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97.53% I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills / Chapter 354: Chapter 353 Qian Renxue becomes a god, everyone is fine (2 in 1)

Chapter 354: Chapter 353 Qian Renxue becomes a god, everyone is fine (2 in 1)

"That's right." Lin Manshan nodded, "The Sin Reincarnation will use the participant's own memories as the basis to invoke all sorts of evils in the world, inducing the deepest darkness within the person concerned, and only by realizing the light within the darkness can one complete the final escape and perfectly inherit the divine throne. This path of transcendence was not even achieved by the last Rakshasa God, whose ultimate choice was the path of depravity and destruction."

"Simply put, it's revenge on the whole world." Dugu Bo chimed in, "As far as I know, the Sin Reincarnation itself is one of the harshest punishments that will make people see the things they least want to see, and those with weak wills will easily develop misanthropy."

"What's more, the ones with even less will break down emotionally and kill themselves."

"And because of this, the ninth examination of the Sin God Rakshasa is known as the most difficult divine examination."

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "That's why after learning this information from the mouth of the previous Death God, before I was sent into the Sin Reincarnation Training, I made the decision that I had to do everything possible to lead Bibi Dong, who was participating in the examination, to the light. This is because, once Bibi Dong follows the path of depravity and destruction when she becomes a god and returns to the Martial Spirit Hall, it will most likely be unfavourable to our Skywalker Academy."

"So, after going in, you were hiding your identity, right?" As if thinking of something, Dugu Bo couldn't help but ask.

"Well, to hide the relationship with the Death God and not be discovered by the Divine Realm. Also, for the sake of convenience, I had to do this." Lin Manshan nodded, "After entering, the God of Death, to conceal my identity, and also to comply with the content of the Rakshasa Divine Examination, disguised me as six years old as well, coupled with the fact that Bibi Dong had never seen my true face in the outside world, she therefore had never recognized me."

"So it's a love that developed after a long period of time." Dugu Bo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, seemingly realising, "If you want to lead Bibi Dong to the light, you definitely need to take care of her in every way during the process of getting along with her. Well, if I'm not wrong, the Rakshasa God is definitely pushing behind the scenes as well." After saying that, he nodded slightly towards Lin Manshan, "I think the Rakshasa God must have created many opportunities for you two to be alone."

"Why is that?" The Ice Emperor, who was now hovering on the side of Shui Bing'er eating melon, couldn't help but ask.

"Because the essence of the ninth test of the Divine Examination is the Seven Emotions test, which corresponds to joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire." Dugu Bo gave a slight nod in a know-it-all manner, "The others are fine, the love one, Bibi Dong doesn't have a lover in the outside world, so how can she lay it out?"

"And Ah Man's appearance can just fill the gap."

"Ah Man is so good to Bibi Dong, over time, there will always be some feelings, right? Isn't this just a ready-made candidate?" Saying this, his gaze continued to look at Lin Manshan, "If you don't believe me and ask Ah Man, I dare to guarantee that he and Bibi Dong must have been trapped by the Rakshasa God in the secret realm for a very long time, and a lot of the time it was the kind of time when you had to be alone in the same room."

At those words, the Ice Emperor couldn't help but turn her head to look over.

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Indeed, Bibi Dong and I spent nearly 30 years together in the secret realm."

"30 years!" The group was taken aback, and Dugu Bo smacked his lips, "That's indeed quite a long time, no wonder. Not to say that Ah Man isn't bad-looking, even if he's barely good-looking, after spending so much time together, Bibi Dong should have a little bit of a liking for Ah Man anyway, right?"

"Honestly, I'm quite curious about what happened to you guys in the secret realm." His eyes were slightly narrowed, and he said in a very gossipy manner.

At those words, the gazes of the girls looked over in unison.

"Then let's talk about it." Lin Manshan nodded and began to narrate.

'So Bibi Dong's life was so miserable.' Just as soon as they heard about Bibi Dong's parents' death plot, sympathy crawled across several girls' faces.

