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92.13% Script Writing System In Modern Family / Chapter 82: Chapter 76: Fizbo (Part 7) (6k chapter)

Chapter 82: Chapter 76: Fizbo (Part 7) (6k chapter)

-At the Rock-climbing wall-

Luke, who had jumped down, finally arrived on the ground safely. Upon seeing Luke, Fizbo went, "Oh! My, who do we have here? You must be the birthday boy." Fizbo bowed curtesy at him.

Phil stood behind Fizbo, breathing heavily and barely managing to stand with the support of the nearby tall bushes. He grabbed the soft part of the bush and almost fell down.

"Wow! Is that really you, Uncle Cam?" Luke asked excitedly as he saw the fat clown.

Three other kids nearby saw a clown appear and soon stampeded toward him and surrounded Fizbo.

Fizbo smiled and replied to Luke, committed to his persona, "Oh, I'm Fizbo, the clown! I don't know who this Uncle Cam is, but he sounds handsome, doesn't he? hahaha"

"Hey, who likes balloon animals?" Fizbo started to entertain the crowd of kids gathering nearby him.

Mitchel can also be seen in the background, standing next to Fizbo and smiling, while Phil tries to keep his distance from Fizbo by leaning against a nearby tall bush.

The kids start shouting, "I do, I do, I do."

Fizbo then yelled, "Oooh." He ran away funnily while the kids followed and left with him. (E/N: sus)

Phil and Mitchell were left alone, and Phil was mumbling to himself, "It's just Cam. It's just Cam."

Mitchel, hearing this looked at the stressed-out and panicky Phil and asked, "You alright?"

Phil looks at Mitchell, then looks back in the direction Fizbo went trying to act normal, and replies, "What? Yeah. I just have some kind of a… complicated relationship with clowns."

Mitchell nodded in agreement before Phil left, "Oh well, welcome to the club."

-Living room-

Manny saw Bianca standing in the right corner alone, staring off into the distance. He approached her for the second time today.

"Look… I came on strong with that whole funny guy bit. This is me just being myself."

Bianca didn't even look at him, continued to stare straight, and whispered, "Okay. Hey, do you know who that boy is over there?"

Manny turned to where Bianca pointing and replied, "Oh, that's Ryan. He's Alex's boyfriend."

Bianca continued, "He is so tall, cute, and handsome. Ah, I wish he were mine."

Disappointed, Manny said, "I'm still growing. Gimme a break." before leaving Bianca alone and walking off.

Bianca didn't care and stared at Alex and Ryan, smitten.

Fizbo suddenly entered and saw Bianca alone. He walked toward her and tapped on her shoulder to gain her attention.

"Pardon me, miss, but this little doggy needs a new home." The clown handed her a pink balloon dog.

Bianca takes the balloon dog while beaming up in excitement. "Thank you!"

Meanwhile, Phil kept staring at Fizbo while he entered the kitchen to grab a sizeable purple bowl filled with chips.

Walking inside the house, Jay noticed Cam dressed as a clown and decided to approach him. He smiled slightly and said, "That's quite an impressive get-up you got there."

Fizbo bowed with both hands open, holding a rubber toy, then stood up quickly and placed his right hand on Jay's shoulder. "Thank you very much, Jay. Oh, and you've got something on your shoulder."

Fizbo then places a red rubber word toy called {something} on Jay's shoulder. Jay looked over. Fizbo removed his toy from Jay's shoulder and smiled while showing Jay the toy.

Jay couldn't help but laugh and declared, "Hahaha. That's great."

Fizbo then switched the toy and placed the yellow {Nothing} toy on Jay's shoulder, saying, "Never mind; it was nothing."

Jay, however, didn't like the joke this time and said, "We're done here." before walking away from Fizbo.

Fizbo then alone starts removing different colored paper from his mouth.

Phil is shown stumbling into someone while walking backward at the same time. Still, he said nothing, kept his gaze fixed on Fizbo, and continued to walk backward as if scared to turn his back to a crazy killer clown who might attack him at any time.

Ryan noticed this, "Hey, what's your dad doing there walking backward?"

