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69.23% The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero / Chapter 9: The Power of an Old God

Chapter 9: The Power of an Old God

"I got to admit that really was cool," Rimuru said in amazement, but then halted as he saw the brooding look on the kryptonian, "Clark, anything the problem?"

Rimuru's inquiry sparked Clark out of his musing as he turned to her while feigning a smile, "No-No, it's nothing, while should there be. What were you saying again?" As he waited for a reply, while removing the barrier he placed on Souka much to her thanks.

Clark's pretense wasn't lost on the slime who wondered what had happened, shifting slightly he caught his subordinates now sending cautious looks to the kryptonian, before he hummed in realization, So that's it huh… damn I never expected that this might happen.' The reaction to a feat such as this would be fear, it's a textbook answer. And no matter how Clark apologizes there will always be a certain fear over his actions. It was an action that cannot be distinguished between monsters and humans.

Rimuru knew that all too well because he comprised of both. It wasn't something that could be done in just one day, but still Rimuru hoped that with time something like an amiable relationship would be cultivated. But that relied on the fact if Clark was patient enough to deal with the hazing or prematurely snaps.

He had actually pondered about sending Clark away to the neighboring human kingdoms, but he stopped for two reasons.

One before anything else the slime has to at least plant in the kryptonian mind that Jura Tempest Federation was a peaceful place, who knows what insidious propaganda that some human purist would sow in the Light God's head and sway him against Rimuru's people. I don't want to fight against a meteorite calling kryptonian, thank you very much.'

Secondly if possible, the slime wanted to make him an ally, so that in case any of those Demon Lords come knocking Clark here would thrash their asses while he stays at the side cheering with a popcorn and an impish beam.

'Maybe he would help me trounce that Leon Cromwell guy too.'

Suddenly pausing the slime mused, speaking of popcorn, I wonder if it's even here in this world.' And if it isn't then Shuna and Gobui'chi has one more project to work on.

To Clark, the Demon Seed slime said, "I was talking about your Heat Vision, how does it even feel using it?"

Tucking both hands into his pockets, as one of his hands brushed against the cool space rock. Clark mulled for a bit and answered, "Cathartic… yeah that's it, it like I'm free from my emotions."

What emotions I wonder.' Rimuru drolly thought, a quick glance to the others had the grace to look uneasy, before sighing, "So Clark are you done for the day?"

Clark shaking his head caused the others to blanch.

"Why do you still want to test anymore, haven't you done enough for one day?" Shion asked.

"I agree with Shion, Light God, the safety of Rimuru-sama had been jeopardized, and has had a close one, too far for comfort." Ranga added.

Souka opened her mouth before shutting it, while she also wanted to add her own, she felt both Ranga-sama and Shion-sama had said enough. Her legs were still jittery even though she had hit it twice to stimulate blood flow, there was just too much excitement for one day. At least tomorrow, let it be tomorrow, for now she needs to calm her tiding heart. But when she looked at the Light God, she had an observation. Is it just me or does his eyes seem… duller?'

Clark closed his eyes mentally counting to five before opening them, "Well you both can leave, I'm not stopping you, am I?" While he still had not finish trying out the last three abilities of his kryptonian Ultimate Skill, he wanted to check out his Old God one.


Villa had specifically told him to use this Skill with utmost cautiousness, so he wanted to see what it even was.

And why should he listen to the ones who were clearly antagonistic even though he extended the olive branch. Clark may not be a bad person, but he was definitely not a saint.

"Look if you guys don't want to stay fine, I'm not holding you, in fact this next Skill I want to try is dangerous so take your leader and go back to the town. Don't worry this time, I'll be careful." Before the others to say a word, he was already up in the air moving deeper into the mountain ranges.

While in the air Clark was contacted by his HUD A.I.

{Clark.} Villa slowly said, {Are you alright?}

"Yeah, I'm fine?" Clark tersely replied before slowing down in the air, "Sorry about my tone Villa, but yeah I'm fine."

{You obviously are not Clark; in case you don't know you're scowling right now.} Instantly Clark moved his hands to trace the furrows in his expression, he definitely was not alright.

