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94.05% We’re a TV Show! / Chapter 95: 95. Sole Crusher

Chapter 95: 95. Sole Crusher

Scene: Taxi. The taxi driver tells Zoé Lee all about Paris.

Taxi Driver: You'll discover for yourself, Mademoiselle, that one can never see too much of Paris. (displays the Eiffel Tower) Does the Eiffel Tower need an introduction? And to think that when it was first built, the Parisians thought it'd stuck out like a sore thumb. (displays the Trocadéro) And over there are the Trocadéro Gardens. Did you know that underneath there is an aquarium, the first in the world built in 1867. (displays the Louvre) The Louvre, the largest museum in the world. So huge that it would take a hundred days to see everything! Originally, the Louvre was a fortress built to protect our city. These days, it protects our art. Speaking of protecting the city, there are our local miracles, Ladybug and Cat Noir!

Zoé: (notices the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie) Can we stop here? I've always dreamed of eating a real Parisian croissant.

"So, I take it the new girl's not French?" Alya asked, softly chuckling about the new girl's excitement of eating a real Parisian croissant along with everybody else.

"I guess she's part French, but mainly, she's American," Angel answered in which the teens cooed in soft excitement at the thought of an American girl coming to live in Paris.

Taxi Driver: You couldn't have picked a better place. This is the best bakery in Paris. My kids adore their croissants.

"Whoa! She's cute," Kim whistled as soon as he saw the new girl, Zoe, on-screen with most other boys murmuring in agreement.

"And I love the way she's dressed. The jacket, the top, the pants, the hat, and especially the colorful sneakers," Marinette said, paying attention to Zoe's outfit. Most others murmured in agreement, though the others (i.e. Chloe) stayed quiet as they didn't completely agree.

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

Sabine: You're lucky they're fresh out of the oven.

Marinette: Sorry I got held up here! (Trips)

Sabine: Is everyone all right?

"Wow, you really do make clumsy first impressions, m'lady," Adrien said as he laughed at his blushing girlfriend's clumsiness on-screen once again along with everybody else.

Marinette: Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Zoé: It's totally okay, but maybe I should be asking if you're okay. That was quite a fall!

Marinette: (chuckles) Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, thanks. I'm pretty clumsy so I'm used to it. Come to think of it, I fall a lot. Fall flat on my face, fall asleep, fall out of bed, fall apart of the seams, fall in love... (Zoé laughs) I really am sorry about all of this, how can I make it up to you?

Zoé: It's nothing, don't worry!

Marinette: Mom, can you put together a dozen more croissants for...

Zoé: Zoé.

Marinette: Hello, Zoé, I'm Miss Walking Disaster. Where's your accent from? It's really pretty!

Zoé: I'm from New York.

Marinette: Wow, cool! And what are you doing in Paris?

Zoé: I'm- uh- here to be with my family.

"Do we know her family?" Sabine asked curiously as well as everyone else about Zoe and her family.

"Yes, you all do. As a matter of fact, she's related to one of you," Angel answered as she pointed to the audience. The audience then looked around at each other to see who Zoe could be related to since neither of them have ever heard of her.

Marinette: Well then it's gonna be a great trip. No matter where you are, if you're with the ones you love, then you feel right at home. (Zoé accidentally bumps into Marinette)

Zoé: Sorry. (Marinette continues to pick up more apples)

Marinette: (notices Zoé's shoes) Wow, your sneakers are awesome! Did you decorate them yourself?

Zoé: Yeah, I've written every nice thing that anyone's ever said to me, to keep them with me all the time.

Marinette: But there's only one message!

Zoé: I only had one friend.

"Seriously? Only one friend? Even with how nice she is?!" Marinette asked in shock as well as everybody else. "What was she like before?"

"Your entire answer will come later," Angel vaguely answered for now as everybody else turned their attention back to the screen.

Marinette: Oh... (gets a bunch of pastries for Zoé and places them in a bag) If you're not doing anything with your family tonight, my friends are performing a concert on a river barge. Let me give you my number! (writes her number on one of the pastry boxes)

Zoé: I can give you mine too if you want. (Marinette shows her hand)

Marinette: This way I won't lose it for sure. (Zoé writes her number on Marinette's hand)

Zoé: Bye!

Marinette: See you tonight! (Zoe leaves and goes back in the taxi)

"Unlike Lila, I don't think we have anything to worry about Zoe here when she comes," Marinette said, now excited at the thought of a new friend. Everybody else murmured in agreement with slight smiles on their faces.

Scene: Outside of the Le Grand Paris. Zoé exits the taxi.

"And here it is. Zoe's new home," Angel said as she pointed to the Le Grand Paris hotel on-screen.

"So, she's related to Chloe?!" Alya asked, completely shocked as well as everybody else. Angel confirmed it with a nod and everybody else turned their attention to the blonde girl.

"Don't look at me! My parents never told me about a Zoe!" Chloe said in her defense.

"Chloe, Zoe. With those names rhyming, it kind of makes sense," Mylene pointed out and everybody else both murmured and shrugged in agreement. Soon after, they all turned their attention back to the screen, curious to know how a nice girl is related to the mean and snobby Chloe, especially the latter herself.

Zoé: (gives the bag of pastries to the taxi driver) There, share it with your kids.

Taxi Driver: Wow, but don't you want to keep some for your family?

Zoé: Nah, they prefer sour to sweets.