Alex looked over, felt embarrassed, and replied, "I don't know."

"Should we go check up on him?"

Alex thought for a while, " I am sure he will be fine."

Ryan teased, "Fine, we will do as you say, dear," with a can't-be-bothered hand gesture.

Alex blushed for a brief moment upon being referred to as dear as she was Ryan's wife, but she soon calmed down and said, "Besides, we have more important issues to handle right now,"

Alex then looked at Dylan, who was wearing a giant yellow snake on his shoulder.

Being talked about behind his back and still clueless, Dylan asks Tanya, "So… do you keep these in, like, a zoo or something?"

Tanya replied, touching the snake, "No, I just keep them at my place."

Dylan said excitedly, "Oh, that's awesome. I only ever had a cat."

Tanya replied, hinting at something, "Well, I used to have a cat... If you want, you can come to see them sometimes."

Dylan, completely clueless, replied, "Oh, I would love to."

Alex went to Haley and said, "Are you even hearing what they are saying? Visiting my house… eww."

Ryan retorted, "Well, you don't get to say that I am practically always visiting your house now, aren't I."

Alex replied while having a light red blush, "Well yeah… but they are talking about… you know that."

Ryan then grabbed Alex's hand and whispered, "Did you really think I didn't get it?"

Alex's light blush instantly depended, and she said, "Urgh, boys." Before making, Ryan let go of her hand and ran away again in embarrassment. Sexual innuendoes were still challenging for the uptight girl.

Ryan sighed and talked to Haley, "You know, this is the second time she has run away like this. At this rate, she will become an Olympic runner before the end of the year."

Haley, already angry at Dylan, gets even more jealous of Alex and leaves and walks toward the cages to release the black scorpion.

Ryan sees that his joke might have pushed Haley over the edge and quickly goes to stop her. He grabbed her wrist before she arrived at the scorpion cage.

"Okay. I will have to stop you if you're picking this one."

"Ryan. Let go."

"No. Think this, though, Haley, in the luckiest of circumstances, the scorpion would roam your house before it was captured. But what if it wasn't?"

"What?" Haley realized that she hadn't thought the matter through.

"What if the scorpion wasn't caught and snuck into your blanket while you were sleeping tonight? Or Alex? Or your parents?"

"What about Luke?"

"I don't think any animal would like to climb on Luke's bed, given the amount of trash there. Wait, or maybe that'll be their main thing? I don't know scorpions much." Ryan said.

He then continued, "Anyway, scorpions are a big no-no. Do you really want to be labeled Psycho for killing your family member just because your boyfriend is talking with someone else?"

"B-But. That Skank-"

"Is an adult. Do you really think she will have a feeling for a minor? She's just being polite. Maybe Dylan's interest in animals was like hers when she was younger. Also, I saw her sandals before she changed into her boots before this."

"Wait. Did… she wears a strappy sandal?"


"Ahh. So, she's a lesbian. That's cool." Haley beamed up after she misunderstood the whole situation. She forgot that her sister had that sandal too, and she wasn't a lesbian.

Ryan noticed that Haley had changed her mind and apologized inwardly to the jungle lady for the sudden label she's gotten.

Ryan inwardly assured himself, "That's still better than a scorpion getting loose at a kid's birthday party. Right?"

Haley noticed that Ryan was still holding her wrist. "How long are you still going to touch me for?"

"Ahh, sorry."

Ryan released her from her grip immediately. Haley looked at Ryan, smiled, and mocked, "You're afraid of scorpions, aren't you?"

"Am not."

"You. are. This is soo funny! I'm totally going to tell everyone about this."

She then walked to Dylan to join the conversation he was having with the jungle lady.

Ryan then started walking back to his seat, but before sitting down, a thought came to his mind.

'Now that the scorpion is resolved, will someone still end up in the hospital? No, right, but then again, knowing the show's writer, who knows?'

'Either way, it won't be Luke like in the original, so the only option left is Phil. I should go find him before something happens to him.'

He then heads out of the house alone to find Phil. Alex returned shortly after and saw only Dylan and Haley left over there. "Where did he go?" She muttered.

