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98.08% I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills / Chapter 356: Chapter 355 Golden Dragon King

Chapter 356: Chapter 355 Golden Dragon King

A few days later, the Skywalker Academy.

Lin Manshan's face, who was holding his daughter in the living room and chatting, suddenly had a look of confusion, "Dong'er, I need to go back to the Underworld now." With that, he handed his daughter to Bibi Dong.

The latter nodded and reached out to take her daughter, asking, "Well, do you need me to make a move?"

Lin Manshan pondered briefly and said, "I'll go and check the situation first."

After saying that, he got up from the sofa and disappeared from the spot.

Not long after, in the outer secret realm of the Underworld, Lin Manshan appeared in front of the Shura God.

"Looks like you guys have already confirmed it." He spoke blandly.

The Shura God nodded and stated his intentions straight away, "I came here to invite Your Excellency to the Divine Realm to resolve the Golden Dragon King trouble."

"Back then, during the Dragon God's disaster, the Dragon God was defeated and split into two, dividing into the Silver Dragon King and the Golden Dragon King, with the former inheriting the Creation Divine Qualities as well as most of the wisdom, with a fairly rational character. But the Golden Dragon King, who inherited the Destruction Divine Qualities, had a warlike and crazy character."

"For this reason, back then, we combined our efforts to suppress and seal him in the Divine Forbidden Land."

"Now that the crisis is approaching, his existence has become an uncontrollable factor. The Golden Dragon King has inherited the Dragon God's sturdy physical body prowess, making it extremely difficult to kill him from the outside. Your Excellency controls the Laws of the Soul, so perhaps you can deal trauma to him on the soul level."

"In that case, we will have a chance to completely kill it."

"I am not in favour of killing him off." Lin Manshan shook his head.

"Why?" The Shura God couldn't help but ask.

"The reason why the Golden Dragon King has a warlike and crazy nature, in my opinion, is firstly, the influence of the Dragon God's shattered divine personality that he has inherited, and secondly, the fact that as a product of separation, his growth process is too short enough, and to put it in human terms, he lacks experience in life." Lin Manshan gave a slight nod in a sagely manner, "And this point, in fact, could easily be solved by having his soul reincarnated and experiencing a few more lifetimes of life in the lower realms."

"Now, there is still some time before the arrival of the space-time turbulence, enough time for the Golden Dragon King to return from various life experiences. At that time, he may become a great help in resisting the time-space turbulence. Your Excellency also said earlier that the Golden Dragon King has inherited the Dragon God's physical body prowess and is extremely strong."

"This is indeed a good method." The Shura God nodded slightly, then changed the topic, "However, the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King were after all divided from the Dragon God, don't Your Excellency feel concerned about accepting both of them into the Underworld at the same time?"

Lin Manshan smiled faintly, "My wife, Yan'er, once accepted the Silver Dragon King's sacrifice and inherited some of her abilities. I think she's more than enough to hold the Golden Dragon King's Divine Qualities. I, on the other hand, have full certainty of eliminating the residual Dragon God's will in the Divine Qualities."

"The Laws of the Soul, truly profound." The Shura God made an assessment.

With the Dragon God's will remaining in the Destruction Divine Qualities removed, the mutual induction between it and the Creation Divine Qualities would also disappear at the same time, and coupled with the fact that the Destruction Divine Qualities had left the Golden Dragon King's physical body to be inherited by someone else, it would be nearly impossible for the Dragon God to reappear.

With the loss of the Destruction Divine Character, the Golden Dragon King's strength would also be greatly reduced, at least for a long period of time.

As such, naturally, there would be no threat to speak of.

Lin Manshan smiled faintly, "Your Excellency, wait here for a moment." After saying that, his body disappeared from the spot.

Not long after, Lin Manshan, Bibi Dong, and the Silver Dragon King gathered and followed the Shura God to the Divine Realm.

"Unseal the seals." On the outskirts of the Divine Forbidden Land, the God of Destruction spoke.

"Hmm." The Goddess of Life nodded and closed her eyes to release her divine power.

