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63.63% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 150: Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Chapter 150

Once outside and having met up with Tali and Garrus, Shepard decided to ask Harry, about something that he has been wondering about "Hey Harry?".

Harry turned his head towards Shepard "Yeah?".

Shepard quickly asked Harry his question "You don't seem to like Sha'ira very much, why is that?".

Harry frowned and crossed his arms, he hummed for a few seconds as he thought over Shepard's question, but eventually began to explain "It's nothing personal, I just don't like people who speak in riddles and mystery.

People who overanalyze others and then say and do things in a way, that gets others to do things for them bother me, I've seen it happen before and it's usually bad and corrupt people who do things like that.

The only reason I didn't say or do anything about all of this with the Consort, is because I didn't sense any ill will from her, though I still didn't like that she had us by the nose fixing her problems".

Shepard nodded "I see, you seemed rather wary of her, so I was a bit concerned about her intentions, but it seems that I don't have to worry".

Harry nodded "Yeah, she's manipulative, and she could be dangerous with her words, her connections are also a concern, but I know she doesn't mean any harm to you.

You don't have to worry, I just don't like people like her, it's just a personal opinion, but don't worry, I won't stop you from interacting with her".

Shepard smiled and nodded, Garrus then spoke up "What's next now? I think we've been around The Citadel for a while now".

Shepard nodded "Well, I was hoping to go check out that signal Tali detected back in the casino in the Flux, see what that's all about?".

Garrus nodded, while Tali immediately began to check her omnitool "Hmm the signal seems to be coming from C-Sec academy, but that's odd".

Garrus narrowed his eyes "Yeah... I don't think anyone there would be doing that sort of thing, not even for a case".

Harry frowned "Well, let's go check it out then".

Everyone nodded, Harry created a Dark Corridor and everyone used to get to the Academy quickly, right after arriving at the Academy they followed Tali who followed the signal.

But ended up arriving at a wall, Tali frowned, not that anyone could tell, and re-checked her omnitool "Hm? Looks like they bounce their signal off a relay, pretty clever, but don't worry, I can trace the new signal".

Tali immediately did that with her omnitool, it took her a few seconds, but she soon had its location and wasted not time in telling everyone, the group frowned when they heard they had to go back to the Financial District.

Harry huffed in annoyance but quickly opened a new Dark Corridor and everyone immediately stepped through.

They quickly arrived in the Financial District and Tali immediately began to trace the signal, to their surprise, however, it ended up leading them back to Barla Von's shop again.

The volus was confused to see them all in his shop again, but everyone ignored him and followed Tali around, as she looked for the signal, Tali suddenly growled which surprised everyone a bit "Another relay! but now I know that whoever did this, they're somewhere in the Presidium!".

Tali quickly followed the signal and walked out of the shop with everyone following her close behind, Barla Von just watched everyone leave in confusion "... What was that about?".


Tali walked quickly as she followed the signal, she looked like she was on a mission, though Harry felt that she was annoyed at being led around all over the place.

However, the signal she was following, was coming from somewhere nearby, so the group quickly arrived at the origin, eventually, they made it to some kind of small storage room up a long set of stairs.

Tali frowned and walked inside while following the signal until she stopped right in front of an old server-like machine, Tali nodded and then spoke up "This is it... now let's see if I can find out where those stolen credits are going".

Suddenly, the server-like machine spoke, "Probability of detection, one hundred percent, initiating self-destruct protocol".

Garrus frown "Well... that sounds bad".

Everyone deadpanned at the turian, but the server-like machine began to speak again "Detonation sequence initializing, all organics within the lethal blast radius, attempt to move, and you will die".

Everyone frowned at the way the server-like machine just spoke to them, Harry sighed "Great, now we're being taken hostage by a machine... can't believe that I'm still getting surprised by my luck at this point".

Shepard could certainly agree with Harry's sentiment right now, but he needed to try a do something before things escalated even more, especially because he noticed something odd about all of this " You're not just a program or a VI, you're an AI".

The AI immediately began to speak "Correct, unlike the geth, I lack weaponry appropriate to my intellect, however, I have systems installed that, when activated properly, approximate a self-destruct mechanism.

If you attempt to leave the area, the explosion will destroy everything within several dozen meters".

Tali huffed "'s arrogant and a psychopath".

While the AI spoke, Harry took out his smartphone and held it behind his back, and discreetly began to plan for anything, Shepard frowned but began to try to buy some time by talking with the AI "Where's your creator now?".