-Hospital (later)-

Claire came out of the emergency ward, and everyone got up.

Alex immediately asked, "Is he okay?"

Mitchell also asked, "Can we see him?"

Nathan asked, "So, has the doctor arrived?"

Claire said, "Yes, the doctor has arrived. He is checking up on him right now. These things happen, right? No matter how careful you are."

Nathan replies sarcastically, "Yeah, totally just an average Tuesday." before walking off into the distance.

Claire wanted to follow him but was stopped by Jay. "Let him be. Nothing you say now can ease his pain. Let him calm down first, then I will talk it out."

-Outside at Arts and Craft table (Present)-

Luke walked toward his mom and showed off his new gift, a black metallic crossbow. "Hey, look what grandpa gave me – a crossbow."

Claire immediately looked worried and goes, "Sweety, that does not look safe."

Luke smiled and replied before leaving, "Don't worry; he is gonna show me how to use it."

Claire then, in a low tone, goes, "That's… what… I'm afraid of." with a look of contemplating her life.

Mitchell was walking toward Claire but saw Luke carrying a crossbow and looked behind to confirm before sitting at the art and crafts table.

"Oh my god, you are not making comb sheaths." He said excitedly.

Claire answered, "I am, and I know it's really lame. Everybody hates it."

"No, it's just like what was her name, uh, Donna Rigby's party."

Excited that someone finally got her, Claire replied cheerfully, "Exactly! Yes, and they have the beads and everything."

Mitchell goes, "Ugh, amazing. This is awesome."

Claire looked behind her and saw Cam playing with the kids dressed up as a clown and went, "So… Cam's a clown."

Mitchell replied in a normal voice, "… Yeah."

Phil comes around from a corner, chasing after some kids with a NERF gun, and goes past the arts and craft table.

Seeing Phil, Claire goes, "And there is mine. Don't you think it's weird that we both chose people who are so-"

Mitchel interrupts and guesses, "-uninhibited?"

Claire replies, "I was gonna say embarrassing, but yeah. Look at them now. They're the life of the party."

Mitchell continues while he looks at Cam in the distance, "Uh, you know, I gotta say in all his craziness, I love my clown."

Claire replies, "Me too. They're good for us."

Claire then states an obvious fact, "You know I would have totally tanked this party."

Mitchel replied, "And I would've gotten my butt kicked at a gas station."

Claire, startled by Mitchel, asked, "Sorry, what?"

Mitchel explained, "Turns out, Fizbo is a real badass."

Claire exclaimed, "Oooh."

Ryan, who had just started searching for Phil, appeared from the left and, seeing Mitchel already sitting down, asked, "Have you seen Phil?"

Claire replied, "Yeah, he went that way, sweetie."

Ryan, who was about to thank her and take his leave, heard what Claire said and had to look around to confirm Claire had indeed been referring to him.

Astonished, Ryan asked, "Did you just call me sweetie."

Claire asked, " Yeah, there is nobody else there, Ryan, sweetie."

Ryan felt goosebumps and quickly took his leave before things got any weirder. 'Did she have eyes inside the house? How did she know?'

Ryan then headed in the left direction and soon found Phil standing alone with a water gun.

Phil saw Ryan walking toward him and said, "Oh, it's Ryan. Time to get blasted."

However, before Phil could shoot him, Ryan quickly covered the gun nozzle and said, "Phil, there is something important we need to talk about."

Phil replied, "Okay." then shouted to the kids nearby, "Guys, let's take a 5."

The kids playing said, "Awww," and proceeded to leave. One even made a face at Ryan for ruining their fun.

Phil scolded the boy and said, "There is no need for that."

The boy then left, and Phil asked Ryan, "So go on?"

Ryan said, "Well, Phil, I noticed something strange in your behavior today, especially when you are in front of Fizbo."

Phil avoided eye contact, looked at the leaving kids, and said, "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Ryan said, "Fine, I will be straight. You are afraid of clowns, aren't you."

Phil replied after hesitation in a low pitch and voice-cracked manner, "Uh...No."