Sighing Villa continued, {Even with all my intelligence, I won't say I can empathize with what you are going through. But please remember, when you want to talk, I am always here.}

It soothed Clark's heart to hear that shaking off his form he threw out a witty remark. "Yeah, that's right where else will you be if not for inside my head."

Villa gave a melodious laugh as she rolled her eyes, {Ha-ha very funny,} She commented drolly, before continuing with a serious tone, {But do you really want to continue this, Clark? Rest for the day, this particular Ultimate Skill shouldn't be performed with such state of mind.}

Clark already spotting a clearing floated down to land on it, "Nope I can't, I have already decided to not try the last two in my kryptonian Ultimate Skill, my lantern Ultimate Skill is still as fuzzy as hell to activate and now my new god Ultimate Skill, I should at least give it a try before calling it a day."

{Alright but please be careful, only the smallest quantity.}

"Yeah, I know that, but still, I have you with me, right?" He grinned. Hearing Villa playful scoff made him laugh. Yeah, even though he might be in a different world, at least he still has her. As he positioned himself, he halfheartedly contemplated leaving the Jura Tempest Federation to any of the nearby human kingdoms. Oh, the people back at town might be good and all, but still, as seen from Shion, Souei and Ranga, they might not be of one mind.

From what Villa enlightened him on, Clark knew he stood among the top of the food chain in this world, so at the very least his safety was guaranteed. Briefly he began to fantasize about going on great adventures fighting dragons and demons, saving kingdoms, helping the unfortunate and the helpless, receiving titles and straight up refusing them while being what he always dreamt to be. And then when he gains enough power, force his way straight back to his world. His parents and Laurie would get well with Villa he was sure about that.

Shaking his head, he took a deep breath about to begin. "Ultimate Skill, OlGRUN THE GO-…!" Clark was cut off by the sound of landing within his vicinity, dust rose off from the ground obscuring his view but still that meant nothing to Clark, sighing he asked, "So what are you do here, Rimuru?"

The humanoid slime sauntered beaming, "Yo, Clark what's the big idea leaving me behind again? Or are you the kind of person who gets a kick out of it."

Refusing to lift his lips up, Clark didn't reply as he noted his subordinates weren't with him, "So where are the others?" He asked seeing that there was no clingy kijin or wolf.

"I sent them back town, Ranga is well," Rimuru look at his shadow, "Back where he is supposed to be."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Clark said in exasperation, "You do know that you've just amped the animosity those two have on me, right?"

"Eh I'm sure an able kryptonian can bulldoze through it," Rimuru shrugged before arriving at Clark's proximity, "So you still want to try out another one and you said it's dangerous huh? Is it another effect of your Ultimate Skill?"

"Yeah, something like that. Seriously Rimuru, I don't know the outcome of using this and I don't want to put you in danger, if anything happens to you, your people will have my hide."

Sweatdropping Rimuru replied, "Oh come on, it wouldn't come to that." At Clark's dry look, Rimuru shook before exhaling conceding, "Yeah maybe you're right, but still it's no problem, after all I got Superman to rescue me, eh?"

Clark laughed while shaking his head wryly, "Well don't say I didn't warn you." Moving some distance away, he looked at the sky-blue girl with golden eyes. I swear this girl is just like Laurie, always the curious one.' Giving out a weak chuckle, he closed his eyes and said mentally once more.


When he opened his eyes, he found himself at a new location.

Immediately wincing Clark clenched his teeth at the stifling heat. Looking up he saw nothing but a dark vacuum that held nothingness, but before him was a sea of liquid fire. Another wave of heat blasted against him, as Clark lifted his hand to defend himself only to discover he was in his birthday suit.

"What the hell?" Luckily it was his kryptonian body, Clark deduced as he saw the pecs and six abs and the taunt muscle that sculpted his chassis. He wondered if it was positive to even feel jealous that it was his body. But damn was he fine!

Another hot air blasted against him, with such a force he wanted to disengage from using the Ultimate Skill, but he held on. Unsurprisingly there was no sweat from his body, but Clark had already presumed that this was all spiritual stuff, so he decided to observe the surroundings. If there was anything to observe.