A little bit of time passed, and when they heard that the two were married at the grave, they were all in a state of deep immersion.

However, when they heard that in the end, Lin Manshan was expelled from the secret realm, and the daughter of the two died, their faces couldn't help but rise with sorrow.

Even Dugu Bo's complexion was a bit heavy as he sighed, "It's worthy of being the most difficult Sin Reincarnation in the Divine Examination. If it weren't for Ah Man's intervention and guidance, I think that at this point, I'm afraid that Bibi Dong would already be on the path of destruction."

With her parents, husband, and daughter all dead, and seeing all the injustices in the world, in his opinion, any normal person would be compelled to hate the world.

Shaking his head slightly, he continued to lament, "Perhaps, it is fate."

"Ah Man, then what are you going to do next? Should we pick up Bibi Dong back home?" With a change in tone, Dugu Bo couldn't help but ask again, "After all, right now, Bibi Dong is already pregnant. It is indeed not good for you, the husband, to not be around when your wife is pregnant."

"Moreover, with the status of the two of you, Bibi Dong will definitely not be willing to let things be exposed, and staying in the Martial Spirit Hall all the time is also not a good idea."

Lin Manshan nodded, "I am also thinking of bringing Dong'er over after a while."

"Don't worry, we will definitely take care of Sister Dong'er, I will go and tidy up a room later." Zhu Zhuyun immediately said.

"Yeah. Yeah," A few girls on the side also chimed in.

"Hmm." Seeing a few people like this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but smile.

Thus, three months later, at the time when Hu Liena had completely taken control of the Martial Spirit Hall's affairs, and her own belly had begun to slightly bulge, Bibi Dong no longer hesitated, and immediately announced that she was entering the secret realm to retreat, and was then brought back to the academy by Lin Manshan through the underworld passageway.

At this time, Qian Renxue had also completed the handover of imperial government affairs. Soon after, on the ground that her spirit power was about to make a breakthrough, and she needed to go into seclusion for a period of time, she temporarily handed over the affairs of the dynasty to the newly formed cabinet, and then secretly returned to Spirit City to initiate the Divine Examination.

There was no accident, after she successfully obtained the Nine Examinations of the Angels, Lin Manshan was also the first to sense it.

However, he didn't care, instead, he temporarily put down his cultivation and spent more time accompanying Bibi Dong.

During this period, he returned to the Underworld and handed over the cultivated dragon egg to the Silver Dragon King, who had already taken the first step in comprehending the power of the soul.

In fact, it was possible to fuse the physical body without comprehending soul power, it was just that at the level of the Silver Dragon King, fusing the physical body would become very easy after comprehending the soul power, and the adaptation process would be greatly shortened, without the kind of headache he had at the beginning.

It couldn't be helped, at his current realm, with just a single piece of essence blood, he really couldn't nurture a physical body that could directly and perfectly fit the soul of a God King realm.

As for Di Tian and the other beasts, they hadn't yet advanced into divine souls, so they could directly integrate into a physical body that had been strengthened once by him.

"Click, click, click, click," Within his sight, the eggshell cracked inch by inch as the soul was integrated.

Soon, a delicate little white dragon drilled out; then opened its mouth and sucked in all the eggshells.

'Whine' After whining a little bit, the nine-coloured light immediately radiated all over the body, and in just the blink of an eye, a cute and delicate little loli appeared in the line of sight of the crowd.

"Cough" Xiong Jun couldn't hold back his cough, this form of Silver Dragon King; today indeed there some of his bear's three views shattered.

"Hm?" Silver Dragon King immediately squinted at him, at the same time light flashed all over her body, streams of light densely extended, and she quickly transformed into a grown-up high-cold queen-like appearance.

White hair and white eyebrows, crystalline snowy skin, absolutely beautiful face, clear and cold demeanour, showing the queen's manner.

"." Xiong Jun instantly bowed his head and shivered.

