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92.17% Naruto: Back in Ancient Times / Chapter 480: Chapter 80

Chapter 480: Chapter 80

Title: Face off


"Yo...It's been a while huh?"

There was a moment of silence as Jashin locked his eye on Shun who had nothing but a smile on his face.

" are you alive? No...You can't be alive. It's been so long."

Shun let out a small laugh. "Who initially taught you the possibility of Immortality? If you could live on after so long, what makes you think I'd die?"


Jashin remained silent as the pressure he was exuding only increased by the minute.

"How about we all calm down and talk about this over a cup of tea? I'll even call your big sister over." Shun said, causing Jashin's eye to squint.

"Hinami-nee...she's still alive too?"

"Of course. How about it? Disperse this pressure, some innocent lives out there are about to die." Shun said once again but Jashin remained unmoved.

"72 years."


"That's how long I've been sealed away, Kuchiki."

"I go by Shun now."


"Yeah sure." Shun raised his hand in surrender..

"For close to a century I've been locked away in this silent dark dimension you created. You probably thought I'd die with my chakra unable to keep up with my Jutsu...but I persevered... Do you know the only thing that made me endure through all these?"


"Revenge! I've thought of more than a million ways to kill you and everyone in that godforsaken village. You were my motivation to survive and remain sane. Whenever I was on the brink, just the thought of your face was all it took to pull me back."

"Perhaps we should see a doctor?"

"You still aren't taking me seriously are you Kuchiki?" Jashin scoffed before he began chuckling. "Good. This is good. Now I know my hard work wasn't in vain."

"So no chance of negotiations?" Shun asked but Jashin merely smiled sinisterly as his body was completely formed. The blood mist that was previously transparent was now so thick that any normal person wouldn't even be able to see his hands.

"Hehehe. Kuchiki, oh I've waited for this day." Jashin said and began laughing like a maniac as his aura spread and covered an area that surpassed Shun's Current passive domain.

"Shit!" Shun muttered and clapped his hand together to actively use his domain, however it was already too late as powerful beings all around the world immediately felt it.

For those still in the area within Shun's domain, they were immediately banished randomly, irrespective of where they landed. It was their fault they still stayed when he had told them to leave.

And those outside his Domain, well...

"I think we should take this somewhere else." Shun said as a white gigantic Yin-yang symbol appeared within Shun's domain, covering Jashin's blood mist as well as his pressure.

"Oh Kuchiki. This level of containment won't work on me." Kuchiki said and immediately, the Yin-yang symbol was immediately shattered much to Shun's shock as blood trickled down his nose.

'The hell?' he asked wide eyed at the scene.

"Did you think I'd just stayed sealed away doing nothing but hating you? No. I knew your Domain ability. 'Heaven's Will' was it? Although this one seems different they all follow the same concept don't they?" Jashin said as a massive Red Magi- ahem* Seal Circle appeared above them.

"Blood Rain!" Jashin shouted, and with several rotations, the little circles within the massive circle began twirling as red spikes shot out at Shun.

"Motherfuck**" Shun muttered and summoned his own Seal Circle that shot out earth balls to defend.

Crack!* BOOM!*

Sounds of shattering rocks rang out as the two attacks met. One should understand that Jashin's Seal circle spammed a massive hundred meters around them while Shun also matched his.

As the noise subsided, Shun could be seen in pristine condition floating above ground with Jashin also floating a few meters away from him.

"When did you reach this level Jashin?" Shun asked in awe and a bit of pride seeing this spectacle.

"As expected, this won't affect you much. A mere Tier Seven Circle is nothing but child's play for as long as I can remember." Jashin said in acknowledgement of Shun's prowess.

"Yeah, but just as I proposed earlier, why don't we have a chat to resolve our anger?" Shun offered once again.

"Talk? Kuchiki, there won't be any reconciliation without you dying." Jashin replied.

"I see. But I insist." Shun said and raised his hand to the sky. "[Tier Nine Lightning Array: Lightning Tribulation.]"

As soon as Shun finished, the world changed color as the sun was immediately blanketed rendering the area as far as the eye could see dark.


In a relatively dark room, five figures could be seen seated around a table with solemn looks on their faces...No...three had solemn looks while the other two had masks that hid their expression from the group.

"That felt it too, Madara?" One of those seated asked with a tired expression. He was currently supported by a mechanically designed crotch that could help him maintain his posture.

"Indeed...and it feels familiar too." The masked man said with a deep voice causing the other masked individual to roll her eyes but maintained her posture.

"You feel familiar with it? Was it from the Warring Era?"

"Heh. You speak as though we aren't still Warring," the masked man chuckled but nodded nonetheless. "Jashin from the Chinoike Cla-"

"What!? Jashin?" The blue haired woman interrupted in confusion.

"He's real?" The orange haired man asked too.

"I always assumed he was some form of god Hidan made up." The other masked person said.

"No." Madara said. "He's very real, and he is no God. He's merely a... genius. Yes. A genius so strong that he could make the Famed Captains of the Flower Island go all out against him and lose."

"What? Guys of that caliber from your time?" The masked lady asked in awe. "From your words from before, they were stronger than this generation right?"

"Heh, comparing them would be an insult to their strengths. This generation, albeit troublesome, aren't up to par yet." Madara said with a snort of ridicule.

"And what happened to him? From that chakra, he isn't dead." Nagato asked.

