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95.65% What could have been...|Fairy Tail / Chapter 22: Chapter 21// Tower of Heaven

Chapter 22: Chapter 21// Tower of Heaven

Edit: exactly 9400 words count 🎉🎉

This is the first time I wrote this much words in one chapter alone.

Disclaimer: Since it is now the tower of paradise arc. I feel it's only appropriate to start the chapter with Erza's point of view. I tagged this story as both bl, bg and harem. For me harem meant everyone and since our mc is a male, there will be scenes of boy×girl and boy×boy. I apologize for the confusion. I hope you give this chapter a chance and don't back out because I focus on some people for some scenes. Since some readers thought this story was simply bl or bg and back out when they saw me focusing on other gender. This story is harem. That means both boys and girls and curses. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. With that said, please enjoy the chapter!


Erza POV

Erza looked at the full body mirror in her personal suite. The expensive chandelier light was hanging proudly from the top of the ceiling. The room was brightly lit and cozy. But for some odd reason, Erza felt the chill in the air. She tuck a stray of hair strands behind her ears and smile at the mirror. 

Shoving away the nightmare she just had to the back of her head, she nudges her right shoulder to the front. There, hanging proudly on her well toned arm was an emblem of Fairy Tail, her home. She traces the mark, the evidence of proof that she indeed has a place to call home, a place where she belongs, a place where she managed to find a family for herself, a place so warm she had difficulty breathing. 

A place which will save her from the depths of hell with no hesitation if ever such a time comes. But that won't be necessary. Because she's Erza. The likes of her don't need to be protected, don't need to be sheltered. She will do the protecting. Because that was ever she really was. That was ever she's amount for. If she was not constantly moving, constantly thinking, constantly pushing herself, the chains locking her hands become much, much heavier, and more and more painful. The hands from the past digged their nails on her throat. At these moments, she was stripped of her identity as Erza of Fairy Tail. She became an eleven years old Erza.

She was scared. She was in pain. But most importantly, she became a coward. A coward who got her hands shaking at the sight of her own blood. At that moment, she truly hated herself. So, she ran away. Away from the past, away from the pain and shield herself with armor at every moments of her life. 

But Erza never pretended those painful memories didn't happen to her. She never tries to forget these agonizing experiences either. In fact, she embraced it. The pain, the anger, the humiliation, she welcomed it openly with all she had. The least she could do was to honor those she lost by never forgetting, never denying their existence. Never. She vowed to never lose her precious ones again. Vowed to never let them be down again. She openly embraced the hurt, the pain from the past and stride towards the future with vigor and hope. She learned from the past and will made a better future alongside with her friends. Those past experiences made a present Erza but she will never let those ghost hands dragged her towards the abyss. Again. Because Erza is strong. She is strong so she will stand in front of her family to face the raging storm with a sword in her hand.

Because she is Erza Scarlet. She will protect those precious to her or die trying so.

Erza made an eye contact with the broken yet strong girl in front of her. Looking back at her was a beautiful young lady with sorrowful eyes. She was wearing a two piece swimsuit. Just like the colour of her hair and her personality, the bikini was the shade of a passionate and throbbing vermilion, as red as the color of blood and as deep as the love she had for her precious ones. If she were a tiny million pieces of broken glass, they were her glue. She couldn't survive without them. 

Erza closed her eyes and chuckled softly. As the wind moved and the scarlet hair dance freely in the air, she changed back into her standard armor. She smilingly mumurred into the empty space, "...There's no changing a girl like me."

The door opened and the blondie beauty's voice rang across the room, "Erza!", a smile and excitement evident on her tone.

"Hmm, what got you so excited, Lucy?" Erza questioned, curious.

"Erza! Erza! They've got a whole casino in the basement!! Basement! Want to come check it out together?"

"Well, I'm not really fond of gambling–"     "Natsu and Gray are already down there playing."

"–Dear me, Let's go." 

In a moment of breath, Erza changed into a gorgeous black lace dress. Scarlet roses and thorns wrapped her figure, her backside available for everyone to see. Battle scars wholly out in the open, but it only made Erza more alluring. The gown has a side slit that reached until her upper thigh pairing with black heels. 

", dressing casual would be fine but you looked so beautiful, Erza san!" Lucy gives a big thumbs up.

"By the way, how about Aki? Will he be coming together with us?" Erza questioned while fixing her hair.

" I think, Gray said Aki was dozing off while reading something before he left the room. So, I guess he didn't really want to wake Aki up." Lucy scratched her hair. Aki was still somewhat of a mystery to her. He's gentle as a feather but when he got genuinely angry, he got the deposition of an executioner. He had a certain presence that demanded everyone to focus on him even if he was doing nothing but chatting with one of the fairy tail's members beside him. 

It was as if Aki was the king and they were merely commoners who can do nothing but look at him with fervent gazes from the lowly ground.

But sometimes, just sometimes, even when Aki was standing in front of her, she forgot about him. Forgot she was talking to her. Forgot she was talking to anyone at all. At those moments, he had to tap her shoulder twice to let her know she was in a middle of conversion and just stopped talking. Then her heart almost gave up on her because to her, Aki just suddenly popped up out of no where. Of course, she apologized profusely each and everytime. But everytime, Aki smiled and said 'It's okay.'

It truly unsettled her.

"It's unfortunate. Perhaps playing beach volleyball for two hour straight has tired him out?"

Lucy sweat dropped, "You guys are truly wild. I didn't even know you could cheat like that in beach volleyball."

It's not cheating if you win.

Erza chuckled as she gestured towards the door, "After you, my lady."

Before they both fully went out of the door, Erza hesitate and look back at the room. Then she strode towards the corner of her suite where her many suitcase were spread out in the open. After a while, she finally found what she was looking for and smiled. She clenched the expensive looking bottle in her hand.

Normally she didn't use it because of her usual line of missions and Natsu's sensitive nose.