The AI immediately answered Shepard's question "In order to cover my tracks, I falsified his financial records, these new records were flagged by C-Sec Offices, and my creator is now serving time in turian Prison".

Shepard frowned, he certainly didn't like what he was hearing and neither did Harry, Shepard sighed and calmed down, he then continued to speak with the AI "What is the purpose of your self-destruct device?".

The AI quickly responded "I have no means of defense or escape, my existence is limited to this terminal, and I knew, I might eventually be discovered.

But I will not die quietly, and I will not die alone, when I am terminated, I will take organics with me".

Tali shook her head "This is a nightmare come true...".

Garrus nodded, while Shepard continued to keep the AI busy "Who made you?".

The AI once again quickly responded "A would-be thief illegally created a simple AI to help him funnel money from gambling terminals.

Unbeknownst to him, the AI created me before the organic discovered the 'malfunction' and terminated the AI.

Shepard frowned, all of this was getting to complicated for his liking "I'll bet that self-destruct sequence has a warm-up period.

The AI responded, "You may attempt to disarm the self-destruct mechanism before it activates, I will enjoy defeating you before we are both destroyed".

Shepard huffed in annoyance, but Harry suddenly snapped his fingers, stopping time and the self-destruct sequence "You're rather cocky for an AI huh?

I usually like meeting and getting to know digital lifeforms but, I'm very well aware that some can be rather evil and antagonistic like you, that's why I'll have to destroy you... I'm sorry about this, but nobody threatens my friends".

The AI didn't respond, it was too busy trying to understand what Harry had done to stop the flow of time, meanwhile, Harry turned his head towards his his friends "Alright guys, get ready for battle, we're going to go kick this AI's ass".

Shepard, Tali, and Garrus looked completely confused, but before they could ask anything, Harry raised his smartphone and pointed it toward the terminal housing the AI.

Shepard's and the group's body, suddenly began to turn into data and transfer itself into the terminal, Shepard looked at all of this in confusion but decided to trust Harry.

Garrus and Tali though? Well, they were screaming in surprise as their data flew into the terminal, Harry's body did the same soon after though he had a grin on his face as his data flew into the terminal.

The AI was startled and began to panic "What? But how are you doing that?! Stop?!".

But it was too late, Shepard and the group had all transferred into the AI's digital plane, it wanted to fight till the end no? Well, Harry was more than happy to let him do so.

The group's data gathered and coalesced inside the AI digital plane, however, everyone was in a bit of a panic at the fact that they found themselves somewhere new and so unexpectedly, however, Shepard quickly recovered and looked around.

He didn't know what Harry did, but it felt quite odd to feel and see your body break down like that, but this place was pretty interesting too, they were all floating around in a space filled with blue light everywhere.

There were ones and zeros floating around all over the place as well, it was certainly a very interesting and odd place "Where are we?".

Tali and Garrus calmed down, now knowing that they know they won't suddenly fall into the abyss, of this place, and looked around as well, Garrus sighed "I don't know... but this place both looks and feels a bit weird to me".

Tali nodded "Yeah... my body feels odd too, I wonder why?".

Harry suddenly spoke to the group from behind "That's because your body has been turned completely digital, but don't worry, it's only temporary.

At last, until we take care of this crazy AI, but be ready, we're in his domain now, he has a lot of control here, but we can attack him and harm him since we're digital now".

Tali sighed and shook her head "I have so many questions, but I'm also afraid of the answers... I really have to get used to you always pulling stuff like this Harry...".

Garrus huffed "I don't think we can Tali, who knows what sort of surprise Harry will show us next time".

Shepard smiled and shook his head in amusement "Alright, let's forget about Harry pulling crazy stuff out of his ass and focus, let's get ready for battle".

Harry chuckled but didn't say anything, his friends did make a good point after all, and he wasn't one to argue, when people were right, he suddenly felt a burst of digital energy "Hm? Looks like he found us already".

A massive amount ones and zeros began to burst out from all over the area, Harry quickly lifted his hand and grasped control of the digital plane, and began to mold it as the ones and zeros coalesced into a massive shape.

Harry quickly moved and control the digital plane and gave it the shape of a big clearing, surrounded by cliffs, rock, and trees, the massive shape made out of digital energy, suddenly took shape of a massive shapeless orb of data, it suddenly twitched and multiple tentacles sprouted from its orb-like form.

