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10% Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood / Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

A/N: And here, we have the 2nd chapter of "Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood". Now, as we know, the Boonchuys have turned into frogs. So, let's see how they learn to cope with their changes.

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 2

Act I: Cane Crazy

It all started the next morning when Anne decided to get some stuff out of her backpack and show them to Spirg.

"Wow, Anne, look at all your cool stuff! What's this? Ah, I get it. Torture device.", Sprig spoke as he picked up a toenail clipper and pressed down on the lever on one side.

"That's a toenail clipper.", Anne spoke.

"Not that we have much use for it now, since, well, you know...", Jackie added as she wiggled her two frog toes.

"Oh, okay, okay, sure. Oh! How about this? What does this do?", Sprig puzzled as he grabbed an air pump and pumped air into his mouth.

"It's painful.", Sprig muffled before air hissed out from his mouth as the nozzle popped off from Sprig's mouth.

"That would be an air pump. And it's not what you use it for, silly. It's mostly used to pump up tires if they're flat.", Anne informed Sprig.

"Oh, and this.", Sprig spoke as he picked up a pen and started clicking it very quickly.

"Oh, I love this. This is amazing.", Sprig spoke in awe.

"You know what? You can keep it.", the blue she-frog grinned before the bell rang.

"Kids! Chow time!", Hop Pop called.

Soon after, he was preparing a sort of slop with a grasshopper leg, a couple bugs, and even a spider.

"Time to eat! Time to eat! Time to eat!", Anne, Rose, Sprig, and Polly chanted as they banged fists on the table.

"Hold on, you kids. Hold on.", Hop Pop spoke before he passed one bowl and 3 plates to Anne and the triplets with a spider crawling out Anne's bowl, making Anne shudder, feeling uneasy while the triplets flipped their plates in disgust, spilling the food everywhere.

"Oh, come now. Is my food not good enough for the babies?", Hop Pop asked before Anne gave a sour croak as the bottom of her chin puffed up and retorted.

"Well, if they're the babies, then you're the father of bad cooking.", Anne retorted with a chuckle before that puff deflated back to normal, prompting Sprig to drop his spoon, in awe over the burn.

"Ohhh!", Sprig shouted.

"Oh oh oh!", Polly chanted.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you... I...", Hop Pop began.

"What's the matter, Hop Pop? Frog in your throat?", Anne asked before Polly shouted this time.

"Ohhh!", Polly shouted.

"Oh, she got you again!", Sprig added as Rose giggled.

"Oh, dang it! You know what? I'm gonna take a nap. I don't believe this. I feed you, I house you, and this is how you repay me? If you don't shape up soon, Anne, I'm throwin' you out!", Hop Pop threatened before slamming the door.

"Yeesh. What's his problem? I'm Hop Pop, and I cook bad and have a temper problem!", Anne spoke, pulling on some of her hair, earning the frogs' laughter, although Jackie was weary over this.

"That's so Hop Pop!", Sprig spoke.

"Look, Anne, I appreciate you sticking up for the triplets, but you need to show some respect. Otherwise, we could be tossed out.", Jackie warned.

"Oh, please. What's the worst that could happen?", Anne puzzled before she noticed that the triplets had grabbed Hop Pop's cane and were playing around with it.

Unfortunately, their rough-housing eventually caused the cane they were playing with to break in two, making Anne, Sprig, and Polly gasp.

"That's the worst that could happen.", Jackie responded.

"Yep. This all tracks. But what's the big deal? It's just one cane.", Anne puzzled.

"That wasn't just any cane. It was Hop Pop's special cane, passed down from his father, Hop Poppity Pop, all the way from his father, Hop-and-Lock-Drop Soppity Pop.", Sprig responded, gesturing to the three photos.

"Oh! You guys gotta help us. He's gonna kick those poor triplets out the second he finds out about this. We cannot go back to living in a cave!", Anne exclaimed before it then showed the cave with several insects inside and the triplets crying in fright as they were absolutely terrified by the insects and the lightning and thunder outside before it went back to the present.

"Uhhh! The nights were the hardest.", Anne shuddered.

"And those poor kids can't take it.", Jackie added.

"I'm not going back! I hate bugs and bugs hate me!", Rose added intensely.

"Don't worry, guys. We'll do whatever it takes to help you.", Sprig assured.

"Eh, count me out.", Polly refused.

"Polly!", Sprig scolded.

"What? I hardly know them.", Polly responded.

"That's no excuse to dis us out! We could be your friends one day.", Rose retorted.

"And besides, if you help us, we could make a decision and let you have one of these.", Anne added as she got out a Snacker's bar, making Polly gasp.

"Candy from another world? Lady, you've got yourself a deal.", Polly spoke excitedly.

"Glad to hear it. Now, let's try to save their skins.", Anne grinned before they later applied glue to the cane and tied it up with a bow.

"Yeah!", the group cheered before the cane only broke off, making Rose groan.

"Okay, maybe we can't fix it, but someone else can? Someone good with... wood?", Anne puzzled.

"I don't know. Is there someone like that here?", Jackie puzzled before Sprig hopped toward her.

"Anne, you're a genius! We'll just take it to Leopold Loggle, the woodsmith. He loves wood. Almost a little too much.", Sprig responded.