"Yep. That sounds like Chloe," Nathaniel deadpanned in which everybody else murmured in agreement.

"OK, I get it!" Chloe snapped, then calmed down. "So, what is she? A cousin or something?"

"Not exactly. Let's just say how you two are related is going to be a very awkward situation with your family," Angel answered, a little nervous for how Chloe is going to react to the truth about Zoe. Meanwhile, that got the audience's attention back to the screen, now excited to see how Chloe and Zoe are related.

Taxi Driver: Well, thanks, Miss. Enjoy your journey. (Zoé looks at Marinette's phone number and smiles. She puts the box in her bag and walks to Butler Jean.)

Butler Jean: Oh, welcome, Mademoiselle Zoé. Please, follow me.

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Audrey Bourgeois is reading a magazine.

Butler Jean: Pardon me, Madame, but your daughter, Mademoiselle Zoé, has arrived.

"DAUGHTER?!" Everyone in the audience (except for Angel) loudly asked in shock and confusion as they turned their attention once again to Chloe whose jaw was completely dropped in shock.

"I HAVE A SISTER?!" Chloe shrieked in shock and some slight anger towards her parents for never telling her about Zoe.

"Technically, she's your half-sister. You two have the same mother, but…different fathers," Angel reluctantly explained after confirming Chloe's question with a nod. Meanwhile, everybody else was looking at the blonde girl with wonder and a little bit of pity on how troubled the Bourgeois marriage is for the wife to have another daughter with another man.

Audrey: Zoé? (looks at Zoé and becomes disgusted) Oh, you look terrible! I'm guessing the flight was horrific.

Zoé: Someone in economy class- uh- smelled like disgusting cologne, and the flight attendants refused to open a window to air out the plane!

"And just like you, Chloe, Zoe has to act all mean and snobby to gain approval from your mother," Angel explained as soon as she saw everyone else's bewildered looks in response to Zoe's new behavior on-screen. Meanwhile, Chloe continued to be slightly angry, especially towards her mother.

Audrey: Your father forgot to provide a private jet for you? Too busy for anyone, as usual. It's fine that you want to come live with us in Paris, but what exactly was wrong with your boarding school again?

Zoé: I- I found roaches in my locker, can you believe it?

"By the way, she isn't lying about that. Roaches were actually put in her locker back at her boarding school," Angel quickly added in which everyone else began to feel pity for the new girl.

Audrey: Well, that's nice, dear. Jean Quentin. Take her to see her sister.

"That's nice?! Unbelievable! That woman has two daughters and she very rarely pays attention to either one of them!" Sabine said in slight anger towards Audrey Bourgeois on-screen.

"I know! My mom has four daughters, including myself. And she pays enough attention to all of us!" Alya said.

"Thanks for rubbing it in, Cesaire," Chloe said as she gritted her teeth in anger in which Alya gave her an apologetic look as she realized what she just said without thinking.

"On the bright side, Chloe, your mom doesn't seem to treat your sister any better than she treats you. So, there's no favorites with her," Sabrina pointed out, trying to cheer her best friend up. Everyone else loudly murmured in agreement, trying to cheer the blonde girl up as well.

"Well, I guess that's at least something. I don't have to be jealous of the attention Mommy gives her," Chloe said as her angry face calmed to a slight frown.

Scene: Chloé's room.

Chloé: So… you're Zoé? Blonde hair, blue eyes… Good, so far you're measuring up to the family standards. You can make an acceptable sister physically, at least. Cellphone! (Zoé hands over her phone. Chloe looks at it and throws it away) You'll have to change the case. Not enough gold or diamonds! (looks at her shoes disgustingly) Ah! What are those?! (gets a box of shoes and shows it to her) See these? These shoes are life and in life, there are winners and losers. Winners have their perfect little feet in these shoes while losers get crushed (closes the box) under the soles. So you want them? (moves away the box) Uh uh uh! If you want to be a winner and be part of this family, you're gonna have to earn your place. But don't worry, I'll be your mentor and if you prove worthy enough to be my sister, well then, maybe…I'll let you borrow my shoes! Rule number one: your father only exists to give you everything you want whenever you want. (calls her father) DADDY! (opens the door and talks to her father) I want the limo painted pink before I go to school!

"Yeah, great start on the sisterly advice, Chloe!" Alya sarcastically groaned in exasperation at what Chloe is telling Zoe on-screen along with everyone else. The blonde girl just cringed in embarrassment towards her future on-screen self.

André: What? But sweetheart-

Chloé: (closes the door) Since your father isn't here, you'll use mine! If you become my sister, of course. Rule number two: you need a minion. Where's yours?

Zoé: Uhhh, I left them…in New York!

Chloé: (gasps) Fatal mistake! You never go anywhere without your minion! (goes to her closet) Don't confuse a minion for a patsy which I'll teach you about later. A minion is someone who does everything for you. (opens the closet and says to Sabrina) Aren't you done with that math homework yet?

Sabrina: Sorry, Chloé. It's taking me a little longer 'cause it's so dark in here but now that my eyes are used to having no light, it'll go much faster! (Chloé closes the closet)

"YOU MAKE SABRINA DO YOUR HOMEWORK IN A DARK CLOSET?!" Marinette loudly asked the blonde girl in anger as well as everybody else (except for Sabrina).

"No! I usually do her homework sitting next to her! This must be in the future!" Sabrina said, trying to defend her best friend.

