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60.54% I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills / Chapter 219: Chapter 218 Unsolvable situation, victory

Chapter 219: Chapter 218 Unsolvable situation, victory

"???" The numerous spirit masters watching the match outside the arena, including Hu Liena and the others inside the arena, were all stunned.

"Lin Manshan, don't think just because you have done me a favour you can speak loudly here." Yan, who had come back to his senses, instantly showed indignation, puffing out his chest and shouting, "I haven't fallen yet!"

Lin Manshan shook his head slightly and turned his head towards Shui Bing'er and nodded slightly. The latter understood and raised her right hand, gently squeezing it, "Fifth Spirit Skill, Ice Blast!"

As soon as the words fell, "BOOM BOOM BOOM" Several waist-high ice flowers around Yan's body instantly exploded, and ice debris flew.

"Second Spirit Skill, Granite Rock." Taken by surprise, Yan hurriedly activated his defensive spirit skill.

Lin Manshan's voice was heard once again, "This is Bing'er's fifth spirit skill called Ice Blast, which can control the explosion of ice cubes that are tainted with Bing'er's spirit power. Moreover, because the ice cubes scattered into the cold air, Bing'er's spirit power was also scattered into the air along with the cold air and was inhaled by the spirit master. Once it accumulates too much, Bing'er can control this energy to explode inside the spirit master's body."

"An explosion within the body!" The Spirit Hall Battle Team members' faces immediately changed drastically, subconsciously reaching out to cover their mouths and noses.

"What a terrifying spirit skill!" The numerous spirit masters outside the arena also felt chills run down their spines, and their faces were filled with shock.

"It's useless." Lin Manshan continued, "Look at the sky!"

The crowd subconsciously looked at the top of their heads, because of the previous collision between Shui Bing'er's and Yan's spirit skills, the meeting of ice and fire gave birth to water vapour, and at this time, the sky was already covered with a layer of light water mist. Looking closely, under the glow of the sunlight, a hint of light green could still be seen.

Lin Manshan turned his head again to look at Shui Yue'er, who had already arrived not far behind the Martial Spirit Hall's battle team formation and nodded slightly.

In the next second, "Fourth Spirit Skill, Water Drizzle." Shui Yue'er's voice sounded out, the water mist in the air instantly changed, and in a few churns, it divided and converged into large water droplets.

It was like a torrential downpour that had yet to fall, enveloping the entire competition venue.

Lin Manshan's voice came along with it, "You should be able to feel the situation on the surface now, the temperature is extremely low. If these water drops fall on you, your body will be drenched, and then under the influence of the surrounding cold air, these water stains will gradually condense into ice. This will cause your movements to become increasingly sluggish, and the cold will slowly soak into your body from the surface of your skin. What will happen after that, you should be able to imagine."

The ice on the body's surface will be detonated, and the cold aura that has soaked into the body can also be detonated. The crowd immediately revealed horror on their faces.

"Unless you guys have flight skills and can fly off the ground at the first opportunity. Or release a spirit skill to instantly evaporate and disperse all the ice in the arena, as well as the cold air in the body. Otherwise, you guys definitely won't be able to dodge such a wide range of attacks." Lin Manshan continued.

"By the way, as a reminder, the water droplets in the air are also accompanied by the martial soul's innate poison that Dugu Yan had previously dispersed during her flight. Therefore, once the water droplets in the air drench your bodies, you will be unable to avoid them and will inevitably inhale a small amount of the poison."

"And Dugu Yan's fifth Spirit Skill is called Toxic Outburst, from the Poison Demon Dragon."

"This is an extremely rare poison attribute sub-dragon spirit beast, with a snake-like head and a demonic coloured membrane around its neck, which can blossom like a flower, and then secrete a poisonous aroma to disperse in the air. Once inhaled, the Poison Demon Dragon can actively stimulate it, causing the activity of the toxin in the prey's body to increase drastically, and both the destructiveness to the physical body and the speed of spreading will surge exponentially."

"And this is the case with Dugu Yan's fifth spirit skill effect. Since humans have to obtain nutrients to survive by consuming food, their bodies will more or less carry a small amount of toxins. Therefore, once Dugu Yan's fifth spirit skill is performed, the martial soul's innate poison inhaled into the body will be stimulated, and the toxins accumulated in the human body itself will also be triggered as the poison spreads. It's a consequence that even I can hardly predict."