"Well, as long as he can fix this. Or at the very least know where we could find it.", Jackie responded.

Later, Anne, Jackie, Rose, Lily, Danny, Andy, Polly, and Sprig had already arrived at Leopold Loggle's shop where Loggle was inspecting the cane.

"Uh-huh. Oh, oh, yes. Well, aren't you fascinating? Yes, you are.", Loggle spoke as he changed from one lens to another on his glasses and flipped the cane.

"Well, can you fix it?", Jackie asked.

"As a matter of fact, I can... not.", Loggle spoke.

"Huh. Can you make a new one?", Sprig asked.

"Absolutely... no way.", Loggle responded.

"Do you have one we could buy?", Polly asked.

"Of course I do... n't. I don't.", Loggle responded.

"Why do you keep doing that?!", Anne exclaimed.

"Stop bringing down our hopes like this!", Rose added.

"Old smithing accident. You don't want to know.", Loggle responded as Jackie then noticed a jar of termites nearby.

"Just like we don't want to know why you have this jar of termites in a wood shop?", Jackie asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm a complicated man.", Loggle spoke.

"Uh, okay, so-", Anne began before Loggle interrupted.

"Tripped on an anvil. Landed neck-first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through!", Loggle responded anyway as he even saw a slight hole on his neck.

"Blegh!", Polly exclaimed.

"AAAH!", Jackie shouted.

"Dude, come on!", Anne reacted.

"Cool.", Sprig spoke.

"How have you been speaking all this time?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Well, it's only half as bad as it sounds. Anyway, I switched over to wood after that. Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't do much for you. That cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare, extremely dangerous Doom Tree!", Loggle responded as he then lifted his goggles and then got out a book labeled, "Incredibly Rare, Extremely Dangerous Trees" and opening it to the page about the Doom Tree, making all gasp from seeing it.

"Few have made it to the Doom Tree alive, fewer yet returned. It holds many secrets that mortals dare not-", Loggle began before Anne interrupted.

"Dude, it's a tree. Just tell us where it is.", Anne spoke.

"Yeah, Loggle, cut the chitchat!", Sprig urged.

"Uh, guys? I don't think it's a good id...", Jackie began before Polly interrupted.

"You're bald!", Polly shouted.

"Okay, okay. I got a map to the Doom Tree right here, but it'll cost ya.", Loggle spoke as he turned the pages toward the map for it before Anne got her phone out and pointed toward the map.

"Click.", Anne spoke as she took a picture before she held it up.

"Or you could do that. For free.", Loggle spoke.

"Come on, guys. We gotta hurry. Hop Pop could wake up at any second!", Anne urged.

"Right!", Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Polly responded before the group of 8 left as the triplets were carried by Jackie.

"Be careful, you kids. It's cursed, I tell ya. Cursed!", Loggle warned.

"Got it!", Jackie responded.

"To the Doom Tree, everyone.", Anne shouted as she and the others left whooping excitedly before Sprig came back and gestured to the statue of Loggle.

"Whoa, Loggle. We gotta talk about this, man. We're comin' back. We're gonna talk about this. All right, good-bye.", Sprig spoke before he left.

Then, it showed a sort of map with the group of 8 going straight ahead past Death Ridge, Mushroom Forest, and Swamp Lake before eventually arriving as in the air, a dragonfly was just eaten by giant bird with a jagged beak only to get eaten by a bigger dragonfly as Anne swatted away some leaves and a vine.

"Hold up. We're here.", Anne spoke before comparing the photo of the Doom Tree to the real thing, which actually looks quite similar.

"Now, that is one ugly tree.", Jackie spoke.

"Well, I think it''s scary.", Rose commented as they walked forward.

"Just one of Mother Nature's horrible mistakes.", Sprig commented.

Then, as they moved forward, Polly noticed a skull of a frog.

"Frogs died here.", Polly chuckled.

"Don't say that!", Jackie groaned.

"Look. That branch is perfect.", Anne spoke before she and the others leapt up the tree, although the triplets stayed behind with Polly.

"You people and your legs.", Polly spoke.

"Look it! I'm a froggy little girl!", Rose shouted before laughing.

"Rose, be careful up there!". Jackie shouted before Rose got to the top and looked down a bit before yelping a bit.

"Okay.", Rose responded before Anne tried to remove a branch with Sprig catching up and spitting at his hands in order to help Anne pluck the branch out.

"Careful. The tree is cursed.", Anne joked before laughing as Sprig joined in.

"Okay, seriously though, on three. One, two...", Anne spoke before she and Sprig then pulled hard and plucked out a branch, which unfortunately caused a loud roar to sound.

"Uh, did the tree just scream?", Anne asked.

"No, I think it was more of a roar than a scream.", Jackie responded before the Doom Tree roared again and shook Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig off before they fell down around Polly and the triplets.

When they landed, the Doom Tree then stood on its long legs and stretched two more arms out and opened its big bug eyes before roaring, spewing out a sort of sticky orange liquid with Sprig licking it.

"Oh, hey, it's maple.", Sprig spoke.

"Yeah, maybe we should run! Now!", Jackie urged before she and the others ran screaming as the Doom Tree roared.

"That thing is not a tree. It's some kind of grody bug!", Anne shouted.

"A stick bug is more like it!", Jackie responded.