The flames most notably were orange in color, strange for flames but still wasn't that surprising given the eeriness of the situation. Honestly, he was surprised he wasn't jumping around in fear, but well maybe it would after he leaves. Looking at the sea, he tried to pierce through to see what laid beneath as he spotted some strange shadows swimming languidly, but he couldn't.

"What the hell?" He muttered slowly. The only thing his vision couldn't see was through lead –however convenient as it sounded- But unless this was molten lead, -which he was a hundred percent wasn't- then why couldn't he see through it. Unless it was…

"Magic… Divine Magic." He said with lips curled down, well that would explain it. Villa said that unlike the comic book Superman he didn't have most of his weakness and he was no weaker to magic –thank God for that- but still any magic on a higher dimension than his would be difficult to discern, and as such would display norm vulnerabilities on his person.

Just great.'

He wasn't in a hurry anyway. Looking forward he tried to spot to see what laid at the edges of this flaming ocean, but his vision dragging out for minutes on end he still couldn't find the boundaries.

Arriving at the near the edges, mindful not to let flames touch him, he commented unsatisfied, "Is this damn sea actually infinite in size?"

"Is that how you comprehend the Omega Effect, scion of Rao? How disappointing." From beside Clark a voice suddenly boomed.

With a yelp Clark flinched, eyes on fire as he scouted to the side in a blur as he looked at his side to see the largest man he had ever seen in his life. The man if you call him that was nine feet tall dressed in a time-tested silver armor and green cape hooked unto it, on his head was a twin horned helmet that partitioned in a T shape showing cold dark eyes and on his hand was a demonic looking staff.

For the first time since Clark arrived in this world, he felt fear, an unsettling chill that rattled his bones, this being beside him he knew could snap him like a twig and he wouldn't be able to put up any resistance. Gulping Clark tried not to appear troubled by this being before him, Clark asked calmly, "And… who, are you?"

The being appeared amused as he nodded, " Yes fear veneered with an adaptable wariness, there is still hope for you yet. But for you to ask who I am. It seems like the new order has forgotten about the one who laid waste to the cosmos, one of the strongest and terrible of the Old Gods, the Lord of all that is Evil." Looking directly at Clark he said, " Child you ask who I am. Look at this sea. The overpowering might of the Omega Force, a gift to my progenies Uxas and Izaya, " He spat as he called their names, " I am the true ruler of Apokolips, Yuga Khan."

A bone freezing chill passed through Clark's spine, and his back was drench in cold sweat. If he was afraid before, now he was terrified. Yuga Khan, as in the father of Darkseid and Highfather?

What is he doing here?!' Clark screeched in his mind. This one is like the granddaddy of evil. Shivering he was just about to disengage his Skill before pausing, this was his Skill the fact that someone like Yuga Khan was even talking to him is strange in the first place, if going by what Clark read, he should have been molecules by now.

So that means he can't do anything to me then…' While that provided a modicum of assurance, he still moves back some more, preparing to turn off the Skill at any sign of confrontation. He was strong but not enough to deal with this guy.

"So you're him. The Yuga Khan, huh…" The giant gave no answer, but Clark needed none, looking at the sea with new eyes, he said in wonder, "So this is the Omega Effect…" With trepidation he now realized why Villa said he should be careful when utilizing the Skill. "But my Ultimate Skill said Olgrun, why am I receiving the Omega Effect?" He asked the giant.

The Lord of all Evil said as he returned his gaze to the sea, " It is an essence of the God of Madness, it was from the dredges of his might that the Omega Effect was created. So Scion of Rao, you have come, as was the New Gods before you to baptize in its glory."

Shaking his head Clark replied, "Uh, no-no-no. Now that I know what it is, I am too weary of it. Baptize? No sir, I'm not ready to become the next Darkseid. Just a sip, I am here for a small quantity of the Omega Effect."

"Ho, what a conundrum. I sense great fear in you when talking about the Omega Effect, however still, you want to sample with this raging force. I don't know if to call you brave or foolhardy." Yuga Khan said with a grating laugh that was just plain evil.

