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Cause & Consequences

<p>"...My one and only rival, Asta!"<br/>"EHHHH?!"<br/>Confused screams came from everywhere, with Asta's overshadowing the others. Did Yuno just announce their rivalry as to who would become the Wizard King first to the whole school?!<br/>Without elaborating any further, Yuno left the stage swiftly with an expression as if he wasn't even fazed by what he had caused, leaving the rest of the students in their current state. But he then smirked slightly as soon as he was outside of everyone's field of view, it looks like his plan had worked; raise Asta's publicity.<br/>"*A-ahem! P-please, quiet down! The ceremony will finish in a few minutes!" The announcer, or to be more precise, the Vice President of the Student Council, Hattori Gyoubushoujo Hanzou, tried to calm down the situation but failed miserably. He gritted his and sweatdropped as he thought,<br/>'Damn you, you lunatic! Calling the last ranking 'thing' as your rival to become the Wizard King?! How cut off from reality are you?! And here I had high hopes for you!" He was not happy with how things turned out.<br/>'...Nevermind, these two are both crazy,' Tatsuya said inwardly, it seems that he wasn't affected by his surrounding as his expression didn't change one bit. Though he can't say he wasn't surprised just a tiny bit at Yuno's declaration. But he did hope that Yuno will at least be normal, well, it turned out he was far from being normal.<br/>"Wow! Did you see how cool Yuno-kun was, Mari-chan?!" The girl that was eavesdropping on two of our protagonists, was fangirling over how cool Yuno was next to an elegant tomboy girl, with short black hair and brown-gold eyes.<br/>The girl in question or "Mari" sighed as she replied, "Sigh... What impressed me the most is how he had the gall to say that right in front of everyone, even with the whole faculty here, Mayumi,"<br/>"I know! That's exactly what makes him cool!" Turns out our stalker is named Mayumi.<br/>"But all jokes aside, do you think those two could do it?" Mari got serious as she looked at Mayumi.<br/>Suddenly, Mayumi lost all of her joy and only a soft smile was left. She took a glance, one to Yuno, and another to Asta. She then calmly answered,<br/>"This is all a bet, Mari. We don't know much about these two, but from what I could gather, their bond is so inseparable that not even a nuclear bomb would be able to break it; if anything is standing in front of their rivalry, they would crush it together. So I'm willing to bet it all on these two to accomplish what we couldn't do in these two years. After all, they want to become the Wizard King, right? So why not let them prove themselves if they're capable of managing a school."<br/>Mari couldn't agree more with Mayumi, but there were also risks to bring in Asta & Yuno to the Student Council. Bringing in Yuno would be easy, but how can they let Asta in? He was a magicless student with only an unlocked Grimoire and a buff physique. If they did invite him to one of the important committees, they might get accused of abuse of power for letting anyone join in. She then replied,<br/>"Mayumi, it's a good idea, but we have to carefully plan our moves ahead. Also, what do you think about the other siblings that you're planning on inviting?" Mari looked at the Shiba siblings.<br/>Mayumi regained her mirth as she answered once again, "They're special and amazing as well! Especially that bad boy Tatsuya~ he's so mysterious, I can't wait to figure out his secret..." The President was staring at Tatsuya.<br/>...<br/>'...Why do I feel like skewering the President..?' Miyuki thought coldly with an emotionless face. She got this sudden feeling that somebody was eyeing her brother, so she wanted to "kindly" meet them in person. After all, a "sister's" intuition is too strong, amirite? ;)<br/>...<br/>Before Mari could reply, Mayumi continued with a blushing face while cupping her chin in both hands, "...and their love between each other is so sweet!"<br/>"W-what?! Mayumi... You don't mean "that" love, right? Right?!" Mari couldn't believe what she had just heard. They're siblings!<br/>"Hehe~ who knows?" Mayumi cheekily asked back.<br/>Back with Asta and co, Erika jumped out of excitement and said to Asta, "Wow! That was so cool! Say, Asta-kun? Are you really that amazing that your brother only considers you as his rival?!" Her eyes practically were shining.<br/>Asta stopped screaming and grinned at Erika as he replied with a thumbs up, "Yes! we both look up to each other and admire the other's strength for who we are!"<br/>"Uwaaa! You guys' bromance is so strong!" She was squealing like an excited fujoshi while imagining an extra-buff Asta doing an epic handshake with a buff Yuno.<br/>Her imagination:<br/>"Ne... Yuno, let's see who would become the Wizard King!"<br/>"Right, Asta. But don't come around crying when I become the Wizard King."<br/>Both of them were grinning as their veins bulged out and their grip got tighter, which the sheer force of it sent shockwaves.<br/>Back to reality...<br/>"Hehehe~" Erika was giggling giddily before she snapped out of it by noticing Mizuki taking out her glasses. The former asked, "Are you okay, Mizuki-chan?"<br/>"I'm f-fine..!" Mizuki answered with an embarrassed, blushing face. She just couldn't comprehend what she had just seen.<br/>"Ne~ charmed by prince Yuno, are we~?" Erika teased her.<br/>"N-no..!" Mizuki's face got redder.<br/>"I-it's just that..." She then directed a question toward Asta while turning around to face him,<br/>"...Asta-kun, is Yuno-san really your brother..?"<br/>This confused Asta. He didn't know why she would be asking this, so he scratched the back of his head and replied,<br/>"Yes. Why are you asking this, Shibata-san?"<br/>"Your auras... it's like heaven and earth, Yuno's aura is so strong that I thought I didn't put on my glasses for a second,"<br/>This caused tension for both Asta & Tatsuya, although for very different reasons.