The top 16 round finally began. The match to open this round would be the one between two twins. Gary Oak and Daisy Oak.
At the stands Wes was waiting with anticipation for the match to begin. The winner of this match, could potentially be his next opponent.
Leaf was sitting alone in the opposite stands of Wes. She was very anxious at the result of this match. At one side, It was her best childhood friend. On the other side it was her very own crush.
Commentator: Hello everyone. Welcome to the top 16 of our Vermilion Double Tournament. The opening round pits a pair of twins from Pallet Town against eachother. Welcome the grandkids of the most famous professor of our region... Gary and Daisy Oak.
Gary and Daisy at the call out of the commentator appeared at the audience eyes. They finally reached their respective corners and were ready for the battle to begin.
"So the match is about to begin. Let's see what Hidden cards you will reveal."
Wes had his notebook and pen, totally ready to take notes of their Pokemon.
Commentator: Let's the match begin.
At the signal of the Commentator both Gary and Daisy called, their Pokemon out. A huge smile started to appear on the face of Wes. After all both of his rivals, revealed their Starter Pokemon on this match. Wes immediately began to write their summary's in his notebook.
Wartortle: male LV 29 Ability: Torrent. Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Refresh (Baby), Water Spout (Baby), Water Gun, Withdraw, Bite, Aqua Jet (Tutor), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Water Pulse (TM), Dragon Pulse (Tutor), Rapid Spin, Protect, Ice Punch (Tutor).
Kadabra: male LV 28 Ability: Magic Guard.
Item: no
Moves: Teleport, Ice Punch (Baby), Fire Punch (Baby), Psywave (Baby), Metronome (Tutor), Thunder Punch (TM), Kinesis, Confusion, Disable, Psybeam, Reflect, Psycho Cut.
Charmeleon: male LV 28 Ability: Blaze Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Crowl, Dragon Dance (Baby), Power-Up-Punch (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Rush (Tutor), Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Rock Tomb (TM), Scary Face, Fire Fang.
3: Pikachu: male LV 27 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Tail Whip, Thunder Shock, Electric Terrain (Baby), Endure (Baby), Quick Attack, Thunder Wave (Tutor), Electro Ball, Double Team.
" Dragon Pulse!!!. This Wartortle is even more powerful than before."
Wes immediately took notice of the changes, that have transpired on the Pokemon of his rivals. Though Wartortle took the cake out of all of them.
After both trainers called out their Pokemon. The referee signaled the beginning of this match
Daisy: Charmeleon use Dragon Dance. Pikachu use Thunderbolt.
Gary: Wartortle Protect. Kadabra Teleport to Charmeleon.
Charmeleon began dancing while a redish black aura surrounded it. Pikachu charged its electricity in its red cheeks and realised a torrent of electricity towards Wartortle. Wartortle on the other hand, was enveloped by a green protective dome that deflected the electricity. Then Kadabra silently appeared behind Charmeleon.
Gary: Kadabra Psybeam. Wartortle Water Spout.
Daisy: Dodge Charmeleon. Pikachu Electro Ball.
Kadabra immediately after hearing Gary's order launched a rainbow 🌈 colored ray from its eyes. Charmeleon dodged towards the right. Then Pikachu's Electro Ball landed on Kadabra knocking it backwards. Then the Water Spout enveloped the surrounding area of Charmeleon.
Charmeleon: CHAAAAAAAAAAARR!!!!!!!!!!
Leaf: No Daisy!!
Charmeleon screamed in pain. The maxed out Water Spout hit for a devastating amount of damage. Charmeleon could barely stand. Leaf on the other hand was worried about Daisy. While she cared for Gary. Seeing her best friend, in such a big predicament so early didn't shit well with her.
Gary: Aqua jet.
Wartortle hearing its trainers order, was enveloped in water and launched itself towards the injured Charmeleon.
Daisy: Pikachu Quick Attack.
