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68.23% Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime / Chapter 58: Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch58

Chapter 58: Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch58

Ryan took his backpack and ate some snacks he had kept while others ate stew. Soon the group got ready to go towards the lake. They have already entered the Heart of the forest. An hour or two they will be at the lake.

Just like Ryan thought as soon as they entered the heart of the forest they saw that the number of pokemon reduced drastically. The reason was explained by Ryan telling that since the habitat though rich in Water resources the powerful pokemon who are lower than champion level will die because of the concentration of aura accumulated.

"What do you mean by aura" asked Wendell as his teammates looked at him weirdly. Ryan noticed this but ignored it as it was none of his business.

"There are energy surrounding us and in every living organisms this is what researchers have dubbed aura. As I explained the aura or better the energy becomes too concentrated for the pokemon to live and only a pokemon at Champion level can survive here" Ryan told Wendell.

"I think Marco and Lisa should not go any further" Wendell told which shocked all of them except Ryan. The most shocked ones were Lisa and Marco.

"B-B-But why?" Lisa asked.

"Lisa you heard Ryan the energy is too concentrated. Marco already doesn't feel well I don't think it will be good for him. As for you I want you to take care of him. After all you know everything about him right" Wendell said sternly while his voice became a little playful at the end.

Both of them blushed as Marco tried to change the topic "But what about the Champion level Pokemon that resides here?"

"Marco, he just told there is only a possibility. You have to take care of our own health!" Alex said. His eyes held concern and a little bit of. . . Mischief?

'Oh he is trying to get them together' Ryan thought.

Marco and Lisa tried to protest telling whether if there was really a Champion level pokemon was there they would need all the help. They were walled of by both Wendell and Alex.

'Alex did it for their relation ship but Wendell. . . According to what Alicia told me he was kind and caring for his teammates. But this . . .' Ryan got lost in his own thoughts.

"-ello, Hello earth to Ryan" said Alicia as she snapped her fingers in front of Ryan.

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts" Ryan said

"What on earth were you thinking to not know what we were talking about?" Alex said.

"Nothing just thinking about Glowing Cerulean waves and the energy that is surrounding this forest" Ryan lied through his teeth.

"Oh yeah" Alex told sarcastically

"Alex" Alicia chided him.

"Did you even notice that the tree leaves have been completely blue since the time we have entered the heart of the forest?" Ryan asked Alex.

"W-What of course I knew it" Alex stammered.

"Of course" said Ryan sarcastically which made. Alex grit his teeth as he was outplayed by Ryan this easily.

"Anyway what is our final decision?" asked Alicia.

"Just like Wendall said I and Marco will be outside the Lake's range you 4 go and gather the necessary data needed for the research. We will ready the tent too." Lisa said as Marco agreed reluctantly.

"Very well, since it is decided we will go towards the lake while you all wait here" said Wendell.

Soon after a 15 minute walk thy reached the lake. The site was absolutely breathtaking. The lake had many rivers draining into it. It had a small mass of land floating in the middle of the lake. The lake glittered as the sun shined upon it.

One could see the lakes flora on the reefs. Strangely the Lake was very deep. It was deeper than most lakes at its size. There were also glittering ripples which it was famous for. It was a phenomenon where ripples spread across the lake. Due to the sun rays, it will look like the glitter was spreading out.

"This is it, This is the Crystalline Heart of the Cerulean Forest!" thought Ryan. Others could not tell anything due to its sheer beauty.

"Fulgens Crystal Cor" whispered Ryan.

"What did you say?" asked Alex looking him weirdly.

"It is said to be an old language. The text in Viridian city talked about this as 'Flugen Crystal Cor' meaning Shining Crystal heart. In those times the forest was not this thick and was accessible for everyone. Whenever they come here the sun rays will fall making it shine and at night the moon light makes the look ethereal. Thus the people named it Flugen Crystal Cor." Ryan said as Wendell stared at him intently, This of course didn't get unnoticed by Ryan.

"What is it Wendell why are you staring at Ryan?" asked Alicia.

"I was just thinking how much of a genius Ryan is to know all of these facts" Wendell told not breaking his stare.

Ryan started to research the whole lake and also borrowed one of the pokemon from Lisa before leaving her with Marco. The pokemon was Lapras which he used to go around the lake. Lapras was very happy to help Ryan.

"I have gotten a lot of data today. We'll return tomorrow to gather some more and finish the research" Ryan told them as he saw everyone nod.

Strangely Wendell seemed unhappy about this. Anyone who has experience in Cerulean Forest also known as 'Grove of Death' will be happy to get the hell out of there but Wendell is unhappy about it?

"Why are you sad Wendell" Ryan asked.

"No its just that the scenery is very beautiful and don't know when I would see this again" he replied.

"What are you blabbering? why are you sad about that we can see it from Cerulean City view point anyway!" Alex said.

"Alex both are different. Seeing this place yourself is different from seeing it from the View Point. You cannot see the rivers draining up close and how beautiful it looks at close." Wendell said.

"Fair point" said Alex.

Soon they went where Marco and Lisa had set the camp. They went there and saw Marco lying on the ground clutching his heart.

"Marco!!!" everyone screamed -except Ryan whose eyes widened.

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