<br/>'I knew it. Her eyes are special. She didn't wear glasses for no reason when it's not needed in this day and age. The Mystic Eyes of Crystal Sight, a.k.a Over-sensitivity to Spirit Particle Emission, which lets her see Pushions or in laymen's term, Spiritual Energy. Though it seems hers is so strong, that she needs glasses to stable it. I have to be careful around her less I want my secrets to be known. And Yuno Gushiken, it seems you managed to catch my interest...!' Tatsuya thought seriously, but as soon as he was about to finish his monologue, he was surprised to see "something special" on Yuno's neck.<br/>(Mystic Eyes: a term used in Nasuverse to describe innate magical abilities from eyes. There were no categorization for eye powers in Mahouka e.g., Tatsuya's Elemental Sight, so I used this term to fill the spot.)<br/>Asta sheepishly smiled, "Yeah, I said we both admired each other's strength, but I didn't mean we were both strong in magic. While my physique is among the best, Yuno's magical talent was off the charts and he was training his magic since he was five without a CAD,"<br/>"WITHOUT A CAD?!" Some of the student that heard him shouted as they couldn't believe someone training that long without a CAD. Imagine how much of monster he is now?<br/>CAD, the shortened of Casting Aid Devices; obvious by its name, it helps a Magician to cast a spell. Even the Grimoires are considered CADs, but a very high-level one. Magicians can't unleash spells without a help of a CAD, however, there are some exceptions that don't need the help of one in order to do Magic.<br/>'Without a CAD, huh? Then that means he's like m-' Tatsuya shook his head as he denied this claim. There's no way Yuno was the same type as him, he was simply too talented to be like him. From what he gathered from his sister, Yuno had a very powerful wind attributed Grimoire, but even then, his normal Magic score tests were even more abnormal than most prodigies. One could say even that, "he's loved by the Magical energies," but it was so soon to count on this.<br/>Yet, it wasn't entirely impossible, because from what he saw in the footages of the exam, Yuno's casting was swift and smooth as his when he uses that technique. But here's the thing, Yuno didn't have the same analytical skills as him to able to cast like that, so how? The answer is the one mentioned above, and Mizuki's revelation proves his point more. Also, that "thing" on his necklace...<br/>'... Gushiken Yuno, I'll discover about the mysteries surrounding you. It seems that you were right, old man, I may have just found the person from my peers that could surpass me.' Tatsuya was interested in what the future had for him. It was okay as long as nothing happens to his beloved imouto.<br/>"What's next? will he whip out a second Grimoire and turn out to be not human?" Erika nonchalantly said.<br/>...<br/>"Phew... That was intense..." Yuno was relieved from the pressure of giving that speech. What can he say? It was his first time giving that bold of a speech to that huge audience. He was sure that he caused a stir to the faculty and most of the Course 1 students, but he didn't care; his plan went smoothly and he wouldn't stop at anything to achieve it.<br/>He sat on a chair and drank the bottle of water he grabbed from the fridge besides him. It was pretty stressful to say the least, he didn't give a normal speech after all so he had to cool down a bit. He thought as he was drinking,<br/>'Maybe I should go for the Public Relations position in the Student Council? After all, I'm planning on becoming the future Wizard King and I have to give many speeches like that in the future,'<br/>He then heard the sound of a girl near him,<br/>"A-ano... Gushiken-san?"<br/>Yuno turned around to see Miyuki. He replied,<br/>"Hmm? Shiba-san? What are you doing here?"<br/>"That speech of yours..." Her eyes gained stars as she excitedly continued,<br/>"...was amazing! By challenging your brother from Course 2 you proved that you don't discriminate against Course 2 students and view their strength for who they really are, not by this school's flawed system! Truly, you're an admirable person that's willing to go through any lengths for his brother!" Well, looks like Yuno gained another fangirl. But Miyuki's reason is vastly different than others. Because of Yuno not discriminating against Course 2, which her Onii-sama is from, her opinion on Yuno was positive, and maybe with him, both of them can help out with fixing the problems in this school.<br/>"To be honest, I never thought of other students when I gave my speech. Although I appreciate that you enjoyed it, though it annoys me that this school only uses a few measurements to evaluate somebody's strength; when there are many more factors for someone's true strength to shine," Yuno frowned at the last part.<br/>'Wow..! So deep and humble!' Don't misunderstand Miyuki x Tatsuya fans, this is only a simple idol admiration. In fact, the sole reason she admires is because of Yuno taking an active stance in discrimination against Course 2, which her Onii-sama is a target of it . No more, no less.<br/>...<br/>'...Why do I feel like killing someone?' Tatsuya didn't know why, but his hands were itching to whip out his Silver Horn and erase their existence with Mist Dispersion.<br/>...<br/>After talking for a little while with Yuno, Miyuki was embarrassed as she was about to ask something,<br/>"A-ano... Gushiken-san?"<br/>"Yuno is fine, Gushiken is mouthful to say,"<br/>"Okay, Yuno-san..." She blushed a little before she continued,<br/>"...Do you love your nii-san?"<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>What? did he just hear that, right?<br/>"Hmmm, Shiba-san, I don't think I heard that right, would you mind repeating it?"<br/>"Do you love your nii-san?"<br/>In all of Yuno's life, there were only a few moments that he became so shocked, that he shouted. This is one of them.<br/>"WHAT?!"<br/>...<br/>Momoyama Azuma was silently looking at the monitor which showcased Yuno's speech. His facial expression didn't even waver as he was listening to it.<br/>"...My one and only rival, Asta!"<br/>PITCHIU!<br/>The principle turned off the monitor as he muttered seriously,<br/>"You wanna play like this, huh? Fine then, even if the Wizard King will visit this school in a few days, I will expel both you, and your "one and only rival" if he doesn't manage to prove himself. You asked for this, so be prepared for the consequences."<br/>...<br/></p>

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