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64.46% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 152: Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Chapter 152

Shepard and the group, pondered what Harry told them just now, it seems like there are three people on the other side of the door, more than likely one of them might be a hostage while the other two were biotic terrorists.

This was a very delicate situation, but Harry knew that Shepard could handle it, though he was also ready to intervene at any time, just in case something went sideways.

So with that in mind, everyone walked forward and the door opened for them, inside, as Harry had told them, were three people.

One is a man and he was on the floor on his knees, while another man is behind him and holding a gun to the back of his head.

The third person in the room is a woman, and she's standing to the side and just watching everything happening, the biotic leader suddenly spoke "See how it is? You write letters and everyone ignores you, force is the only thing people appreciate.

So what about if I kill Chairman Burns and finish this charade?" the biotic leader then glared at the chairman who was the man in front of him on his knees.

Of course, the chairman was very scared right now "Please! I was trying to help you people!".

Shepard immediately began to try to calm down the biotic leader and distract him "Let's not do anything we're all going to regret".

The biotic leader just stared at Shepard "Why not? What have we got to lose? Since the Chairman here decided that we didn't get reparations, we've got nothing left to live for!".

Harry narrowed his eyes and frowned, but decided to listen and pay attention in order to learn more about the situation, the chairman however spoke up "But I've changed my mind! Seeing y-you all, it's c-clear that you all d-deserve...".

The biotic leader scowled at the chairman and spoke up "You had your chance! Some L2s are nearly crippled from the side effects of the implants, but you voted against reparations!".

Shepard looked down, this situation is a difficult one, on one hand, the biotics had every right to be angry, but he couldn't let them kill the chairman, nothing would get done if they kill him, so Shepard decided to try and stop this from escalating even more "Think about this, Burns is the one man who can help you".

Chairman Burns, immediately spoke up "Yes! If you release me, I can take another look at the reparations request!".

The biotic leader, however, wasn't convinced about all of this "What, we're supposed to trust you?".

Harry then spoke up "What if I can ensure the chairman does what he promises?".

The biotic leader turned his head towards Harry "How? How can you make sure he stays true to his word".

Harry smiled "I'll put a curse on him, if he doesn't do what he promises, he'll suffer a horrible and painful death".

The biotic leader raised an eyebrow, he didn't know what to think about this man, saying he'll use a curse, but if there was one thing he knew, is that he can't trust anyone in this situation "Sure, you promise us freedom and say everything will be fine but as soon as we surrender, you'll double cross us!".

Shepard shook his head "I'm not promising to let you go, all we're saying is that we can make sure Burns will take another look, right Burns?".

Chairman Burns nodded "Absolutely, I had no idea the L2 Biotics were this desperate, if I had known... the reparations will come, for whatever is worth, I promise that".

The biotic leader stared at the Chairman in silence for a while, but then he sighed and moved his gun away from the Chairman's head "You're right, I don't want to die, maybe something will happen this time, we surrender".

Chairman Burns stood up and sighed in relief, he then spoke to Shepard "Thank you, Commander, I thought I was dead when they took me. I'll see to it that the reparations discussion is reopened, I didn't know they were so desperate".

Shepard shook his head and sighed "Then you weren't doing your job, a Fifth Fleet cruiser will pick you up and the prisoners".

Chairman Burns looked down in shame, while Shepard turned around and left, with this situation peacefully resolved, Harry decided to resurrect all the dead biotic terrorists.

They might have broken the law, but that was because they were desperate, sure they'll be arrested and whatnot, but at the very least they would be alive.

The biotics had no idea what had happened and were very confused about being brought back to life, but after the biotic leader told them what had happened they all willingly surrendered and let themselves get arrested.

However before anyone could ask questions, Shepard and the group left, though Harry decided to try and find a solution to this L2 Implants situation soon, not just for Kaidan, but for the rest of those affected.


Back on the Normandy, everyone went to have something to eat, everyone was hungry after everything the group had done today, it has certainly been a busy day for the Normandy and Shepard's squad.

The commander, however, before he could join everyone for lunch, suddenly got a message and he stopped to listen to it, it seems Hackett wanted to thank Shepard "Thank you for dealing with the hostage situation, Commander.

Chairman Burns was quite impressed by the way you resolved the situation peacefully, your assistance above and beyond formal duties has been noted, Commander, Fifth Fleet out".