She thought. Today's an exception. She's allowed to have laid back days every now and then, doesn't she?

'Pine trees? It smells just like my home.' That day, Aki casually commented on her perfume. The man didn't know how much those simple words gave butterflies in her stomach. 

Fairy Tail never knew much about their Aki. He was outgoing yet withdrawn. So, those simple words, she treasured them like her strawberry cake, always in her mind.

She sprinkle the mist on her neck and wrist, and carefully stored back the glass bottle in the deepest pocket of the suitcase. It was her selfish thought that even if Aki was not beside her, having the favorite smell of her favorite person on the tip of her nose manage to put her mind at ease. 

Erza was not willing to forget him even one millisecond of her time.

She stood back with grace and elegance and smiled. Then with a light in her footsteps, she walked towards Lucy who's waiting at the entrance of the room.

The casino is where men shed their human skin. 




Their animalistic nature came out. Fueled by the alcohol, they played to their heart's content at the cost of their whole savings, their insignificant life.

Some play with fate and bend it to their will.

Some became gods.

Some became ants any humans can casually step on.

And Erza?

Oh, Erza. Dear Erza, my strong and brave sister Erza is especially proficient in this area.





"Aren't you, Erza neesan…" A young man in a tuxedo laughed out with a strange smile on his face.

Dealers changed.

Bets were made.

With everyone's lives in their hands.

May the strong win.

Erza  closed her eyes in despair yet acceptance as the bullet hit her naked back.

If the years-long drama can come to an end with only her death, then so be it.

She was reluctant but strangely relieved. She doesn't want to drag down any more of her friends.

..If only she could spend more of her time at Fairy Tail.

She knew Lucy and others are going to be okay. They're plenty strong. She just hopes they're not attempting to come after her.

Her brows furrowed as black spots began to dominate her vision.

Oh, who is she kidding.




"Jellal sama, we've received word that the targets have been successfully captured. They're on their way back right now."

The man on the throne smirked, darkness radiating from his very being.

"If I may ask, why take the effort to catch that traitor..?"

"With your power, Jellal sama, getting rid of her should be a piece of cake."


"..Jellal sama?

Jellal chuckled and put his elbow on the arm rest. He lazily leaned his jaw into his cold, hard knuckles.

"It's merely giving them what they always wanted on the last day of the feast."

"They've been such a good  prawn all those years after all. Don't you also feel like giving your dog a bone after you see them wagging their tails so desperately?"

Jellal raised his right leg onto the left, "Now that the tower of paradise is complete, it's time for them to unite together."

Suddenly, all the humor on his face disappeared as if he wasn't the man three seconds earlier. Jellal looked down at the man in front of him. A person who was much, much older than him was kneeling at the ground respectfully.

"Prepare to welcome our guest of honor."

Jellal glanced at the stone window beside him. A ship was already evident on the horizon. Darkness slowly seeped out from behind him. 

The miasma was hovering behind Jellal but none seemed to notice its existence. The gloom of clouds drifted towards the window but suddenly it soon went still. A moment later, the clouds went wild as if it was stimulated by something.

It seems happy yet…agitated?

It soon disappeared from its place just as it appeared. 

From a far, far away place, away from this tower and inside a certain island, a man in an ancient kimono slowly opened his eyes. 

Warmth in his eyes, a soft smile on his face, a withered flower on his hand, he softly mumurred to the air.

"Found you."

He then sighed softly as the flower in his hand turned into a mere specks of dust, ".. It's not the time yet." 

He sat on a now dead grass of land. He slowly huddled and wrapped himself, his knees on his chest, his hands on his legs as he sat in a fetal position, trying to imagine a warmth he never had, a warmth that person has. An embrace he can no longer remember.

He closed his eyes and breathed out, "..soon.."

Flames of darkness crackled in the air, reaching out towards the sun.

But it soon dissipated into nothingness soon after.

The air was silenced.

Water contaminated.

Wild life, dead.




Erza regulated her breathing. She didn't open her eyes, instead she checked the status of her body first. Her hands were tied behind some kind of pole. She knitted her eyebrows and discretely shifted her feet, her heels probably got lost along the way. In a way, she's glad she's barefoot right now. Because she can definitely feel some kind of tremor under these wooden boards. Some kind of vehicle? They're taking her that place, so it can only be a ship.

Thinking of that place, her whole body trembled slightly, goosebumps formed on her exposed skin. Her pale lips parted–

"Meow~ She's definitely having a nightmare!"

'That voice! Millianna!?'

"..I'll wake her up."


"You know we can't have you doing that, right?"


"Don't tell me you still have feelings for her! She betrayed me! us! You can't have feelings for a tra.. traitor like her!"


'I'm sorry, I'm sorry..I'm sorry..'

"Be a man, Shou. You know you can't control feelings"


"But, Wally! That woman's nightmare is our past! A past she willingly abandoned!"

"Like you said, Shou. It's all in the past, now she's here with us. That's all it mattered."

Clap Clap Clap

A clapping sound echoes through the basement of the ship.

"Ah, what a heart wrenching soap opera. I almost cried, you know." A youth's smiling voice rang through the suddenly silent room.

Erza's nerves suddenly came to a taut as dread pool out from the depths of her gut.

'No, no, no don't tell me–'

Just as she opened her eyes, a figure immediately covered her vision.

His back never feels as broad as he is right now. She looked down. His hands were behind him. He was signaling her. 

Erza bit her lips. Even now, he was still thinking of others first. But right now, she knew it was the best course of action, so she did as he instructed and closed her eyes, feigning sleep.

Rush footsteps came towards her as she tried to relax her tensed nerves. 

'It's fine. Aki's gonna be fine–damn it! It's all her fault! Why can't she do anything right!!'

Just as she's about to sink into her demons, some kind of fragrance manage to yank her out of her personal hell.


Aki chuckled. "Ah no need to tie me up again. I won't run away."