At this time, Lin Manshan reached out and waved his hand, releasing Di Tian and the other beasts' physical bodies, and pushing them in front of the Silver Dragon King's eyes.

"This is the physical body of Di Tian and the others, so I'm sure you'll be able to tell them apart enough with their bloodline scent."

"My wife is now pregnant, during this period of time, I need to stay by her side, so please take care of the affairs of the Underworld."

"It should be a matter of course." The Silver Dragon King nodded slightly, and with a thought, she controlled several physical bodies to float to her side.

"Farewell." Lin Manshan nodded, turning into streams of light and went straight into the vortex above.

Only then did the Silver Dragon King lower her head, turn her head to look at Xiong Jun, and faintly said, "Xiong Jun, for the matter of constructing the palace for this throne, I'll ask you to labour more for the rest of the day. Di Tian, supervise him well." After saying that, she pushed the physical bodies in front of several beasts and nodded slightly.

When the several beasts took it, the light flashed and her body instantly disappeared from the spot.

"Ai," Xiong Jun's expression collapsed.

"Serves you right!" Di Tian snorted coldly, then said, "Why are you still standing here?"

What a bitter fate. Xiong Jun let out a deep sigh and honestly followed Di Tian to a corner to fuse his physical body.

On the other hand, Lin Manshan had already returned to the outside cultivation room, got up and walked out the door, and called Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er into the bedroom. He then called out the Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor, and Jingjing, and with a wave of his hand, the two humanoid bodies and a fish suspended in the air.

"???" Looking at the body in front of her that looked just like herself, but had a very different body shape, the Ice Emperor was filled with question marks.   

In the next second, the small head instantly hung down, glancing at Lin Manshan with her spare light.

"If you don't like it, I can help adjust it again." Lin Manshan couldn't help but speak out.

"No need, I, I like it." The Ice Emperor immediately whispered.

"In that case, you guys can fuse your physical bodies in this room." Lin Manshan nodded and got up to walk out of the room.

Oops, how did I become so timid? With a glance at her bosom friends, who were stifling their laughter, the Ice Emperor was immediately embarrassed and hurriedly dashed into her physical body.

After a long time, Snow Emperor, who was looking very elegant, and Ice Emperor, who was holding a dragonfish, walked out of the bedroom with small steps.

"Looks quite alright." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, standing up from the sofa and walking over to the Ice Emperor, looking down at the dragon fish in her hand, "It seems that even after being strengthened by my soul power, her own realm is insufficient, and it's still difficult for her to take on a human form after fusion."

"It's fine, it's because I'm too weak myself." The dragonfish shook her tail and said with some frustration.

"Jingjing, it's fine, you have us with you," Snow Emperor spoke out to comfort.

"Uh-huh," Jingjing answered softly.

Thus, Jingjing lived in the aquarium that was built, and the two besties, the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor shared a room and took care of Jingjing together.

Time rushed by, and two months quickly passed.

Inside the living room, Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the sofa knitting a sweater with her own hands, as well as Lin Manshan, who was sitting on the sidelines drinking tea and chatting with Dugu Bo, suddenly raised their heads in unison, and their gazes moved in the direction of the Martial Spirit Hall.

"Looks like she's about to take the final step." Lin Manshan said, slowly standing up.

"You guys keep chatting, I'm going to go to the Martial Spirit Hall."

"Hm." Bibi Dong nodded and watched as Lin Manshan disappeared from sight.

At this time, in Spirit City, inside the Enshrinement Hall, Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue, who had walked out of the light door with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa, I finished the eighth examination." Qian Renxue approached with large strides.

"Well, Grandpa is proud of you." Qian Daoliu smiled.

At this exact moment, a radiant green light suddenly flashed in the centre of the great hall, and in the next moment, Lin Manshan's figure appeared in front of the two.

"Great Worship, long time no see." Lin Manshan smiled and nodded slightly, "I have come today to fulfil the promise made that day."

