or is it your kids?" The slime knew it was none of the above, because something as monumental as having kids would have been apparent in the comics, but seeing Clark's unique disposition made him want to tease.

A tap turned Clark to the Space Elemental who looked up at him, "If you want, we can be your kids."

The Time Elemental joined in raising his hands, "Count me in too, dad."

Clark blinked dropping his head in exasperation, "Apart from the fact that I can't be your father, I'm a little too young for that. The little buggers back home are not my kids."

The last part he added to Rimuru who shrugged in return. "Just saying."

He turned to the next Elemental, who looked like a those tiny fairies he saw outside, only that this was glowing gold. Unlike the others who made their introductions as soon as they met eyes. The golden Elemental just stared at him vacantly.

After some seconds passed the kryptonian waved a hand, "Umm… hello?" He greeted questionably unable to comprehend what was going on.

A rumbling cough came from the Fire Elemental as he said in a respectful tone, "Light Elemental-sama, the King is calling for you."

With a jerk, the Light Elemental spasm as he moved his head sideways, "Huh-Huh…? What's the matter guys?"

The Wind Elemental from where she sat repeated what the Fire Elemental just said, "Light Elemental-sama, something appears to be on your mind."

Rubbing his head, the Light Elemental replied sheepishly, "Yeah, sorry about that," Turning to the kryptonian, he said, "I am the no named Sole Light Elemental, and Proxy-Leader of the Elementals, my Lord... Permit me to ask this question. But do I know you?" Seeing the King discombobulated, he elucidated.

"You look so familiar, that I can't help but think that we've seen each other before."

Clark shook his head, "Sorry, but I don't believe we have met?" He threw a confused look to the others for an explanation.

The Earth Elemental seeing that explained, "My lord. Light Elemental-sama, and the former Elemental Queen, are older than all the Elementals to exist in this world, so he might be talking about seeing you from before the End of the First World Order."

End of the First World Order?' Clark and Rimuru parroted mentally, both mentally slotting the term to search for what that meant later.

"But Light Elemental-sama, for you to recognize him. Does that meant that you and Ramiris-sama have met an incarnation of the King before?" The Water Elemental asked.

The Light Elemental shook his head tentatively, "Well… I'm not sure, it could be a mistake. I'll ask Ramiris, when I get back to the maze."

"Ramiris?" Clark asked aloud, confused about who that was. A tug drawn his attention to the Time Elemental who answered his question.

"Ramiris is… was, the ruler of the Elementals, she was our former Queen."

Nodding his head, Clark said, "And now she's not." Seeing the forlorn look the little kid had, the kryptonian carefully asked, "So this Ramiris, what's happened to her, is she… well." He trailed off uncomfortable to ask.

"Dead?" The Wind Elemental completed with a lazy smile, "Well, no, she's not. It's just that she lost the capability to rule us as the Monarch of the Elementals, her Ultimate Skill to be exact."

"Should you really be saying that here?" The Water Elemental said this time uncomfortably, "It's not really an open matter, you know?"

But the Greater Elemental of the Wind just shrugged, "Hoh~ but the fact that our Lord allowed them to be here shows the amount of faith, he has for them, no?"

The Water Elemental acquiesced letting out a breath, "Yeah, you're right?"

Unseen by all except the waiting dryad and a Demon Seed slime, the kijins mostly looked uncomfortable as the Wind and Water Elementals discussed. Thankfully the kryptonian said nothing apart from shooting them looks before shaking his head.

I really need to address this before it escalates out of hands.' Rimuru thought decidedly.

Finally the jade haired woman who initiated the bow, introduced herself. "I am Treyni, leader of the dryad tribe and manager of the Great Jura Forest. It is truly an honor to meet you." She curtsied.

As Clark nodded, he couldn't help but let out a mental sigh of relief. This particular introductory phase was almost the revision of yesterday's own. Unbeknown to him Rimuru thought the same thing as well.

'Great Sage, these Greater Elementals, are they the same as Ifrit?' The slime asked.

[Yes, they both belong to the Upper-tier Elementals.] The Unique Skill replied.

The slime rubbed his chin digesting the information, even though he thought that to be the case, it was still kind of a let-down. All things considered, they were leaders of their respective Elements so Rimuru presumed that they would at least possess some form of… exceptionality.

Reading the mind of her Master, the Unique Skill continued, [But in terms of their magic capacity, they are at least ten times stronger than Ifrit.]

'Ten!' Rimuru's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Activating his Extra Skill Magic Sense, it was then he understood.

Their magical aura was so thick that it was practically wrapping the air around them. It was the way it stuck to their skin that made Rimuru to understand why he couldn't perceive their strength.

"Of course, Magic Manipulation." He muttered. Unlike his Extra Skill, Molecular Manipulation and Magic Jamming. Magic Manipulation could be considered one of the strongest Extra Skills for its intricate manipulations of air borne Magicules and resistance to elemental spells.