Shepard sighed and then walked away from the galaxy map, despite being told he did a good job, he quite didn't care about it right now, at this moment he was tired and hungry and wanted to rest for a bit.

And so Shepard quickly left to join everyone to have some well-earned lunch.


After lunch and resting a bit, Shepard went back to the galaxy map, now that he didn't need to worry about planetary surveys and exploration, thanks to the girls, he can now focus on doing battle missions.

Next, he decided to go to the Voyager Cluster, though he received even more missions from Hackett and the Fifth Fleet, though, seems like he was going to be very busy for a while.

Once in the Voyager Cluster, he decided to go straight to Agebinium, a crimson-red planet, as usual, the Mako was dropped on the planet, with Kunou and Harry flying beside it.

Shepard brought Kaidan and Ashley with him this time, and as soon as the Mako landed on the planet, Harry and Kunou landed on the Mako and looked around.

Harry smiled as he saw the red planet "Wow, this planet looks kinda cool with all of this red everywhere".

Kunou nodded "It looks very pretty, blood red, you think Mars looks like this?".

Harry hummed as the Mako took off "No I don't think so, not this red anyways, but I think it's because of the red sun in this system".

Kunou looked up and stared at the sun, not directly but enough to notice that indeed the sun was red "Huh? That's interesting, I didn't know there were suns with different colors".

Harry smiled "I heard there are even blue and white ones, though I'm not sure if it's true or not, I'm not much for outer space science".

Kunou smiled and nodded, both kitsune and dragon god enjoyed the ride while Shepard continued to drive the Mako like a maniac, more than once they had to stop the Mako from doing flips and crashing into something.

Eventually, they made it, to the location they were getting a signal from, Harry didn't know what they were doing there, but it must be important if Shepard decided to come here.

They arrived at a mineshaft and everyone got off the Mako and walked towards the entrance of the mineshaft, Ashley hummed and nodded "That's the source of the signal, Commander".

Shepard frowned "This looks very suspicious...".

Kaidan then spoke up "I agree, the probe didn't crash, it was moved here...".

Harry decided to ask what was going on "What exactly are we doing here guys?".

Shepard decided to explain "We're supposed to recover a crashed probe that happens to be a nuke, but as you can see, something else is going on here".

Harry raised an eyebrow "A nuke?".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, it was deployed during the First Contact War, it suddenly let out a mission complete signal, which confused the Fifth Fleet quite a bit.

So I was sent to investigate and recover the thing discreetly, if The Council find out that we had nukes floating around, the Alliance would lose face in The Citadel".

Harry nodded in understanding "I see, and now we find out that something else is going on here... you know? I'm starting to think that your luck on missions is worse than my friend Naruto's, Shepard and that's saying a lot".

Shepard sighed, this Naruto guy must really have some awful luck in missions if Harry says that he has it worse than him.

The commander nodded to himself and decided to get things started "Alright, there's a nuke down there and we don't know what's waiting for us.

So check your corners and be ready for anything, I rather not get caught by surprise".

Everyone nodded and quickly got ready, together they walked to the entrance of the mineshaft to investigate this weird situation they found themselves in.


Once inside they walked through a long tunnel until they stopped in front of a big circular door, Shepard quickly opened and found a chamber, there was a lot of water on the floor, which caught Harry's attention "Water?".

Shepard nodded "They must have found water underground or even ice, all the machinery and such must have melted it".

Harry nodded, the group then ignored the water and continued onwards into the mineshaft, after a door and another tunnel, they found themselves in another chamber, this one also had water on the ground.

This chamber was big, but everything was very quiet, which only served for everyone to grow tense, but they ignored all of that and continued to walk through the chamber, until they found, yet another door.

Shepard immediately opened it as soon as the group reached it and after yet again, another tunnel and a door they found another chamber, Harry frowned and looked around "... guys, we're pretty deep in this mineshaft.

And it's empty, if the nuke was moved here, then where's everyone? I doubt anyone would just abandon or leave a nuke alone, so that leaves one more option".

Shepard widen his eyes when he realized what Harry was getting at "Shit.. someone set us up! Run ba-".

But it was too late, and a loud crashing sound suddenly echoed throughout the chamber, Kaidan frowned "That's was the detonator, Harry is right, someone set us up".

