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Write a reviewIt's a hobby of mine to give other author story a 5 star rating, no matter if the story is good or bad, no matter if it's about something that i know or not, since as an author myself, i know how much joy does a good review brought to the writer. Also, as far as the story goes, it is good, but it's not my cup of tea.
Is this the same fanfic that is in wattpad? It is great to my opinion ................................................................................................................................
It's a hobby of mine to give other author story a 5 star rating, no matter if the story is good or bad, no matter if it's about something that i know or not, since as an author myself, i know how much joy does a good review brought to the writer. Also, as far as the story goes, it is good, but it's not my cup of tea.
Is this the same fanfic that is in wattpad? It is great to my opinion ................................................................................................................................
is this dropped or the author is just a translator?