"It is possible. Ever since Chloe has no reason to impress Ladybug anymore since she hates her now, she seems to be becoming meaner and more annoying than before," Angel explained further in which everyone else both nodded and shrugged in agreement (including the ashamed blonde girl herself).

Scene: Bourgeois's limo.

Chloé: Now, a patsy is there to suffer for your own entertainment. If you're good enough, a patsy can last you a lifetime. I have an old one but it hasn't been working so well ever since I became a superhero. I got too soft. She's yours if you could do something with her. (Zoé looks at Sabrina running while carrying the bags)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont outside. Chloé and Zoé get out of the limo. Sabrina huffs after running.

"Next time, Chloe, invite Sabrina into your limo instead of having her run after it. This is kind of ridiculous," Miss Bustier noted to her student who nodded sheepishly in understanding and agreement.

Chloé: Another super important rule. Number 72: All the boys have to be crazy about you carrying your school bag up the stairs should be the highlight of their day. Not you, no, not you, either or you, but you can shine my shoes in your dreams tonight! You! (gets Zoé's bag and carries it to another boy) Here! (Zoé walks past him)

Sabrina: (huffs) Sorry! (gets Zoé's bag)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Sabrina rolls a carpet from the entrance of the school while Marinette and her friends laugh.

Chloé: Hey you nobodies! Stop your meaningless chatter for a minute and listen up! This is uh... (whispers to Zoé) what's your name again?

Zoé: Zoé.

Chloé: (pushes Zoé) We'll buy you a new name later. (talking to the crowd again) This is Zoé. She's only my half-sister for now but you must still treat her with respect, so bow down...uh, I mean give her the welcome her status deserves.

Rose: Her sister? Chloé has a sister?

Alya: If we're lucky, she'll only be half as horrible.

Marinette: Relax girls! I met her at the bakery earlier. She's totally nothing like Chloé. She's actually really nice! And besides, we shouldn't make snap judgments about people before we get to know them, right? (all look at each other)

"Well, you kind of made snap judgments about Lila when she first arrived," Rose reminded her friend about when Lila first arrived at their school.

"OK, maybe it was a little quick, Rose. But I turned out to be right about Lila, wasn't I?" Marinette reminded Rose and everybody else in which they murmured and shrugged in agreement. Marinette then looked at Kagami in an apologetic manner. "I think the only wrong snap judgment I made was Kagami."

"Well truth be told, Marinette, it was partially Adrien's fault for being so oblivious towards your obvious feelings for him. He became somewhat interested in me most likely because I was in his line of vision when I suggested that he switched targets," Kagami said to Marinette in a forgiving manner while the two girls and everybody else slightly frowned at the blond boy.

"OK, I get it! I was stupid and clueless! How long are you guys going to torture me with this?!" Adrien asked in exasperation while also blushing in embarrassment.

"Sorry, blondie, but we might torture you with this for the rest of your life until the day you die. Heck, the topic would make great jokes at your wedding!" Alya teasingly answered in which everybody else laughed hard in agreement except for Adrien who groaned.

Adrien: (from far away; goes to Nino) Hey, what's up, man.

Chloé: Ah, rule number 148: obviously, you need a guy BFF to wrap around your finger. Preferably gorgeous and very rich. (Adrien and Nino do the handshake) That one over there is mine, Adrikins! He's the best there is. So keep your hands off, you here! We'll find you a less handsome one because you're less pretty than me, obviously. (Marinette comes) Ah! Here comes the patsy I was telling you about. If you can do a number on her, then I'll make you my real sister. Watch and learn. (to Marinette) Still loafing around, Dupain-Cheng? (laughs) Hello, she's a baker's daughter, get it? (laughs)

"I guess this is how my dude and Chloe became friends years ago. The puns," Nino pointed out after Chloe made a pun on-screen in which everyone else chuckled in agreement much to the blonde girl's blushing embarrassment.

Marinette: Hey, Zoé. What'd you think about the macaroons? Good, huh?

Chloé: (to Zoé) What?! You know Dupain-Cheng?!

Zoé: (slowly to herself) Y-yeah, we've met. (to Marinette with a mean attitude) This clueless klutz knocked me down! So she gave me some super, uh… disgusting… macaroons (Marinette gets shocked) thinking that it would be enough to make up for it, but since I have good taste, I threw them out. (Marinette felt sad)

Sabrina: (hugging Zoé's arm) Can I do your homework? (Zoé felt sad for her.)

Everybody in the audience (except for Chloe and Sabrina) bowed their heads down and shook them in exasperation in response to both Chloe pressuring her half-sister to be mean and Sabrina offering to be the latter's servant as well as the former's. Meanwhile, the two girls just blushed red in embarrassment at their respective behaviors.

Scene: Mr. Damocles' office. Chloe and Zoe are sitting in front of Mr. Damocles.

Mr. Damocles: Find a spot. Find a spot! Mid-year admission is not so easy. There's a lot of paperwork-

Chloé: (snaps) Rule number 38.

Zoé: (gets her phone) Would you like me to call my stepfather, Mayor Bourgeois, and let him know how utterly useless you've been? So useless, in fact, that this would surely run just as well (slams on the desk) without you!

Mr. Damocles: (shocked) Uhhhh…

"At this rate, I'm going to have a stroke!" Mr. Damocles groaned in exasperation in response to his submissive attitude towards the Bourgeois family and their demands.

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom. Mr. Damocles is introducing Zoé to their class.