"Promise?" The look of caution on Qian Renxue's face due to Lin Manshan's sudden appearance quickly eased, her gaze complexly glanced at Lin Manshan who had surpassed herself, and turned her head to look at Qian Daoliu, her eyes carrying a hint of doubt, as if she was inquiring.

"Initiating the Nine Examinations of the Angel God originally required my sacrifice, however, His Excellency the God of Death has a way to help me circumvent it." Qian Daoliu explained.

"Sacrifice!" Qian Renxue's expression instantly changed, then she composed herself, turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, and solemnly said, "Many thanks."

"It should be." Lin Manshan smiled and continued, "Do you need to adapt for a while first?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue pondered slightly and looked up, "How about starting a day later?"

Lin Manshan nodded, "I will come back in a day." After saying that, he arched his hand towards Qian Daoliu and his figure disappeared.


One day later, Lin Manshan came to the Enshrinement Hall as promised.

"Let's start over there." After a brief exchange, Lin Manshan raised his head to look at the Angel God sculpture in front of him.

With a thought, within the lower dantian elemental soul core, pure divine energy was instantly mobilized, flowing through the meridians at an extremely fast speed. Afterwards, Lin Manshan lightly raised his right hand, his palm was filled with golden light, and in the blink of an eye, it converged into a basketball-sized golden energy ball.

Such pure holy energy. Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue were both shocked.

In the middle of their thoughts, Lin Manshan's arm gently raised, and the golden ball of light instantly rose up and floated towards the Angel God at an extremely fast speed. Immediately, the ball of light disappeared into the centre of the statue's brow, and a golden pattern appeared, spreading towards the statue's entire body like flowing water.

After a few breaths, the light on the statue went up, completely transforming it into a small golden figure.

In the next second, a floating golden female silhouette stood up from the statue, her gaze glanced at Lin Manshan and nodded slightly. Afterwards, she looked down at Qian Renxue, who was standing in the centre of the formation below, and lightly closed her hands, and a waterfall of golden light leaked down, almost instantly enveloping Qian Renxue, and then, Qian Renxue's entire figure was transformed into a little bit of golden light, which dissipated along with the falling waterfall of light.

At that moment, the golden silhouette once again sat back in the statue, faint golden light haloed on the surface of the statue.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Qian Daoliu, "Great Worship, the promise has been honoured, I still have a business to attend to, so I will leave first."

Qian Daoliu immediately arched his hand, "Your Excellency, take your time."

Lin Manshan nodded, and as if he thought of something, he added, "Great Worship, I have one more thing to say."

"As a first-level God, the Angel God is able to appoint Divine Officers or Divine Servants under her command, and both are Gods of the hundredth level, they just don't have the Divine Position."

"And now that Tang Chen is dead, therefore, that agreement was actually won by you."

After saying that, his body turned into a green aura and disappeared from the spot.

"It was me who won." Qian Daoliu was stunned and then lost his composure.

In a moment, his eyes flickered, looking towards the place where Lin Manshan had disappeared. If he hadn't checked Lin Manshan's origins, with just the holy attribute energy that Lin Manshan had condensed in his hands just now, he would have been a bit sceptical about whether or not Lin Manshan was a descendant of the Angel lineage.

If only it were true. Shaking his head slightly, he took out a futon from his spirit tool and put it down, sat down and waited quietly, his heart filled with hope.

Half a month later, he abruptly opened his eyes, his face flustered.

Within his line of sight, in front of the statue in front of him, Qian Renxue with six wings on her back and wearing a golden armour slowly fell down bathed in golden light.

"She succeeded." Within the Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan also raised his head this time to look in the direction of the Martial Spirit Hall.

"Hmm." Bibi Dong's beautiful hand gently supported her bulging belly as she softly responded, a trace of relief flashing through her raised eyes.

Lin Manshan instantly sensed it and reached out to carry Bibi Dong over, putting his hand on her round belly, softly saying:

"Don't worry, in the endless years to come, she will also find her own happiness, and we will all have something that we must guard with all our hearts."

"Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded her head slightly.


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