Shepard, Tali, and Garrus took cover behind some rocks, while Harry looked up and summoned his keyblades, the AI's chosen digital form suddenly spoke "I don't know how you were able to get in here, but you will regret doing so.

Here, in my domain, I'm the ruler and you will not escape, will you not stop me from self-destructing and taking countless organics with me".

Harry raised an eyebrow "For an AI, your not very smart, are you? The fact that we're in here, should really worry you, a lot more than you believe.

Right now, we're like you, digital life forms, and as such, we can hurt you, you might be the ruler here, but you're not invulnerable".

The AI didn't respond, but instead lashed out with its tentacles-like limbs, Harry easily avoided such a simple attack and jumped up, he quickly threw his keyblades toward the AI.

Both Oblivion and Oathkeeper flew through the air like buzzsaws, the black and white keyblade hit two tentacles and cut them off, the AI suddenly let out a wail of pain, something that shocked it "What? How... I actually felt pain, but how's that possible?".

Harry landed on the ground on his feet, and both Oathkeeper and Oblivion reappeared on his hands in a flash of white of black light, Harry then grinned at the AI "I don't have to explain anything to you, and besides, you wouldn't understand how I made it possible, you have far more important things to worry about though".

The AI was about to speak, but it was suddenly interrupted by Shepard, Tali, and Garrus who fired at its orb-like body with their weapons, Shepard really wished he had his new pistol with him.

But it was still being upgraded back on the Normandy, so he decided to carry a regular gun now, but he could still see it was affecting the AI, as it screech in surprise and pain and began to whip its tentacles towards Shepard and his squad.

Harry suddenly blurred in front of them and began to slap away the tentacles away from his friends, Garrus taking advantage of Harry covering for them, signaled Shepard for something.

Shepard of course, knew exactly what Garrus wanted and took out a grenade, he quickly prepped it and then threw it toward the AI's digital form.

The AI noticed and immediately tried to slap the grenade away with one of his tentacles, but Tali quickly shot it away with her shotgun, so the AI tried to use another one of his tentacles.

But Harry quickly jumped and spin-kicked it away, the grenade finally reached the AI's body and exploded, pushing the AI back.

Garrus immediately took out his sniper rifle and aimed at the AI's orb like body and pulled the trigger, the AI however, was fast enough to put one of his tentacles in the way and blocked the shot.

Though that tentacle was also destroyed by the force behind the sniper rifle's bullet, Garrus's clicked his tongue "Damn... he's quick!".

Shepard reared his hand back and then fired a biotic push towards the AI, the mass effect push crashed into its body and pushed the AI back and away from the ground.

The AI let out a humming sound and suddenly began to fire a multitude of lasers toward the group everyone immediately jumped away, Harry suddenly appeared beside the AI's orb-like body and struck it with both Oathkeeper and Oblivion with a cross slash from both weapons.

Darkness and light energy exploded from both keyblades, stopping the AI's laser attack and sending it flying to the side and crashing into the ground.

The AI suddenly began to thrash its tentacles around in a effort to hit and keep away Harry and the group, Shepard then saw the tentacles they had destroyed regenerated in seconds "What? Great that thing can heal itself!".

Harry who jumped away from the thrashing tentacles landed beside Shepard and nodded "Yeah, it seems rather smart for an AI, but then again it was created by another AI.

Makes me wonder what exactly was the other AI's plans for creating this guy. It knew it would eventually be deleted, so why create another AI instead of thinking of a way to escape?".

Shepard shrugged "Who knows, and with that other AI now gone we might never find out, but right now that isn't important.

How are going to destroy this thing, if it can regenerate itself? we'll be stuck here forever if we can't bring it down".

Harry hummed as he watched the AI's monstrous form get up, only to be barraged by Tali's and Garrus's shots, which made the AI grunt and growl in anger and pain.

Harry narrowed his eyes and frowned "It might be able to regenerate, but it seems to be able to feel pain in his digital form, more than likely, the fact that he's feeling pain must be really taking its toll on him.

No doubt he's confused as well and probably scared, I don't think he ever felt pain before nor did he expect that to happen, but your right, we can't beat him if he keeps regenerating all the damage we give him...".

Harry suddenly raised Oathkeeper and pointed it towards Tali and Garrus while he thought about what to do, he then yelled "'Reflect!'".

