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56.74% Naruto: Back in Ancient Times / Chapter 283: Chapter 58

Chapter 283: Chapter 58

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Title: Extermination


Repetitive. That's what one would call life around most places of the world.

You wake up with the fear of death looming over you, not knowing when or where you'd die, and then you back to sleep, hoping that you don't die in your sleep and wake up the next day with the same fear.

Only the strong-willed had the disposition to remain level headed at times like this, but currently, the tension in a certain clan was at an all time high.

They had been overly impulsive in their latest act and attacked a clan that legend has toured to be the most peaceful and destructive in the world.

A moment of greed and hubris had caused them to attack a travelling division coming back from a mission.

They had gotten inside information that by annihilating these division, they'd weaken this clan's military strength, and as the clan head was a pacifist, they could easily take down the peaceful and beautiful island and make it theirs.

Unbeknownst to them, even the weakest of them took a good portion of their men down with him, with some escaping. In the end, they found that this was but a division and as they hadn't killed them all off, they had to bear the consequences of their action.

In the main hall of the Hagoromo clan, several middle aged men could be seen seated while facing one man with glowing red iris.

This young man looked as pale as a corpse with multiple red markings all over his face and body, beneath his chair was a weird seal circle they all looked at in fear.

"You had one job, kill them all and every other thing will be handled by me. Your clan would live in peace and I get to rule. Simple. How could you fail so miserably?" The man asked in a eerily clam voice.

The men of the Hagoromo clan kept silent due to both shame and fear.

The Hagoromo clan had immense vitality almost on par with the Senju and compared to the Chinioke clan young man sitting in front of them, they were many times stronger.

The only reason for their fear was the strong blood manipulation of the man.

The Chinioke clan had developed during the years they had stayed in the Tengoku island and had gotten quite a number of Jutsus in their arsenal while also improving their clans Kekkai Genkai.

And this young man in front of them just needed a drop of blood to kill them off.

"Jashin-sama, it was our oversight that caused this failure. You didn't tell us they were that strong so we assumed..."

"So it's my fault?" Jashin asked, his voice sounding curious.

"No. No. Jashin-sama, it's our fault."

"Useless. I need to leave as soon as possible, it has already been days since you messed up, Kuchiki-dono would have already sent his dogs after us all and my dearest uncle would surely be with them." Jashin said while rubbing his chin.

The men gasped in shock and then man that looked like the leader stuttered. "J-Jashin-sama, you said the village head was a pacifist right? What do you mean he'll send his people after us?"

Jashin looked at him weirdly for a moment and asked. "Are you stupid or are you pretending to be?"

"Kuchiki-dono is a pacifist but even a house cat tends to be violent when its tail is stepped on. I grew up under his rule, Tenzo-dono, and I know that his wrath isn't something anyone can bear, not even those two Uchiha-Senju fools." Jashin said and stood up.

The men had hopeful expression when they saw him begin walking only to feel despair as the seal circle under him moved along with him.

Jashin smiled at their despair and asked. "What? You thought I wouldn't know the weakness of my own techniques? Perhaps, you're all just fools."

Looking at the clan compound from the main building, Jashin smiled and said. "It's quite a pity that all these will be destroyed, Kuchiki-dono had a principle of 'If they stand against you, show them no mercy.' But perhaps he'll leave your young ones, better make your preparations and hope you don't fight my uncle."

"I better leave before the Calvary attacks, I can only say, goodl-. Shit, they're here." Jashin stopped talking midway as he felt several tens of chakra signature surrounding the clan compound with nine enormous chakra signature on par with his.

"For now, you're all free, we should better reorganize ourselves to fight, maybe that way we'll have a winning chance." The black markings on his face and the seal circle on the ground vanished as he turned and gave the Clan head a gentle smile which made it look like he was talking to his oldest friend.

The Hagoromo Clan men had relieved expression for an instant before they took sensed the various chakra signatures surrounding them.

In this warring state era, there was little to no need for stealth during battles such as this, there was only one outcome when two clan met on the battle field, only one must survive.

This happens when their power levels are varied, but in cases where they're Equal in power levels, the battle always ends in a draw.

Without skipping a beat, Tenzo, the clan head have a loud shout. "MEN! PREPARE FOR BATTLE! MOVE THE WOMEN AND YOUNF ONES AWAY FROM THE COMPOUND!"

As soon as he gave the order, he looked at his fellow clan members and said. "This may be our last fight and I'm sorry for bringing us to this state, but we'll have one last glorious battle to end it all. There's no logic nor reasoning in this strength-oriented world. Whosever's fist are harder will be the one who makes the law."

