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24.17% Fairy Tail: The Strongest Fairy / Chapter 22: Fairy 20: Broken Hearts II

Chapter 22: Fairy 20: Broken Hearts II

Within the pouring rain, Zack looked at the two siblings, Mirajane, and Elfman in their black clothing. In fact, everyone, even himself, all are wearing the same kind of clothing, either a black suit or dress.

2 weeks has passed since that day, when Mirajane and Elfman had returned to the guild. However, the moment when they had return, they weren't their usual selves. Instead, the Strauss siblings were, and still are broken, as they begun to cry on the spot.

After Mirajane and Elfman has somewhat calmed down enough. They begin to tell everyone in the guild what happened. Of course, those like Makarov, and the senior members of Fairy Tail, could already tell, what happened, when they saw the state of Elfman and Mirajane.

But younger members like Natsu have no clue. That Lisanna Strauss had died.

Regarding to Elfman, the Beast King was stronger than they expected. In order to protect his older sister, Mirajane. He took over the Beast King's soul with his Take Over Magic. However, that plan of his didn't worked as he planned it would do.

That is because, Elfman didn't expect the moment he took over the Beast King's soul, and its form. His Full Take Over spell will backfire on him, causing Elfman to lose his mind and sanity, only to become a rampaging monster himself.

With Mirajane wounded, there was no one else to slapped Elfman out of his insanity as the monster he has become. Meaning, the only one that can wake up Elfman from his rampaging state, was no other then Lisanna herself.

However, Lisanna's voice didn't get through Elfman, but what did slapped Elfman out of his insanity, was when he still in his Beast King mode, and insanely slapped Lisanna with his monstrous strength. And like that, from that single slap, behind the strength of a S-Class Monster, killed Lisanna Strauss, which caused Elfman to slap out of his state of insanity as a rampaging monster.

Mirajane and Elfman did tried to save Lisanna. However, they only could watch hopelessly with Lisanna in their arms, as she died and faded away without a trace.

Of course, when Makarov, their guild master, heard this. He cannot help to think the way she died was strange. No, almost everyone did. After all, you don't simply fade into thin air, when you die.

And Makarov, who is an experience wizard, never heard of such a case. He even contracted his friends from the other guilds. However, all his friends were as clueless as everyone as is, not knowing why she faded away in her last moments.

Right now, in Magnolia, outside of the cathedral. Everyone in Faily Tail, along with people in the town that was close to her has gathered here for Lisanna's funeral.

Soon after that, like in the canon. Makarov also gives his speech, and told everyone here, how proud he was, to meet such a loving and kind soul known as Lisanna Strauss. And Makarov wasn't the only that thought of this.

And like that, everyone that attended paid their respects towards Lisanna. And just like that, Lisanna Strauss' funeral has come to an end. However, even if the funeral has ended, only half of the people that has gathered here, still remained here. And those that did remain here, are mostly the ones from Fairy Tail itself.

Zack went towards Natsu and Happy, who has sad expressions on their faces, and stood behind them.

"Oh, it's you Zack…" Natsu said that, as he sensed Zack behind him, and looked at Zack with such a lonely gaze.

"You fine…?" Zack asked.

"Not really… I… I… j-just don't know…" Natsu never truly experienced of having someone important to him taken away from him. It is a different kind of feeling that Natsu never felt. He feels as if something has been ripped out of his heart, and crushed before him, only leaving this emptiness and hollow feeling behind.

That how important Lisanna was to Natsu, a dear friend that meant a lot to Natsu.

"I feel… the same to be honest. I don't know what I should do, I feel something has been ripped of my soul. When I heard that I can never see her again. And there is nothing I can do about, however Natsu, know what?" Zack said with a gentle smile, as he looked at the sadden Natsu.

"Zack…?" Natsu asked.

"Move on, just like everyone else around us, they will one day, or already have moved on. I don't mean to forget her, there no way anyone here can forget Lisanna. However, that very girl that always put others before herself, will not like either you, or me to stay as we are.