Pikachu run towards Wartortle. Then both Pokemon clashed in midair. Then with a boom both Pokemon were knocked back. Pikachu's body smashed into the injured Charmeleon. Charmeleon because of the crash fainted.
Gary: Psybeam.
Daisy: Double Team.
Gary ordered his Kadabra to launch its Psybeam Move. Daisy while returning Charmeleon into its Pokeball, ordered her Pikachu to use Double Team to avoid Kadabra's Move.
Gary: Wartortle Dragon Pulse.
Daisy: Pikachu Electric Terrain.
Pikachu at that time, was enveloped by many intertwined electric currents. Then all this electricity was realised on the ground, creating a field full of static electricity. Wartortle on the other hand launched a Dragon Pulse towards Pikachu. Pikachu jumped like a top level goalkeeper, towards its left side dodging the Dragon Pulse.
Daisy: Pikachu Quick Attack on Wartortle.
Daisy snapped her finger while giving her order to Pikachu.
Gary: Kadabra Teleport then Confusion. Wartortle Protect.
Pikachu dashed towards Wartortle. Then it was diflected upwards because of the green protective dome enveloping Wartortle. Kadabra then appeared at the left side of Pikachu and prepared to launch its Confusion Move on it.
Gary: What!!!!!!!!!!
Gary was shocked to see a huge ball of electricity on Pikachu's tail. The electricity covering the field at that time, also started to rise. Then the Electro Ball grew bigger. Pikachu then spined midair and launched its Electro Ball Move scoring a direct hit on Wartortle. Kadabra's Confusion hit Pikachu and knocked it on the ground in response.
Gary: Wartortle Aqua Jet.
Wartortle immediately after hearing Gary's order was enveloped in water. The water enveloping Wartortle this time was by 50% bigger than before because of its Torrent Ability. Then Wartortle like a torpedo smashed itself into Pikachu.
Wartortle: Warttt!!!!!
Wartortle was suddenly enveloped in some electric arcs thanks to the Static Ability of Pikachu. On the other hand Pikachu couldn't take any more damage and fainted.
The Commentator screamed the result of the match, at the top of his lungs. The crowd started to chear even louder than before, hyped up by the spirit of the commentator.
Leaf immediately disappeared from the stands, moving towards the waiting room to meet Daisy. After such a 2 to 0 defeat, she wanted to console her best friend.
" I see. Gary won after all. Luckily thanks to the sunden comeback of Pikachu, Gary was forced to reveal even more of his battling style."
On the opposite stands, Wes moved towards his waiting room since he was on the next match. He also started to read about the Pokemon used by his opponent to determine which two of his team members he would use next.
On the waiting room of Daisy. Daisy and Leaf could be seen together.
Leaf: Its ok Daisy you had fought with everything you could. You almost pulled a comeback with Pikachu.
Daisy: Don't worry Leaf. I'm fine. That result only means that i need to train even harder to reach my brothers level. Also from what i have seen, he has a very high chance to win this whole thing.
Daisy calmed down Leaf. Of course she was upset at her defeat, but she was ready to train harder, than ever before to reach her brothers level.
Leaf: That's true. Though there is that Aster kid from Vermilion City. He has a very impressive Persian and Fearow. Though i believe Gary can beat him.
Daisy: Don't forget Wes. I believe that freak is holding back some of his strength. He didn't use even one time his first Pokemon. Of course theres also you.
Leaf: You are right.
The girls starter laughing together. On the other hand Wes was crusing his opponents Venonat and Poliwhril with his Staryu and Ivysaur.
1: Espeon: female LV 30 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor).
2: Umbreon: male LV 31 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).
3: Nidorino: male. LV 30 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM).
4: Ivysaur: male LV 30 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth.
5: Butterfree: female LV 31 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard, Bug Buzz.
6: Charmeleon: male LV 31 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor).
7: Staryu: LV 29 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no
Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM).
8: Magnemite: LV 29 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM).