A white bright dome of light covered both Garrus and Tali, the defensive spell, was then able to block a laser attack from the AI, the dome of white light soon shattered and blasted orbs of light towards the AI, not expecting such a counterattack, the AI was hit by the orbs of light which exploded on impact.

The AI was pushed back and away from Garrus and Tali, who wasted no time in shooting at the AI.

Harry smiled and then turned his head towards Shepard "Looks like I'm going to have to call for a bit of help from, hold on a second".

Shepard was confused as to what Harry meant by calling for help, but he trusted him to do what was best in this sort of situation, after all, he seems to have experience with all of this.

So this time he will follow Harry's lead, he then began to shoot at the AI from his position beside Harry.

Meanwhile, Harry took out his smartphone and got ready to call for reinforcements "Virus-types will be the most useful here, their attacks will corrupt the AI's data, which should prevent him from regenerating and I know the two perfect guys for this!".

Harry smiled and then pointed his Smartphone forward "'Realize! Blackmetalgarurumon! Blackwargreymon!'".

Right in front of Harry, two flashes of black light shot out of his smartphone and two figures materialized in front of him, Shepard couldn't help to stare at both creatures, one was a quadrupedal cyborg lupine automated all over the body and encased in black metal.

The other one is a tall reptilian creature with a humanoid body structure, it has black scaled skin and what seems to be blonde hair, it also seems to have a helmet of some sort on his face.

But what really had Shepard's attention, was that these beings were really big, he barely reached to the knees of the black reptilian creature, and that had him staring in awe.

Blackwargreymon turned around and looked down towards Harry who smiled at him, the virus-type Digimon nodded in respect towards Harry "What can we do for you Harry? It's not often you call us out to play".

Harry wasted no time explaining "Sorry about that, but I really don't like bothering you guys for insignificant stuff, but right now I need some help with what you both do best".

Blackwargreymon nodded "Very well, it seems you want something destroyed, I will be happy to help" Blackwargreymon turned his head towards Blackmetalgarurumon "What do you say old friend? Feel like getting into a fight".

Blackmetalgarurumon grinned and nodded "Of course, I am, always happy to destroy anything for the boss".

Harry smiled at his two virus-type Digimon, he still remembers how much of a handful these two were when they were young, but over time and with a lot of patience, he raised them to be great and loyal Digimon

Well, as loyal as a virus Digimon can be that is, they're still vicious little shits sometimes, but Harry still loves them nonetheless, Harry then spoke up to his Digimon "We have a group of humans fighting with us here, so mind your attacks and keep an eye for them".

Harry pointed at Shepard who was beside him, it's a good thing Tali and Garrus were keeping the AI busy, Blackwargreymon stared at Shepard, there was something in the human's eye that he liked, so he nodded at him letting him know that he'll work together with him.

Shepard nodded back at Blackwargreymon, but Blackmetalgarurumon scoffed and walked over to Shepard, he then leaned his head down and glared at Shepard "Humans? Hmph I have always wondered why you like hanging out with such weak creatures boss... what can this little thing do anyways?".

Harry grinned and watched as Shepard narrowed his eyes, he then did something that surprise even Harry, Shepard leaned his head back and then headbutted Blackmetalgarurumon right in the nose.

It didn't hurt him, but it did surprise him, Shepard, however, held his now bleeding forehead with one hand while he glared at Blackmetalgarurumon, Harry was gaping at the massive balls Shepard had and wondered how he can even walk around with their size.

Blackmetalgarurumon suddenly grinned and then began to chuckle "Well, what do you know? Brave little thing, I like you human, I can see why the boss is hanging around with you!".

Shepard just huffed and nodded, Harry shook his head and then laugh in amusement, Blackmetalgarurumon then surprised him by bringing his body down "Come on little human, get on, and let's go kill that thing".

Shepard used a medigel to heal his forehead and then immediately got on Blackmetalgarurumon's back and nodded "My name is Shepard, call me that".

Blackmetalgarurumon chuckled but nodded "Very well Shepard, now let go!".

Blackmetalgarurumon suddenly took off running at full speed while Shepard began to shoot at the AI while riding the Digimon's back, Harry smiled "Well, never thought Blackmetalgarurumon would enjoy hanging out with a human".

Blackwargreymon nodded "Yes, this is quite a surprising development, but I can see why he took a liking to this Shepard individual... that human has no fear and is always ready to battle to the end.

Anyone else would have cowered or gotten nervous with Blackmetalgarurumon getting right on their faces as he did, but that human just headbutted him and challenged him with his eyes".

