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Prologue: Author's Life

Warning: (English is not my first language.)

Currently, A man is in his room with a laptop on his desk, typing at a fast pace. The man looked like in his early 40s, had an average face, and had a pretty muscular body with some scars on both of his arms and chest.

If people were to see him in public, it would most likely make people think he is either a gangster or a person who used to be in the military.

While his identity being a gangster was false, he used to be in the military. He started in the Marine Corps as his career as soon as he graduated from high school.

It's not that he didn't want to go to college because he wasn't smart, it's that he simply wasn't interested in going to college in the first place since there was almost no job that he was interested in. He served in the military for 25 years, and he's been in multiple missions, in some missions only half of his team would come back home after the mission while the worst mission was where he survived with two other people from his squad.

The mission where he and 2 other people survived left him with a tinge of fear that he could feel even now. His name is Marcus Fellman and right now he is writing the final chapter of his first volume "The Vassal" to post on a novel website so that he could get some extra money. It's not that his job current is terrible, it was boring to sit in a chair and look at security cameras for 8 hours a day.

The reason why he chose to write a novel was that reading a novel was always a need for him, to the point that you would see him reading on his phone almost every day. He was always a quiet person, even in the orphanage, where he wouldn't speak unless someone spoke to him.

Novels to him are like a drug that he couldn't live without. When he is reading novels, he is himself when he laughs at the characters for doing something funny, or he would be sad whenever something sad happens in the novel. Regardless, novels to him were the joy of his life, since he didn't have friends and never tried to make a friend.

"Hm, almost finished with the final chapter."

He is writing the final sentence of a paragraph where the main character is now in his third year in the World Academy, Vanguard. His eyes had a thin dark circle underneath them. He looked at the time, and it was almost midnight, so he typed faster. After he finished writing, he stretched his entire body on the chair while yawning.

"Haaaaah, I'm finally finished. All I have to do now is post it."

He was about to post his final chapter but almost forgot the most important part.

"Damn, I almost forgot to tell them that I'll be taking a 3-week break so that I could rest, otherwise they would be complaining about why is there no new chapter."

He quickly typed that he would take a 3-week off so that he could rest, and finally posted the chapter. After he posted the chapter, he jumped on his bed and quickly went to sleep.


*Beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Marcus woke up from his sleep and grabbed his phone to turn off the alarm. He went to the kitchen to make breakfast and noticed that he was almost out of rice. He then went to grab some eggs and toast some bread. As he cooked his eggs, he also noticed that he was almost out of salt and pepper.

"Hmm, looks like I'll have to go to the store later. Thank god, it's my day off today."

Once he finished cooking his scrambled eggs, the toast was also ready. As he ate his breakfast, he made a list on his phone of what he needed to get in the store. After he finished his breakfast, he did a 2-hour "light" exercise which would make people look at him as if he was a machine under human skin.

"Hmm, at least I got a bit of a sweat today. I'll take a shower so that I can go to the store quickly."

As he went to his room, he checked his phone and saw a bunch of notifications from the novel app. He opened the app and read some of it.


[LINCOLNGR57: Have a good break and thanks for the chapter!]

[Bubble_bath&47: Thank you for the new chapter!!]

[Lmigra/$9: Have a good break!!]


He had a small smile on his face as people told him thanks for the new chapter and to have a good break.

"Look's like I'll have to write next week so that I won't fall behind schedule."

He then grabbed some clothes from the closet and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He went outside his house and felt a cold breeze pass by while he was walking towards his car. As he opened his car door, his next-door neighbor waved at him, and he waved back. He got into his car and started the engine to go to the store.

He arrived at the store and parked his car in the parking lot. He got out of the car, grabbed a shopping cart nearby, and went to the store. As he walked to the store, he saw a little looking at him, and he greeted the child with a gentle smile.

"Good morning."

People who saw him were surprised since he looked very scary from their perspective. The little girl said good morning with a smile and quickly ran to the store. The little girl caught up to her mother and the mother softly scolded her while the little girl had a pout on her face.

"Hehe, looks like the little girl is getting scolded by her mother."

He then walked into the store to get everything on his grocery list on his phone. He grabbed a bag full of rice, salt, pepper, and a few snacks on his way to the back of the store to grab some eggs.


An explosion went off near the front of the store and fire alarms were starting to ring. Smoke started to fill the store and people were running toward the exits, some of which were blocked. He was running all around the place to find an exit when he noticed the little girl was trying to lift the debris that fell on her mother trying to get her out.

He quickly runs towards them and helps the little girl by lifting the debris that is crushing her mother. He quickly lifted the woman and ran towards the exit with the little girl as fast as possible.


Another explosion went off, and he noticed that the ceiling was falling beneath them, so he pushed the two forward. The debris fell on his body and noticed that the little girl was trying to get him out.

"Don't mind me and keep running!"

The little girl looked at him with tears falling down her cheeks. He looked at her mother.

"Grab her and hurry! There's not much time, so just leave me here and run!!"

The mother took her daughter and ran towards the exit. The little girl looked at him, crying that she couldn't help the man who saved her mother. Marcus opened his mouth with a smile. Although the little girl was far away and couldn't hear him, she knew what he was saying.

'It's fine, don't worry about me.'

Marcus saw pure black smoke coming from everywhere. He felt his consciousness slowly fading away and felt his body turn cold. Despite everything that was happening to him, Marcus still had a smile on his face and thought to himself.

'At le...ast ...I sav… ed them... and I… do…n't min... d-dyin…g.'

The next thing Marcus noticed was that he could not breathe anymore. His consciousness was now completely cut off and felt like he was going to sleep.

Zzzzzz* Zzzzz*

Marcus woke up from a loud snore. When he was about to get up he froze, he looked around the room and saw a bunch of kids from ages 10-12 sleeping on their own bed. He looked at his own body and noticed that he was also in a kid's body. He started to freak out internally by putting his hands on his head when thought of something that could drive him even more insane.

'…. This better not be what I think it is.'

He thought of the one word that he wrote in his novel.


A screen showed up in front of him and his face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost.

[You have awakened your system at an early age!]

[Anomially detected!]




[Identity confirmed!!]





[Welcome Marcus Fellman, you have been reincarnated into your novel "The Vassal" on June 15th, 3708.]



Level: 1 (0/1,000)

Rank: G (Max rank: X)

Race: Human

Heart: N/A

SP: 0


Health: 151/151

Stamina: 208/208

Mana: 196/196

Aura: 176/176

Defense: 5

Strength: 5

Agility: 8



In a space where it's filled with nothing, a young woman is sitting on a throne with her right hand supporting her chin, watching Marcus panicking with a smile.

"Hehe, he panicked a bit, which is natural. Since he's here now, I want him to fulfill 3 of my wishes. The first is that I need you to save the world. The second is to kill 'them'. And finally, I hope you don't waste all your talents again like you did back then. Best of luck, Damian."



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