Next i will skip the next round and go for the top 4 match of Wes. After that there will be the finals of the tournament. And after that is also done. Wes is going to get his next Pokemon. Lets see if you can guess' what it will be?? :)
The top 8 was finally over. Tomorrow the semifinals and the finals, as well the 3rd place match will take place. The pairings for the semifinals will be announced tomorrow.
Wes was already briefing his Pokemon about the matches that will take place tomorrow.
Wes: Ok everyone. That's all. Tomorrow i expect you to give it your all.
All of the Pokemon nodded and roared in excitement. They were ready to crash their respective opponents. The most excited of the bunch were Espeon, Umbreon and Charmeleon. They were the only ones, that had no appearances on this tournament. At the briefing, their trainer had informed them, that they will get 1 match each.
Wes then went to sleep early, as he needed to be at his top condition for the final 2 rounds of the tournament. The night past quietly, and the sun started to rise up. At around 09:00 o'clock, Wes woke up. After eating some breakfast, Wes immediately left for the stadium.
Inside the stadium the crowd was already cheering out loud, fully hyped up for the for the 4 matches remaining, for the finale of the tournament.
Commentator: Morning everyone. Welcome to the Semifinals of the Vermilion Double Tournament. After a day of waiting lets announce the pairings.
The commentator started immediately to hype the crowd even more.
Commentator: Ok. For the first match we have Leaf VS Wes!!! So the second pairing is our own rookie star of Vermilion City Aster, against the grandson of the world famous professor Oak. GARY OAK!!!!!.
The crowd started to cheer even more. Some people in the stands, started to bet for the winner of the whole event. Some others rushed at the Bar to buy coffee and snacks to enjo,y while watching the battles. While others run to the toilet to make sure that they won't have to go when the fights are under way. Of course the majority of the crowd was cheering for Aster. After all he was from the same city as the majority of them.
Commentator: What do you thing Lt.Surge about the upcoming round?
The commentator immediately asked the special guest of the event about his thoughts.
Surge: I can't wait for the matches to begin. I am also very happy since all three of the trainers i had my eye on managed to reach this stage.
The Commentator immediately caught on the piece of info that Lt.Surge spelled out.
Commentator: Oh i see. So which, are the three trainers you had your eyes on.
Surge: The second match has two of them. One is of course our young star Aster. After all as a trainer from Vermilion City, i know a lot about him. Of course his opponent is also a very powerful. If someone thinks, that he only is the grandson of someone famous, they will get a very bad awakening when they battle him. I had a very enjoyable match with him and i know for certain that Aster must fight with all his got. It will an epic match for sure.
Lt.Surge said, his last phrase with a light chuckle at the end.
Commentator: I see. So what about the final one?
Surge: I will keep it to myself for a bit ,after all I'm sure that i will see that trainer at the finals. After all that is the trainer i believe that has the chance to win the whole event.
Commentator: Ok then. Let's everyone welcome two trainers from Pallet Town. Leaf and Wes.
Surge: Three trainers from Pallet Town are in the top 4. This time Pallet Town for sure, gave birth to a lot of genius trainers. Ha Ha Ha.
The Commentator welcomed the contestants of the next battle to the stage. When a literal bomb was thrown towards hin from the special guest,
Commentator: Wow. You are totally right. The townspeople of Pallet Town, must feel very proud of their young talents.
At that moment both Wes and Leaf reached their corners. The referee immediately told them to realise their Pokemon.
Wes: Charmeleon. Magnemite take the stage.
Leaf: Ivysaur. Weepinbell. Come on out.
Leaf's POV:
A few minutes earlier:
Leaf was preparing for the fight with Wes in her waiting room.
Leaf: Ok Ivysaur. Weepinbell. You are my strongest Pokemon. This match is all up to you. Let's crush Wes in this fight.
Ivysaur: Ivy Ivy Ivysaurrrr!
Weepinbell: Bell bell.
Both Pokemon immediately nodded to their trainer.