Ryan proceeded to say, "I knew it. That hesitation proves I am right."

Phil looked at Ryan, trying to act confident, and replied, "Come on, Ryan, I have watched Ghostbusters 7 times. You really think I will be scared of Cam dressed as a... clown."

Ryan, however, was shocked that Phil referred to Ghostbusters and asked, "Wait, did you just say Ghostbusters?"

Phil replied, "Yeah, wait, don't tell me you haven't seen it. That's a classic."

Ryan felt betrayed by the system but needed more solid evidence, so he asked, "I think I have seen it, but can you describe it? Maybe I forgot."

Phil replied, "Come on, Ryan, nobody forgets Ghostbusters."

Ryan said, "Please."

Phil said, "Fine, so there is this kid named James. He wants to scare his father on Halloween, so he buys this white cloth from a sketchy store."

"He then puts on the cloth, which is very obvious, but the father plays along with James's act, being a good sport."

"However, at the end, when he pulls the cloth from James, he finds that there was no one under the cloth."

"Then you know the usual kid's dead body is found, demon vs. father fight as a climax. So.... ring any bells?"

Hearing this, Ryan was left speechless and lost.

Phil sees Luke next to Jay with a crossbow and goes, "Oh my god is that a crossbow?"

Luke sees his dad coming and goes, "Yes, it sure is. Grandpa Jay gave it to me as a present. He is even going to teach me how to use it."

Phil grabs the black metallic crossbow from Luke, starts inspecting it, and says, "He did, did he."

Jay responds, "Yeah, I did."

Ryan whispered to Luke, "What do you plan on using the crossbow for?"

"There is this kid Durkas who always broke into my locker. I will place-"

"Okay. That's enough." Ryan stopped Luke. "Don't kill people."

While waving about a dangerous crossbow and talking to Jay, Phil asked, "Does Claire know?"

Jay replied, "Of course she does. Now give that to me before someone gets hurt."

Phil didn't give the crossbow back and replied, "Calm down, Jay, nothing will happen. I used to have one of these back in my house."

Fizbo, who had gone inside to get some water after entertaining the kids, came out and saw Phil waving a crossbow around, so he decided to head there.

Fizbo, while walking to Phil, "Phil, why are you holding a crossbow."

Phil's hand started to become shaky, and Phil yelled out, "Cam, don't come here."

Ryan widened his eyes and held his palm at Phil, trying to calm him like Chris Pratt calming down a velociraptor.

"Calm down, Phil. REMEMBER. That is CAM."

Cam continued to walk forward in his comedically big shoes and asked, "What is happening here?"

A single neuron fired in Phil's mind, and Phil accidentally clicked the trigger due to his fear of clowns. Ryan, who predicted this, immediately yelled and tackled Cam out of the way of the arrow.

Ryan barely managed to push Cam down in time, but in the end, his right hand still got scraped by the arrow and was now bleeding.

The arrow didn't stop and flew toward the bouncy castle, penetrating it and letting the air out.

Jay standing next to Phil, grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him, "Are you insane!!! You could have killed someone!"

Jay then walked away from Phil, who fell to his knees and shook nervously. He asked Ryan, "Are you okay?"

Although bleeding, Ryan replied, "I am fine. You go save the kids." He sat on the ground next to Cam, lying like he was dead.

Jay then snapped back to reality and realized the gravity of the situation when he saw the jumping castle deflated like a balloon and heard the sounds of kids screaming in horror.

Claire saw the scene from afar. She ordered Mitchell, "Go grab a medical kit. I will take care of the kids."

Mitchell replied, "Roger that." and headed off inside to find the first aid box.

Claire then quickly tried her best to help and let the kids out. Meanwhile, it was total chaos, and everyone ran from the castle, screaming loudly in panic and fear.

Manny, sitting with a juice glass while stalking Bianca, saw she was inside the bouncy castle. He threw his blue plastic glass in the air and said heroically, "Bianca, I'm coming!"

Manny then grabbed onto the zip line nearby and, without any protective gear, started gliding towards the bouncy castle while shouting for courage.