As he said this he looked at Jashin whonwas smiling amicably by the side.

Looking at his fellow clansmen who had gathered around him as they heard hi shout, he continued. "Fight for a path for our young and frail ones to escape." Looking at the little children who were also geared ti fight, he shook his head and said. "You children will escape during this battle. After this battle, no matter which path you are chose to walk, don't ever place your hopes onto others. All those so-called alliances between the major clans will be destroyed that the mere mention of interest, profit and threat of death. Only by being strong yourself would you be able to do things that you want to do, protect the people you want to protect and being someone of indomitable spirit who is able to support everything."

As the clan head spoke, his aura changed as his body began to morph as he took in the abundant natural energy in the air, his eyes amde him look berserk but he retained his sane mind.

"LET'S FIGHT!" He screamed and jumped so high that it looked like he was flying.

"Ooh!" Everyone screamed and followed behind with some also undergoing minor change in their physique.

"Phew." Jashin whistled. "It never gets new seeing those transformations. Luckily, they still bleed even in that state or I would've been killed back then." Jashin said as he thought back to their first encounter.

He had expected it as that was part of the reason he had hoped to partner up with them, only a clan as weird as the Hagoromo clan could hope to match up to the Tengoku clan, or so he thought.


Outside the Hagoromo clan compound, Hinami, who was in command said, "Get ready, they're coming. Fujirawa, take care of your nephew..." She said and kept her her eyes on him for a moment.

"Hai, Hinami-dono, I'll handle him properly and bring him back for trial." Chinioke Fujirawa nodded and said gratefully.

Hinami nodded and then said to Kageno. "Infiltrate the clan and make sure every child from Zero to seven years of age and safely evacuated from the clan. The women also."

The eight Captains gave her questioning stares to which she shrugged and kept silent. Kageno seeing this nodded and disappeared.

To him, she was the one incharge of this mission, her words were the law, if they questioned her, then it'll be analogous to questioning the one who put her in charge.

As far as the main mission was accomplished, there would be no need to fault her.

"Hinami-dono, may I ask why the women too?" Toshiba asked.

Hinami kept quiet for some time before she asked. "Do you know why Sonchō always leaves a way out to any clan being destroyed?"

Everyone shook their head to which she smiled and said. "He believes they're all here for a reason, and so, should not be directly exterminated."

"The Hagoromo clan is the only clan with access to natural energy without really Training for it. The Uzumaki, Senju and Tengoku all have to meditate over long periods of time but they don't. Why would he allow such a fine clan to be directly exterminated?"

"As for their future retaliation, we just have to train the young ones to be stronger than we are and everything will be alright." Hinami concluded and then looked deep into the Hagoromo clan and then said, "Seems like your nephew completed his research on Blood Curse Technique, you better be careful."

"No need to worry, it all boils down to blood manipulation, and in this entire world, I doubt anyone is on par with me." Fujirawa said confidently.

"HM, it always helps to be careful." Hinami nodded. "Yuri, be careful, Mikoto, you too."

"Aiya, Taīcho, you break our hearts. How could you not care about the rest of us?" Aburame said teasingly while wiggling like a lady.

This attracted the disgust of the captains but as they were already used to his acts they just ignored him.

"If you need me to tell you to be careful, then you wouldn't be here as a captain." Hinami smiled, she found this attitude of his funny. A man acting like a woman.

There was a time Shun lived an entire lifetime as a woman, hence the amusement.

"Are~ Nee-san are you saying we shouldn't be here?" Yuri asked in an aggrieved tone.


Mikoto was quick to answer and punched her in the head. "Don't be stupid, we're about to enter a battle, so pay attention."

"Uwa~ Nami-nee, Mikoto is bullying me again." Yuri complained.

"And she's right, we're entering a battle, be focused." Hinami admonished.

"Okay..." Yuri said as she drooped her shoulders.

"They're here." Mikoto said as she saw a weird looking man falling down from the sky, the aura around him screamed of ferocity only a cornered beast would have.

"Hope you aren't far gone, Tenzo-san, I would like you to feel the pains of killing one of ours." Toshiba, the buffed-uo captain said as he stepped out to confront him. An excited smile lighting up his face at finally meeting someone he could Duke it out with properly other than two anomalies.

Hinami's brow twitched all of a sudden while Shun who had just created a perfect clone to take over for him as he went off-world suddenly sneezed.

"Hmm? Do beings like me catch cold or is Someone speaking I'll of me? Perhaps the Hagoromo clan warriors, whatever, gotta go." He said and created a portal leading to the space above the planet.


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