"A giant stick bug that wants to kill us!", Sprig added.

"This is why I hate bugs!", Rose shouted.

"Less talky-talky, more runny-runny!", Polly urged.

The Doom Tree, or rather the giant stick bug apparently masqueraded as one, roared as it then tried to swipe its pincers at Sprig, who dodged them every time, although it missed the last two times before they all hid behind the log to evade its line of sight. As they hid, though, Lily started to sob before Jackie noticed.

"Hey, shh, shh, shh, shh. We're all gonna be okay. We're gonna beat that bad old bug." Jackie whispered in assurance as Lily cooed.

"That is..., assuming we can think of a plan.", Jackie sighed.

Just then, Anne noticed several bugs crawling onto her face and groaned only for her tongue to quickly stick out and grab all the bugs it could like a windshield wiper before it went back in her mouth along with the bugs, which were quickly swallowed.

"Uh, why did I just do that?", Anne puzzled before she noticed something else as she widened her eyes.

"And since when did they start tasting so good? Slimy, yet satisfying. Seriously, though.", Anne spoke.

"We can't just hide there forever. We need a plan to make sure it never bothers us again.", Jackie spoke.

"But what's it gonna take to get rid of this thing? It's not like we can find a jar of termites around here.", Anne spoke before Jackie gasped as she realized something.

"Actually..., we can! There is a jar for them. It's back at Loggle's shop. If we can get back to it, we should be able to drive away that Doom Bug.", Jackie realized.

"Okay, why does he keep that jar in a woodshop?", Sprig puzzled.

"He's a complicated man. Well, actually, a complicated frog, but I think you get the point.", Jackie responded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get that jar!", Rose shouted eagerly before she ran away from the log.

"Rose, wait! We were supposed to...", Jackie began before groaning and then running out toward her with her and Anne following her as the former picked up the triplets as the Doom Bug noticed and followed in pursuit.

Meanwhile, Loggle sighed as he closed up shop.

"Well, Loggle, another day, another step closer to bankrupt- Eh?", Loggle puzzled before Anne shouted as she and the others went in with the Doom Bug catching up and roaring as it stopped near the door.

"What the- What's going on?", Loggle puzzled.

"No time! Where's that jar of termites?", Jackie asked.

"What do you have against termites?", Loggle asked before the Doom Bug roared and poked a hole through the door, spooking the others before it then tore down a wall cleanly.

"Only one word. Nothing.", Jackie responded before she spotted it.

"Found it!", Jackie shouted before she then picked up the jar of termites.

Just then, Polly, now coated with wooden arms and wooden legs, stepped forward, puzzling the creature, and then charged in to attack only to lose one of the wooden legs, which was then caught by Anne.

"Guys, we already have this jar, remember? Now, we just need to lure that thing out of the store. It'll help them focus more on that bug.", Jackie advised.

"Oh, yeah. Kinda forgot for a moment. But, boy, did I rock those limbs!", Polly shouted exuberantly before she then hopped away.

"No argument here.", Sprig responded before he and the others ran with Jackie carrying the triplets out as they went under the stick bug as best they could without getting caught before they ran off with the Doom Bug then roaring as it charged toward them.

"That's it, big guy. Keep going.", Jackie spoke as they hopped away with the doom bug getting closer as it chased them.

"Aaaaaand... Now!", Jackie shouted as she opened the jar before she turned and then tossed it toward the Doom bug.

"Incoming!", Anne shouted before she, Sprig, Polly, and Rose got out of the way with Anne carrying the triplets before the jar hit the bug, quickly covering it with termites, which ate away at him.

When they finished, though, they dispersed and revealed him to be a smooth, green, skinny bug.

"Uh...", Polly spoke.

"Cool.", Sprig grinned.

"This world is messed up.", Anne spoke.

"Agreed.", Jackie concurred.

"Aw. It kinda looks cute now.", Rose grinned.

"Wait. Where are the triplets?", Jackie puzzled before Anne noticed they were nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah, where are they? They were here a moment ago.", Anne spoke.

"They couldn't have gone far.", Sprig spoke before he and the others then noticed Danny smacking its leg with the cane.

"Bad. Bad Boom Twee.", Danny scolded before the bug whimpered as it then crawled away.

"Huh. That's where.", Jackie grinned, a bit surprised.

"We did it! We beat bad bug!", Andy grinned.

"That's right. You did.", Jackie grinned.

"Up top!", Anne Grinned as she raised her hand.

"We did it!", Sprig added before he high-fived her.

"That was awesome, you guys!", Polly grinned.

"Now, let's get this cane back to Hop Pop.", Anne grinned.

"Hold on. There's something we need to do first.", Jackie spoke, gesturing to the shop.

Moments later, they were back inside the shop, now speaking to Loggle.

"We are so sorry about your shop, Mr. Loggle. At least we were able to make sure nothing in or on the shop was destroyed. Well, nothing else at least...", Jackie sighed.

"Well, it is nice that you're taking some responsibility...", Loggle began.

"That is what I normally do.", Jackie responded.

"But I'm afraid I still can't give you the cane. That is, unless you have something to trade for it.", Loggle spoke before Sprig then sighed.

"Will this work?", Sprig asked as he then handed the pen to Loggle.