Mr. Damocles: May I introduce your new schoolmate, Zoé. Please obey, I mean, give her a warm welcome.

"Oh, Zoe's gonna be in my class. I hope that since Chloe isn't around to watch, she goes back to her truly nice self," Marc noted in which everybody else responded with curious shrugs and hopeful looks.

Scene: Art classroom. Marinette and her friends are painting.

Marinette: (confused) I don't understand. When I met her this morning, she was so nice.

Alya: That's crazy. Chloe's influence is so toxic that she's managed to corrupt her sister in a few hours.

Alix: We gotta get her out of there.

Mylène: Who will take her in?

Rose: Do you think we can adopt her?

Marinette: Let's just talk to her first. I'll handle it.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont outside. Chloe and Zoe get into the pink limo.

Chloé: Needs improvement, but not such a bad start. As a reward, I'll let you touch my diamond shoes when we're home. (small laugh)

Zoé: Thank you? (looks outside. The limo leaves.)

Sabrina: (outside) See you later! (runs while carrying the bags)

Everyone in the audience facepalmed in response to seeing Sabrina run after the limo again.

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is texting Zoé.

Marinette: Why did she become so nasty when she was so nice before?

Daizzi: Maybe she was…hungry?

Marinette: I'm sure the real Zoé is the one I met the first time. I hope I can get to the bottom of this.

Tikki: As long as you're acting with kindness, Marinette, you can't go wrong.

Mullo: Mm-hmm.

Scene: Chloé's room. Chloe is searching through her closet, throwing shoes out of it. Marinette is texting Zoé.

Chloé: No. (throws a shoe) No. (Throws another shoe. Meanwhile, Zoé, sitting at the end of Chloé's bed, gets a text message as Chloé continues to search for shoes. She sees it is a message from Marinette, and reads.)

Marinette: (voiceover) I can tell something is keeping you from being yourself. If it's Chloé, we can talk about it tonight, if you want. You're still welcome to come to the barge. (Zoé smiles, but looks up to see Chloé still throwing shoes around.)

Chloé: (off-screen) Ridiculous! (A shoe hits the ground. Zoé texts Marinette back.)

Zoé: (internal voiceover as she types) Sorry. I'll explain tonight. (sends the message, Marinette's picture and name pops up as she does)

Chloé: (sees Zoé messaging) Are you texting Dupain-Cheng?! I warned you! You walk over people, or I walk over you! Either you're proud to be who you are, proud to be a part of my family and you walk in my footsteps, or you clear out!

Zoé: Are you through? This is all just part of my plan! I trick Dupain-Cheng into thinking I'm her friend, and tonight at the barge, I'll throw her disgusting macarons into the Seine, in front of all of her friends! Total humiliation.

"Well, I gotta hand it to her. Zoe can certainly come up with ways to calm Chloe down on the spot," Adrien commented and everybody else nodded in agreement (including Chloe herself though reluctantly).

Chloé: (gasps, smiles) Brilliant! Utterly brilliant! (puts a pair of diamond encrusted gold shoes in Zoé's hands. She jumps on her bed with a journal and a pen.) So, how about 'stick a wad of chewing gum on her chair'? No, done that. Oh! 'Get her punished for something she didn't do'! Too easy. (gasps) Roaches! (Zoé looks horrified. Chloé sits up on her bed.) Roaches in her locker! Yes! (Zoé tries to sneak away with a haunted look) How amazing am I? (notices Zoé walking away) Hey! (Zoé stops) Where are you going?!

"Wow! Real original ideas, Chloe!" Marinette sarcastically deadpanned to her former arch-rival who slightly frowned back while everybody else chuckled in agreement.

Zoé: I'm... (turns to Chloe with a positive expression) going to try them on outside. (lifts the shoes) I want to see the diamonds sparkle in the sunlight. (Zoé walks away with a hidden sad expression, while Chloé goes back to scheming in her journal.)

Scene: Le Grand Paris, rooftop. Zoe looks over the street. She is about to throw the shoes off, but she stops. She puts her head on the rooftop railing. André Bourgeois is hiding, looking at Zoé with a sad expression on his face.

André: (walks up to Zoé) Is everything okay, Zoé? (Zoé wipes the tears from her eyes, and smiles as he smiles) When I was young, I wanted to make movies, (background changes to a film reel, images popping up as he speaks) tell stories. Ah, that was the real me. (the images are scribbled off, and background changes to André being interviewed in front of the French flag with Audrey and Butler Jean.) But it was made very clear to me that in order to earn my place, (background disappears) I had to let certain dreams go. (to Zoé) What about you? What are your dreams?

"That's right! Your father directed "Solitude", the movie that my mother was in that Marinette and I came to see," Adrien excitedly reminded his childhood friend and everybody else as soon as he remembered.

"Wow! I never knew Mayor Bourgeois could be so deep," Alix said in shock as well as everybody else, especially Chloe since she has never seen this particular side of her father before. The blonde girl slightly frowned with envy and sadness as she saw that her father had immediately created a bond with her half-sister much deeper than he ever did with her, his own daughter.

Zoé: At first, I– I wanted to be an actress. (looks down) I'm good at acting. Then I found myself acting all the time, playing these different roles trying to please everyone, until I couldn't do it anymore. (André looks down in sympathy) I just want to be accepted for being me, the real me. (covers her eyes with her arm) And now it's happening all over again, I just can't…

"Oooh! Poor Zoe!" Rose squealed in sadness as tears welled up for the poor new girl along with some other people (and kwamis). Meanwhile, Chloe then began to look at her half-sister with pity and guilt on how she has been treating her so far.