" Everything is ready. Now all that's not accounted for, is only a small thing. The evolution of that Eevee of Wes. If he evolved it into a Flareon, this fight will be a lot of trouble."
Leaf took some deep breaths to calm herself down.
Then the time, to come up to the stage, finally arrived. Leaf climbed up the stairs, stood on her corner, and right opposite from her, she could see a blue clothed white haired youth.
The announcer called them out to summon their Pokemon. Leaf. immediately summoned her two best Pokemon, on the stage.
Leaf: Ivysaur. Weepinbell. Come on out.
Wes: Charmeleon. Magnemite take the stage.
Then the Pokemon of both trainers appeared on their respective corners.
Charmeleon: CHAAAAAAARR!!!!!!!!!
Leaf screamed, fully surprised, at what she was seeing right Infront of her eyes. Except the already reaveled Magnemite, a Charmeleon with visible scars on its body, radiating a lot of fighting intent, could be seen.
" How? How? How is this possible? He hasn't only caught an Ivysaur, but also a Charmeleon!!! Also, why does it look like, its a bit stronger than the one Daisy has?"
But unbeknownst to her, she wasn't the only shocked Person at the appearance of Charmeleon.
Daisy: Impossible!!!!!!!
Gary: How???
Gary and his sister Daisy were on the stands watching the upcoming fight. The moment Wes called out his Charmeleon, they were both shocked.
Daisy: Damnit!!! Both an Ivysaur and a Charmeleon.
Gary: This lucky pank.
Daisy: What do y... Brother are you sweating???
Daisy turned to ask her brother about his thoughts, but when she saw some drops of sweat on his face, she got immediately worried. After all her brother was always full of confidence and pride.
Gary: Don't worry. it's just that i don't now what to expect now. This is his Sixth reaveled Pokemon. Knowing that he also has his first Pokemon Eevee, that hasn't appeared yet, is just too shocking.
Daisy: You are right. After all this Charmeleon appears to be, as strong as mine.
Gary: Its not only that. If you take into account his already reaveled Pokemon, you will see what i mean.
Gary let at a sigh and he continued his explanation.
Gary: Electric Type Magnemite. Water Type Staryu and a Fire Type Charmeleon and to top it all off, an Ivysaur as a Grass Type. If we take those Types into account, its impossible to find any information about that Eevee.
Daisy: I see. So there's a high chance that this Eevee has evolved into an Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon or even a Sylveon.
Gary: Or he has a duplicate Typing on his team. Damnit. Now if i face him, he made my Pokemon selection very difficult and confusing.
As Gary and Daisy were discussing about his Pokemon the match finally began.
Wes had checked out the summary of Ivysaur and Weepinbell again to make sure that there won't be any surprises.
Ivysaur: female LV 30 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Bide (Baby), Reflect (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf (Tutor), Ingrain (Tutor), Power Whip (Tutor), Growth,.
Weepinbell: female LV 27 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Vine Whip, Power Whip (Baby), Weather Ball (Baby), Growth, Razor Leaf (Tutor), Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Acid.
Leaf: Ok. Ivysaur. Weepinbell use Sleep Powder.
Wes: Protect. Then Flamethrower on Weepinbell, Charmeleon. Magnemite, Metal Sound on Ivysaur.
Both Ivysaur and Weepinbell immediately after hearing the order of their trainer realised a lot of polen. The green domes enveloping, the Charmeleon and Magnemite didn't allow even a little bit of the powder to pass through. Then suddenly Charmeleon lunched its Flamethrower Move towards Weepinbell. Weepinbell got directly hit by the attack and was knocked backwards. Magnemite on the other hand realised a sound wave towards Ivysaur. Ivysaur got hit by the Metal Sound Move of Magnemite but it took no damage instead its SPDef Stat got lowered by two stages.
Leaf: Ivysaur use Growth. Weepinbell use Weather Ball.
Wes: Magnemite Metal sound again. Charmeleon dash towards Ivysaur and use Scary Face.