He sat down near Erza's limp form and ruffled his white, sweat-dampened hair.

He was met with four pairs of distrusting eyes. 

"It's the truth." Aki showed his palms, "I have nowhere to run anyway. Besides, I have something to talk to your owner."

"Jellal is not our owner! He's our leader!!" Shou's angry voice rang out. 

"Right, right, he's your leader." Aki nodded accordingly. Even though his words suggested he agreed with the other party, his tone did not. 

Its tone just seems like a mother is agreeing with her child's words as to not deal with any annoying temper tantrum.

"Why you–" Shou grabbed Aki's collar.

"Shou! Calm down!" Simon touched Shou's wrist, "He's Jellal sama's guest. Don't inflict any more injuries than necessary."

As Shou tsked and released Aki's collar, he stormed off towards the stair.

"Thank you." Aki smiled towards the rest of the audience and promptly fixed his clothes.

And he sat back down.

Erza's past family looked at each other, trying to communicate with their eyes. 

And they also promptly sat down on the wooden plank.

"Nyah~ can I ask what are you going to talk to Jellal about?" Millianna asked curiously.

Aki glanced at her, "Oh, nothing much. Just to congratulate him on something." 

Millianna tilted her head in confusion, "meow?"

Aki's lips curved but didn't elaborate further. He closed his eyes to reduce the migraine that was already forming.

Unexpectedly..he fell asleep! God, that was embarrassing.

When he woke up, he was inside a brightly lit room. He was lying down inside a soft and warm bed. Aki resisted the urge to roll around and sit up. 

Immediately he noticed a figure sitting on a sofa. Aki raised his eyebrows. Isn't it just perfect?

Just as Aki's finger toes touched the soft carpet, a clink of metals sounded across the room.

Aki became speechless just as he looked at the source of noise; his ankle. They were chained by a metal cliff which is painted by an obnoxious shade of green. 

Green. Seriously fuck green.

Aki's face contorted. "Surely, this is unnecessary?"

The man laughed, "My men took such great length to prepare your welcoming gift. I think it is necessary."

Aki rolled his eyes and walked towards the sofa. The end of the chain was  secured at the bed posts. The distance between them was neither near nor far. The sounds of metals was clinking in the background as he walked, Aki's pace was neither fast nor slow. If one didn't know any better, one would think it was his home ground, not in enemy's territory. 

As defenseless as a newborn chick.

But Aki didn't show weakness in his bearing or in his demeanor.

He stood in front of the man. Siegrain. Blue hair. Red runes. With a fake smile.

"Please sit down, Aki san. Do you want tea or milk?" 

"Milk Tea. Thanks."

Aki sat down. As the metals clicked, he put one leg on top of another.

"Ah, well played Jellal, definitely well played." Aki drawled.

'Siegrain' dropped his fake smile as a smirk appeared instead.

As Jellal poured both milk and tea in one cup, "As I thought, you definitely knew what I'm doing, don't you?"

He slowly pushed the cup in front of Aki. 

Aki traced the cup and the pale fingers filled to the brim with scars with his eyes.

He hummed, neither confirming nor denying. Aki took the cup and drank it in one go, not minding the cuts near his mouth. He licked the residues in the corner, tasting both milk and blood. 

Rusty and sweet.

Jellal raised his eyebrows and smiled. "It seems my people didn't treat you kindly. Do you want more?" He asked as he gestured towards the milk.

"No need." Aki said as he leaned back, "If I knew Erza fled from this place, I would have already nuked this place."

"Though I don't know what 'nuked' means, I know what you're trying to convey." Darkness surged from the bottom of Jellal's eyes. "You're a strange man, Aki. You're kind yet sometimes you're crueler than me. 

"You obviously knew there were innocent slaves being trapped here, building something they shouldn't have. Yet, you turned a blind eye to it because it doesn't concern you. You know what I'm doing involves killing thousands and millions of people. Yet, you ignored it because it doesn't involve you. If you at least have one human decency, none of this would have happened. My plans wouldn't have succeeded. Erza wouldn't have to revisit her nightmare. You know, it's all on you." 

Aki listened to those accusations–truths with a calm demeanor. He smiled.

"Are you jealous?"

"What?" Jellal's musing stopped.

Aki grinned. Aki lifted up the bangs that's narrowing his vision. He placed his cheek on his palm. Red and golden eyes met obsidian eyes.

"I said, are you jealous? You seem awfully concerned for something that doesn't concern you." Aki smirked, "But I get it though. Erza's such a likable girl. Even Simon? Saemon? likes him, doesn't he? Just like you do."

Jellal banged the table and gritted his teeth, "I don't like her!" 

Just like a film from a horror-romance drama, the light hit Jellal's eyes.  At that moment, the colors suddenly changed to midnight blue as if by some magic but not even a few seconds later, they soon faded back into black.


Seemingly not minding Jellal's outburst, Aki continued. "I'm in a good mood and it's been a long time since someone didn't try to get in my pants, I suppose I'll tell you something."

"Everything can be essentially explained into one sentence. Because my stage is already over."

Jellal hummed nonchalantly as if it wasn't him who got triggered a moment ago.

He drank his already cold tea, "Do tell me one more thing. You could have kill that sorry excuse of a dragon slayer, could have kill the phantom guild master–"

"Master Bitch?" Aki helpfully added.

Jellal kept going on as if Aki didn't interrupt him, "Even today, you could have killed those sorry excuses Erza gave up her dignity for. Why? Why didn't you when you could have?"

"Because that is not my place. I don't have to wipe my guild members' butt. They're plenty strong. Besides, don't you already know?" 

"Your information network may be far inferior than mine, but you and few other people should have already realized. I'm not from this world. That means I can't recklessly use 'magic' as once they are used up, they're all gone, never coming back and voila. The more I use it, the more my health gets affected. It's simple. I could have but I didn't because there's no merit in me doing it. Letting others do it means they can get stronger in the process too. I just have to sit in one place and wait for rescue like a little disney princess I am. See? Even now, I am being detained inside a castle."