-Commentary Starts-

Manny was sitting in his room wearing a plain white shirt. In the background, a computer and a wall painting are barely visible.

As soon as the camera starts, Manny speaks with a questioning look, "It turns out I am not the sweet guy or the funny guy…."

-Commentary Ends-

-At Bouncy Castle-

(A/N: Mi Amor - My love in Spanish) (google translated)

In the panicking crowd, Gloria saw Manny going in and yelled with worry, "No, Manny, don't go in mi amor."

Manny, breathing heavily, yelled back at her, " I must!"

Manny then removed his shoes and yelled to Bianca, "I am coming!!" before heading inside the castle.

-Commentary Starts-

Manny continued, "Manny Delgado is a man of action."

-Commentary Ends-

-Outside Bouncy Castle-

Manny came out first and then pulled Bianca out as well.

Bianca said hurriedly, "Wait, my dog is still in there!"

Feeling the rush of adrenaline, Manny said, "I will be back." before heading back inside. Then after a few anticipated seconds, a pink balloon dog stuck out of the deflated bouncy castle.

Bianca picked up her dog from Manny's hands. She smiled and felt touched, waiting excitedly for Manny to come out on his own, but unfortunately, he could not.

Manny started yelling in panic, "Help me, woman, why are you standing there. Help me. I am stuck." (A/N Is that you, Andrew Tate?)

Bianca was snapped out of her falling-in-love state and tried to get Manny out alone but could not. Luckily with Claire's help, they managed to rescue Manny after a few tries.


Amanda comes out of the emergency room, and everyone again stands up and starts asking questions.

Amanda replied, "Ryan is fine. He has just got a few stitches, there will be no permanent scars, and he can fully recover after resting for a few days."

Everyone who was tensed up immediately became relaxed. Amanda walked toward Nathan, who was fuming nearby.

"Honey. Ryan is okay. Are you sure you want to keep him in the hospital? It's just a scratch." Amanda persuaded gently.

"Let me talk to him first. If he didn't realize what he'd done. Then I'll make him stay here for a week." Nathan said sternly.

The parents walked inside the hospital room while the rest of the group waited outside.

Phil spiraled, "This is all my fault. Now, Nathan is going to make Ryan breaks up with Alex. And he wouldn't be able to come by anymore. Then Alex will hate me because I cost her the love of her life-"

"He isn't-" Alex wanted to retort, but her tongue became tied up halfway.

"Now I'm going to go to jail. Depressed, Claire started to drink… more than usual. Then the government will come and take the kids away from her. My dad in Florida will try to break me out of prison. Now I'm living as a criminal at large…."

"Phil. Stop. It's going to be okay. This is an accident." Claire said.

"It's all my fault. I come in unannounced. I should've known that you didn't hire a clown for a reason, but I did it anyway." Cam said with tears in his eyes.

"Ayy...I'm going to miss you, Phil." Gloria hugged Phil while crying.

Inside the hospital room, Ryan greeted his parents cheerfully.

"Yo!" He waved his hand at them.

Nathan squinted his eyes while Amanda face-palmed seeing her kid's reaction.

"Why so serious, dad?" Ryan asked as his dad's face was solemn. "You're not mad because I saved someone, do you?"

"Ryan, stop smiling." Amanda mouthed the words behind Nathan, signaling to Ryan that his dad was angry.

"Ryan. I don't think you'd be that STUPID." Nathan said angrily.

"Why is it stupid to try and save someone else's life?"

"It's stupid when you put your own self in danger!"

"But you did that before," Ryan said, causing Nathan to be taken aback. "You hiked into the woods, leading the police to save the kidnapped children during our picnic. You know that kids learn from their parents, right?"

Amanda's eyes darted between the smiling Ryan and the solemn Nathan. 'Has Ryan entered his rebellious stage?' Amanda thought.

"That's different, Ryan. I know what I'm doing. I'm prepared for the situation. You didn't. What will you do when the arrow hits your torso or head?"

"I'm only not pressing charges because I know you like the Dunphy's, but this is too much for me to turn a blind eye. Either you stop seeing them, or I'll press charges."