And that's how they were able to hide their monstrous auras. If I didn't have the Magic Sense Extra Skill, I would have just assumed them to be of Ifrit level. How shrewd of them.'

Looking at them in a now different light. The slime was once again reminded to never judge things based on appearance, after all he too was considered an anomaly in this world.

Who have ever heard of a Special A-rank slime before?'

Meanwhile as the kryptonian caressed the hairs of the twin Elementals who leaned closer for more. Clark began the objective for the meeting, "Now that we have finally gotten introductions out of the way, there are some questions I would like to ask. What is an Elemental King, and why do you believe that I am one?"

Fluttering forward the Light Elemental puffed his… well, non-existing chest, explaining.

"An Elemental King is someone who is in charge of the whole Elementals, but that's just a layman description. Elementals are concepts given form, think of them as the fundamental aspects are of our reality itself gaining a modicum of consciousness by absorbing magicules. From basic elements like Fire, Earth, Water, Wind and its subsections, to conceptual elements like Time and Space. Back in the old days, when Ramiris was still Queen of the Elementals, there was the Principle born from Faith, I the Elemental of Light and was always accompanied by an Elemental of Darkness, but that's not what you want to learn now."

He shook a finger and continued. "An Elemental King or to be specific, The Lord of Nature is an Ultimate Skill, unlike most others that originates from the soul, it is given when one exhibits a more than 1000 percent compatibility with all life in general. And is so deemed by the World itself to be the machinist of all that comes with," Spreading his hands. "That is us Elementals."

Clark mulled at the explanation he was given for some seconds. The explanation was eerie synonymous to The Green back in DC, only in there it was that, one selected by The Green was to be its Avatar, but for this world, it was called the King of the Elementals.

'So Villa, what do you think of what the Light Elemental just said? Was the Skill he is talking about similar to the one I have.'

{….. I believe so Clark, but there is only one dissimilarity.} Villa replied.


{The Ultimate Skill, THE GREEN THE LORD OF NATURE. Is not a standalone Skill. While it might appear so what you are currently utilizing is one of the cosmic fundamental forces of the DC multiverse, as there are other colors as well.}

'Other colors?' Clark raised an eyebrow, while the other followed suit in quick succession. 'Other colors, wait are you talking about, The Red, Grey, Blue, Black, White and the others?'

The kryptonian could feel his A.I nod, {Yes Clark, while it could be attributed to lack of information, the fact that the other colors weren't mentioned in anyway only shows that there is only dominant color in this world.}

'Apparently The Green, huh.' Clark finished, well that proves it. As he looked absently at the still explaining Elemental, he wondered if that was the case, or they find his present company unfit to share it with. Well he'll just wait and see what happens. But at least he has an idea on what was going, now the question remains this.

"So, Light Elemental," Seeing that he got the elemental's attention, Clark continued. "I think I have an idea on what all this talk about being the King of Elemental entails as I now have the Ultimate Skill. So now I have to have ask, now that I have become an Elemental King, what does it mean for me?"

The Light Elemental face blanked for a while before as crafty smile not befitting of its presented stature took its place, answering with only one word.



By now the festivity had approached an end back at the main square. While sadly the Elementals were sad about not being able to see their lord once more, they took it in stride. Their lord wasn't going anywhere, and while they would have to go back to the maze tomorrow. That does not means that it would be the last time they would meet their lord.

Thankfully accommodations were given to the more wacked Elementals to rest their heads allocated by Rigurd.

Back at Rimuru's house, their new assortments of guests had retired for the night, with the kryptonian leaving with a thoughtful face, but not without given a hug to Elemental twins.

It was after a while did Rimuru decided to go look for Clark. "Shion, you're done for the day," He turned to the others, "Same for you guys go get some rest. I'm sure that today took enough out of all you all."

"What of you, Rimuru-sama. Aren't you going to rest as well?" Shion asked in concern.

The slime nodded, "Yeah, I'll soon retire as well. But not before I go do a little something." He eyed at one particular location from where an overwhelming presence was coming from.

Shion looked at the same place her lord was watching, before she narrowed her eyes, "Rimuru-sama, by any chance are you looking to go see the Light God?" Seeing her lord flinch made her sigh. "Rimuru-sama, I implore you to please don't."

Rimuru folded his arms furrowing his brows, "But why shouldn't I?"

"Why?" Shion looked in disbelief, turning to the others so that they could talk sense to their lord, only to see them looking away uncomfortably. Letting out a growl than shook the men, the berserker said to her lord.

"Because he's dangerous. We both saw what happened today, what has happened since he had come into our town. In just two days, I can say, that… being has endangered our lives, in so many ways that I fear what might happen next." Looking at the others, and her lord who just stayed quiet, Shion continued.

"Shouldn't it be better that we just send him away. Rimuru-sama, we have done enough. Played the role of accommodators sublimely… we have done enough." For the first time she looked vulnerable, her eyes looked hunted as she begged. "Please… Rimuru-sama, don't go to him."