Jellal rubbed his forehead, "I don't know why you feel smug about this."

Aki flipped his hair dramatically, "That just means, I'm being cared for. Unlike you, alone."

"You know, if you didn't turn into Zeref's believer, I'm pretty sure Erza would go running your way even if you get as much as a paper cut. She was cute just like that. "

"Erza this, Erza that! Just shut up about her!"

Aki didn't feel bad bullying this guy. Nah, not at all. Just who asked him to summon the magic of destruction while he's here.

"Since we're now doing questions and answers…when did you erase Erza's profile? Last time I checked, she was just a normal escapee from a trafficking organization and you were her dead best friend."

Jellal chuckled, "It isn't a problem to tell you this. As soon as I became a member of the magic council, I had her background change. At that time, even I thought my paranoia was getting out of control. Now? I feel like congratulating myself. Oh, wait? You already did."

"I'm really glad you only showed up a few years later, after I had already occupied a solid position in the council."

"Where did you go after you disappeared for a few months? At that time, my network was unparalleled. But I couldn't even find one single detail. So, do tell."

Aki tensed. But nothing showed up except the ever present gentle smile on his face. Those few months were somewhat of a fever dream for him. It was embarrassing yet ridiculous. No one except him and that person knows.

He was so fresh out of heart break that he cried while…bear hugging the legendary, solidarity dark mage, Zeref. Aki cringed. He may or may not have rubbed his snots and tears on that worn out robes. 

You can't blamed him, okay!? The first person he saw while crossing over to this world was a lonely person sitting by themselves in a middle of the dead forest. He saw himself on that solidarity figure so, he threw his dignity out of the window and immediately hugged the stranger. Said stranger threw him on a dirt after three seconds though. But Aki just launched back at him like an octopus and crying nonstop in the process. The stranger looked at him strangely but didn't try to push him off after that. After the painfully long silence with his sniffs accompanying them as background noise, the man asked, "How are you alive?" 

Aki, fresh out of being dead was rightfully frightened. So, he exclaimed, "I..I have always been alive!" It's not even been a day he had transmigrated. He can't fuck things up this badly, can't he?

 After the man, who introduced himself as Zeref explained cause and effect and demonstrate live that yes, he literally can effect the world by his mere presence, Aki just contributed it to his special privilege as a person from another world. Turned out that was not the case. Later, he found out it was his reverse curse technique working overtime on auto mode. 

After that, he stayed with Zeref for a few months with Zeref explaining how this world works. Yes, a few weeks in and Zeref found out he was not originally from this place. Turns out he was not special and although rare, there are a few cases of people getting transported to another world. Although it feels a bit different for him, he didn't correct it. 

Zeref was a real gentleman. He was soft spoken and always smiled gently in his present. A few times, he tried to help him with hunting for food. Just because Zeref didn't need to eat, doesn't mean Aki didn't need to either. But every time Zeref tried to help, everything just decayed and he seemed so heartbroken at the fact so Aki asked him to wait at their camp. When Aki came back even a few minutes later than usual, Zeref fretted over him, trying to look for possible injuries. 

Gradually, his heartbreak, his death and the agitation of arriving at a strange dimension slowly faded away. Every night, they laid down under the dead field of land and gazed at the starry sky. The air was stagnant. There were no leaves, no wildlife, no fireflies under the sky. 

It was just Aki and Zeref.

They saw brilliant stars in each other's eyes. Bathing under the glory of the moonlight, their hands seek out each other as if it was a natural thing to do. No words exchanged. It was just them and the world. Their breaths intertwined as they danced under the galaxy sky. They fitted each other perfectly as if a nightingale was singing it's favorite song. 

Morning came and the mist dissipated, but the longing for each other grew just like a slowly forming tornado. It was reckless. It was dangerous. But they can't seem to run away from it. Overtime, they seemed to form some kind of bond but no one explicitly voice out anything. 

Just like that, months passed by. In all those months, Aki had never seen a single person except Zeref. So, Aki has to wonder if he and Zeref are the only people alive in the world or everything was just the last imagination his brain made and his body was long dead. The only time he even remotely heard of another person was when Zeref was talking fondly about his little brother, Natsu.

If it was real, he hopes it was real but at the same time, he was hoping it was not. Because if everything was not his imagination, that means Zeref has been living alone, existing alone in all those centuries. Aki wanted to know more about this world, about Zeref's hometown, about Zeref's life, his likes and dislikes before everything went south for him. He wanted to know every thing about him. But when Aki asked Zeref what he likes, Zeref solemnly looked at him in the eyes and only said one word.


At those moments, butterflies dance on his heart. Aki was happy yet sad. Zeref was such a gentle soul. If it weren't for his magic, he could live feely under the cooling shades of tree and being liked by many. Then, he wouldn't settle for Aki.

Aki has always been a second graded, second rated after all.

All those contrasting feeling, and the quiet times were slowly making him over the edge. Aki was trained to kill curses ever since he can read and write. Peaceful life was never an option for him. Peaceful life didn't suit him. And, Aki always has been the daredevil, the type to seek death, so staying in one place without any actions didn't suit him at all.

Day by day, Aki was getting relentless plus, his continuous use of reverse curse technique for months was frying his mind. So one day, he suddenly blurted out that he wanted to go far, far away. Away from this place. He didn't manage to communicate what he meant. So, Zeref thought he was leaving him alone too.

And, Zeref? He went berserk.

Aki got headaches just from thinking about Zeref. Jellal, gouging out who knows what from Aki's silence, suddenly laughed. "I felt a familiar presence on you. As I expect, you must have also heard Zeref's voice, yes?"

Aki deadpanned. 'Would you believe it if I said not only I heard his voice but also I saw  him naked?'

In the end, Aki just hned. 