"What? What is this, uh...", Loggle puzzled.

"Well, that is a pen. Not only do you write on paper with it, but, I can't believe I'm about to do this, you can also do this.", Jackie responded as she then clicked on the top of the pen numerous times.

"Oh.", Loggle spoke before he took it and then started clicking on it, too.

"Oh! I like this.", Loggle spoke before he continued clicking.

"So..., can we get the cane?", Jackie asked.

"Yep. You can go.", Loggle spoke before the group left with the cane.

"Phew. That was too close.", Jackie sighed.

"Yep. We'd better head home. Hop Pop's probably already awake and furious.", Anne spoke.

"Probably a bad time to bring this up, but I still get the candy, right?", Polly asked.

"I'll think about it.", Jackie responded.

Later, back at the Plantars' house, Hop Pop woke up from his nap and got out of his room with a yawn.

"Whoa, boy. I needed that. Hope nothing happened while I was asleep to make me mad again.", Hop Pop spoke before noticing the new cane leaning on the table.

"Hmm. I don't know what, but somethin' ain't right with this cane.", Hop Pop spoke as he then picked up the cane and examined it, even licking it a little.

"It's not even close to the original cane I got.", Hop Pop spoke after a few moments and then set it down.

"What did you do?", Hop Pop spoke, looking toward the group of 8.

"What's up with canes? Who even needs them these days, am I right? Ow.", Sprig spoke as Polly punched him in the arm a bit before Anne sighed.

"I'm really sorry, Hop Pop. I was goofing around, and I broke your favorite cane.", Anne spoke, holding out the two pieces of the broken cane to Hop Pop.

"You WHAT?!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"I know, I know.", Anne sighed.

"Anne, you didn't have to do that...", Jackie spoke in slight surprise.

"Yes, I did. I couldn't let him kick those triplets out.", Anne responded.

"Wait, what?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"I'll show myself out.", Anne sighed as she started to walk out.

"We'll come visit you, Anne. We promise.", Sprig spoke as he and Polly hugged her.

"And just when I was starting to like you!", Polly cried.

"Don't make this harder than it is.", Anne sobbed before she, Sprig, Polly, Rose, and the triplets sobbed as Jackie looked on sadly.

"What the- What's going on?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"You mean you don't know?", Jackie puzzled.

"You're throwing me out. You know, like you said you would.", Anne responded before Hop Pop sighed.

"Mmm. Anne, truth be told, I was never gonna throw you out. I was just talking tough so that you'd show me a little bit more respect.", Hop Pop responded.

"What?", Jackie puzzled.

"That's kinda messed up, man.", Anne responded before Hop Pop chuckled and inhaled.

"Yeah. I probably was a little bit too harsh. But I only did it because you remind me of myself when I was your age. Rough around the edges. Now, put that bag down, young lady. You're not going anywhere.", Hop Pop assured.

"Whoo! Yeah! I like that.", Sprig grinned.

"Hooray!", Rose cheered as she hugged Anne.

"I guess you are staying there for a little longer after all.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah! I wasn't worried.", Polly spoke.

"Thanks, Hop Pop. So you're not mad about the cane?", Anne asked.

"Oh, I'm furious about the cane. You're on dish duty for a month!", Hop Pop shouted, making Anne shudder.

"Ugh. Yes, sir!", Anne saluted.

"Oh, and, uh... Thank you for getting this new one for me. I do appreciate the effort.", Hop Pop responded.

"You're welcome, Hop Pop. It was the least we could do.", Jackie grinned.

"Now that that's settled, I wrote a long list of comebacks to get Anne back for this morning.", Hop Pop spoke as he got out a list and cleared his throat.

"'Hey, Anne, is that your hair, or is it a dandelion?' Ha. Uh- Oh. 'Are those long, lanky limbs, Anne, or are those, uh, twigs?' Ah! Eh...", Hop Pop spoke, chuckling for a bit before he stopped with Sprig coughing.

"The moment has passed, hasn't it?", Hop Pop asked.

"Yes. Yes, it has.", Jackie responded.

Act II: Flood, Sweat, & Tears

It all started with Anne, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, and Sprig at the Plantar's front yard with the former and Jackie holding tennis rackets.

"You ready?", Sprig asked.

"You set them up...", Anne began.

"And we'll knock them down.", Jackie added.

"Okay.", Sprig spoke before he dug under the ground.

"Come on. Come on!", Anne spoke as she and Jackie waited while Rose watched with the triplets.

"Coming at ya.", Sprig spoke as he brought out a couple large flies, which came towards Anne and Jackie.

"Forehand!", Jackie shouted as she swung her racket on one fly, knocking it away.

"Backhand!", Anne shouted as she swung the racket onto another fly, making both fly away.

"And stay out, bugs!", Rose shouted.

"Yeah, before Sprig popped out from the ground.

"Nice swing!", Sprig grinned.

"I was on varsity.", Anne responded.

"And I took some tennis lessons.", Jackie responded.

"I have no idea what that means.", Sprig responded before he and Anne made their own handshake and laughed before One-Eyed Wally, playing a concertina accordion, walked in.

"A frog child and monsters from the woods getting along? So unnatural.", Wally commented as he played an unusual note.

"First of all, these monsters just turned into frogs. And second of all, pssh! Of course we get along. We're Sprig and Anne.", Anne responded.