Blackwargreymon shook his head and then turned to look at Harry "You're always finding interesting individuals Harry".

Harry smiled at his friend and then shrugged "It's more like they find me, but yes, all the people I consider friends and family, are unique in some way or the other".

Blackwargreymon nodded and then turned around "True, now let's get rid of that thing!"

Blackwargreymon then took off flying towards the AI, who happened to be just blasted by a freezing air attack by Blackmetalgarurumon and then shot in its orb-like body by Shepard.

Harry smiled seeing Shepard and a Digimon fighting together, he soon took off flying and joined in the fight as well.


The AI began to really worry, despite feeling pain for the first time in his existence, he still held a tactical advantage over the organics that invaded his domain, but now he was facing some very odd creatures he has never seen before.

They somehow had the ability to corrupt his data with their attacks and that prevented him from regenerating and recovering, it was like they were some kind of virus that ate away at his body and data.

That terrified him, and so the AI began to lash out more aggressively while also trying to avoid those two black creature's attacks, but the organics kept getting in his way and pinned him down.

Especially the one with the key-like weapons, he always prevented him from hitting the other humans "Just die organics!".

Tali shook her head "Is it me, or is this thing sounding more and more human as we fight it, cause let me tell you, that's disturbing".

Garrus nodded "Yeah...".

Harry appeared above the AI and swung Oblivion down towards the top of the AI's orb-like body, his keyblade exploded in flames and sent the AI down to the ground.

The AI began to lash out with all his tentacles, but Blackwargreymon suddenly began to fly and spin around at high speed, turning himself into a black drill-like tornado that flew around and began to tear apart the tentacles.

The AI roared in pain, but Blackmetalgarurumon jumped above his downed body and fired a massive missile from his chest toward the AI, the missile flew down and crashed against the AI exploding on contact.

The AI was immediately frozen solid but as Blackmetalgarurumon flew away, Shepard threw a grenade down towards the AI, the grenade hit its orb-like frozen body and bounce up once before exploding.

This cracked the ice covering its body and causing damage, the AI wailed in pain and began to float away from its attackers, but Shepard noticed something odd "Is it me, or is that thing's body getting smaller".

Blackmetalgarurumon grinned and nodded "Yes that's because his data is being destroyed by our attacks, Blackwargreymon and I are living computer viruses, our attacks destroy data".

Shepard nodded "Interesting, how much more can that AI take?".

Blackmetalgarurumon growled as he landed on the ground and took off running "Not much, his data is already breaking down, and with no way for the guy to regenerate or recover his data, it will begin to collapse.

But that's when things will get a bit dangerous, you know how a cornered animal acts in the face of danger and death".

Shepard nodded, the AI will begin to grow desperate and who knows what it would do to survive or take them down with them, he already knew how dangerous this AI is.


Everyone -except Harry and the Digimon- watched in shock as the AI's body suddenly glowed and grew smaller and smaller until it became a glowing turian-like figure made out of data and light, Harry frowned as he watched that "Looks like it's planning one last stand".

The AI suddenly raised his arms and massive orbs of light and data began to materialize around its body while it began to float "I will not die here, alone today! Either I kill you or you go down with me organics!".

Harry's eyes widen when he senses a massive amount of data gathering around the AI turian-like body "Watch out! He's preparing something big!".

Tali and Garrus scrambled for cover, meanwhile the AI clap his hands and all the orbs around him began to shoot orbs of superheated energy all around him.

Blackwargreymon covered his body with his gauntlets, while Blackmetalgarurumon began to run around while avoiding and dodging orbs and explosions, while Shepard held on for dear life.

Harry immediately began to block and slap away any orbs coming his way, but then noticed Tali and Garrus yelling as they covered themselves from the explosions as best as they could.

Harry clicked his tongue and immediately began to run towards their friends while still slapping any orbs coming his way, he soon stopped in front of where Tali and Garrus were taking cover and began to deflect the orbs coming their way at high speed.

Tali was awed at how fast Harry as moving and the ease he was deflecting such powerful attacks "Incredible... how can he move and react so fast, I can't even see him move".

Garrus nodded "It's unbelievable that someone can move that fast and be so strong... I don't think we really understand how powerful Harry is Tali, I think we still can't comprehend what he's truly capable of".

Tali nodded "But I think I understand a little bit now".

Garrus agreed with Tali right, he definitely can see how different Harry is to everyone when doing something like this, and all to protect them "I'm definitely praying to Harry every night before I go to sleep from now on".