Charmeleon immediately after hearing the order Wes gave, run towards Ivysaur. Ivysaur was enveloped by a white light increasing its Atk and SPAtk stat by one stage. Magnemite again launched its Metal Sound lowering again the stats of Ivysaur. Because of this Magnemite suffered a direct shot from Weepinbell's Weather Ball, receiving negligible damage in return. Charmeleon as it got closer to Ivysaur, its eyes shined with a red gleam, lowering the Speed Stat of both of Leaf's Pokemon by 2 stages.
Wes: Charmeleon Flamethrower. Magnemite move towards Charmeleon.
Leaf: Ivysaur Power Whip. Weepinbell use Stun Spore.
Charmeleon launched its Flamethrower Move towards Ivysaur.
Leaf: Ivysaur dodge!!!
Leaf seeing the Flamethrower coming closer to her Ivysaur, immediately ordered it to dodge the attack.
Wes: Magnemite now.
Suddenly Magnemite stopped moving towards Charmeleon, and it turned its face towards Ivysaur. Then a lot of red energy balls flew towards Ivysaur hiting it directly.
Ivysaur: IVYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Ivysaur screamed in pain, before fainting right away after that. With the -4 SPDef, Magnemite's Hidden Power-Fire was more than enough to defeat the Ivysaur. Wes had already briefed his Magnemite, that he wil have Charmeleon get closer to the target he decided. Then after the target dodged and Magnemite moved closer, Magnemite would spike it with its Hidden-Power Fire. The tactic worked like a charm, managing to get Leaf's ace in the end.
Then the Stun Spore Move of Weepinbell hit Magnemite. Inflicting it with the Paralisis status.
Leaf: NO Ivysaur!!!!!
Leaf returned her fallen Pokémon back to its Pokeball.
Wes: Charmeleon Flamethrower again and again and again. Magnemite Hidden-Power Fire 🔥 non stop.
Leaf: Weepinbell dodge and use Razor Leaf.
Then a chase and catch game began. Weepinbell tried to dodge, while Charmeleon and Magnemite attacked continuously. Some times Magnemite was unable to move thanks to its negative status effect. But Weepinbell was all alone, while facing two Pokemon that resisted it completely, while being unable to deal significant damage with its counter attacks.
Commentator: And we have a WINEEER!!!! Give your appulse towards Wes of Pallet Town.
After sometime, Weepinbell finally fell down. The commentator immediately announced the result of the match. Wes returned back his Pokemon back and left for the stands. Before returning back Magnemite, he gave it a Cherry Berry to heal its negative status effect. Leaf left for the for the healing room, to heal her defeated Pokemon.
Daisy: Leaf i have been searching for you.
As Leaf waited to receive her Pokemon back. Daisy called her out.
Leaf: I'm okay Daisy don't worry. I was only shocked at Wes having a Charmeleon also.
Daisy: I know. Gary actually got a bit worried. If he wins his match against Aster. He will have to face Wes on the finals.
Leaf: Well i for sure going to cheer for Gary.
Daisy: Of course you would.
The girls then continued to gossip for quite a while. On the other hand Garry with his Wartortle and Nidorino, was having the advantage against the Persian and Fearow of his opponent.
Wes was at the stands taking notes, since he would fight, the winner at the finals of the tournament. After some time Wartortle dealt the final blow to Fearow, giving Gary the win.
Commentator: Ok everyone. We will now have an hour long brake. After that we have the match of Aster VS Leaf for the 3rd place placement match. And right after that we have the two shining stars of Pallet Town. Gary Oak and Wes Williams for the finals. Let's see who will leave with the crown.
1: Espeon: female LV 31 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor).
2: Umbreon: male LV 32 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).
3: Nidorino: male. LV 30 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM).
4: Ivysaur: male LV 30 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth.
5: Butterfree: female LV 31 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard, Bug Buzz.
6: Charmeleon: male LV 31 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor).
7: Staryu: LV 29 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no
Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM).
8: Magnemite: LV 29 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM).
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