"Anne and Sprig.", Sprig added before he and Anne spoke in unison as they jumped up.

"Spranne against the world!", the two shouted.

"Oh, well, that's nice. Disgusting, but nice.", Wally spoke as he kept playing his concertina while walking away.

"I just wish I could do some digging, though.", Rose spoke.

"Not sure why you'd want to do that.", Jackie spoke.

"But if you want, you can help next time.", Anne assured, making Rose beam.

Suddenly, Hop Pop screamed from inside the house.

"Was that Hop Pop?", Anne puzzled.

"But what was that about?", Jackie puzzled.

"Sounds like he's in trouble. We're coming, Hop Pop!", Sprig shouted as they all ran into the house.

"Hang on!", Rose shouted as she followed before they all entered Anne's room.

"Hop Pop! Hop Pop!", Sprig shouted.

"Whoa! What happened in here?", Anne puzzled as she noticed that the whole room had flooded.

"Hop Pop?", Sprig asked before Hop Pop screamed as he appeared on the surface.

"Stay back! Darned burrow bugs must have chewed the water pipes!", Hop Pop guessed as he got back up.

"Our room! Our stuff!", Anne shouted.

"Don't worry, Anne. I saved your stuff. Except your bed. And your blankets. And your pillow, pencils, T-shirts, hairbrush.", Hop Pop assured as he put Anne and Jackie's bags on the stair, relieving them briefly before they noticed a passing set of beds, blankets, and pillows floating in the river.

"Just how long till it's fixed?", Jackie asked.

"Well, gotta find the leak, then patch it up good.", Hop Pop responded.

"Oh, let me help!", Sprig offered as he jumped only for Hop Pop to stop him.

"Oh, no, ya don't! This here's river water. No tellin' what creepy critters are swimmin' around.", Hop Pop warned before something popped out its eyes above water behind one of the two beds for a moment and then popped them in again.

"So, where are we gonna sleep now?", Rose asked.

"Well, the living room ain't no palace, but the couch is comfy.", Hop Pop assured.

"Uh, hello.", Sprig spoke up before he swung his tongue to Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets.

"They can all bunk with me in my room. How fun will that be?", Sprig offered.

"Roommates? Heck yeah!", Anne grinned as the two bumped each other.

"Really? I-I don't know. Are you sure you have enough space for all of us in the room?", Jackie asked.

"I'm gonna have to agree with her on this one. And for good reason. Bein' friends is one thing, but roommates? Ya think ya know someone until they're in your space and you're in theirs, and ya can't stand how they whistle all the time, and they complain whenever ya clean your web crusties out. 'Yes, I have to do it in our room! It has the best lighting!' My point is-", Hop Pop spoke before seeing that Anne and Sprig have already left.

"They...already left.", Jackie responded.

"Mark my words though. No good will come of this. No good at all.", Hop Pop spoke as he sank into the water.

"Oh, boy...", Jackie spoke nervously before she and Rose went back upstairs, carrying the triplets.

Meanwhile, Sprig opened the door to his room.

"Here we have it.", Sprig spoke.

"Whoa. Awesome digs, Sprig.", Anne grinned as she, Jackie, and Rose entered the room with Sprig patted their pillows.

"Yeah. Who knew your bed looks nice?", Jackie agreed.

"Thanks. I'll give you guys the grand tour. Let's start with the crown jewels.", Sprig spoke.

"Aw. A doll collection.", Rose grinned before Sprig chuckled.

"No. These are my action figures of the Great Battle of-", Sprig began.

"Incoming!", Anne shouted before Rose exclaimed as she dodged, causing Anne to hit Sprig with a pillow instead.

"Oh, sorry, dude.", Anne apologized.

"What was that?", Sprig asked.

"What? Haven't you ever had a pillow fight before?", Anne asked.

"Heads up!", Sprig shouted as he then hit Anne back.

"Oh, it's on!", Anne smirked before the two then had a fun pillow fight.

"It's fun 'cause it doesn't hurt!", Sprig grinned only for Anne to get hit in the head.

"Ow!", Sprig spoke as he got hit before he then swung the pillow at Anne, causing one of his action figures to shake briefly.

"Oops! Just gonna move General Bogbreath safely over here.", Sprig suggested as he grabbed the figure and then went up to the top shelf to place him there.

"Yeah, gotta keep that doll out of harms way-", Anne began before she got hit in the stomach.

"Time in!", Sprig spoke before the fight continued.

Soon, time passed, and so began the 1st night.

"So, Sprig, would you rather sweat melted cheese or always smell like skunk?", Anne asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna stay out of this one.", Jackie spoke.

"Uh, sweat melted cheese. Frogs don't sweat, so I'd be cheese-free.", Sprig responded.

"Frogs don't sweat? Huh. Interesting. Okay, next question. Sprig?", Anne puzzled before she saw that Sprig was now sleeping.

"Psst! Sprig? Sprig? Sprig? Sprig, Sprig, Sprig. Hey, Sprig!", Anne shouted before she threw a pillow at him.

"You awake?", Anne asked.

"Oh, yeah, totally.", Sprig responded.

"Okay, good. So, next question.", Anne responded.