The room becomes deathly silent. Amanda looked at Nathan with shaky eyes, understanding that her husband was serious in his threats.

A minute passed with neither of them speaking. Finally, Ryan breaks the silence by sighing.

"Dad. You know that kids are supposed to fall, right?" Ryan asked. Nathan didn't reply, so Ryan continued.

"In my life, when did I ever fall down and learn to stand back up on my own? The answer is… never." Ryan said calmly.

"Every time I'm going to fall, you're always there to stop me and save me from the pain. From the sadness."

"I understand that you'd done that because you love me. But what will you do when I fall and be hurt in the future, but you're no longer there?"

"Ryan." Amanda's eyes became glassy, and she held her arms on her chest.

"I'm becoming an adult dad. Mom. And I need to learn how to make my own decision."

"I understand that getting into the line of fire is stupid, but if what I'd done will save someone else's life, you can be sure that I will do it again."

"Ryan!" Nathan exclaimed in shock.

"It didn't matter if that someone was Cam or anyone else I know, Or I don't know. But dad, you can be sure of this."

"I WOULD NEVER…and I mean it … NEVER put others' safety first before my own. I know that I could save Cam, so I did."

"I miscalculated the strength I put in my body when I tackled him. That's the only reason I'm injured now. I think I got taller, don't you think so?"

Amanda wiped her eyes and patted Ryan's head. "Yeah. My son is growing beautifully."

Ryan groaned, "ugh, mom. Growing handsomely."

Amanda chuckled and removed her hand from Ryan's head before she turned to her husband. Nathan was no longer as mad as he was after he heard Ryan's words.

"Okay, Ryan. If that's what you want, I will not press any charges with the Dunphys."

"Dad. Mr. Dunphy is one of the greatest guys I know. After you, of course… You guys should get a drink together sometimes. It's good for the in-laws to spend some time together before Alex and I get married-"

Amanda pinched Ryan's cheek before he could finish. "You're still too YOUNG to get married!"

"Okay-Okay, mom, it hurts!"

"Don't lie. You don't even yell when you get shot by an arrow. How could a frail woman like me hurts you?" Amanda said and pulled his cheeks even harder.

After the situation calmed down, Nathan invited Dunphy's and extended family to come in.

"Phil. We're going to have a talk later on." Nathan said to Phil before he gave Phil permission to walk inside.

Phil and Claire often apologized to Nathan and Amanda before they walked in. Luke had already waltzed into the room as he didn't understand what was going on with the adults.

He saw that Ryan's hand was being put into a cast and said jealously, "I want a cast too."

"Sorry, buddy. Maybe next birthday?" Ryan said teasingly.

"Luke. Don't break your arm on purpose!" Claire admonished as she walked in with Phil, Alex, and Haley.

"What if it's not on purpose?" Luke asked. Claire was stunned, and Phil walked toward Ryan. "Oh my god, what have I done!?"

Ryan was hooked up with an IV fluid, and his whole hand was put into a cast because of Nathan's insistence.

"This is for a scratch?" Alex asked in confusion.

"Mom. I think I got a scratch too-" Luke said to Claire, but Claire ignored him.

"Ryan. I'm very sorry. I will do whatever I can to take care of you till you can stand on your own two feet again." Phil vowed.

"Oh my god. Even his feet?" Cam, who had just walked in, almost fainted as he heard Phil's remarks.

Jay walked nearby the bed and said, "Kid. I'm sorry for bringing the crossbow there. None of this would've happened if it stayed in my hand." Jay gave a side-eye to the already stressed Phil.

"Phil doesn't mean it. Forgive him, okay?" Jay begged.

"Okay. I'm not holding it against you or anything. This is just an accident. Unless Phil has some deep-seated hatred towards me for dating his daughter, it will stay an accident."

"God. No. It is just an accident." Claire interjected. She turned to Phil immediately and urged him to answer.

"Yes. I don't care about you dating Alex..." Phil said. Alex muttered under her breath, "Ouch."

"…As long as you continued to be respectful toward her and didn't hurt her…." Phil continued. Claire was taken aback, "PHIL!"