The happenings of the day had frightened her so much that she dared to admit. It was only because she didn't want to appear antagonistic to the krypttonian because the dignity for her lord and for the fact that she was whole-fully afraid of the Light God.

"Shion…" Shuna said solemnly, placing a hand on her shoulder supportively.

"Shion," Rimuru called to her as she look at the slime with dull eyes. "I think understand what you're on about." As Shion brightened up, he quickly raised a hand, "But I just want to say one thing, before you see Clark with such eyes, I want you to look at yourself first."

"Rimuru-sama, what does that mean?" The purple haired monster asked befuddled.

"Who knows?" The Demon Seed shrugged. "Think of it as an assignment. Not only Shion, all of you. Take a retrospective look at your lives, and see if you can understand what I'm talking about. I'll be waiting for your answer tomorrow."

Before they could ask for more clarification, Rimuru was gone with a blast of wind and dust becoming a dot in the sky.

"Well, does anyone have an idea what Rimuru-sama meant by his words?" Shuna asked after a spell.

Hakurou shook his head equally confused, "I am ashamed to say. Even with all my life experiences I do not have an inkling of what Rimuru-sama just said."

Benimaru pursed his lips, "I'm not too sure myself. But Rimuru-sama has already given us a hint. It is only left to us to find the answer ourselves." But in his heart, he had an idea what his lord meant, but his guilt refused to ponder on it. Who knows maybe Rimuru-sama implied something else entirely different.

So the kijins all left, their hearts heavy for they knew when they arrived at the answer to their lord's question… then, they will have no other choice than to see themselves as sinners.

Shion looked up to the moon, its luminesce retelling her of that day she lost everything. Closing her eyes she muttered, "I am not wrong… I am not wrong." But if that was meant as an answer or an assurance, only she herself knew. Letting out a sigh, the kijin opened her eyes leaving to join the others.

A few minutes later the soil beside the gate splintered open, a green plant bloomed out from it growing into the dryad who the leader of her species. Looking behind from where kijins left, Treyni hummed to herself, "So that's how it is, huh." She had a suspicion at the kijins lack of interaction at meeting earlier, she had attributed it to an act of courtesy, but to think it was this…

Her face impassive to hide her temper, Treyni knew that in a way they were lucky that Rimuru-sama was the one who had talked to them. -As she knew her words would have been more acerbic than usual- but that only proved to the dryad the wisdom of the ruler of the budding monster empire. Smiling to herself, Treyni decided not to interfere.

"His assignment has done the job anyway." She muttered and sank back to the earth.


On top of the roof on one of a story building just at the town's perimeter, Clark rested. His back reclined back on the still immaculate wooden roofing, and one of his leg hung over the other comfortably as he gazed up to the skies with an indecipherable expression.

It was the right call to not tell them about my super senses.' Clark thought to himself. While it was true that he wanted to test his powers it wasn't like he was going to experiment on all of them, as today's spat had showed him what it meant to reveal ones cards.

Closing his eyes, Clark could feel his body soaking the energy from the celestial bodies. Ostensibly most people including himself, assume that Superman absorbs stellar energy full at full power only in the day, but that is wrong. Sighing contentedly, Clark marvels as ethereal strings from dotted sky, slithered into his flesh, invigorating his cells, and strengthening all that he is inch by inch.

Raising his right hand futilely to grasp the night sky, Clark smiled speculating that by the end of this month his strength would have increased substantially. It was then his smile slipped off.

For while he became even stronger, he felt like he is becoming estranged from his human self. Letting down a ragged breath he limply dropped his hands.

He wouldn't stop getting stronger, but he was afraid of what he would become later on. Not because of this people who fears him, but for what he would see when he looks into the mirror in the future.

Thinking of Gobiora, the krytonian wondered how she was doing, probably not good like the rest of the others and definitely not ready to see him. Lacing both hands to support his head, Clark looked up to the sky.

"Well I'll just leave things for tomorrow me?"

As Clark closed his eyes to get shut eye, he was reminded of one of the ills of the lush tropical.


They weren't near him, but even from afar their unwanted stringent ballad prevailed even against the snores from some of the asleep denizens and their whines slapped against his eardrums with such force, he pondered on their complete species extermination when he grows strong enough to do so.

'There'll be true peace and quiet.' He thought as the irritating flying blood suckers increased their tempo.

Clinking his tongue in irritation, he activated his Endless psionic, Sub-effect, manifesting a sound-proof barrier.

The sounds died down including that of those in the town, letting the kryptonian to make a cathartic sigh. He really needs to be doing this much often. Giving his body one last squirm, Clark made to shut his eyes, but that was when he heard knocking on his barrier.

Widening an eyes, he saw a dainty blue hair that was obscured under the bright moon. Pulling himself up, Clark folded his legs and regarded the rather beautiful girl before him, "So, what do you want, Rimuru."

The girl smiled and made to sit down close to him, staring with bright yellow eyes, "Hey Clark," Her eyes flattened in a lethargic look, that gave her a mysterious glow. "Let's have a little chat."

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