That's why, even if it takes a day, a month, or even few years, you must move on… but it doesn't have to be today, after all, it is her funeral. That's why, Natsu, moan and cry some more, and retuned back to the Natsu that she loved, back to cheerful battle manic, that always has that trademark smile that she loved to see, each time she sees it."

When Zack said that he begun to walk off, leaving the widen eyes Natsu, that wanted to say something. But shut his mouth, as he only watched Zack leave.

However, as Natsu did watch Zack leave him and Happy alone, Natsu felt something, as he watched Zack's back leaving, that somehow, he is going further and further away. He felt if he doesn't stopped Zack now, it be a long time before they meet again, and Natsu doesn't want to lose someone else as important to him.

That is why, Natsu reached his hand and about to call for Zack. But Gray that was nearby back, stopped the confused young Dragon Slayer. Natsu turned to the fully clothed Gray with his black suit, that oddly enough suits him. As he stared at Natsu.

Even if Gray didn't say a word, Natsu knew from his gaze, is telling Natsu to let him be. Normally this cheerful battle manic will disagree, and even throw a pouch towards this annoying stripper. However, Natsu is not his usual self, as both boy and cat looked down, as sadness of losing their dear friend took over them.

Meanwhile, Zack who is walking alone in this town, with his black suit is wet, but Zack didn't care about his clothing has been ruined by the rain. And just stopped on top of some bridge, as he looked at the raining sky.

While staring at the sky full of rain, it wasn't long before he notices someone has come near him. But the moment Zack turned his head to see who it is, his grassy green eyes widen in pure shock, seeing the one that came bear him is no other then Mirajane, who also stared at Zack for few seconds, before she quietly walked besides him.



Both of them didn't say anything in the pouring rain, as they just stared at the pouring rain before them, while they stand on each other side. And this silence only lasted until when Zack the one that broke the ice.

"After this, I will be going on a journey, I planned this before… well, you know." Zack told.

"I see…" When Mirajane heard that, her blue eyes did widen a little, and her lips formed into a bitter smile.

Mirajane wanted to say more than just 'I see'. However, when she lost Lisanna, her feelings become a mess, even those feelings she has for Zack, that was bottled up in denial, were also shattered, making her realised what she has done.

She wanted to apologize, however there were no words that will come out of her mouth. Even when she realised that Zack is also as important to her, as her siblings, but she foolish denied it, and even hurt Zack in the progress of her unstable feelings.

Mirajane knew, when she is not around, Zack drinks in pain because of her in this last year. But when she sees him in pain, drinking away, it be a lie, she felt nothing, as she felt her heart in pain knowing it was her that caused him to be like that.

However, as foolish she is, she also denies those feelings known as guilt, and stubbornly told herself she doesn't need anyone besides her siblings, even if that meant hurting someone, she has feelings for.

That is why, even when she stood right next to the person that she has foolish denied. Only thing she could do was to show a bitter smile full of guilt, when she heard him leaving. She has no rights to tell him not to go, after what she had done to him.

Which is why, she just cast her blue eyes to the ground, not daring to look right into Zack's eyes. However, with guilt fulling her heart, Mirajane was soon snapped out of her state her mind, when she heard Zack's next words, words that forcedly caused her those feelings and emotions that she trying to seal in her heart, to become unsealed.

"You know that I love you, right?" Zack that, while still looking at the rain before them.

"I-I…" Mirajane's eyes widen, as countless different kinds of emotions dwelled in her heart, from joy, and right to shame and guilt. Which is why as her guilt heavily weighs down on her, making it hard for her to say anything.

"You need to say anything. I just want you to listen. I know, I shouldn't tell you today out of all days… but I don't want to leave this town, without you knowing my feelings, that's all." When Zack said that he tuned to the confused Mirajane, and who also looked up, and both green and blue eyes looked at each other.

"I wouldn't be leaving Fairy Tail forever… I promise I be back one day… but I wouldn't be back until I know, I had become strong enough to not lose anyone else… especially you, I don't want to lose you as well, Mirajane."