Suddenly, a hologram projection materialized inside the chamber and spoke up "Shepard, at last".

Shepard however, just raised an eyebrow at the hologram projection "Have we met?".

The hologram immediately answered Shepard's question "My name is Elanos Haliat, I doubt you know it.

Who do you think runs the Terminus Clans, Shepard? Hm? Thousand of pirates, slavers, criminals of every stripe?".

Shepard just frowned at the sudden and not wanted speech "You assume I give a damn, that's cute".

Kunou giggled while Harry just smiled in amusement, Elanos however, seemed to ignore what Shepard just said "The strongest leads, the one who kills the most men, seize the most ships, pillages the most colonies.

Three years ago, I was the strongest, I used my influence to assemble a fleet, we would drive your kind out to the verge".

But Shepard didn't seem impressed, in fact, he seemed rather bored "You organized the attack in Elysium, too bad we kicked your ass back into Terminus huh?".

Elenos now seemed annoyed "I was the motivator, the instigator, the one who promised glory and riches for sacking the largest human colony in the cluster.

The one blamed when it failed, I was ruined when your kind held against the blitz, what better way to recover my reputation than by eliminating the first human spectre?".

Shepard just sighed and shook his head "My crew will come for me".

Elenos just smiled "Let them, we'll be ready, an Alliance warship would make for a fine prize, oh, and if you hadn't noticed, the ores here are laced with heavy metals, I'm afraid your suit radios aren't powerful enough to transmit out".

Shepard turned his head towards Harry, the dragon god nodded and opened a Dark Corridor beside everyone, Ashley, Kaidan, and Kunou immediately walked through.

Shepard walked towards the Dark Corridor and stopped right in in front of it, he then turned his head towards Elenos and grinned "You'll see me again soon, Haliat, count on it".

Elenos however, was to busy gaping at what he just saw, so he couldn't respond, not like Shepard cared, he just walked through the Dark Corridor and disappeared, Harry just chuckled and walked through it after Shepard.

The Dark Corridor, closed itself soon after, leaving Elanos's hologram just staring in disbelief and confusion, the spot the Dark Corridor disappeared on.


Outside the mineshaft, the Dark Corridor sprouted from the ground right beside the Mako, everyone stepped out and watched the Dark Corridor dissipate, Harry however, sense something nearby "Hm? Looks like we have some visitors".

Shepard frowned "They must have arrived after we went inside the mineshaft, how many?".

Harry hummed for a second "At last 20 people, we faced bigger numbers, Elanos sure is one cocky asshole huh?".

Shepard nodded "He is if he thinks that's enough to take us down".

The group nodded, but immediately got ready and took off running toward where Harry pointed the enemies to be, it really was a one-sided massacre though, the mercenaries and pirates fought hard, but it just wasn't enough.

Harry and Kunou killed most of them with two Firaga spells, while Shepard, Ashley, and Kaidan shot and killed any stragglers, eventually, Shepard saw Elenos trying to run away, but he quickly took aim and shot him right in the back of the head.

Elenos dropped dead and Shepard sighed in annoyance "That was a complete and total waste of my time".

Everyone nodded in agreement with Shepard, Elanos certainly went through a lot of effort to draw Shepard to this planet, but what he didn't account for, is Harry being there to help, with him around Shepard and the squad were never in any danger.

In any case, with this done, Shepard called the Normandy and then told Joker to come pick them up.


After some time passed by, Shepard went back to the galaxy map and decided to go take care of the next mission, this time he chose to go to another system and from there he had the Normandy go to the MSV Worthington, a Kowloon class modular conveyor.

It was time to investigate this ship and find out what was going on with it, the Normandy quickly approached the MSV Worthington and helped Shepard who brought Wrex, Garrus, Harry, and Kunou with him to board it this time.

Once inside, it was obvious that something is going on in this ship, Wrex grunted "Empty...".

Garrus nodded "Everything's shut down, only basic life support is running".

Shepard nodded "We'll have to investigate, but keep an eye open for any surprises, all of this just looks very suspicious".

Everyone nodded, and then they all began to walk around to investigate the ship, they checked every door and room, and eventually, they made it to a big room, here Kunou's ears suddenly twitched "Hey... we're not alone here guys, I can hear something or someone moving".