As the words fell, the crowd of the Martial Spirit Hall was already pale.

Ice Explosion and Poison Explosion, if both of them erupted together in the body, they would definitely be at risk of losing their lives.

After all, spirit skills could not protect the internal organs and blood vessels.

Moreover, even if they could resist the attack, they would at least be seriously injured. With a glance at the three of them, Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuqing, and Shui Yue'er, who were not far away, their mood slumped even more.

The three hostile Agility Attack System Spirit Masters and one is still a Spirit King, so how can they resist when they are so close to them?

So, I'm being taken advantage of. Yan froze in place like he was doubting his life.

Without his fire-attribute spirit skill colliding with Shui Bing'er's ice-attribute spirit skill, how could so much water vapour have formed in such a short period of time in the field?

No wonder Shui Bing'er was targeting me, no wonder when I launched a spirit skill, Shui Bing'er immediately followed up with a spirit skill.

He felt that she was waiting for him, intending to make the spirit skills collide with each other and generate water vapour.

'Fuck!' Opening his mouth, he wanted to curse from the bottom of his heart.

He now suspected that Lin Manshan was also laying a trap for him when he said that he wanted to have a good look at his martial soul abilities earlier.

This person is such a devious devil.

"So, your purpose since the beginning has been to keep an eye on the two of us." On the other side, Xie Yue and Hu Liena undo their Martial Soul Fusion Skill, and Hu Liena's slightly disgruntled voice came out, "As for Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing, their first purpose wasn't to attack my teammates at all, but rather to escort Shui Yue'er close to the rear formation to ensure that when the Spirit Skill activates, it can absolutely hit all of us."

"At the same time, responsible for wrapping up the battle."

"Not bad, the core of this battle, since the beginning, has not been me." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "In the previous battle with the Shrek Battle Team, I had dominated the battle. Therefore, I guessed that you guys would definitely arrange for team members to target me, and at least two of them. This is because you guys know very well that with just one person, with the strength I showed before, it would be impossible to restrain me."

"Especially with my speed."

"So, I did the opposite and used myself as bait to set up this trap. That's why I chose to use the Ominous Moon Light, which has a much faster attack frequency, to fight with the two of you for the spirit power reserves and block you before, and sought the very thing that would hold you back for a longer period of time."

Of course, it was also because I was afraid that if I didn't control it well, an Ominous Moon Light Slash would directly interrupt your Martial Soul Fusion Skill. If the two of you were to be reversed back from your Martial Soul Fusion Skill, or if you were to be directly slashed into serious injuries, or even killed, then won't I be hated to death by Bibi Dong? Inwardly, he answered truthfully.

"Of course, the reason why this scenario is possible is also because Bing'er and Yan's fifth spirit skill has been kept secret and not used until now." Lin Manshan added.

Upon hearing this, Hu Liena immediately lightly bit her vermilion lips, her eyes were slightly reddened, it was the first time she had lost so completely, especially to someone in terms of wits.

She knew very well that Lin Manshan's plan had been realised, and they could not turn the tide.

The rest of the team members also figured out the situation and looked dejected.

In this match, they had really been counted to death by Lin Manshan.

The surrounding numerous academy spirit masters were also dumbstruck after hearing this, their expressions stagnant, their minds constantly recalling the process before and after this match, and there was silence.

This layout is too terrible. Completely unable to see any hope. A chill could not help but be spread in their hearts.   

And right at this moment, Bibi Dong's slightly complimentary voice came, "Wonderful tactical deployment, we have indeed lost."

Seeing that the Pope had spoken, the cardinal at the side also stood up and loudly announced, "Skywalker Academy wins."

It was only then that the surrounding academy spirit masters came back to their senses, with stunned looks on their faces that were not yet dispelled, still carrying a sense of bewilderment.

"This, a win?"

"What else? If the battle continues, the Spirit Hall battle team will definitely have all of its members seriously injured, or even blown up on the spot. The reason Lin Manshan stopped midway to explain the situation was because he was worried that this would happen. Ice explosion in the body plus poison explosion, who can withstand this?"

"It feels like this round, it's a pure IQ crush, the Spirit Hall Battle Team is truly being counted to death by Lin Manshan."

"This Lin Manshan is, really an old fox."