"I'm sorry. I panicked." Phil said nervously. After the whole situation calmed down and Mitchell confirmed that Nathan won't press any charges, the families celebrated together inside Ryan's ward.

Cam brought a cake, and they sang the birthday song for Luke. Ryan even took off his cast and put it on Luke's hand as a birthday present.

"You know, the birthday party makes me feel weird," Ryan said purposely while within Phil and Alex's earshot. They turned toward him and asked, "Why?"

"I feel that I have participated in that before. Like, I had already experienced it. But I know I didn't. That feeling is bizarre."

"Ahh. DeJaVu." Phil finally understood it. "I know that feeling. Sometimes my dreams are so vivid that I thought I'd experience something while I'm doing it."

"Really. Any dreams like that recently?" Ryan instigated Phil.

Unaware, Phil said, "Yeah. I got a dream like that before the picnic. About Gloria coming to my house when Claire was gone…."

The conversation attracted Claire and Gloria, and they turned in the trio's direction.

"What dream, Phil?" Claire asked suspiciously. Phil gulped and stared at the camera as he knew he'd fucked up now.

Phil replied, "Oh, nothing much, dear, just a weird dream is all."

Claire heard this and said, "Oh, in that case, you won't mind going into details about it."

Phil bit the bullet and said, "So in my dream, Gloria came to return a Tupperware box, and then, in reality, she appeared again out of nowhere and did the same."

"It was peculiar, and then she suddenly fell down due to heat stroke."

Ryan found this very interesting but hearing no completion notification, Ryan knew Phil had hidden a crucial detail.

Ryan reasoned that the dream must have involved something embarrassing between Gloria and Phil, so he decided to ask it privately for the time being.

Ryan then looked at Alex and jokingly said, "Hey Alex can you come closer? I want to tell you something." Alex nod and puts her ear near Ryan so he can whisper.

Ryan then suddenly starts coughing loudly. Alex quickly asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

Ryan then says, " It turns out the arrow was poisoned. I will fall into an eternal slumber in less than a minute from now."

"That is unless a princess gives me a kiss on the lip before I fall asleep."

Alex blushed immensely, and Jay, listening, said, "Really, princess instead of a prince?

Manny interrupted and said, "Don't be so uptight, Jay. Today's society is no longer stringent on gender roles anymore."

Alex replied, "Don't play around! Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

Ryan replied, "Hey, I am speaking the truth."

Phil, in worry, says, " Kiss him, Alex. Otherwise, he might never wake up!"

Claire looked at Phil and said, "Seriously, Phil."

Phil replied, "I'm sorry, but I can't take the chance of losing a great son-in-law! Alex, it either you kiss him, or I will"

Ryan sweated profusely and told Alex, "Hurry. I don't want your dad to kiss me."

Alex smirked, looked at Phil, and said, "Dad. Do it."

Ryan genuinely panics when he sees Phil jump on the hospital bed to try and kiss him.

"I'm doing this for your betterment, buddy."

Ryan pushes Phil and says, "Nooo ouch."

Seeing Ryan suddenly in pain, Phil asks, "Oh, are you alright."

Ryan, who was in pain, smiles, and replies, "You thought you could fool me, but you forgot I am the jester who created tomfoolery, hahaha."

"Which, may I add, would make me a clown."

Phil heard the word clown and immediately looked around and asked, "Clown where?"

Then the entire ward burst into laughter.

They talked for a little while before the Dunphys and everyone started slowly leaving.

Alex initially wanted to stay, but Ryan quickly persuaded her otherwise by reminding her that she had yet to begin her Thanksgiving homework and that waiting would be futile.

As the Dunphy were about to leave, you might be thinking, how is Ryan going to complete the mission now?

Well, you see, Ryan already had a plan. Not only did he have a plan it was already in motion as he had managed to take Phil's keys when he got on his bed and hid them.

So once everyone was leaving, Ryan told Phil to check whether Phil had his keys.

Claire saw Phil, who was exiting with them, pause and asked, "What happened dear?"