Everyone immediately got ready and drew their weapons, they cautiously began to walk through the room, when suddenly, a power containment cell, exploded at their side, luckily for everyone, Harry was the closest and he didn't receive any damage.

In fact, he just raised an eyebrow and blinked at how odd that was, Wrex, however, knew this was really something odd "That was no accident, the whole place must be a trap".

Shepard sighed "Great... right into another trap, what's with our luck today?".

No one said anything, though everyone had an amused smile on their faces, as they continued with their investigation, Harry however, quickly waved his hand and covered every power containment cell with a barrier just in case.

Something Shepard, Garrus, and Wrex were very thankful for, some time later they reached a door on the other side of the room, Shepard quickly opened it and found a hallway that split into three other hallways.

Each hallway lead to a door and a room, Shepard then decided to check each room one at a time, deciding to get into the right room first, he and the group quickly went inside and checked around.

Inside the room, they found a console, and on it, was a recording, curious about it, Shepard began to play it "They say Jacob's gone, they say his brain isn't functioning anymore and they shut off his machines, but Jacob's the only thing is the world that matters to me, I don't know how to help him and it's tearing me up inside! I just feel so helpless, so damn angry!.

Doctor Smith gave me some meds to calm down, but I didn't take them, not until I figure out a way to help Jacob, I won't give up on him, I won't!".

The whole recording confused Shepard and the squad, not even Harry knew what to make of it, other than that, they also found a weapons locker, which Harry opened with Oathkeeper.

After taking everything inside, they then decided to check the room next to the one they were in a few moments ago, they found a cockpit computer, and in it, they found another recording.

Shepard immediately played it hoping to find more clues "Jacob is showing no signs of brain activity, there's nothing more we can do for him, he wouldn't want to be kept alive by machines, we're going to disconnect the life support.

Doctor Smith is worried about Julia's reaction, though, she can't seem to let Jacob go, the stress is making her implants flare up causing intense migraines.

It'll be probably easier for everyone if we don't tell her until after we shut the life support down, give her a chance- Julia! What are you doing here? Why are you- Argh!".

Wrex grumbled and close his eyes "Well... that was ominous".

Garrus sighed "Wow, was that sarcasm Wrex? I couldn't tell".

Kunou giggled at their by-play, while Shepard just shook his head "I have a bad feeling about all of this".

Harry nodded "Yeah, no doubt this Julia woman caused all of this, but if so, where is everyone? There's no bodies, no blood, there's nothing in this ship".

Shepard nodded "I don't know, but let's see if we can find out".

Everyone nodded and then left the room, there was one more room to check so they all quickly went to it, inside they found out that it was some sort of medical bay, they also found another weapon locker, which they looted right away.

Shepard then noticed a computer nearby and he walk up to it, once again he found a recording, and he decided to play it right away "Jacob's not going to make it, his brain was deprived of oxygen for too long, there's nothing any of us can do for him now except let him die with dignity, it's what he would want.

I'm more worried about Julia now, she's showing signs of severe depression, I gave her some meds that should help, but I better warn the Captain".

Shepard sighed, all they got about all of this, is that Julia snapped because Jacob was going to be cut off from life support, it was something the crew of this ship decided to do with the best intentions, but it seems like Julia didn't want to understand.

Shepard turned his head towards the squad, he then looked to the side and noticed who they believed to be Jacob in a bed nearby "What a mess".

Everyone nodded in agreement and then walked up to the bed where Jacob is resting, Wrex suddenly spoke up "Looks like the machines are still keeping him alive".

Garrus looked around "Looks like Julia was able to make sure Jacob stays alive, but there's no brain activity, he's dead, and this body is nothing but an empty shell".

Shepard nodded, he then turned his head towards Harry "What do you think?"

Harry shook his head "His soul is gone, it has moved on, plus it's been a long time since it left his body, I shouldn't bring him back".

Shepard nodded in understanding, he then decided on what to do "No point in leaving him there like a vegetable".

Garrus then spoke for everyone "Your call Shepard, but maybe we should wait until we know more about what's going on before we do anything".

Shepard was about to say something, but everyone was suddenly attacked by a biotic push, however, Harry had kept an eye on any energy signature, since he heard about Julia.

He knew she was alive and nearby, so the moment, she rushed through the door and used a biotic push hoping to catch everyone by surprise, Harry was ready, he quickly raised a hand and caught the biotic attack with his bare hand.