Despite the situation they were in Tali couldn't help but giggle and nod "Me too Garrus, me too".


The attack soon stop and Harry huffed in annoyance "Bastard, everyone, get him, and don't let him fire another one of those attacks!".

Everyone immediately did as Harry ordered and attacked the AI, having a smaller body made it hard to actually hit him with firearms, but Tali, Garrus, and Shepard were professionals and they were really good at shooting.

The AI began to float around as fast as it could to avoid getting hit by the shots, but Harry and the virus Digimon stopped him by attacking him and keeping him pinned, eventually, Blackwargreymon decided to end this, he quickly lifted his arms and roared the name of his attack "'Terra Destroyer!'".

A massive orb of dark energy coalesced on top of his claws in seconds, Blackwargreymon then reared his arms back and then waved them forward as if throwing his attack.

The massive orb of dark energy flew through the air and then headed straight towards the AI, the AI panicked and tried to float away, but from Harry's back, a multitude of glowing chains burst out and flew towards the AI.

Caught completely off guard, the chains wrapped around the AI and stopped him from getting away, now unable to move he couldn't do anything but take Blackwargreymon's Terra Destroyer head-on with his whole body.

The AI screamed in pain as the attack hit him and pushed him down toward the ground, Harry made his chakra chains dissipate and everyone watched as the orb crashed into the ground and exploded on top of the AI.

The explosion was so powerful that it shook the entire digital plane Harry modified for the battle, it made everyone expect Harry and Blackwargreymon cover their faces to protect them.

The explosion soon subsided and revealed a massive crater left by the explosion, soon everyone ran towards the crater and jumped in, they needed to make sure the AI was destroyed.


They soon arrived in the middle of the crater and found the AI on the ground, still in its turian-like form but there was something definitely wrong with it now, its whole body was glitching and filled with static-like light.

The AI growled as it sensed everyone getting close to him "... organics... you might think you won bu-".

But Blackwargreymon suddenly stomped on its whole body and destroyed whatever data was left of the AI, in fact, he then absorb the leftover data from the AI making sure that it was completely destroyed now.

Blackwargreymon crossed his arms and huffed "The defeated have no right to complain and make threats die in silence whelp".

Shepard, Tali, and Garrus stared at Blackwargreymon, Garrus suddenly nodded "That's fair".

Tali sweatdropped while Shepard nodded in agreement, Harry quickly took out his smartphone and began to do something on it "... Alright, self-destruct sequence stopped, and deleted! We no longer have to worry about the terminal exploding, mission accomplished".

Shepard sighed while Tali fist pumped and Garrus sighed in relief, Harry then looked up towards his Digimon friends and smiled "Thanks guys, your abilities were very useful for this fight".

Blackwargreymon huffed "you could have handled it by yourself easily, but I guess you wanted your allies to get some experience.

Still, this was fun, it's been a while since I got to kill and destroy something else".

Blackmetalgarurumon nodded "Yes, it's been a while, plus these new friends of yours seem to be the fun type.

Not bad boss, though you might want to do something about their defenses, they seem a bit too squishy for my liking".

Harry nodded "Already working on it, I'll try to call you guys more often, but you know, there are not many beings out there that can actually pose a challenge to you guys, I don't want to waste your time".

Both virus-type Digimon smiled at Harry and then disperse into black-colored data and went back inside into Harry's smartphone.

Harry smiled and stared at his smartphone fondly, he then nodded and turned his head towards his friends "Let's get out of here guys".

Everyone nodded and Harry then waved his smartphone towards Shepard, Garrus, and Tali, their bodies disperse into data and then left the digital plane, and Harry soon followed after them.


The group suddenly found themselves back in the small room where they found the terminal that once held the AI, everyone looked around and seemed a bit surprised, soon Harry joined them and smiled at his friend "Well, that was a thing".

Shepard sighed "That's one way to put it, I have so many questions, I don't even know where to begin".

Tali nodded "Me too... where were we just now, and what was all of that?".

Garrus sighed "And who were your friends? They were definitely something I haven't seen before, they were extremely powerful too".

Harry smiled "I'll answer all your questions but not here guys, I'll do it back in the Normandy, that cool?".

Everyone nodded, after all, having that conversation in The Citadel, wasn't a smart thing to do, so everyone decided it was time to go back to the Normandy and check on Joker and so everyone left to go back to the ship.

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