A few moments later, inside the Divine Forbidden Land, a golden dragon cocoon shattered in pieces, followed by a "Roar!" Loud and clear dragon roars echoed, and the golden dragon's body soared, accompanied by a maniacal laugh, "Hahahaha, the King has finally escaped from the trap, Divine Realm, meet your destruction!" 

A breath later, after arriving outside the Divine Forbidden Land and looking at Lin Manshan and the others who had surrounded him in a circle, the laughter came to an abrupt end. Especially after sensing the Silver Dragon King's aura, the golden dragon's eyes couldn't help but rise up in flames as he opened his mouth to roar towards the Silver Dragon King.

"Traitor, you deserve to die!"

Without hesitation, he sprayed out a mouthful of Destructive Dragon Breath.

"Spatial barrier." The Silver Dragon King immediately mobilised the power of space to ward off the dragon's breath.

"Divine Transformation, Eternal Creation." Not far away, the green aura on Lin Manshan's body soared, the divine power of the soul law combined with the soul power burned, surpassing the Limit Break realm, and the realm of Divine Transformation activated in an instant. In an instant, the divine armour possessed his body, and his size suddenly skyrocketed.

Under the astonished gazes of the gods, an armoured giant with a height of a thousand feet, eight arms on his back, two arms on his side, and each arm holding a giant green blade appeared in front of them, and at the same time, two green lights suddenly shot out from his eyes.

'Soul Shock!' It struck the Golden Dragon King's large head directly.

"Ah!" Miserable screams rang out, and in that instant, the gods could vaguely see a shadow emerge from the Golden Dragon King's body surface.

"Good chance." Seeing that the Golden Dragon King's soul was shaken out by Lin Manshan's strike, the Shura God didn't hesitate to activate his divine power, and the surrounding God Kings, as well as Bibi Dong, also made a prompt decision, each releasing their signature skills.

Instantly, fireworks were released on the Golden Dragon King's body surface.

As for Lin Manshan's side, his ten arms moved in unison, and his martial soul as well as pieces of sharp blades condensed by soul power that contained the divine power of soul laws slashed at the Golden Dragon King's body one after another, cutting the Golden Dragon King's soul.

"Ah ah ah ah," Miserable screams instantly sounded again.

Lin Manshan's attacks were able to strike directly at the soul, and his physical body's defence was useless. Coupled with the attacks of the surrounding God Kings, he couldn't even move. He could only let Lin Manshan, who had transformed into a giant, slash at his body and slice his soul apart.

Not long after, sensing that the soul fluctuations emanating from the Golden Dragon King had been cut down by more or less about 90%, only then did Lin Manshan stop, his body shrunk in size.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong and the several Great God Kings followed suit.

Afterwards, Lin Manshan flickered to the front of the Golden Dragon King's head and slapped out his palm, "Dark Ones Art, Soul Detention Art."

In the next moment, a turquoise-tinged golden figure was successfully slapped out of the Golden Dragon King's body, and then it shrunk at an extremely fast speed, eventually transforming into a palm-sized dragon-shaped soul body, with golden light diffusing from the centre of its brow, like a golden dragon pearl embedded within it.

'This is the Destruction Divine Character?' Lin Manshan's thoughts moved slightly, and with a flick of his hand, he took the Golden Dragon King's soul into his own space.

Raising his eyes, he looked down at the thousand-foot dragon body that had crashed to the ground, motionless.

"So simple?" The surrounding spectator gods were dumbfounded, their eyes filled with awe as they looked at Lin Manshan.

Ignoring defence and directly attacking the soul, who could withstand this?

Can't afford to mess with him. The Sea God who hadn't put in the slightest bit of effort in the distance thought quietly inwardly.

In the middle of his thoughts, Lin Manshan's figure had already descended, and together with a few God Kings, he arrived in front of the Golden Dragon King's physical body.

"If you guys need it, you can now break off pieces of dragon scales and horns and whatnot, it's not bad to use it as a material for forging divine weapons. As long as it doesn't affect the integrity of the physical body, it shouldn't affect the Golden Dragon King's reincarnation and return to the physical body after completing his successive lifetimes." Lin Manshan was the first to speak.

The God of Evil was instantly somewhat moved, and couldn't help but glance at the Shura God and the God of Destruction with his afterglow.

"." The Silver Dragon King beside him couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.


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