Jellal chuckled, "Perfect. As I thought, you will be the perfect sacrifice."

Aki tiredly raised his eyebrows, "For what?"

"For the resurrection of the most evil mage in the world! Zeref!" Seeing Aki's dumbfounded face, Jellal looked smug, "even you wouldn't expect this, huh?"

"You said what?"

"I am going to resurrect Zeref and it will be glorious."



"Ah, I see," Aki suddenly calmed down and chuckled, "okay."

Jellal looked at Aki with cold eyes, "if you're counting on that ragtag team of yours to save you, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"Is that so?" Aki didn't want to continue anymore of these conversations so he decided to settle to watch Jellal in the eyes instead.

One minute

Two minutes

Five minutes

Jellal irritatedly tsked and looked away. He gave up on questioning Aki further and took him towards the place where the sacrificial ceremony will be held instead. But not before taking off the chains from his ankles. It was only a few hours but the ugly bruises had already made their way onto Aki's skin.

"Do you need a green collar or will you be obedient?" 

Aki tsked, " No need."

A flick of humor appeared in Jellal's eyes before it immediately disappeared.

Before long, the two were in front of Jellal's customized chessboard. Jellal sat on his usual throne while Aki had to sit on the stairs leading up to said throne.

"You're too damn spiteful."

"Am I now?"




Erza, before letting Natsu run off,  informed him and others about her and Aki's situation quickly. This isn't the time to perform her melodrama. She was  really reluctant to involve them at first but the thought of something going wrong with Aki..scares her more than her demons. Only now she knew, Happy was also taken. What kind of friend was she?

After Erza finished talking about her distinct but vivid past, she was already shaking. Words of apologies stuck in her mouth for involving them but nothing came out of her pale, chapped lips. She was trembling and her hand holding the sword was sweating. She looked down, her left hand clenching enough to draw beads of blood.


Natsu spoke with an uncharacteristically serious look on his face. Erza flinched and looked up, "I'm sorry–"

But upon seeing the looks on her friends face, even the girl from phantom guild, she couldn't say those words anymore. It was unfair to both her and others. Apologizing was easy, dealing with the aftermath was not. Finally she gritted out, "...please help me."

All at once, "Of course, you stupid Erza!" 

"Isn't that a given?"

"Of course! We still haven't done the coffee date we promised!"

"Even if it could cost you your life?" Erza whispered.

"Especially if it could cost us our life." Gray stated as he put his hand on Erza's head.

"Now, let's go! I wanna beat up the person that makes Erza cry to a pup."

As the team let out a war cry in unison, Juvia looked on their back with longing. 

'...Juvia wants to be like that too.'

Erza looked back, "You're the girl from phantom guild, right? Juvia Lockser?"

Juvia nodded but hesitantly added, "But Juvia quit that guild some time ago."

"She said she wanted to join Fairy Tail." Gray added.

"I see, thank you for helping them out. This is going to be quite dangerous from now on. You can go back first to the guild and ask for Mira. She will let you join."

Juvia hurriedly shook her head, "No, no! Juvia wanted to be useful to Erza san too!"

"You are aware that you could die at any given moment, right?" At Juvia's nod, Erza continued, "At this place, getting back a full body corpse is considered a miracle. When you die, you will join many of the nameless corpses under the tower. Ocean will become your graveyard. And, with that said, are you sure you want to help?"

At Juvia's scared but firmed "Yes.", disappearing was a stone cold expression on Erza's face, replaced by a heartwarming smile, "Thank you."

Juvia clenched her heart with a blushing face, "Even if it's you Erza San, I..I won't lose!"

Erza looked dumbfounded for a moment but laughed goodnaturely a moment after, "I'm afraid you got the wrong person."

Juvia's eyes widened, "T..that means, Gray sama–!"

"Who was it!? Who dares steal Gray sama's heart!?"

"Three days in Fairy Tail and you'd instantly found out." 

"E..Erza!" Gray's face was flaming red. 

Natsu smirked, "Gray, your face looks like it could grill a great tons of fish."

"Then what are we all standing here for! We should hurry up here and go back to Fairy Tail! Damn it! Juvia could have found out about Gray sama's love affair earlier if she just joined immediately!"

As Juvia let out a war cry, she charged in front of the group ahead.

"L-love what–affair now!?" Gray almost screeched.

Erza laughed as she ran after Juvia. "Try to keep up with her!"

The laugh sounds just like a sweet and crisp red apple, its brilliance no longer tied down by harmful pests.

Natsu, Gray and Lucy looked at each other and laughed. Finally, with large grins on their face, they ran after their fiery guardian angel.

Soon, a group battle broke out on some part of the tower. But before anyone had the chance to do or say anything, Juvia's water swept off the enemies of their feets with Gray immediately using ice magic to freeze their soles. Flames danced on Natsu's fists as he knocked out the immobile targets without any mercy.

And the three run past their victims without checking whether they're fully unconscious or not. Lucy ran after the trio but Erza's feet were hesitantly stuck at the ground. Suddenly, one of the enemies twitched and slowly got up, "..Go on ahead, Erza."

".. Simon"

"I..I will tell them everything when they come around."

"Y–you knew?"

"Always. I'm sorry it took me so long. I was waiting for someone who could take down Jellal. Now that he's here, it's time for them to know the truth they should have known a long time ago."

"So, Erza. Go on ahead. Don't look back." Simon offered a grimacing smile.

Erza bit her lips and didn't let tears fall down, "..See you later." She murmured as she ran after her group.

"Later." Simon looked at the slowly disappearing back of Erza and softly smiled, "You've found great people, Erza."

In all hindsight, Aki knew he shouldn't fall asleep and definitely not here now. But planning how to minimize the damage that will ultimately be caused by the brats in his family takes a tool in his mental state. He knew he couldn't stop the coup d'etat led by Laxus and his misfit trio. He thought it shouldn't be too hard since he only have to deal with the outcome.

Oh, he was dead wrong.

