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Sun Chariot

Apollo glanced at the Goddess of Wisdom. Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Metis. In dread of a prophecy, Zeus literally swallowed her mother.

According to the prophecy, Metis would have two offspring, the first of which would be Athena, and the second, a son, who would be so powerful that he would overthrow the rule of Zeus.

Regardless, despite everything, Athena was born. And the only reason she is still alive is because she is Metis's daughter.

Apollo just needs to confirm whether Athena knows what happened to Metis in this universe, then everything else will be simple for the future.

The thoughts flew through his head in a split second as Apollo walked towards Athena, dragging Artemis by the shoulder. Athena approached them, the ends of her white flowing gown fluttering on the grass.

In the light of the sun, Apollo introduced her to her sister. "This is Athena, Goddess of Wisdom."

"Hello." Artemis extended her hand, her voice as calm and indifferent as ever. "I am Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and Hunt."

Athena nodded, looking at her outstretched hand for a time before shaking it with a smile. "It's amazing to finally see the Twin Archers together."

"Twin Archers?" Artemis inquired, her brow furrowed, as she retracted her hand.

"In Olympus, they call us that, sister." Apollo answered for Athena.

"That's only one of many titles." Athena still responded. "Your prowess has spread far and wide."

"You flatter us, Athena." Artemis said plainly.

Athena smiled as she raised the scroll in her palm and moved on. "I have your order for the divine weapons."

"We need to go somewhere else before we start." Apollo abruptly stated, stretching his arm in the middle of them.

"Where?" Athena inquired, her grey eyes intrigued.

Apollo didn't answer, but rather urged them. As Artemis saw this, she sighed and answered for him. "Don't mind him. He's always been like this. We're also going to space."

Athena didn't really seem to mind. Her gleaming eyes started looking high at the sky for a moment before she placed her hand over the hand of Apollo along with Artemis.

Their figures were instantly bathed in brilliant light. And they were no longer on Earth.


A massive golden palace floated in the dark space between Venus and Earth, supported by auric pillars emitting a limitless amount of light. From a distance, it appeared to be a literal sun hovering in the vast ocean of space.

It was the temple and abode of Helios, the Titan of the Sun.

In the light of the rising sun, Apollo, Artemis, and Athena emerged from the vacuum atmosphere unharmed in the space near the golden palace. As higher beings, the gods are the epitome of self-sufficient. They do not require oxygen, water, or food to survive. And their divine bodies are more than capable of withstanding the harsh vacuum of space.

They descended towards the golden palace, light surging at their feet, forming a stairway leading to the Titan of the Sun's temple.

They came to a halt in the middle and looked to the side. There it was, the gargantuan golden star, dwarfing everything at the centre of the solar system.

It was the sun, which emitted golden rays of burning arch, resembling the fire kindled to bring warmth to all of creation itself.

In every sense of the word, it was breath-taking. It was cosmic in power and magnitude. It was something otherworldly, something sacred, something inviolable.

They continued their journey and eventually landed on the grounds of the golden palace, shrouded in air.

"You can control this?" Athena immediately asked, pointing at the gigantic star. Her surprise was evident in her eyes.

After all, she just came out to the world recently. Despite being the goddess of wisdom, there are still many things unfamiliar to her, such as the sun. She expected the sun to be large, but not this large; the majority of her surprise, though, stemmed from another discovery.

Through her divinity, she found that the sun was different from the innumerable stars dotted across the multitude of dark space. It felt more than just a mere star. It was a symbol of power and authority, emitting infinite light brighter than any star in the universe.

Hearing her question, Apollo merely raised his hand and waved. The colossal sun quickly unleashed an abnormal number of solar flares, which collided and clashed with each other, fusing into one super flare. Then, it morphed into a sword, a white illusory enormous blade that hung near the sun.

Athena witnessed it all in silence.

"I don't think you need a divine weapon any longer." Artemis jested, looking at the sword.

"It's just a construct." Apollo shook his head, only getting a laugh from his sister in response.

The white sword immediately broke apart into numerous solar flares, returning. They surged into the solar system under his will, without affecting anything.

The golden door of the heavenly palace suddenly opened. Out of it came Helios, dressed in a white chiton robe.

"Apollo." The Titan of the Sun greeted him with his trademark sunny smile. "I thought you would never come."

"I am still kicking." Apollo smirked. "She can't do anything to me."

Helios eyed him up and down. "Let's see how long this confidence lasts before you come running to my help again."

"In your dreams, Helios." Apollo shot back. They glared before breaking into a smile.

"They just ignored us completely." Athena whispered to Artemis.

Artemis wisphered back, rolling her eyes. "Just wait. They will get on with it soon."

Helios said, his smile fading. "Jokes aside. What I said before still stands."

Apollo didn't reply to that. Instead, he gave a light nod and asked. "So, where is the sun chariot?"

Helios pointed to the back. "It's at the far end of the palace." He turned around, his gaze fixed on Athena. "First and foremost, who is this?"

"I am Athena." Athena immediately introduced herself.