"Far from that. Like the Beast that'll bring about the fulfillment of the eye of the moon plan, he was sealed away by the First Hanakage, a man not even I nor Hashirama would dare go against." Madara said in praise of Kuchiki.

"And now? Will he be a stumbling block to our goal?" Nagato asked.

"No. He's currently facing off against someone."

"Shun Tengoku was the last person to enter that area." A raspy voice replied as Zetsu phased out of the ground.

"Shun? The kid of back then?"

One had to know that Shun had joined the Assassination Squad for the main purpose of going under the crowds eye.

As Batman, he was just that. Batman, a Ghost who no one could really see or face off against if encountered.

"Last I heard, he became a Captain of the Assassination Squad." Madara said with a little confusion.

"He's a Captain now?" The group all asked in shock. "As expected of a genius, and he's only Itachi's age." Risa, or Rin, muttered under her breath.

"And the fight?"

"It was too devastating. I couldn't get close." Zetsu replied.

"Then just stay close. Report as soon as the battle concludes." Madara ordered and stood up to leave the room. "Send for me once he arrives." He said and teleported away.

Similar conversation was going on with people who really mattered on the planet such as Ishikki and Shibai.

As for how Madara even knew about Jashin, he was directly being told by black Zetsu who was Madara's 'Will'. As for his reaction to it...Shock would be an understatement.


Blood is a component of the human body that makes it function. If the Heart was the engine, the Blood was the fuel. However, as a liquid, it is a very weak conductor of lightning.

Shun being who he was knew that of all elements, only lightning stood a chance against Jashin. Jashin, as a Chinioke, also knew this fact.

So why was Shun attacking with the same element that the clan had trained all their lives to ward against?

Lightning, while being a force of nature, was also a source of electricity, and when used properly, could be harnessed by a blood user to make their blood more flexible.

"Hahahahahaha. Kuchiki! Have you grown so remorseful that you wish to power me up to finish you off?" Jashin laughed uproariously with his hands spread out to welcome the lightning.

"No... What I did back then was what I should do as the Kage. You were a threat to the peace of our people and you had to be put down. Now however, I am not the Kage. I'm ready to sit down and talk. Whether you like it or not." As he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and allowed the gathered lightning to strike down.

Lightning. When Blue/Violet occurs in clear air. The blue/violet hues are a result of atmospheric gasses, particularly nitrogen. White Lightning often appears white when it strikes in an environment with moisture or rain. The water droplets scatter the light, making the lightning appear white. As for the last one, lightning can take on a reddish or orange tint when it passes through air containing dust, pollutants, or other particles.

That was all scientific bullshit but it affected the lethality of a Lightning Jutsu in this world.

Shun however, wasn't using any of the concepts. These were the ones anyone could discover when used, but for him...his was of a far greater quality.

Crackle! * BOOM!* Zztztzzt!*

Sounds of lightning raining down was all that fell into Shun's ears. Jashin's previous laughter was nowhere to be heard as,. instead, it was cries of pain.

"ARGHHH! YOU BASTARD! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Jashin's loud screams rang out, reaching Shun who opened his eyes to admire the lightning he had conjured.

Golden Lightning.

From the name, one should understand that it was of a quality beyond normal human least for now.

This was Shun's application of Natural Energy as well as his unique Senjutsu Energy when creating the seal circle.

(A/N: natural energy is just there in the air. Shun's chakra is pure Senjutsu Chakra. Just a reminder.)

With a wave of his hand, Shun sent a wave of chakra that immediately silenced the sound of thunder generated with each strike of lightning.

"How about that talk now?" Shun asked as he floated closer to the screaming Jashin.

"You bastard! What is this lightning?" Jashin Gritted his teeth in both pain and anger and asked.

"Divine Lightning. A form of Shinjutsu, a realm of Jutsu that surpasses human understanding." Shun Reo honestly.

"Shinjutsu, huh? Good, good. Very good..." Jashin said as his painful appearance immediately disappeared and was replaced by a deadly calm.

"Now I understand what that was." He muttered and once again, the red mist that had been dispersed by the golden lightning immediately appeared once again, but this time, they were all suffused with a measure of crackling energy.

Shun seeing this was immediately alarmed and teleported away from Jashin, just as numerous lightning spikes impacted the spot he once floated.

"What an incredible thing this feeling is..." Jashin said as he took a deep breath. " about round two Kuchiki."

"Sigh...look Jashin, I understand your hatred and all but can't we atleast come to a simple understanding before we continue this battle?" Shun asked with a frown.

"What understanding?" Jashin snickered at the man but still waited for his reply.

"The name. If anyone heard you calling me that, there'd be a lot of misunderstanding. It's Shun. Not Kuchiki. Can we come to that understanding?" Shun asked, looking a bit angry.

" bastard!" Jashin cried in anger as the red mist surged and increased in intensity.

"Oh shit...what's with this level of anger for just a little bit of understanding?" Shun muttered as his chakra zone protected his body from the mist albeit feeling a bit of strain on the zone.

His Domain was already expanded for close to 5 KM. That was how far both the mist and pressure had gone before he could contain it.

With his Domain present, he could prevent unnecessary issues from arising. Wouldn't want the world to follow a whole other trajectory just because of Jashin throwing a wrench in the work he had done so far.

"You're dead Kuchiki!"

"This guy…"

Josh_Richie Josh_Richie

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