"So, you can say Zoe is like the good-hearted version of Lila," Angel pointed out and after some thought, everyone else nodded in agreement.

André: (hand on her shoulder) Let me show you something. (takes her to the cellar on the roof and opens it) I call this "My Cellar of Dreams." (in the cellar has a camera, some film reels, a Solitude script among many others, and three film booklets with Emilie Agreste on one of them which he picks up) It can be lonely when even your own family can't accept you for who you are. (holding the booklet to his chest) We end up burying our feelings deep, here. (puts the booklet back in the cellar) And here. (turns to Zoé) If you want, I can make some space for you. (Zoé flashbacks to Chloé.)

"I can't believe Daddy has hidden all this and showed Zoe this instead of me," Chloe said in sadness once again towards the fact that her father showed his real self and bonded with her half-sister instead of her.

"Well, in his defense, you've been acting like your mother for so long. How could he show this to you without being judged?" Marinette gently reminded her former arch-rival with everybody else murmuring in agreement.

"I only acted like Mommy, so that she will love me and pay attention to me!" Chloe pointed out as she began to tear up in guilt on how she acted all these years.

"So did your sister, Chloe. She acted with a mean attitude to create a bond with your mother and even more so, a bond with you. But it's not too late since this is the future. You can have a genuine bond with your sister the right way this time," Sabine advised the blonde girl in a gentle motherly tone in which everyone else gently murmured in agreement. After wiping away her tears, Chloe slowly nodded in understanding and agreement.

Chloé: (flashback) I warned you: either you walk over people, or I walk over you! (Zoé looks down at her shoes sadly. Then a resigned look. She puts the shoes in the cellar. She looks down, hurt, as the cellar door closes.)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. The window shutters open.

Shadow Moth: Never being accepted by your loved ones, traveling across the ocean only to be rejected once again! (the butterfly flies into his hand) Welcome to Paris, Mademoiselle! (he charges the akuma) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize that fragile heart! (the akuma flies out)

Scene: Le Grand Paris, rooftop. Zoé sadly puts the diamond shoes while the akuma flies into the cellar to enter into her sneakers.

"Where did the akuma go?" Kim asked as well as most others after seeing the akuma disappear into Mayor Bourgeois' private cellar.

"It went into her sneakers," Angel answered.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Sole Crusher, I am Shadow Moth. Your sister challenges you to measure up to her? I give you the power to crush her soul instead. From now on, every person you crush will make you stronger.

Zoé: (stands up) They'll be crushed under the soles of my shoes, all the same.

Shadow Moth: All that I ask for in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. Start walking, Sole Crusher!

André: (gasps) No! (runs in horror as Zoé transforms)

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Sole Crusher steps foot to everyone as she smiles.

Jean: (curiously) Mademoiselle… Chloé?

"Ugh! How dare he akumatize my sister into a tacky and gaudy golden copy of me?!" Chloe shrieked in anger at her half-sister's akumatized form.

"You mean how dare he akumatized your sister period?" Marinette hopefully asked along with everybody else.

"Yeah, yeah, that's bad too," Chloe said as she waved her hand in dismissal while everybody else rolled their eyes in annoyance.

Sole Crusher: Wrong, Jean-something. I am Sole Crusher! (he disappeared as she kicked Jean. Terrified, the people run but some of them disappear as she steps more people and grows bigger and stronger while laughing evilly.)

"As you can see, she can absorb people with the soles of her shoes. And the more people she absorbs, the bigger and stronger she gets," Angel explained about Sole Crusher and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Scene: Chloé's room. Chloé is taking selfies from her phone until she realizes that one of her selfies has Sole Crusher behind her.

Chloé: (turns to Sole Crusher) Hey! How come you're using my image without my authorization?!

Sole Crusher: The student has become the master, Chloé, and now, I'm going to crush you!

Chloé: Zoé?! (runs away. Sole Crusher is about to grab her when the door closes in her way.)

Scene: Le Grand Paris, outside. Chloé gets in a taxi.

Civilian: Hey! That's our cab!

Chloé: (inside the taxi) Not anymore! (The taxi leaves.)

Civilian: Hey! (They disappeared as Sole Crusher stomps them and runs.)

Scene: Taxi. Sole Crusher stops them as the taxi stops.

Chloé: Ahhh!

Taxi Driver: Hey, you! Watch where you put your feet- (She disappeared as Sole Crusher steps on her while Chloé runs away from her.)

Sole Crusher: Chloeeeé!

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Chloé rushly enters when Tom and Sabine are working.

Chloé: You! Hide me! (Chloé shoves them away to the door as Sole Crusher grabs them. Sole Crusher puts Tom and Sabine on the ground and then steps on them.)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is at her sewing machine working on a design with Tikki, Xuppu and Fluff floating around her. Marinette hears a noise.

Marinette: (alert; to the kwamis) Quick, hide! (Tikki, Xuppu and Fluff enter the Miracle Box, and the hiding mechanism hides the box away. Chloé climbs through the trapdoor to Marinette's room and puts Marinette's trunk over it to barricade it.)

Marinette: Chloé? What's going on?

Chloé: Dupain-Cheng! Don't just sit there! Help me block this door!