Soon after, at midnight, Anne noticed something as Jackie, Rose, and the triplets slept quite soundly.

"Wow. I never thought I'd actually get used to all this heat and humidity. It's kinda like a gentle spring breeze.", Anne spoke in amazement just before her body started feeling odd.

"What the...?", Anne puzzled before her body then suddenly started to grow bigger, but only by a few feet, causing her pajamas to tighten and tear up, showing a feel holes or so.

"Whoa. Okay. That felt weird, but...kinda good at the same time?", Anne puzzled before she turned to notice Jackie going through the same phase as she groaned while sleeping before similar changes started occurring.

"Oh, man. Jackie is going to freak when she sees what happened to her.", Anne guessed before she decided to crouch down on all fours.

"I don't know why, but I feel like maybe I should sleep like this.", Anne spoke before suddenly croaking and puffing her chin up for a moment.

"Wow. That was a bit sudden.", Anne chuckled a bit before Jackie started croaking as well, but in her sleep, puzzling her.

The next morning, Hop Pop walked into the bedroom.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads! Ya missed breakfast!", Hop Pop spoke before Anne only gave a yawning croak as she stood up tall as did Jackie while Rose just yawned before gasping in awe at seeing how big Anne and Jackie were compared to last night.

"Aw, man. Already?", Anne groaned.

"Wow! You two grew a bit bigger.", Rose spoke.

"Really? W-We did? I did?!", Jackie asked.

"Yep. It was while you were asleep.", Anne responded before Polly pumped onto Sprig and woke him up.

"First time I've ever seen you sleep in so late. What gives?", Polly asked.

"I didn't think it was possible, but their croaking kept me up for hours...!", Sprig responded.

"But you croak all the time while you sleep, don't you?", Jackie asked.

"Yes. That's why I said I didn't think it was remotely possible.", Sprig retorted.

"Y'know, the couch is still free in case there's trouble in paradise.", Hop Pop spoke.

"Okay.", Rose agreed.

But Sprig wasn't interested.

"No way. Pssh. It's no trouble.", Sprig assured.

"Yeah. We're the best roommates in the history of roommates.", Anne agreed.

"Spranne against the world!", Anne and Sprig shouted before they went toward the room.

"After you, best roomie.", Sprig offered before Anne got out of the room first.

"Why, thank you, also best roomie.", Anne grinned as Sprig followed.

"Hmm.", Hop Pop spoke doubtfully before Polly rolled over to him.

"They're gonna eat each other alive.", Polly guessed.

"Oh, absolutely.", Hop Pop agreed.

Then, on the 2nd night, Anne turned on the light and read a book with Jackie putting the triplets to bed before both Anne and Jackie suddenly turned back into humans, surprising them.

"Hey. We just changed back. We're back to normal.", Jackie grinned.

"Gotta admit. I was not expecting this.", Anne responded just before both their stomachs growled.

"Ooh. Looks like Mama's hungry.", Anne spoke.

"Now that you mention it, I'm kinda hungry, too. Weird.", Jackie responded as she and Anne went out the room with Sprig prompted to face the wall and using a pillow to cover the back of his head, ready to cover his ear.

When they went downstairs, they looked in some cupboards and found some colorful bugs, and some crunchy snacks that are most edible, to eat.

"Ah, there we go.", Anne spoke as she got some out and started eating with Jackie cautiously taking her first bite before getting pleasantly surprised.

"Huh. Tastes like chicken.", Jackie commented before she eventually got to the same pace as Anne, not knowing that Rose was hearing this and groaned, trying to get some sleep as she turned her head toward her pillow only to look at her arm and gasp in surprise from seeing that she was human again as well.

On night 3, Sprig slept while croaking with Anne, Jackie, and the triplets croaking as well before Sprig, in his sleep, swung his tongue toward Anne and Jackie, waking them up and making them yelp twice (once for awakening and another for noticing what happened) before they went downstairs and ate again.

On night 4, the triplets were crying, much to Sprig's despair until Anne and Jackie came back with some food for them to eat as the triplets stopped crying and then ate said food as they were fed as Sprig groaned before later eating downstairs, not knowing that they were starting to get bigger than usual, when Rose spoke.

"Anne?", Rose whispered.

"Yeah?", Anne asked as she and Jackie turned to each other.

"Can I have a snack?", Rose asked with Anne and Jackie looking to each other for a moment, finally noticing how big they were starting to get, and then back to Rose.

"Uh, yeah. Sure.", Anne responded before she gave some loud snacks from the bowl to Rose, who giggled a bit before she went back to the couch.

"Yeah, maybe we should cut back on those for a while.", Anne guessed.

"Uh, yeah.", Jackie agreed.

On night 5, Anne, now back to normal in weight as well as Jackie, turned on the light, making Sprig growl with the latter not knowing that she was doing so to check on something as she was squishing an apparent, small, slimy substance between her fingers, at least, that is, until he heard her doing so.

"Huh. That's a little weird.", Anne spoke before hopping over to the wall in curiosity, discovering she can now stick on the walls and ceiling.

"But it's also fun!", Anne grinned before Sprig groaned, sill trying to sleep.

And on the 6th night, Sprig threw his wet towel at Anne, who, along with Jackie, saw him clean his web crusties, making the two feel disgusted.