Helios narrowed his eyes at the face of Athena, then realisation filled his eyes. Subconsciously, he said. "Oh. You're the daughter of..."

Apollo interrupted Helios with an elbow, but his gaze was locked on Athena, his eyes shining.

Recognising his blunder, Helios wanted to speak up. However, Athena interrupted him. Her lips thinned into a line.

"It's all right." She said. And there was a moment of heavy silence around them.

Breaking the silence, Athena asked. "How do you know my mother?"

"Metis..." Helios said, his gaze fixed on Athena. But, seeing only anticipation in her eyes, he continued with a solemn tone. "She was the most brilliant goddess to exist in her time. Her intelligence was unbounded, and she became one of the most significant contributors to the war of titans. I fought the Titans many times with your mother by my side. She was a brave and valiant woman. And you, Athena, through you, I saw the shadow of Metis…"

Athena sat calmly listening. Her expression didn't change at all, but everyone saw the difference right away. "Thank you, Helios," she eventually said, looking into his eyes. "I really need to hear that."

Helios nodded strongly before casting a glance at Apollo, who stepped in and noticed it.

"Now, show me the chariot." He stated. And they went to the other side of the palace, though no one talked the entire time, a heavy stillness prevailing.

As they crossed the last colossal pillar, they finally got a glimpse of a chariot. It was coated in gold, emitting a gentle light.

It was the fabled sun chariot.

"From now on, Apollo, it's yours. Take it and do your duty well," Helios said solemnly.

"Duties?" Despite knowing, Apollo inquired.

"The Chariot of the Sun." Helios revealed. "The Chariot acts as a link between our pantheon and the sun. You can use it to influence the sun in our pantheon's territories; you can make the sun never rise or never set. You may even direct the sun to rise from the west. The sun will follow your every whim, Apollo."

"Then, could I also make the sun follow its original path?" Apollo immediately asked.

"You might." Helios stated solemnly. "You could simply leave it to nature like the rest of the globe, and you wouldn't have to drive it across Europa to bring about the day. But this is a duty, one that you willing accepted. You must shoulder its burden. Many eyes are following your every action. Give them no chance."

Apollo said, taking a deep breath. "I understand, Helios."

Then, just in front of their eyes, he ascended to the chariot.

The sun chariot unleashed an infinite stream of pure light as he rose, as if the sun itself had fallen on the palace. Under the glare of the sun, Artemis and Athena averted their eyes and looked away. Meanwhile, Helios stood silently, staring at Apollo.

Apollo's short brown hair grew long, dyeing golden in the sunlight. A blazing sun emblem graced his glabella with a divine halo behind his head. This was his divine form as the God of the Sun.

(Image Here)

Then, he raised his hand. The sunlight immediately converged, forming five white horses made of light. The reins extended, falling into his hands.

With his ascension to the chariot, Apollo felt his control over the sun grow. Though it wasn't much, it is better than nothing when it comes to the sun.

Then he turned to look at Artemis and Athena. "Come on, let's get going."

Artemis and Athena ascended the chariot, while Helios suddenly warned Apollo, his voice only heard by him.

"You should get yourself ready. You will most likely face a challenge soon."

"How do you know that?" Apollo asked curiously.

"I have my sources within the sun." Helios revealed.

Apollo raised his brows, considering. "Let them come and I will accept whatever the challenge is. You know, Helios, it is time. Only strength can deter them."

"It can also make them afraid of your rise and unite." Helios stated an extremely plausible situation. Apollo was born with more control over the sun than many sun gods and goddesses. It already causes many of them to be wary and hostile towards him.

"Well…" Apollo chuckled without any worry. "It is inevitable, isn't it?"

Helios looked at Apollo in silence before sighing. "Go and I will inform you if I get any more news."

Apollo nodded, pulling the reins. The light horses neighed and dragged the sun chariot high into starry space. With a zeal of light, they disappeared, leaving a shimmering light of particles.

Helios looked at the fading particles and then the sun, heaving another sigh before returning to his place.

'Wine…' He thought, getting ready to sulk himself in retirement.


In the travelling sun chariot, Athena asked, curious. "How do you feel? I mean, after taking over the chariot?"

"Nothing much." Apollo smiled. "Just a little warmer and brighter."

Artemis also asked from the side. "What were you and Helios talking about?"

"What else do you think?" Apollo said simply. "Just about the sun."

Artemis glared at her brother, obviously not believing. But she didn't continue on this, as Athena was right next to them.

Apollo suddenly asked, "We are not going to the forges of Cyclops, are we, Athena?"

Athena looked at Apollo deeply, saying. "No." Then, she unfolded the scroll, which had an image of an island with volcanos.


Lemnos. An island that is vibrant and fiery, teeming with lush forests and active volcanos.

On the long coast, Hephaestus, the infamous god, strode out of the blue ocean, dragging an iron net filled with fishes.

He looked up at the sky, at the sun, which suddenly became brighter and dazzling, enlarging and expanding. It looked as though the sun itself was descending on the world.

Hephaestus looked at the scorching sun calmly.

"Olympus…" He said, "It's finally here…"

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