"Looks like I'll have to eat more walnuts to replenish my brain when I get back, it feels like my IQ is a bit insufficient today."

"Hey, suddenly it feels like Tang San is not even worthy of carrying Lin Manshan's shoes."

"No need to feel, it is!"

During the crowd's discussions, inside the competition arena.

Yan glared at Lin Manshan very unwillingly, Hu Liena gazed at Lin Manshan's face, seemingly trying to see the details beyond the mask, the Xie Yue who stood on the side looked a bit frustrated, waved his hand, and turned around to leave the arena with a somewhat disheartened team members.

Soon, only the Skywalker Academy team was left in the arena.

In front of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and the others also rose together at this time.

As the Pope, Bibi Dong spoke with a calm expression, "The continent-wide Advanced Academy Elite Spirit Master Tournament, this year's final champion is, Skywalker Academy."

"Congratulations, young talented spirit masters."

Saying that she received the brocade box containing the three spirit bones from the hands of the staff.

The cardinal, who was the referee, also said loudly at this time, "I would like to invite the representative of Skywalker Academy to come forward to receive the champion's reward."

Upon hearing this, Lin Manshan, who was already standing at the front of the team in line, took a large step forward and came in front of Bibi Dong, bowing slightly and saluting.

"You are outstanding, even more outstanding than what this throne expected, both in terms of strength and wisdom. In you, I see the vigour of a new generation. Congratulations, you and your team deserve this reward." Bibi Dong said, handing over the jade box without hesitation.

Lin Manshan had helped her cure her hidden issues and was still a supporter and ally of the Martial Spirit Hall's mission to unify the continent.

She didn't feel much regret or reluctance about losing these three spirit bones.

They truly gave it away. The surrounding spirit masters, however, couldn't help but be touched by Bibi Dong's generosity and calmness.

"Thank you, Your Holiness Pope." Lin Manshan carefully received it and bowed slightly.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, eyed Lin Manshan as he returned to stand in line, and continued, "I thank you all who have been able to participate in this tournament and bring us a wonderful competition"

"Now, this throne announces that this continent-wide Advanced Academy Elite Spirit Master Tournament has come to a perfect end."

"Next, I would request all of you to exit the venue in order." The cardinal on the side took over and said loudly.

At the sound of his voice, Lin Manshan put the spirit bone along with the brocade box into his spirit tool and then handed the piece of fire-attribute right arm spirit bone to Dugu Bo who was at the side. Dugu Bo reached out and took it, and immediately shouted towards Bibi Dong, who was about to turn around and leave in front of the Pope's Palace, "Your Excellency the Pope, please wait a little longer."

Bibi Dong turned back and glanced at the spirit bone in Dugu Bo's hand, her face was bland, "Coronet Dugu Bo, I wonder what's troubling you?"

Dugu Bo immediately raised the spirit bone in his hand, "I don't have a suitable person to absorb this spirit bone, is it okay to change it?"

"." The surrounding spirit masters were instantly shocked and envious.

To use the spirit bone won from the Martial Spirit Hall to exchange with the Martial Spirit Hall for a suitable one for yourself, there was no one else who could do it.

"Coronet Dugu, I wonder what type of spirit bone you wish to exchange for?" Bibi Dong's face remained calm, and her tone was still bland.

"An agility type, or a water attribute one." Dugu Bo immediately said.

Bibi Dong nodded, her right hand raised, and a piece of spirit bone appeared out of thin air, "This right arm bone is from the Creepy Shadow Cat, the age is around 30,000 years, although the age is slightly lower than the one in the hands of Coronet Dugu, but the quality is not inferior, I don't know if Coronet Dugu is satisfied with it?"

She had expected and prepared for Dugu Bo's spirit bone exchange.

"Satisfied, satisfied, this is the piece." Dugu Bo grinned and immediately controlled the spirit bone in his hand to fly over.

The Creepy Shadow Cat is a top-tier agility-type spirit beast that was not inferior to the Nether Cat.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly and also controlled the spirit bone in her hand to send it flying forward, and the two sides quickly completed the exchange.

Dugu Bo was in a happy mood and arched his hand towards Bibi Dong, and turned around to return to the team.

After handing over the spirit bone to Lin Manshan, he led the team to leave.

Bibi Dong also didn't stay any longer and led the team into the Pope's Palace.


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