Clenched fist Clark turned while looking straight in the eyes of one of the scariest beings in existence, "No this is just me being prudent. I know that the Omega Effect can be used for destruction, but I also know the Omega Effect can also be used to create many things, and cause miracles to happen. While I fear this energy, I want to face what I am dealing with head on rather than look for it when I truly need it without knowing what I am dealing with."

"It is the meta-knowledge that gives you such confidence, no? " Before Clark could ask how he knew about his comic knowledge, he shook his head and moved back giving him breadth, " I will not stop you, not can I, not when I am less than an echo confined until you master the Omega Effect. So go and experience the wonders of this turbulent energy, see if you can appreciate its nature. "

Occasionally throwing back looks at the Old God who had become a still statue once again Clark stop at the edge of the sea, the fluid flames washed nearer to his legs as he looked at its entirety. The shadows that he saw before congregated some miles away dancing around themselves in a bizarre way. Clark knew that if he leaves this place without doing this it would be impossible for him to return, why he did not know, but he just knew it.

Breathing in the stifling air, Clark beckoned the flames to come into him, and slowly after an unknown spell, a cord of flame arose from the flaming sea flowing before him, and gathered into a ball of fire, satisfied he called the fire into him.

"The Omega Effect is one of the most difficult energy to master, scion of Rao." Yuga Khan suddenly said prompting Clark to turn to look at him as the fire began to enter his chest. Clearly amused the Old God raised a finger and pointed it at him, " It isn't because of the energy it possessed nor was it the echoes that torments. No, it is the Madness of Olgrun, which sears into your soul, his unyielding will that clashes for control as you lose all control of your actions becoming the incarnation of his hate."

Suddenly Clark clenched his chest in agony, suddenly it was becoming difficult to breath, his vision turned hazy, and his body felt unnaturally hot. What is happening?

"Can you feel it scion of Rao? His will, his anger, his hate!" Yuga Khan raised his hands in reverence.

Oh Clark could feel it alright. It was there in his head after all, banging and turning his brain to mush. He didn't even have the strength to scream in pain. But unlike what the sicko god was saying, it wasn't the madness that affecting him. It was the power.

Yuga Khan calmed as he returned back to his position in disappointment, " Luckily for you scion of Rao, your lack of greed was what saved you," But then he smiled, "But while you may have saved yourself from domination. The power you have taken what would be of it I wonder…"

As darkness consumed Clark's vision signifying his return back to the material world, he groaned out in defiance, "F-Fuck you, you hear me, fuck you…" He groaned in bone infusing pain.

But all that answered was raucous laughter.


On the outside world, Clark began to perspire streams of sweat as he went down on his knees palms pressing the sides of his face. Rimuru concerned went to meet him but suddenly halted as he found out he couldn't move.

'Great Sage what is going on why am I not suddenly moving? Is it another sub-effect.' Rimuru asked in panic.

[No Master] The Unique Skill replied, pausing for some seconds before continuing, [… It's fear.]

Huh…' Rimuru was about to ask for more clarification when he looked down to see his hands unexpectedly shivering. He tried to focus on it, willing it to stop and move, when he found his other hand in the same state. Slowly looking down he realized why he wasn't able to move, his legs was obviously shaking but for whatever reason refused to move an inch from that spot.

Ah… so this is fear.' He thought suddenly losing the ability to speak. No it wasn't that, it was his mouth that refused to move. He tried willing his body back to its monster state but that was impossible as well. Looking back front he realized what frightened him so. From Clark's body a strange orange aura began to emanate shrouding the kryptonian body. It felt terrible, frightful, vengeful… it felt like, it was going to devour everything that comprised of him, body and soul. Soundlessly he screamed at Clark to stop it but he felt like he was screaming in a box. A small dark box, it was only him alone. Rimuru could vaguely hear Great Sage telling him to run away, but his body refused to do so.

With an ear shattering blast the energy shroud tore through the earth without resistance and then the kryptonian finally looked at him. But Rimuru only saw red eyes filled with hate. The kryptonian lifted a hand of yellow flames and Rimuru suddenly found himself inside a barrier, like a tiding flood all emotions and biological functions returned to him.

"I am so sorry." Clark's voice said quietly in-between pain and muffles of rage. But before Rimuru could say anything, the barrier lifted off the ground and shot away.

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