Sole Crusher: (tears up Marinette's roof off the walls; Marinette and Chloe gasp. Sole Crusher smiles) Found you! (she reaches blindly into Marinette's room. Chloé pushes Marinette to Sole Crusher's hand, and Sole Crusher picks her up and smile deviously)

"Thanks a lot, Chloe!" Marinette sarcastically deadpanned to her former arch-rival for sacrificing her to Sole Crusher.

"On the bright side, m'lady. It looks like you're the only person she won't crush with her shoes," Adrien pointed out and everybody else murmured in agreement.

Marinette: Who are you?

Sole Crusher: I'm Sole Crusher!

Scene: Outside Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. The doorbell rings, and Chloé runs out of the bakery.

Sole Crusher: (following her) You can't escape me!

Scene: Marinette's room. The kwamis come out of their hiding place, including Kaalki and Sass.

Tikki: Kaalki, teleport to Plagg. We're going to need Cat Noir's help.

Kaalki: Are you sure? You know how dangerous it is.

Tikki: We have no choice! Hurry, I'll look for Marinette. (flies and phases through the window)

Kaalki: Voyage! (a portal opens to Adrien and Plagg, and Kaalki goes through it.)

"Um, Kaalki, what happens when you use your power of teleportation without a holder?" Max asked his kwami, nervous along with everyone else.

"Well, I wouldn't say it's anything bad," Kaalki said as she held her nose up high, trying to muster some dignity. The other kwamis rolled their eyes in annoyance.

"Let me explain. When Kaalki uses her power, the most random objects get teleported to the most random locations," Wayzz explained with the other kwamis nodding in confirmation, much to Kaalki's chagrin. The others then looked at the screen with nervous looks on their faces.

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien is playing video games, and Plagg is eating a wheel of camembert, both sitting on Adrien's couch. Kaalki teleports through and splats on Adrien's window. The open portal takes Plagg's wheel of camembert, its container, Adrien's history textbook, an Ultimate Mecha Strike III DVD box, and Adrien's foosball table before the portal closes.

Plagg: (devastated) My cheese...

Kaalki: (frantically) There's a villain in Paris and the guardian can't take care of it right now! (slower) Sorry, Mr. Noir. About your room.

Adrien: Don't worry, Kaalki. Ladybug will fix everything later. (off-screen transformation) Plagg, claws out! (green light glows from his window)

Scene: Space. Adrien's globe and Plagg's wheel of Camembert he was eating float over space.

"See? Plagg's cheese is in outer space as a result of Kaalki's power," Angel pointed out towards the Camembert cheese floating in space on-screen much to everyone else's jaw-dropping shock.

Scene: Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. Three gorillas in their exhibit interact with Adrien's foosball table.

"And Adrien's foosball table is at the zoo with a bunch of gorillas," Angel pointed to the foosball table with the gorillas on-screen, shocking everyone else even further.

"This is why you kwamis should try to never use your powers without your holders as much as possible," Master Fu groaned as he slowly facepalmed.

Scene: Streets. Sole Crusher is chasing after Chloé, while Tikki is catching up to Sole Crusher.

Sole Crusher: (singing) Chloé! (Chloé races, jumps over a metal fence, and reaches the bank of the Seine. On the Liberty, Mylène and Kitty Section are setting up their instruments and chatting.)

Chloé: (grins; turns to Sole Crusher) If you want to be my sister, if you really want to be like me, then I'm not the one you should crush. (points to the people on the Liberty) They are! (they gasp) Those losers! Otherwise you'll go back to New York! You may be bigger now, but you're still just a ridiculous copy of me! Utterly ridiculous!

"Well, that's the irony of it, Chloe. What you've been trying to do ever since Zoe arrived is to try to turn her into a copy of you," Angel pointed out to the blonde girl who nodded in agreement after some thought along with everyone else.

Marinette: That's not true! You don't have to crush anyone! There's no such thing as winners, or losers! There's just.. people, with all unique interests and other individualities!

Cat Noir: (jumps onto a rooftop) Did someone start off on the wrong foot this morning?

Marinette: (to Chat Noir) I'm not finished. (turns to Sole Crusher) Zoé! No one will judge you here. You can just be yourself. You might trip, you might fall, and there'll always be someone to pick you back up. I'll always be there for you!

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Sole Crusher! I can sense that you're weakening! You wouldn't want me to take back your powers and be stuck with the losers, would you?!

Sole Crusher: (determined, angry) No one will tell me what to do (walks to the Liberty).

Marinette: No! (Chloé runs down the stairs on the bank of the Seine. Sole Crusher steps down into the Seine bank towards Chloé. Cat Noir lands on the Liberty and extends his staff to trip Sole Crusher. Sole Crusher falls and lets go of Marinette as she lands on the ground. Marinette escapes and hides behind a wall, catching her breath.)

Tikki: Marinette!

Marinette: (smiling) Tikki! You followed me? Way to go!

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Yeah! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug. Sole Crusher is regaining her standing as Cat Noir lands on the stairs.)

Cat Noir: The bigger they get, the harder they fall.