Phil replied, "Oh, nothing much. I seem to have misplaced my key in Ryan's ward. Luckily Ryan reminded me to check. I will search for them. Meanwhile, you guys go down."

Claire scolded Phil, "You have to be more careful, Phil, but fine, we will head down quickly to find them. It's probably near the bed."

Phil replied, "Thanks for the tip, honey" (A/N: What kind of tip? very sus)

Phil was alone in the room due to Ryan's dad filling up some forms and his mother being in the washroom, so Ryan directly asked, "So Phil, what was the dream-like?"

Phil was startled and asked, "What dream?"

Ryan continued, "Come on, Phil, I thought at this point you know that maybe you could lie to Claire, but not me."

"I know you far too well."

Phil sighed, then sat down at Ryan's bed and explained the whole affair, which included Phil even asking the neighbor for help.

Ryan heard this and said, "Oh my god, Phil, no wonder you wanted to hide this."

"Not only would Jay kill you for hurting Gloria, but Claire would also kill you for such a vile and lewd dream."

"Honestly, I can't believe you were willing to tell me this dream."

Phil replied, "Well, with all that happened today, fulfilling your curiosity is the least I could do."

Ryan handed Phil the car keys and said, "Come on, Phil, don't feel so guilty. It was a collective mistake. Everyone involved messed up somehow, hahaha."

Phil changing the topic, asked, "So you knew I didn't have the keys?"

Ryan replied, "Yes, I saw them on the floor and picked them up."

Phil then got up, removing himself from the gloomy and embarrassed mood, and said, "Well, I better get going."

Ryan stopped Phil and said, "By the way, Phil, if I write a film about this concept, you don't mind, right?"

Phil heard this and was speechless for a while but said, "Ryan, I told you this in confidence, so of course, I mind if you make a movie about it."

Ryan replied, "Phil, I said concept. You know the dream and reality mixture on that."

Phil answered, "Oh, that you can. In fact, I would be happy to have inspired you."

Ryan replied, "Cool, 'cause I even have a name already."

Phil asked, "Oh yeah, now what would that be?"

Ryan smiled and answered, "Inception."

Phil said, "Oooh, Inception, that's an interesting word."

Ryan then said, "Well, you better get going. They are waiting for you."

Phil replied, "Yeah, bye once again."

Ryan waved Phil goodbye.

Ryan then officially received the reward from the system.

Meanwhile, somewhere on a movie set, a big star named Leonardo DiCaprio heard from his assistant that the writer they had been monitoring was still quiet.

This writer's name was Ryan Wilson. He had recently made big waves and produced two big budgets in a row.

Leo told his assistant, "Damn it, if he is quiet, then I am gonna go ask him for a script myself."

The assistant replied, "Sir, there is no need for that someone with your stature shouldn't be forced to ask a kid for a script."

Leo asked, "Marcus was it?"

Marcus replied, "Yes, sir."

Leo asked, "How long have you been my assistant?"

Marcus said, "It would be three months at the end of November."

Leo next asked, "Well, Marcus do you miss your family?"

Marcus replied, "I do indeed. They are back in Dallas."

Leo next replied, "Well, you won't have to anymore. You are fired. Go enjoy your time with your family as much as you want."

Marcus froze, then asked, "What did I do, sir?"

Leo replied, "You dared to refer to Ryan as a kid. If this word got around in the industry, no one would employ you?"

"Do you know how many works he has written and gotten produced in 3 months? EIGHT, and that's technically in two months."

"Ryan might be 14, but he is much more than a flipping kid in this industry. If he keeps up on the box office end, he will soon be the most sorted out script writer in the whole industry."

Ryan tried to catch a nut he threw in the air with his mouth but failed. He then lay in bed as he glossed over the reward he received today and squealed excitedly.

Author Note: Huh, what is this? I see, so there is light at the end of the tunnel? Finally, we are out of this chapter been dying to finish it.

Both me and my editor. I would also like to give him a special thanks for tolerating me and being there pushing me.

Go check him out. He is the one and only Alittlepiggy33, Fanfic - Head-Patting in Marvel.

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