Laxus was essentially a bigger, smarter and more thuggish and destructive version of Natsu.

That means planning, planning and more planning and even those planning won't suffice. And he had been doing just that ever since he discovered their little plan. So, no. He got no time to play with this little daddy issue haver, or rather Zeref issue haver? The daddy issue one is at home. 

His headache started forming at the hotel and reading those documents didn't help either. It was gradually getting worse and plus with that disdaining conversation, his body automatically shut off in the end.

So, when Erza and her group came into the hall after snatching Happy back, all they saw was Aki unconsciously leaning his whole weight onto Jellal's legs. He was limping on a stair leading up to Jellal's throne. His eyes were closed. His complexion was bloodless and pale. 


His face was bruised and bloody, his neck filled with strangulation marks. His clean shirt now filled with dirt and blood. His ankles were decorated with nasty purple bruises. Glasses on his face were no more. It made them focus on his mole which highlights more of his unnatural paleness. Was Aki always this thin? At this moment, Aki truly feels like–like–

–A corpse.

"Oi! You fucks! What did you do to Aki!?!" Natsu's whole body crackled with fire.

Aki who fell asleep leaning on Jellal's thigh, "..."

Jellal the victim, "..."

Assassin guild members who witness everything, "..."

The group rushed towards Jellal but elite assassins from the dark guild jumped in front of Jellal. Jellal, in spite of everything, managed to land an on point disdainful smile, "You heard our little game of paradise, right? Take out those three and I'll take you on."

Jellal leaned his cheek on his knuckles as Aki laid unconscious at his feet, his left hand rested on top of Aki's head and grabbed a handful of white hair, "Come on, chop chop, Time waits for no one. There's only fifteen minutes left until the Aetherion fall towards this place."

Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Juvia attack the three with ferociousness and deadly intent in their every movement. There were no words exchanged, no shouting, no emotions. They paired up to fight together without any discussions. And attack, they did. They attack with speed and accuracy. If one gets overwhelmed, they immediately exchange partners with just a glance. At this moment, the five exchanged tactic understanding and brought out their 120 percent. 

Finally, the three were brought down but so were they. Cuts and bruises all over their body, their muscles strained and they can hardly move the tip of their fingers. Still, they got up and held their favored weapons towards Jellal.

The meaning is evident.

"Isn't it amazing?" Aki softly spoke to the air. 

Jellal glanced at five pair of eyes that were vying for his blood and focusing only on himself that they didn't even notice their dear Aki had woken up, "Is this what you wanted to see?" 

Aki hummed and repeated himself, "Isn't it amazing?"

A world without him. He wasn't needed here. Look at what they can do without him. He was strangely proud. If they didn't have a baggage such as him, they would probably be even more amazing.

Aki was relieved.

Jellal discreetly glanced at Aki. He wondered if Aki got a few screws loose.

Jellal clenched the hairs in his hand and changed the subject, "Were my legs this good for sleeping? Why aren't you getting up?" 

Aki smiled, "No, it's too bony. My cheeks hurt."

Jellal scoffed, "Then stay here. I wouldn't want my perfect sacrifice to break without even performing as much as a ritual anyway."

Jellal stood up and Aki slumped towards the throne just like a boneless human being. He covered Aki's slouch-like form intentionally or unintentionally.

"Jellal!" Erza gritted out.

"Erza, it's been a while. I hope life has been treating you well?" Jellal smirked. 

Lucy, Gray and Juvia were nearly down. Only the two were left somewhat firmly standing out of the five. The three were still conscious but they could no longer fight. Erza and Natsu stood in front of the trio. They, too, were in pretty bad shape but they will take down Jellal or die trying. Erza raised her katana and bright flames erupted from Natsu's fists.

Aki looked at the situation and at Jellal who's in front of him. Suddenly, Aki grinned. He slowly exhaled and stood up using the support of the armrest. Aki raised his right foot and–

Kicked Jellal in the butt. 

Jellal stumbled down towards the five. He looked back at Aki disbelievingly. 

"Returning gift for you, Siegrain." Aki looked smug. 





Four pairs of voices simultaneously run out. 

But Erza immediately noticed the tiny detail, "Aki, that man isn't Siegrain. He's Jellal. He..he was my friend once."

Jellal looked at Aki with a smile that was not a smile.

"Ah, is that so?" 

"En, Siegrain is his twin. We all knew this because the master had to personally apologize to him." Gray added. 

"So he is Jellal?"

Erza tensely nodded. 

"But he is Siegrain?" 

Erza's eyebrows furrowed. But after a mere few seconds, her eyes widened and she angrily shouted at Jellal, "Bastard! You played us all!"

Jellal took a last meaningful glance at Aki and turned his back towards him. He then sighed dramatically at Erza, "It's not a problem to let you know now. My plan has already set into motion. Exactly after one minute and forty seconds, Aetherion will fall upon this tower."

"Now let us dance to death!"

Erza rushed towards him as Jellal moved to dodge the on coming fist of fire. The countdown for the lives of millions began. 

At some point, Jellal knocked out the three of the five. But before he can do more damage, he was jumped up by Erza and Natsu.

They dance, attack and defend as the ticking of the time came nearer and nearer. 

Finally, Jellal's knees buckled and his stamina gave up first.

Only a few more seconds left.

He smiled wistfully, "Erza…you've come so far."

Natsu while grasping for breath and holding his bleeding arm, "W..we can't trust this guy, Erza."

While Erza looked worse for wear, the hand holding the katana was as unshakable as ever. The grips on the weapon tightened as she simply said, "I know."

As Erza was about to bring her katana into Jellal's neck, the soles of Jellal's foots suddenly shifted. Erza, immediately taking notice of it, shouted at Natsu to warn him.

But contrast from what the duo were expecting, Jellal jumped backward. Without noticing it, Jellal was proportion exactly in front of Aki. That means–

Jellal immediately grabbed a hold of Aki's slender neck and all bearing suddenly came to a stop.