Ladybug: (on the stairs next to him) Sorry, I got held up. (Sole Crusher stands up, and turns to Ladybug and Cat Noir in anger. She tries to punch them, but they jump out of the way, destroying the stairs. Cat Noir extends his staff to push off of Sole Crusher's back, who turns in anger, holding her hand up to catch him, but Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around her wrist. Sole Crusher pulls her arm, and Ladybug's yo-yo is detached from her. She tries to smack Ladybug, but she dodges and the ground is hit and broken. Chloé is hiding under the bridge of the Seine when Cat Noir extends his staff to Sole Crusher's neck, who grabs it and throws it and Chat Noir to fly. He grabs onto a light pole to stop himself from falling. Ladybug extends her yo-yo and wraps it around Sole Crusher's right ankle, causing the villain to crash into the nearby buildings. She unravels her yo-yo as debris falls and Sole Crusher lifts her arm to punch Ladybug, who dodges it and more street destruction. Ladybug lands on a rooftop, then jumps to another one as Sole Crusher punches where she was. Ladybug jumps near a window of a building, which Sole Crusher punches as Ladybug avoids, jumping to a nearby bus stop with Cat Noir. They talk as Sole Crusher tries to free herself. )

Cat Noir: (to Ladybug) We're not getting anywhere with this. If worst comes to worst (Sole crusher frees herself and falls into the building behind her.) I might have to Cataclysm her before she destroys the whole city!

Ladybug: (grabbing his arm) No way! We don't know what will happen if you hit her directly! It could be fatal! Lucky Charm! (receives a shoe horn) A... shoe horn? Of course! The akuma must be hiding in her shoes!

Cat Noir: Let me trip her up a bit, m'lady. Cataclysm! (Sole Crusher regains her balance, and Cat Noir destroys a part of her right shoe's heel, breaking it and causing the villain to fall. Ladybug throws her yo-yo at Sole Crusher's other heel and wraps it around it. Sole Crusher tries to regain her balance again, but Ladybug pulls on her yo-yo destroying the heel and Sole Crusher falls again onto a building. Ladybug and Cat Noir hide behind a car.)

Ladybug: Where's... the akuma?

Chloé: (to Sole Crusher) Even as a supervillain, you're still a loser. Just look at how you're treating my priceless shoes! Go back to your sad, ugly sneakers!

"Her sneakers are not ugly!" Marinette argued against the blonde girl about the latter's half-sister's sneakers with most others murmuring in agreement.

"Well then, I'll say they're not my type of shoes. I'll admit that they're better than Liar Rossi's unoriginal and poo-colored boots," Chloe said with some thought in which everyone else nodded and shrugged in agreement.

Sole Crusher (walking towards Chloé) Why, when I finally know what it's like to be in your shoes! (Chloé tries to escape, but Sole Crusher stomps her and she disappears)

Ladybug: Sneakers? (to Cat Noir) What if the akuma isn't in these shoes, but in the sneakers Chloé was talking about? Follow me! (she yo-yos away and Cat Noir follows on his baton, and Sole Crusher watches them leave with a knowing smirk)

Scene: Le Grand Paris, Chloé's room. Ladybug and Cat Noir bust her doors down.

Ladybug: If Chloé lended those shoes, the sneakers must be here somewhere. (Cat Noir looks in a cupboard, and Ladybug looks under Chloé's bed. She opens Chloé's cupboard and finds Sabrina.)

Sabrina: Five more minutes, I'm almost done!

Ladybug: Chloé's sister's sneakers, where are they?!

Sabrina: Huh? What? I don't know! (closes the cupboard doors. Ladybug and Cat Noir run out into the hallway.)

Ladybug: She must have her own room!

André: (from the janitor's closet) Ladybug! Cat Noir! You're going to save us again, aren't you?

Ladybug: Mr. Mayor?

André: I hid in here when I witnessed poor little Zoé getting akumatized.

Cat Noir: You mean you saw everything?

Ladybug: Do you know where her sneakers are?

Scene: Le Grand Paris, Rooftop. The elevator dings and opens. The doors open to show Ladybug, Cat Noir and Mayor Bourgeois

Cat Noir: (to Ladybug) Don't you find it strange that Sole Crusher didn't follow us here?

"Let's not question our moments of occasional luck, kitty," Marinette suggested to her boyfriend who nodded in agreement with a smile.

Ladybug: Let's make a run for it. (they run to the cellar)

André: (reaches for the cellar. Talking to Ladybug and Cat Noir) Promise you won't tell my wife about this? (they nod)

Sole Crusher: (twice the size of Le Grand Paris) You can't measure up to me! I'm going to crush. You. All! (Sole Crusher starts to throw her right fist as a punch. She yells in anger.)

Ladybug: (tries to open the cellar, but it's stuck. She struggles, but realizes) Of course! (take the shoe horn Lucky Charm to open the cellar door. As Sole Crusher's fist is flaming and about to reach them, Ladybug finds the akumatized sneaker and breaks it. The akuma flies out and stops Sole Crusher, who transforms back into Zoé. Ladybug opens her yo-yo) No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma) Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly! (throws the shoe horn into the air) Miraculous Ladybug! (the streets are repaired, and the people in Le Grand Paris restaurant are restored)

Ladybug and Cat Noir: (as Zoé wakes up on a pool chaise) Pound it!

"Pound it!" The two heroes once again fist-bumped and kissed in victory.

Ladybug: (opens her yo-yo and pulls out a magical charm) This is a magical charm, Zoé. (puts it in her hand) With it, Shadow Moth can't get to you any longer. Always keep it with you to remember what you overcame today.

Zoé: Thank you, Ladybug. You really are miraculous.

