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In the year 1970, a boy was born named Iah Asar son of an Egyptian woman named Iside Isis. She had black hair, unique blue eyes because it was very rare for an Egyptian to be born with blue eyes. She had brown skin and had the height of 166 cm.

Her son however was born with tufts black hair with blue eyes. But in the blue eyes there were specks of jade green and lemon yellow flecks within. He had very light brown skin. He looked like he will be a ladykiller in the future.

When Iside looked at her son she was very happy and gave him a motherly smile, but it also had a touch of sadness within because the father wasn't there. But she understood because of certain spells in the surrounding area.

A day later they went back home which was a 3 story mansion in New York which was a gift from Iah's father as a sorry of not being able to meet them. After feeding Iah, she carried him to the balcony and she watched the sunset as her son was falling asleep.


It has been 5 years since the birth of Iah and she decided to tell the identity of his father to him because she has been noticing that he gets quite sad and angry at the mention of his father and because his father asked her to. She scared because today was the day that his father asked her to tell their son of his identity. She decided would tell him during the night because she felt closest to his father during that time.


"Iah, I think it is time to tell you who your father is".

Iah replied her with an undertone of anger "Who is the father that I have never met". When he said that she winced because of his words but steeled her heart and replied with "your father is a man that is very strong and he isn't here because he can't, not because he wanted to leave you".

" What do you mean mother" he asked in a emotionless and low tone. She took a deep breathe and said "have you ever realized that you are more energetic at night". "Yeahhh". "well your father is Khonsu god of time, justice, the moon, the night sky and vengeance".

Iah's mouth was wide open but suddenly tears started to come out from his eyes and ask with hiccups about why he isn't here. Iside heart was twisting from seeing her son crying but told him it was because he was imprisoned by the gods for having a child with a human.

After her answer he started to wipe his eyes and said with a determined expression that he will release his father from the unjust imprisonment and asked how he will become stronger. Iside replied with " Well your father anticipated his fate and left you some items as gifts for you when you turn 10 and asked you to train your body until you are 10 which is when you receive your gifts".

Iah asked on how was he supposed to train without knowing anything and his mom replied with "well your dad also wanted me to give you some books for you to read". Iah asked on when he could train and she replied with a simple "tomorrow".


It's been 5 years since that fateful day and Iah has been training everyday. The book that Khonsu gave him was about an ancient fighting style which Iah mastered in 1 and a half years. The next year he was just fighting people for experience. Also since that day he sometimes encounter some monsters such as Egyptian griffins which were the children of the original Egyptian griffin, jackals and he also once fought Ammit in a sewer and almost died but was quick enough to escape. He got quite the scolding from his mother and his ass was in pain from the spanking his mother gave him for about a week.

After that Iside gave him another book about spells on many things that his father was good at such as time magic, truth magic and minor death magic. But all of the spell were nerfed because only a god can do those spells but Khonsu created versions that human can use. He mastered all of the spells in the book in 2 years.

Then after that he was given a book about an ancient sword fighting style by his father created in his free time( a slightly weaker version of moon breathing) and an ancient dagger fighting style that his father also created and only his children or avatar can use. And just like that five years has passed by and Iside cannot be more proud of his son because of his achievements and because he also went to school and finished his education in high school in a year.

Today is his 10th birthday and the day he will get his gifts from his father. After his birthday celebration his mother was one by one giving him the gifts.

"Okay so firstly your father gave you a necklace".

The necklace was beautiful and it was very simple it was on a pitch black string and a white circle on the middle. It actually doesn't look very useful and Iah voiced his thoughts to his mother and she replied "well when you pull the string it will cover you in a cloth like armor that can protect you from things that are very fast like arrow, very sharp like swords very blunt like hammers and and in the side of each arm there is a crescent moon shaped dagger that once you remove it from it's slot another one will take it's place infinitely".

He was taken aback on how powerful it was. and pulled the white circle and he was surrounded with many cloths that were in the shape of what was used to wrap mummies. He also realized his stamina was higher. Then his mother told him there was a small sliver of his father's power that increases his stamina, speed, strength and endurance by double.

After mesmerizing the armor for a few minutes in the mirror cause it looked very cool with his glowing eyes( His suit is like Steven Grant but with the crescent daggers). Then his mother gave him a ring.

"Your second gift from your father is this".

She showed him a beautiful ring that had a platinum band and the top had a green diamond which was the most expensive green gemstone in the world. He asked his mom on what it does.

"Pub it on and rub it with the thumb of your hand and think of a weapon, any weapon".

He rubbed it and thought of a sword and it turned into a beautiful 1m sword. The steel was light green and handle was covered in a cloth that looked the same as the armor.

Iside said "Your father said the metal was made out of very rare mythological metals and the handle is made out of the same metals but and covered with the same material as your armor".

While listening to his mother, Iah was swinging his sword in fluidly like a dance and nodded in happiness.

"Lastly, your father gave me this pill that will unlock any dormant powers you might have".

He nodded and looked at the pill it was glowing purple and there was a complex design on the pill. after that he ate it and after a few seconds he screamed in pain. His mother was frantically was running towards him and hugging him, wondering what was wrong. He screamed until he passed out. Then Iside carried him to his room and made him lay on his bed and watching over him worriedly.


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