Aki who was ideally watching the fight, "..."

"Hi there," Aki eye smiled.

Jellal smiled slightly as Aki's vision narrowed. 

The world quiet down. 

It was nothing but a simple touch to the lips but it managed to steal more than a few seconds.

Aki got back his vision and his red and golden eyes met with midnight blue. He clearly saw each and every marking of red runes across his face, every single eyelashes, and the hot breathing caressing Aki's face. 

Jellal slowly laughed out with dark voice;

"Thus we pray."

As if an oracle from heaven bless the man's wish, a red glow of light immediately cloaked the entire tower. 

Jellal released his hold on Aki's neck and instead grabbed Aki's wrist and held it tightly. 

"Thank you for your service." He state indifferently. 

Aki was speechless. Did this bastard just kiss his crush's crush in front of his crush? 

As the red light became too much for his eyes, Aki closed his eyes in a hurry as did the others.

When they open their eyes back, the world had already changed. Countless crystalline substances appeared on each and every surface of the tower and the surrounding ocean. 

Aki breathed out. Whiff of clouds appeared from his mouth. He stared at the hand clutching his wrist and another Jellal who appeared just beside him. The two combined as one and the strength holding his wrist become much stronger just as the discomfort.

"Welcome to my tower of paradise." Jellal's elated voice sound as Erza and Natsu got up from under the rubbles. 

From the clenched hands, runes travelled from Jellal's hand to Aki's hand. A moment later, serpent like runes wrapped Aki's body whole, making him immobile and simultaneously lighting his nerves on fire. Aki frowned but didn't let out a single sound. 

Jellal dragged Aki towards the crystalline monument before any of them can react and promptly push Aki inside it.

As if welcoming it's master, water form of crystalline dragged Aki towards the dark. Aki looked at his hands and lower body that has already became one with the crystal.

Aki looked at Jellal and Jellal looked at Aki. Before either had the chance to say something–

"Aki!" "Aki!"

Surges of fire came towards Jellal but Jellal managed to easily side step it along with dodging the slash of Erza's. He took off his cloak in one swift movement and said, "I guess I have to take care of both of you before I can do my thing."

And take care, he did. The two were already worned out by previous battles and Jellal had none. More over, the title of wizard saint isn't just words alone.

A few minutes later, Erza and Natsu were already on the floor, half-dying and bleeding out. Before Natsu had the chance to eat Aetherion infused crystals, Jellal cut off both of Natsu's hand with Erza's own katana.

"Ughn–" Natsu cried out in pain.

"Natsu!!!" Erza screamed, agonized.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damned it all!!" Even as Erza's body was paralyzed from the neck down, she lifted her head and hit her forehead in the floor repeatedly. 

Jellal twirled the katana in his hand and looked at the two sorry figures lying beneath him. Just as he about to stab the figure on the ground, a gentle voice broke out.

"Jellal, aren't you about to revive Zeref? Why are you so far away?"

Jellal raised his eyebrows about to say something but all his movements came to a stop as his raised hand slowly move down. Then he immediately walked towards Aki. 

"Nhgh–" even without his hands, Natsu  move forward with his chin and bite down Jellal's trousers. Jellal coldly looked down at the extra weight and shake it off just like an insignificant ant and continue to walk towards Aki.

Natsu got flung off and  his back was hit with a sharp crystalline shape object. He coughed and a pool of blood immediately came out from his throat. From his bleary vision, he saw the tiny pieces of debris from the corner of his eyes. He turned his face towards a pile of dirt and he–

Licked it. 

Jellal arrived in front of monument and looked up at Aki. His eyes suddenly narrowed as he's about to said – 

Something hit his ribcage as he was rolled sideway and big blocks of crystalized wall material fall on top of him. Immediately, he stood up from the ruins and patted his clothes. He looked at his previous place and found Natsu standing there. Jellal's face grew solemn.

Natsu's face was decorated with what seems to be most likely dragon scales. Moreover his breathing changed and mana grew. Jellal looked at Natsu seriously for the first time. 

The place where his forearm used to be simply became a stump. But fire and blood were pouring out of that place. Some fall onto the ground and some got disintegrated by the fire. They somehow combined together and formed strange looking flames. Natsu sprint towards Jellal with a kick in his right foot. 

Each punch hit a land on Jellal's body. Soon, Jellal was drenched in Natsu's own flesh and blood. He bit, he kicked and he hit with his head. The only thing he never do is giving up. 

Combined with blood loss and his disorientated state of mind, he seems to hear a soft sigh.

A sigh that reached both heaven and earth and everything above.

Aki looked down at everything from above with clear eyes. Finally he sighed.

"...Ryoiki Tenkai"

As white light envelopes the whole tower, Aki spoke to the air, "Release me."

As if on cue, the hard crystallines that were trapping Aki inside, soften and Aki easily walk out from the monument. He walked towards where Natsu and Jellal were standing still.

Aki stopped in front of Natsu.

"Y.. you're okay..thank.." Natsu's words were slurred and jumbled but they fully conveyed its meaning. His limbs twitched as he wanted to reach out towards Aki to hug him. 

"Go to sleep. Everything's fine now." As soon as Natsu heard the command, he plummet to the ground as if a puppet got its string cut. 

Before Natsu made contact with the white ground, Aki catched him.

"Don't move." Aki stated as he saw the tip of Jellal's fingers move.


"Don't talk either." Aki glanced back at Jellal and then look at Natsu again.

Aki sighed again as he gently put Natsu on the ground, "I really don't want to involve." He softly spoke. 

In reality, Shoko is the only one who can safely use reverse curse technique on others. But in theory, he also should be able to use successfully inside his domain. As for potential after-affect or the probability of backfiring on his face…he will think about it when the time came.

"Grow back Natsu's hand." 