When Zack said that with a gentle smile, and such a warm gaze, that can melt anyone's heart. Mirajane blankly stared at Zack, as she felt all her emotions and guilt that has been dwelling inside her heart beginning to leak out, that is why she cannot stop herself saying this…

"Why…? W-Why are you being nice to me!?" Mirajane unleashed her feelings. But she didn't wait for Zack to speak and carried on her outburst of guilt and emotions.

"I had hit you…! Cursed at you…! I even threated you…! A-And for someone like me… someone that let's her… own pride clouds her mind… and pushed you away! And you said you love me…!? You shouldn't love someone like me! You who is so pure, shouldn't love someone so impure like me! Because of my pride… my prideful self… that wanted to prove I don't need anyone else besides my brother and sister, because of that pride, I already lost-!?"

Before Mirajane could say anything else, something stopped her, something that touched her lips, that stopped her outrage of emotions from overflowing. And that something that covered her lips, was no other then Zack's own lips.

It was unknown if the kiss lasts a second, seconds, or even more than that. Because to Mirajane, that single moment felt it last for eternity. And even when they departed from their lips, Mirajane blankly stared at the gentle smile and eyes that looked at her.

"That's just mean, I may just be a fool in love. But I am sure… I am not pure, as you think I am. I don't know my past… but I always felt this darkness inside me… hatred and emptiness… these are the things I always felt when I woke up.

But when I am with you… I don't feel that hatred, and when I am with everyone else, including you, I don't feel empty anymore. You know, they say your first love is the hardest to forget. But I don't want to forget about you… I don't to lose anyone else.

That is why I am going… in order to become stronger, strong enough that I can blast anything that threats the life I love so much. But I need more than just physical training in order to become strong. I also need to become stronger mentally… and I also think you need as well, to become stronger mentally.

That why, for the both of us, I will leave Fairy Tail, and I will become back when I grow strong enough to blast anything away with one hit. S Class Wizard? I don't care, money… well, I need that since I still need a harem, so that right… what else…? Mirajane?"

Zack stopped stalking, when he sees Mirajane burst into laughter.

"Harem… you never going to change, aren't you…" Mirajane said with a warm smile.

"Nope, since I was told it was impossible to… be satisfied? That's right, since my body seems to be special. That why I cannot belong to one woman… I am sorry… even if I love you the most." Zack said that, as he held Mirajane's cheeks, that soon became dyed in red.

"I don't have the right… to be with you… but… you going to chase after me… even if I said no, right…" Mirajane said with a light smile. Knowing, how stubborn he can be.

"To the end if I had to. I was told to be honest, and not to be a cheater, that is why to the women I love, I tell you my honest feelings. To my women before me, they are the ones I love the most, that I will promise you, to love you the most, even if I love someone else more. Well… in this case, I only have you… so, it not really a harem… is it?" Zack said with a wryly smile.

"Y-You sure… that someone like me… have the right… to be lo-loved by you…?" Mirajane asked, which Zack replied not with words, but another kiss to her lips.

"Didn't I say to the end?" Zack told her, with a grin on his face. Seeing his grin, Mirajane's cheeks begin to grow with redness. But she needs calm herself by taking a long deep breath, before she looked at the boy before her.

(AN: 'Boy'… should I change it? Even if they both 17 years old, they still will look like in their 13s or so in the canon.)

"When… you are going…?" Mirajane asked.

"After this." Zack honestly told.

"Then… for now… I refused to become part of your harem." Mirajane said.

"For… now?" Zack asked in confusion.

"As I am now… I have no right… to stand by your side. That's why, I need to change, into someone that does has the rights to stand by you. A-A-And the rights to have the most of y-your l-l-love… That's why, I need to change into a better person… so, by the time when you return, and if had change for good… I hope you still accept me… Zack."

Mirajane said with red cheeks, and shyness that can be seen, which only increased her natural beauty. Which is why, when Zack saw that look, he felt something deep inside him, a longing to held her, a desire to kiss her soft kiss once again.

However, Zack managed to hold himself back from this new and different emotion that manifest inside him. And just stood there, within the pouring rain, stared right into Mirajane's blue eyes. And Mirajane did the same, the two didn't any anything, and just looked at each other for a little while longer in this pouring rain.

AnimeDamon AnimeDamon

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