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Chapter 85

Title: Slumber and Prelude to the End


Atomic Disintegration. That was the aspect Purple embodied. The Fusion of Blue and Red, Attraction and Repulsive Force became a formidable Force, capable of unraveling matter at its most fundamental level. Purple encapsulated the unity of these contrasting forces, yielding a power that transcended the sum of its individual components.

And Daikokuten, a Temporal Dimension where time is at a stand still, wasn't spared from Purple's destructive influence.

In Ishikki's terrified eyes, the Purple ball that followed him inside exploded leading to a mesmerizing anomaly. The Fusion of Blue and Red, embodying attraction and repulsive force, manifested in a fascinating motion that disrupts the very fabric of temporal continuity.

As Purple energy permeated the timeless realm, it created ripples and distortions, manipulating the underlying structure of the dimension.

The attractive component of Purple delicately pulled at the temporal threads, attempting to weave moments together or stretch them into ethereal strands. Simultaneously, the repulsive force sought to push against the constraints of temporal progression, creating pockets of suspended and fractured sequences.

"Y-You....what have you done." Ishikki stuttered in horror as he saw his age-long dimension begin to fragment under Shun's technique.

"Time. It isn't meant to be kept in constraint. It's meant to progress." Shun's voice sounded from all over the place. "I merely released your dimension from the shackles you had placed on it."

"That's impossible! You! How did you do this!? How can you do this!? You're not even the original!"

"Of course I am not." Shun said and immediately appeared beside Ishikki. "Impressive. So this is your dimension..? I could make use of this."

He said as he gazed upon the fragmented threads that signified motion in effect. "Perhaps I could use this dimension of yours to create That Force."

'This was the perfect template to build the speed force upon. An artificial one though. The previous one isn't good enough, and considering this is a world where with enough training, impossible could be made possible.' Shun thought, comparing the dimension with the one he had made and filled to the brim with Lightning.

That was his attempt in creating a Speed Force. A dimension where unparalleled speed could be harnessed from with no harm done to the body. However, even with the lightning coursing through his body, it didn't bring him the 'unparalleled' he was looking for.

His teleportation was still faster than the speed granted by the dimension.

Some might mistake Teleportation as the pinnacle of speed, but that isn't true. Teleportation in itself was a form of speed and also had limits.

The Flying Thunder God, The Kamui, Gate, Shun's Domain... All these were forms of Teleportation, but some were faster than the other.

The pinnacle of speed a mortal being could attain was the Instant. It was something that is achievable with a certain level of exposure to Temporal Energy.

That's right. Time manipulation was the pinnacle of speed. For Divine beings though, No, Creator Level Beings, within their Worlds, They are Omnipresent. They exist in every time and space, In the beginning all the way to the end.

"Haven't you had enough?" Ishikki's aggrieved voice brought Shun back from his thoughts.

"I really should stop doing that shouldn't I?" Shun chuckled and looked at the dimension only to see it begin to fracture and drift into the main world.

"Hm, I don't require this place for now. I'll allow you to hold onto it for me for a while." Shun said as a Portal/Rift opened in front of him. "Oh, and... this should really be the last time you'll test my limits. You still have use, don't make me find a replacement."

After saying that, Shun immediately disappeared into the portal under the hateful glare of the Otsustsuki. "This bastard!"

Ishikki raged as what was left of his chakra flared and lay waste to the already wasted dimension. "I'll be sure to make you pay for this insolence."

'If only I could find a perfect vessel.' he thought while harboring the thought that the only thing holding him back was his body. To him, if he had a perfect body to hold his Kama Seal, no human, not even Shun could stand up to his might.

Unbeknownst to him, no one in the Universe at present could actually stand up to the original Shun's might.


Shun's POV

DAMN. I'm exhausted as f-ck right now! I don't think I'll be able to recover my chakra even if I slumbered for an entire month. I could leave the planet and go to some energy filled dimension out there but I don't even have the energy to do that anymore.

With my bluff, Ishikki wouldn't dare attack me for a period of time. And if he had been more hot headed right there and attacked me, I sure know that I'll be in for an ass whooping. Thankfully, with the Purple: Atomic Disintegration I used, my intimidating factor was upped by a notch.

Looking at the bloodied one handed and near dead Jiraiya lying atop my premium bed was not helping matters right now.

Sigh. The woes of being me. Thinking that, I walked up to my computer system and reprogrammed the time seal within the room to 10X the speed outside. Jiraiya's body wouldn't be able to handle that much increase in time, but as he was under a static seal, he would manage.