And then, on the 10th night, Anne picked up her clothes only to step on a rollerskate and fell, even, quite by accident, pushing the rollerskate toward the wall and almost drop Sprig's action figure until he caught it before they looked at each other and laughed awkwardly.

"Is that my shirt?", Anne asked before Jackie sighed.

Meanwhile, at Anne's room, Hop Pop was still looking for the leak before Sprig opened the door.

"Hey, Hop Pop. How much longer, ya think? Tonight?", Sprig asked while opening the back door.

"Not a chance.", Hop Pop responded.

"Oh, let me help, let me help! You know my underwater sight is better than yours.", Sprig pleaded before testing his eyes.

"Eh? Eh?", Sprig grinned.

"That's a bunch of malarkey! My eyesight's fine!", Hop Pop spoke before pausing for a moment.

"Who's that, Sprig? Anyway, don't you have chores to do?", Hop Pop asked before Sprig groaned and walked away just as Anne opened the main door.

"Hey, Hop Pop, what's the ETA on things down here? Not that I'm in a hurry to move back in or whatever.", Anne responded before Hop Pop glared at her.

"What? I'm just curious. A girl can't ask about her flooded makeshift bedroom without getting grilled? Sheesh.", Anne spoke as she walked away while Hop Pop grew curious about something else.

"I just don't get. First, they turn into frogs and 8 days ago, they turned back to normal. I'm gonna have to look into this when that leak is fixed.", Hop Pop spoke.

Later, as Jackie and Rose both watched in worry in the 11th night, both Anne and Sprig tried to get to the door bumped into each other and glared with Sprig scoffing before yawning.

"Wow, what a long day. Goin' straight to bed, if I, uh, can get there without tripping over all these dirty clothes.", Sprig spoke as he got to his bed, even noticing Anne's swim suit on the floor, while Anne got to hers.

"I think it's your wet towels on the ground that'll get in your way.", Anne responded.

"I can leave my towels on the floor of my room.", Sprig muttered.

"What was that?", Anne asked.

"Oh, nothing, best roomie. Anyways, good night.", Sprig fibbed before going to sleep with Anne scoffing before she looked through her photos with Sprig and chuckled at each of them.

"Oh. Hey, Sprig, would you rather have a splinter you could never get out or get bit by a giant mosquito once a day forever?", Anne asked before Sprig grunted and shrugged.

"I don't think he's in a mood to answer right now.", Jackie spoke.

"Piwwow Fight.", Lily spoke.

"Lily, I don't think it's the best time for a...", Jackie began just as Anne then grabbed a pillow and came to Sprig.

"Hey, Sprig.", Anne spoke.

"What, Anne?", Sprig asked.

"Pillow fight!", Anne shouted excitedly.

"Anne, stop!", Jackie shouted.

"No, wait, stop! Aaah!", Sprig exclaimed as he dodged but accidentally knocked his action figure off the shelf with Jackie managing to catch it before it could break apart.

"Phew. Now, that was too close.", Jackie sighed as she then hopped over to the wall and placed it back on the shelf.

"Sorry about knocking off your doll- Uh, I mean, action figure.", Anne spoke before she paused.

"Spranne against the world. Right?", Anne asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom.", Sprig replied blankly before he exited the room while staring at his friend, making Anne sigh before speaking up.

"How is it so hot in here? It didn't feel that way when we were frogs.", Anne puzzled.

"That is kinda surprising. But I don't think that's hardly any...", Jackie spoke before she realized something.

"Wait a second. Anne, do you realize what Sprig is doing?", Jackie asked.

"Realize what? He said he's gonna go to the...", Anne spoke right before gasping.

"He's gonna fix the leak!", Anne realized.

"Okay. How did you figure that out so quickly?", Jackie puzzled.

Meanwhile, Sprig entered the flooded room and went underwater before resurfacing after a moment.

"Where's that darn leak? Come on! Come on!", Sprig panicked before he went back underwater just as Anne and Jackie entered the room.

"Can you stay here and watch them? We'll let you know if we need you.", Jackie asked to Rose, who nodded, before both Jackie and Anne gave big croaks with their chins puffing out and turned back into frogs the same way as last time, but more quickly leapt into the water and splashed in underwater.

Afterwards, all three came out and take their breaths.

"Oh, that leak has got to be around here somewhere.", Anne spoke.

"I know, right?", Sprig spoke before he, Jackie, and Anne gasped.

"What are you doing here?", Sprig asked.

"I was, uh, uh, feeling like a nighttime swim. What are you doing here?", Anne fibbed.

"Nighttime swim. As well.", Sprig fibbed before he and Anne started blaming each other in unison.

"You came down here to fix the leak! Yeah, well, so did you!", the two shouted in unison.

"I knew it! You just couldn't wait to move out!", Sprig exclaimed.

"And you just couldn't wait to get rid of me!", Anne scolded, not knowing that something was clasping onto her leg.

But Jackie noticed as she gazed into the water.

"Uh, Anne?", Jackie asked worriedly.

"If you wanted me gone, you should have just said so- Aah!", Anne shouted while being dragged down.

"Anne? Anne! Anne! Anne! Anne!", Sprig shouted.

"Are you okay?!", Jackie shouted before Anne popped up from the water.

"Something's got my leg!", Anne shouted.