Ladybug: (smiles) Bug out! (She and Cat Noir jump off the rooftop. Zoé watches them leave.)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: You may run fast, Ladybug, but I will have you at my feet one day. And then, I will crush you! (shutters close)

Scene: The Seine, dusk. Kitty Section is playing a song as Zoé arrives at the top of the stairs. She looks nervous and sad, holding the box of macarons Marinette gave her. She walks onto The Liberty and meets Marinette.

Marinette: (smiling) Welcome aboard, Zoé. (Zoé smiles)

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Chloé is spying on Zoé with a pair of binoculars, with Audrey standing next to her.

Chloé: (to Audrey) Zoé's about to toss Dupain-Cheng's macarons right into the Seine! It's going to be spectacular.

Scene: The Liberty. Alya walks up to Zoé, standing next to Marinette.

Marinette: Let me introduce you to everyone. Guys. (the music stops) This is Zoé. She just arrived here from New York.

Adrien: Hi.

Luka: Hi.

Mylène: Hello.

Zoé: I'm... really sorry about today. I thought that if I did everything Chloé wanted me to, she'd accept me. I just wanted to meet my family's expectations. Which is why I left New York in the first place. At the boarding school, I was playing a part; being someone else, hoping they'd accept me. But finally, I just couldn't anymore. That's when everyone turned against me, and one day, I found roaches in my locker. They all said I was a loser. Maybe they were right. I get that I'm different, and... I'd understand if you guys didn't want me as a friend. (Ivan smiles and gets up from his drum kit. He hugs Zoé with everyone around her.)

"Well, that explains everything about Zoe," Adrien commented in which everybody else murmured in agreement. Meanwhile, Chloe once again looked at Zoe with pity and guilt, especially after learning that her half-sister cares about what she thinks of her.

Mylène: We're all one big, happy family.

Rose: You'll be fine with us! (Ivan releases Zoé from the hug.)

Marinette: You'll never have to leave again, Zoé. Welcome to Paris. (Zoé opens the box of macarons.)

Scene: Le Grand Paris.

Chloé: (using the binoculars) Wait, wait... What is she doing? Ew! Don't eat that! You're going to get infected with her lameness! (to Audrey) I order you to fire her! (Audrey looks hurt. The Liberty has a light show and they continue to play music.)

Scene: Le Grand Paris, night. Zoé walks into Chloé's room with her heels to see Chloé and Audrey angry, and a reassuring Mayor Bourgeois.

Chloé: (to André) Daddy! Order her to return my shoes at once! (André nervously raises his arms, but Zoé lifts the shoes and Chloé snatches them.) And I demand she be sent back to New York immediately! Exactly the way she came!

André: Of course, of course! However, uh...

Audrey: Is there a problem, André?

"I cannot believe her own mother is backing up on this!" Sabine said loudly in anger towards Audrey Bourgeois for her bad parenting with everyone else murmuring angrily in agreement.

André: Well, what I mean is: with all the paperwork needed to enroll her in another boarding school, we won't be rid of her for months. Maybe we could just, er... put her somewhere else...?

Chloé: (she and Audrey have their arms crossed) In the cellar.

André: Excellent idea, in the cellar. Or at least a room in another wing of the hotel...?

Chloé: Well! A smaller room than mine!

André: Of course! Miniscule. Barely even the size of a junior suite!

Chloé: And see to it that we never cross paths again!

André: (opening Chloé's door and pushing Zoé out) She'll take the service elevator with the staff. (closes the door and turns to Zoé)

"At least you're not completely heartless, Chloe. If you were, you would keep insisting that Zoe go back to New York no matter what your father says," Adrien pointed out and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"I seriously promise to be nice to my sister and be a good influence this time," Chloe genuinely promised after getting small glares from everybody else.

Zoé: Thank you. Promise me that you won't leave your dreams too long down in that cellar.

André: I promise. Come on. (they walk to the elevator) You're going to love your new room.

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is in her pajamas, reading her journal in her bed when her phone beeps.

Marinette: (to Tikki) Zoé sent me a text.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Nino, Alya and Ivan are showing Zoé around the school with Chloé in the background angry, and Sabrina worried.

Zoé: (voiceover) Thank you for everything.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Zoé is showing her classmates her sneakers, and Mylène and Nathaniel are using markers to write on them.

Zoé: (voiceover cont.) You were right, I can be myself here. Because you and the others will always be there for me.

Scene: Juleka's room. Zoé is looking at her newly dyed pink streak with Rose holding a towel around her shoulder. Juleka holding scissors and a hairbrush, engaged in a conversation with Marinette.

Zoé: (voiceover cont.) Because you and the others will always be there for me.

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Zoé is looking over Paris with a content smile.

Zoé: (voiceover cont.) For the first time in my life, I actually feel at home!

"OK, the next episode is called Queen Banana," Angel announced about the next episode.

"QUEEN BANANA?!" The teens exclaimed as they laughed hard at that akuma name.

"What poor girl got stuck with that name?!" Alix snorted as she and everybody else still laughed hard at the name.

"That would be Chloe," Angel said as she pointed to the blonde girl who gasped and dropped her jaw in embarrassment as everybody else continued to laugh while pointing at her. "And sorry to say this, Chloe. You came up with the name in the first place before Shadow Moth did."

"Why would I come up with an utterly ridiculous name like that?!" Chloe asked, exasperated at her future self for coming up with that name.

"You'll see," Angel teasingly said as she pointed to the screen and played the episode.

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