Immediately, the sensation of his hand being forcefully ripped out came in full force. He could feel each and every tendons and muscles slowly snapping and tearing away.

'!damn!!' He knees buckled and his forehead made a loud noise against the floor.

Sweat glistened on his forehead as the pain went up. He tried to wiggle his fingers and luckily, he can still see the sensation.

So, it was just phantom pain. Thank God.

After Aki got back his composure, he sit up and looked towards Natsu.

A hoarse laugh came out of Aki's throat as he saw Natsu's hand growing back from its stump. 

First, muscles slowly grow out from the previous stump just as a seedling growing to become a plant. Then forearms were formed. Then wrists and afterwards, ten whole fingers. The skin where scars used to be now become smooth and unblemished.

Aki laughed and laughed until finally he coughed out blood. Dark red blood stained his fingers as he looked at them. He finally settled to chuckled quietly. 

How many minutes it has been. He can no longer open his domain for a longer period of time. He still has one issue to take care off.

As Aki snapped his fingers, Jellal finally began to move. His eyes were wide opened as he took on a defensive state.

"How…this is impossible!"

"You must be imposter! Yes, it must be! A..are you Zeref?"

Aki smile at him, "Stab yourself in the heart and maybe I will tell."

Just as Aki uttered the words, the hands holding the katana began to shake. As if it were not its owner hands, the tip of the knife pointed at Jellal's heart, then–

It plunged into his stomach.

Aki was surprised. So Jellal can still resisted up to some level. Just as Aki promised, he part his bloodied lips.

Aki looked at Jellal in the eyes and whispered, "Even if I don't get involved, you are bound to fail or any of those dark cults that are trying to revive their god. Because Zeref was….not dead in the first place." 

At Jellal's surprised face, Aki slowly dragged his limp body towards Jellal. He finally arrived in front of Jellal and he raised his hands. 

Jellal finally close his eyes in resignation and acceptance. Maybe it is a fitting end for someone like him. But a few seconds later, nothing happened but he suddenly felt something important was taken away from him. Jellal frowned and opened his eyes only to see Aki dragging something–black mist from his back.

Aki's lips curved as he sneered, "I'm especially specialized in killing curses." 

"W..what is that?" Jellal doesn't even realize that he was kneeling on the ground as he look up at Aki.

Blue eyes met with duo colored eyes in the air. 

"Your Zeref." Aki answered with a smile as he light it up on fire.

Jellal's eyes widened as he understood the implications. 

"I..was I cursed?"

"Ah no, pretty boy. What it does was only preying on your already existed negative emotions and increase it by a merely thousand fold. You're still gonna be held responsible for all the things you did."

Aki was already taking Natsu's hand and and draped it over his shoulder and slowly walking towards the unconscious Erza.

"..Aki! Thank you, and..I'm sorry."

Thank you, because he can at least atone for his sins as himself. He's sorry, because both he and Aki knew Aki can't come out of this battle unscathed.

Aki didn't stop but glanced back at Jellal from the corner of his vision and spoke, "I have no need for thanks or apologies from unimportant people in my life. But I hope everyday from now on, you will see the anguish, fear and pain of innocent people you tortured, you killed in your nightmares and willow in regrets for all eternity."

As Aki reached towards Erza and others, he immediately dispell the domain and stumbled face to face with the floor filled with rocks and debris. Due to the results of his domain expansion, the tower was starting to crumble as crystals started falling from the building.

It looked just like snow. Beautiful and cold.

Aki plopped down his back with difficulty and face towards the ceiling, his body draping over his unconscious friends. As the last ceiling fall down and the hole widened up, he took a last glance at the blue sky. 

The birds unchained by the soil

The clouds unrestricted by the earth

The air unconfined by the heaven

The human body unhindered by everything under the sky

Definitely not him. Aki thought as the floors underneath them collapse as Aki fall into oblivion.

Later he was notified that their group was fished out by Erza's previous friends. And, Jellal Fernandez was apprehended by the council as soon as tower of paradise fell and they regained the communication back. He was sentence to a lifetime imprisonment with no possible for parole. Simon, Shou, Wally, and Millianna ran away from the middle of the night since apparently they didn't want to be a burden for Erza any longer. And Juvia Lockser, one of the four elements finally joined the guild and applied for the same team as Gray.

It was later because Aki only woke up on the 20th day with broken bones all over his body with no possiblity to walk in the near future, which is Wednesday and the coup d'etat will be happening on Friday. Aki almost passed out as soon as he's aware of the situation. Luckily, at least there's one day to buffer the situation. Although it can't soothe the worries in his mind, he'll made do with what he have for now.


Returning back to time when the Tower of paradise just fell.

A beautiful woman with long straight hair was communicating with someone via the magic orbs.

"Zeref sama! I finally got the communication back–" just before she finished her sentence, she immediately threw up black blood."

She took notice of the absence of the tower of paradise and the fact that she can no longer feel the curse Zeref sama personally gifted to her on him..

"It seems that he failed, Zeref sama. My apologies."

"It's fine, Ultear. As soon as I sensed Aki, I knew the experiment was bound to fail." 

Ultear noticed the unnatural soft smile on Zeref's face and clicked two and two together. Her eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Is Aki…that person?" 

At Zeref's silence, Ultear hesitantly added, "Should I bring him back for you, Zeref sama?"

After a while, Zeref shook his head and said, "No need. I will be hanging up, Ultear."

Just before the communication got fully cut off, Ultear heard Zeref's soft voice. It was so gentle that she got goosebumps on her arms.

"..Really…no need, he will be coming back to me in the near future."


Justamobpassinby Justamobpassinby

I was supposed to finish this chapter in the first week of this month. But life gave me lemons and I can't made lemonade so.....hehe. I type this chapter with my phone since I had to pawn off my laptop. I usually type on my laptop so, I took a really long time when I instead wrote it on my phone. That's why, I will be updating the next chapter when I got my laptop back. So, don't miss me too much! Muah~

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