He then gathered all the energy and coalesced it into an orb which he then crushed with his hand, but Julia immediately began to shoot at everyone with her weapon, Kunou quickly summoned her keyblade and slapped away the shots from everyone.

Shepard, seeing Julia busy, raised a hand and shot forward a biotic lift, Julia was caught off guard and sent flying up and against the ceiling, both Garrus and Wrex then shot back at her, until her shields broke.

With no shields to protect her, it only took a couple of shots to the chest to end her life, her body soon fell to the ground after Shepard dropped his biotic lift.

They felt bad for her, sure, but she is a murderer now and she certainly had every intention of killing them, so even though they understood her situation, they couldn't just let her do as she pleased.

Harry turned his head towards Jacob and sighed, he walked up to the Life support machine and turned it off, Jacob's vitals immediately flatlined, and his body was finally allowed to pass on.

Garrus sighed "It wasn't easy, but that was the right thing to do".

Harry nodded, he then lifted Julia's body off the ground with telekinesis and laid her beside Jacob's body, at least so she can be together with Jacob for now.

With that done, Shepard then decided it was time for everyone to get out of there, and so the group walked back to the Normandy, he needed to give his report of what happened so the Alliance can come and get the ship.


Everyone decided to rest for a bit, so Shepard began to make his reports to both The Council and The Fifth Fleet, after he finished he went to the galaxy map to choose what to take care of next.

Shepard, got a new mission message, but put it aside for later, he'll take care of it whenever he gets time.

So Shepard and the group began to take care of their mission objectives, which had nothing to do with Saren, so they decided to focus on that later.

First, they investigated and cleared out four geth outposts on four different planets, for this one, he asked Harry and the girls to take care of the situation and so each one teleported to each planet and easily cleared out the geth bases.

Meanwhile, Shepard took over the survey and exploration, while Harry and the girls finished this particular mission, they ended up finding more resources and a few other interesting things.

Soon after Harry along with the girls came back from the Armstrong Nebula, and reported to Shepard, they told him how each outpost was filled with geth and even how the surrounding area was littered with geth.

Of course, it wasn't much of a problem for Harry and the girls, since they just blasted everything to pieces quickly, Shepard immediately sent the report an Admiral Hackett, who was plenty thankful for the quick action of the Normandy Crew.

They next dealt with a mission that had to do with Shepard's past, which took them to a planet to investigate a few scientists, what they found were mercenaries trying to kill the scientists and an unexpected survivor of what had happened in Akuze.

An incident, that up until today, Shepard was thought to be the only survivor of, this is where Harry and the rest of the squad learned about Cerberus, an organization that Harry was becoming wary of, and that's never a good thing.

No one should ever want to get the attention of a dragon god, too bad Cerberus, wasn't aware of this fact and will learn to regret it later, in the end, they were able to convince the survivor of the incident in Akuze to not succumb to revenge, and the scientists who they found out were the cause of the incident itself were taken into the custody of The Fifth Fleet.

Admiral Hackett vowed to make sure Shepard and the survivor get the justice they deserve, the survivor was also going to receive help, for the trauma of being a victim of constant experimentation and the kidnapping, he received.


After those two missions, Shepard and the crew on the Normandy, called it a day and went to sleep, rest or eat, they had worked hard this day and now they earned their rest.

Though Harry first had to check on everything he was preparing for everyone, he had left the armor he bought for the alien members of the crew, with Le Fay so she can study them.

So now he wanted to work on them and see what she has found out, he wanted to have them finished before they go on their next big mission, their quest to find and kill Saren.


The next day, or rather after 8 hours of rest, the squad started their day by going on a mission in the Sol System, which to Harry was the Solar System, and went to Earth's moon.

Apparently, a VI went out of control in an Alliance Training Facility, according to Admiral Hackett. the VI had already caused the death of multiple Alliance Marines, so this became a very urgent issue.

So Shepard asked Harry if he could send a Digimon to deal with it quickly, Harry agreed, because lives were at stake, so he sent Beelzemon inside the Digital plane of the VI.

The virus-type demonlord Digimon quickly destroyed the simple and weak VI and solved the issues, once against Admiral Hackett was very happy that the Normandy was able to fix the issue quickly and with none of the equipment damaged.