"Hang on. I'm coming.", Sprig assured before he wound up being dragged as well.

"Sprig!", Anne shouted before she, too was dragged down.

"Guys!", Jackie shouted before growing determined and then going back underwater to see Anne and Sprig dragged underwater by a couple of water lampreys before then helping Anne push a lamprey onto a ladder and set herself free while Sprig hit another's eyes and swam up to the surface.

Unfortunately, the Lampreys surfaced as well and surrounded the trio.

"River lampreys! What are we gonna do?", Sprig asked.

"They're too fast. We can't fight them underwater.", Anne spoke as Jackie noticed the bed and pillows first.

"Well, you might not have to.", Jackie assured, pointing to them before Anne saw her wet blanket and pillows floating.

"You're right. Hey, Sprig. You set 'em up...", Anne spoke as she took a pillow and gave it to Sprig.

"You knock 'em down.', Sprig responded before he swam into the water and distracted the two fishes, even hitting one to above water with Anne hitting it while Sprig lifted another up and Jackie hitting that as well before the two fish then attempted a spinning attack as Sprig braced himself.

"You can help now, Rose!", Jackie shouted.

"Really?", Rose grinned before giving a big ribbit and turning back into a tadpole with the triplets giving their little ribbits as well before turning into polywogs.

"Watch this, triplets.", Rose grinned just before jumping into the water.

When she hopped in, she then rammed into the two lampreys, discombobulating them, much to Sprig's surprise before he turned and saw Rose, who giggled underwater.

"Come on. Come on.", Anne spoke before she and Jackie saw the two fish getting tossed above water.

"Incoming!", Rose shouted before Anne and Jackie jumped on the bed.

"Forehand!", Jackie shouted.

"Backhand!", Anne shouted next before the two sisters hit the lampreys toward a wall as Rose and the triplets looked on in awe.

"Had enough, river losers?", Anne asked.

"You mess with Anne, you mess with us!", Jackie added.

"There's more where that came from.", Sprig added before the lampreys were forced to retreat and sink underwater, digging a big hole at the bottom and sucking all the water out in the process.

"And stay out, Lampreys!", Rose shouted before Hop Pop opened the door and hopped in, slightly surprising her and the triplets.

"What the heck's going on down here?", Hop Pop shouted.

"Some of us are trying to sleep!", Polly screamed as she removed her eye mask with Sprig, Anne, and Jackie turning back around in surprise before realizing it was only Hop Pop and Polly.

"Oh, uh, hi, Hop Pop.", Anne spoke.

"So roommate thing didn't work out, huh?", Hop Pop asked.

"Not really.", Anne and Sprig sighed.

"I just couldn't live with him! The wet towels, the web crusties.", Anne spoke before she shuddered in disgust.

"The loud snacking. The crying triplets. Lights on at all hours. Guess Spranne really is a bust.", Sprig spoke.

"Yeah.", Anne sighed.

"Why? Because you're finally talking? Sharing a room doesn't make you friends. Being honest with each other does. In fact, if you ask me, you're better friends now than you were before.", Hop Pop responded, making Anne and Sprig smile as Jackie grinned for them.

"Of course we are!" Sprig grinned.

"Yes! Spranne is back and better than before!", Anne grinned before the two made their own handshake and laughed again.

"Aw, how sweet. So where's Anne gonna sleep then? Not with me. My bucket's for one.", Polly spoke.

Later, at the couch in the living room, Anne opened the windows and prepared to sleep comfortably with Jackie and Rose as they each sat on a couple of chairs.

"It's a good thing he has those extra chairs.", Jackie grinned as she and Rose got comfortable on them, laying blankets on themselves.

"Here you go. Some super-loud snacks you can munch on.", Sprig grinned.

"Aw, thanks, Sprig.", Anne thanked.

"No problem. Anything else I can get ya?", Sprig asked.

"All good. See you in the a.m.", Anne grinned.

"Okay. Good night.", Sprig grinned as he ran upstairs.

The good news is, Anne can finally eat snacks and read a book on her own as Rose yawned. But the bad news was that soon, the quiet atmosphere with only the ticking clock noise and Rose's cute snoring made her feel a bit lonely. Anne sighed and then saw a can with a spring connected to it.

"So, Anne, would you rather smell like rotten eggs or have hiccups every day for the rest of your life?", Sprig asked as Jackie and Rose both woke up a bit and grinned from seeing the two talk with each other.

"Oh, good one. I think I'd...", Anne began just before the living room flooded, making Rose and Jackie groan in frustration.

"Didn't anyone fix the leak?", Anne asked.

"I got this one.", Jackie assured in response.

A/N: And it looks like things turned out a bit better this time on both acts. :) And what's more, they can now turn human again at will just as they are able to turn into frogs at will as well (although they are a bit more comfortable staying in the latter form for now, especially with the heat and humidity feeling more like a cool spring breeze to them this way). Anyway, if you have ideas for how the next chapter could go in the two acts, "Hop Luck" and "Stakeout", please let me know sometime. :) Until then, I'll work on other stories as well, especially a couple of new ones, which are "The Lion King (Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Edition)" (Misaki's request) and, in time for Halloween, "Ghost Rider" to go along with the remaining 6 chapters of "The Owl House: Coven of Owls". :)

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