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89.58% I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills / Chapter 325: Chapter 324 Talk

Chapter 325: Chapter 324 Talk

"Ah Dong?" Seeing the figure in front of him, Lin Manshan subconsciously uttered out, while his heart uncontrollably sped up its beating.

Looking at this situation, she should have sensed that I had come in advance. It seems that she already knows my identity, which should have been revealed by the Rakshasa God after completing the assessment.

In addition, what is this freshly bathed outfit Anime situation? Moreover, Ah Dong has gotten a lot younger.

Her figure is also better, isn't this a test to my willpower?

Okay, I admit, I'm swayed.

On the other hand, while her eyes focused on Lin Manshan's face, Bibi Dong heard his address, and her heart instantly fluttered, and the light in her eyes was dense. At this moment, Lin Manshan, except for his skin colour and the shape of his ears differing from when he was in the illusion, his facial outline was almost exactly the same as what he looked like in the illusion. Especially that familiar look in his eyes, and the tenderness contained within, she was too familiar with it.

This was the unique tacit understanding that the two of them had accumulated over the years as husband and wife.

There was no doubt that the Lin Manshan in front of her was the Ah Man in her memories, her husband.

"Ah Man." She responded subconsciously in a soft voice.

Upon hearing this, Lin Manshan instantly smiled, striding forward and reaching out to embrace Bibi Dong into his arms.

The latter obediently wrapped her hands around Lin Manshan's waist, resting her head on his chest. At this moment, she felt her mind suddenly become incomparably calm. It was as if, everything had returned to that time when the two of them were in the illusion realm.

After a while, Lin Manshan slightly loosened his hands, looked down at Bibi Dong, and smiled, "Ah Dong, it looks like you've succeeded."

"Well, I have inherited the divine position of the Rakshasa God, and it is still a complete one." Bibi Dong raised her head and softly said.

"That's good." Lin Manshan inwardly breathed a secret sigh of relief, then gazed at Bibi Dong's face with a carefully observing stare and smiled faintly, "Ah Dong, you've gotten younger and prettier." Saying that, his gaze shifted downward, his tone slightly diminished, "The figure has also become better."

At those words, Bibi Dong's gaze suddenly flickered a bit, her pretty face slightly red, and her head moved down with it.

In the next moment, she suddenly raised her head again, her gaze looking straight into Lin Manshan's eyes as she issued a soul-snatching question.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Lin Manshan smiled heartily, loosened his hands, bent down and picked up Bibi Dong, striding into the bedroom.

With a point of his toes, the bedroom door was instantly slammed shut.

Not long after, as a muffled grunt rang out, the sound of the foot of the bed rubbing against the ground gradually resounded.

An hour later, on the wide and soft silk bed, the two of them embraced each other and leaned against the head of the bed.

After warming up, Lin Manshan lifted his right hand which was not being held down to gently pull Bibi Dong's slightly damp hair in front of his forehead, and took the lead to open his mouth, "Ah Dong, next I'm going to use a secret method to communicate something with you, which requires you to let go of your Divine Sense."

"Good." Bibi Dong lightly lifted her head and slightly nodded.

Upon hearing this, Lin Manshan moved his fingertip to Bibi Dong's brow and instantly launched the Soul Link Art. With a turn of vision, the two people's consciousnesses instantly arrived at the memory space.

"This is?" Bibi Dong showed surprise on her face.

"This is my memory space." Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Bibi Dong, "Ah Dong, when I didn't reveal my identity within the illusory realm, it wasn't actually the divine Examination that demanded it, but rather, it was necessary for me to do that, or else, it was highly likely that I would face a life-threatening situation."

"Because, the God who chose me was not from the Divine Realm, but the Underworld."   

Saying that he explained the relationship between the Underworld and the Divine Realm.

After hearing this, Bibi Dong's expression didn't change, she just reached out and pulled Lin Manshan's arm, pressed his head against her shoulder, and softly said, "Ah Man, no matter where you go, I'll be by your side, even if in the future, you'll have to be an enemy of the Divine Realm when you take the control of the Underworld."

"Being an enemy is not that high a priority." Lin Manshan shook his head, "The Divine Realm and the Underworld are two sides of the same coin from a certain perspective, each playing their own roles and working together to maintain the balance of the world. One manages the world of the living and the other manages the world of the dead, their functions do not conflict. When I take control of the Underworld, as long as the Divine Realm stops its encroachment on the Underworld, there's no need for me to go against them."

"Hmm." Bibi Dong didn't say anything more, just softly hummed.

What would happen to the Divine Realm, she didn't really care.

Moreover, the function of a Rakshasa God was to judge the evils of the world, and there was no necessary connection between fulfilling a divine duty and which world she would go to live in.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan was not prepared to continue chatting on this topic, but instead, his right palm opened, and a thick booklet suddenly appeared in his hand, "Ah Dong, this is the techniques and some theories that I have comprehended over the years, so have a look at it. Although you have already become a god, some of the contents within should still be helpful to you, especially the Soul Core Condensation method recorded in it."

"Soul Core?" Bibi Dong had a puzzled look on her face as she reached out and took the booklet.

"That's right, soul cores." Lin Manshan nodded and continued, "Condensing the soul cores should allow you to use two martial souls at the same time."

"Using two martial souls at the same time..." Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen as she raised her hand to open the pages of the book.

As a god, her spiritual power and memorization ability were definitely considered strong, and it didn't take much time at all to finish reading a book, and in just a few moments, she finished flipping through it.

Ah Man was able to comprehend so many unique skills on his own that she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Lin Manshan, her beautiful eyes looking expectantly. Such a unique genius is now her husband.

"Many thanks, hubby, the contents of the books are indeed of great use to me." With a soft look on her face, she spoke.

"As long as it is useful." Lin Manshan nodded, "Then the next thing is Bing'er and Yue'er. At this point in time, both of them must have already broken through level 70. Therefore, I want you and Qian Daoliu to accompany me on a trip to the Extreme North."

"Good." Bibi Dong nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Then there's only one last thing left." Lin Manshan continued, "I have a Fire Attribute Immortal Herb, and when I return from the land of the extreme north, I want to give it to that person in your name."

Bibi Dong's body stiffened, and then she fell into silence.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan reached out and wrapped his hand around her waist, softly saying, "Ah Dong, she is after all your own daughter. Moreover, what happened back then was not her fault. On the contrary, from a certain perspective, she was also a victim of the events of that year."

"Forced to come into this world, never experiencing her mother's care and companionship, I think that her heart has not been well over the years either. Ah Dong, think about our Xue'er. As parents, I don't think any of us would want our sons and daughters to go through this."

"Of course, by saying this, I am not asking you to necessarily accept her." Without experiencing the suffering of others, do not advise others to be good, this truth he knew, "I just hope that you will not keep regrets and resentment in your heart in the future because of this."

"In the time to come, I hope that you can always live happily."

"Ah Man, I understand what you mean." Bibi Dong tightened her grip on his waist, biting her lip as she raised her head.

"However, I can't accept her because I don't want to accept our future children growing up knowing that their mother still has that kind of past."


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