Next, they receive a warning that an asteroid was heading to Terra Nova, a planet colonized by humans, Harry just blasted it away with a ki blast after he scanned the asteroid for human life and then teleported them to Terra Nova to keep them safe, Harry's Ki blast was so strong, it completely destroyed the asteroid.

However, there was something very odd about the asteroid, it seems it was being propelled by four engine thrusters, no one knew why though, and with the asteroid destroyed, they couldn't investigate.

But Shepard felt, there was no need to risk the situation and was the one that decided, that Harry should destroy it when he suggested the idea to do so.

Thankfully Harry, saved human lives and The Fifth Fleet would be questioning them about the situation later on, for now, all they were able to find out, was the whole incident was planned out by Batarian Extremists, though didn't know why.

Though they were all hopeful that they would eventually find out what happened in that asteroid later, Harry, couldn't help but think they just avoided a long and tedious situation.


~A couple of hours later~

With those mission objectives done with, Shepard decided it was time to go back to The Citadel, they still needed to speak with the asari Ambassador, who they found out was a sister of a slave trader a while ago.

Shepard wanted answers on that situation, the Normandy took off and didn't take long to arrive on The Citadel, Shepard sighed and walked away from the galaxy map and decided to go speak with Harry.

After that whole asteroid thing and the long report he received to read, he had been to busy to keep track of the squad, especially Harry, the commander was very thankful to the dragon god since it was thanks to him that the last few missions objectives were solved, fast, clean, and safely.

So he wanted to check how he was doing right now, especially since he immediately went to his pocket dimension and workshop to work on some things.

Now that they were heading to The Citadel, Shepard was wondering if Harry would like to come with him and check out the asari Ambassador and see what she had to do with her sister the slave trader.


He arrived quickly enough at Harry's Workshop and found him and the girls working on different kinds of armor, they were all engraving Rune Clusters all over them, Harry sighed and then stopped engraving runes on the krogan armor in front of him "Hmm that should do it".

Shepard walked up to Harry "Wow, you just bought those armor, and you're already upgrading them?".

Harry turned his head towards Shepard and smiled "Well, they're very different in design to human armor, but with the exception of the quarian armor, the rest are easy to enchant with the same enchantments we're giving yours".

Shepard nodded, but then got curious about something Harry said "You're having difficulties with the quarian armor?".

Harry sighed and nodded, he then walked over to where Le Fay was working on armor, when Shepard got close he noticed it was a quarian armor.

Le Fay stopped what she was doing and smiled at both Shepard and Harry "Hey Harry, what's up?".

Harry smiled back at Le Fay and pointed at the quarian armor "Hey Le Fay, sorry to interrupt you, but I wanted to explain to Shepard the issues we've been having".

Le Fay nodded and stood up, she then stretched and sighed "Alright, well the biggest issue we have, is that the quarian armor has a lot of functions we don't know about, it even has some sort of straw in the mask and we have no idea why?".

Harry nodded, with a frown "Yeah, plus this armor is built like a hazmat suit, it doesn't offer much in terms of defense, but it's very good at protecting from environmental damage.

The question is, why? I wanted to ask Tali about it, but she's busy right now in the engine room, so I'll have to wait a bit to get answers, meanwhile, we'll just add some protective enchantments, since that's what the armor is lacking the most".

Le Fay "How can quarians fight with armor this thin?" Le Fay shook her head "I have some ideas as to what the reason is but until we speak with Tali, I won't know for sure".

Shepard frowned "I see, I heard the quarian have a weak immune system or something like that, I think that's why the armor emphasizes environmental protection, but I'm not sure".

Harry hummed "That would make sense though and would explain a few things, like why I've never seen a quarian without a mask, I've wanted to ask but I don't know if it would be insensitive to do so".

Shepard nodded "Good choice, the best thing to do is ask Tali, she hopefully won't mind answering your questions, she knows about your situation with you being from another world".

Harry nodded "Yeah, I figured that was the smart thing to do... we're also almost finished with your armor, and your pistol's new upgrade has been finished. You can take it with you already" Shepard smiled and immediately went to go get his pistol out of the machine Harry has it in.

Harry grinned while Le Fay giggled, it seems Shepard had missed his Harry-made pistol and it was amusing to see how attached, he got to it already.

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