As for me? I needed a good night's sleep. In a few hours, with the arrival of the news of Jiraiya's death, Naruto would be off to Mount Myoboku to train in sage mode. I need to be there to better enhance his body.

Sasuke on the other hand wasn't so keen on engaging his brother so soon so I could also help him Awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan before their face off.

Hoping that Sasuke would defeat Itachi without the Mangekyou Sharingan was a fool's dream and we all know it. Should Itachi take Sasuke seriously, he wouldn't last.

Hence the need to help Sasuke awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan...

I'll handle all these later, for now...zzzz


"So you're telling me your captain is missing?" Hayashi Kaito, the Hanakage, asked the saluting Gold Rank Assassin in front of him.

"Affirmative. However he did say that he wouldn't be gone for more than a week." The assassin, Sugeru answered firmly with his eyes locked onto the Hanakage.

"And the chain of command?"

"He had assigned his second in command, Kimizu of the Sound Releas-"

Suddenly, a loud and penetrating chime rang out within the room silencing and discomforting the two occupants of the room.

"I can speak for myself, Sugeru, you're dismissed." A pleasant, yet authoritative voice rang out all over the room.

"Understood." The assassin saluted no one in particular and turned to leave.



"You know, Shun was one headache on his own, but I didn't think you would either." The Hanakage said with a wry smile. For some reason, when it came to Shun and his group of Kimizu and Kitsume, their unruliness wasn't something he could actually reprimand.

"I believe that's what it means to be an asset." Said the voice with obvious smugness.

"Indeed it is." Hayashi nodded and looked up into the air and asked seriously. "So? Any idea where he is?"

"None. But he'll be back."

"He didn't tell you anything before he left?"

"We may be close, but not that close Hanakage-sama. Please don't insinuate."

"Hey. I'm not saying or thinking anything. I'm just asking if he said anything before he left. Like y'know, when he talks to himself or has that forlorn expression on his face." The Hanakage defended.

"Hmm...he did say something about an old man who doesn't know when to retire and have kids to take care of him." Kimizu replied. "That's all he said in a fit of anger before he left."

"Hm...I see. Any old man in particular come to mind?"

"None, the Third Hokage died a while ago and I don't know which other old man he could be talking about." Came the reply.

"Alright, take care of his duties for now." Hayashi said with a sigh, and at the same time, the presence in the room disappeared.


"Stupid Shun!" A brown haired beauty seated on a throne like chair in a dark room pouted and cursed as she banged her fist on the table.

"That table doesn't have feelings, y'know." Another beauty, this one black haired, said as she read through some scrolls by her side as she lay on a couch in the same room.

"Humph. You know full well why I am angry, Kitsume." The brown haired beauty said. "If we continue like this, we'll probably wait till we're old and Shun won't still look at us that way."

"Hehz you're thinking too much for the level headed one amongst us both, Kimizu." Kitsume said with a small smile. "Shun doesn't see us as women at, he does, but doesn't at the same time."

"Haven stayed with him for so long you should be able to discern something as simple as this...And you're supposed to be the attentive one."

"Hey! That I'm sensitive to vibrations doesn't mean I'm supposed to know how to interpret everything that generates them."

"Heh. Excuses." Kitsume sneered.

"Says the one who can't even perform a single Jutsu."

"Heh. Why would I need those pesky Ninjutsu when I have this?" She said and flexed her hands which now held a small blood red fire. With a chuckle, she made it move around her fingers before she snuffed it.

"These flames burn hotter than Itachi's black flames." She said with a smug smile.

"The amaterasu? Please."

"For real. I call it -Blood Flames. Flames capable of burning all to ashes as soon as it makes contact, and upon contact with blood..huhuhuh." she laughed with an evil smirk, much to Kimizu's chagrin.


"Don't be too jealous." Kitsume snickered at her friend who deadpanned at her before tapping on the table, generating a sound wave that shit towards Kitsume. However, Kitsume was quick to disappear from her spot.

"Now that's a no-no in Shun's office." Said Kitsume as she appeared behind Kimizu who snorted.

The two friends looked at each other for a good while before they both burst out laughing. This isn't their first time getting on each other's throats.

Each and every time, it would always end with a fight, if controlled and a battle of not. And said battle had the potential of leveling a hold portion of the village.

And while these two were messing around, Shun's eyelids finally shook open.

It was time to progress the plot and enhance those who needed enhancements.

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