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Becoming one

Staring at Damien's sleeping body, Ezran could barely believe his eyes. After carrying Damien on his back and taking him back to his hide out in a cave located near a stream, Ezran laid Damien on a makeshift bed and watched in awe as his life ending injuries mended and healed itself.

Even for an assassin puppet that was almost unkillable, what it saw Damien's body do was nothing short of mind blowing.

Over time as several hours passed, Ezran also recovered from the shock received after his clone's death, he was almost back in full health both mentally and physically.

Currently Ezran was scribbling on what seemed to be a notebook as he sat besides Damien's unconscious body glancing at him every now and again.

"I know you're awake" he suddenly said out of nowhere his eyes still fixed on his book as he wrote.

"No I'm not" Damien suddenly said realizing his blunder as soon as it left his mouth.


Realizing a heavy sigh, Damien rose from the makeshift bed sitting upright as he turned his head to face Ezran who was busy jotting away on his notebook.

Feeling Damien's eyes burning a hole through his head, Ezran turned to face him with an expression that said 'what do you want?'.

"Why did you save me multiple times and even sacrifice your saftey in the process?"

Damien said, quickly cutting to the chase. He hated beating around bush, just as much as he hated the sun.

After what he had just experienced with the stranger in the white room, he only wanted to be free and relax without worrying about being stabbed from behind, his earlier conversation with the stranger replaying in his mind constantly.

His talk with the stranger was rather short but the information he received was nothing to scoff at. The first thing he learned was that the grace he had actually received was the grace of Azrael the 'Archangel of death' every other skill that he receives would be a gift from an Archangel not a grace.

The stranger didn't go into too much detail about the origin of the system all he said was,

"From now on, you can expect the least from the system, since we had to aid you in killing your enemy and also prevent you from dying. Most of your progress will be erased".

"We only let you level up after every kill so that you can become strong enough to continue on your own, your body was in a pathetic state when you returned from the dead, doing that was the only option",

"You are now a blade of life and existence hence you live to eradicate any that will pose a threat to life, I know you have a habit of lazying around, but note this, If you do not become as powerful as you can, then eternal slumber will cease to exist and every soul that dies will live an eternity of torture and torment, I doubt you'd like that".

With that, the stranger just stood and left.

Damien then returned to his body, which was being controlled by someone, God knows who, and losing consciousness once the possessor left his body.

Damien still couldn't fully process all he had heared, the key words in the stranger's whole speech to Damien was 'eternity of torture and torment' if he didn't get stronger. So Damien decided to settle his thoughts on the matter with Nyrer after he had dealt with an even urgent matter, the stranger 'Ezran Sol'.

"So why did you save me?"

Ezran turned to face Damien in response, now facing him and his obsidian black eyes, Ezran handed Damien a piece of paper.

Damien snatched the paper glancing through it without too much thought at first but after going midway through, Damien's eyes tightened into deadly slits as he returned to the top of the paper just to confirm that what he saw was real.

Whilst Damien was reading the piece of paper Ezran began to speak.

"You know, I saw when you were dragged into the forest and beaten down so bloody badly that you died", Ezran said chuckling a little, ignoring the look of shock on Damien's face he continued.

I saw when you were buried and when you rose from the fucking dead after 4 'WHOLE BLOODY' days of being dead"

Ezran could still barely believe his own words, but having seen it with his own eyes he didn't have much of a choice.

Damien response for that was nothing short of hilarious, he knew he had spent sometime in the grave, but 4 days was simply unbelievable, no wonder he smelt so awful.

"When I saw you rise from the dirt I was simply awe struck, I was like 'how the fuck is that even possible,' and later on I watched as you took the abilities of a dying man and battled a beast that would have killed 1000 of you 4 days prior. In short, I became your fan".

Ezran laughed at the thought of having posters with Damien's face on his cave walls.

You know I read a book recently, and I think that's what woke me up. I was inspired by the thousands of stories and experiences the book held, and so I set out to write my own. After some time of going nowhere, I realized that finding a good story would be harder than it seemed... that was until I met you. I feel like I would be able to write the greatest book in all the realms if I follow you– "

"And that's why you want to sign a life long servant contract with me as your master?" Damien said interrupting Ezran having a feeling he knew where the conversation was heading.

"You know that it's illegal–,"

"Yeah, for living, breathing humans. I am not technically alive", Ezran interrupted.

Damien couldn't decide which was more bizarre, the fact Ezran wasn't alive or the fact that Ezran saw him as interesting.

Not wanting to stress himself overthinking, Damien quickly asked for Nyrer's opinion.

"I think you should go for it, he seemed to be able to hold his own, but ask if he's good at any other thing, having one idiot is more than enough." Nyrer replied, leaving Damien slightly annoyed.

"What can you do besides fighting?" Damien asked.

"I can do magic, and I'm pretty good at cooking and also I know alot." Ezran answered.

Damien would have agreed to a contract as soon as Ezran mentioned cooking but he held himself till the end.

"Whether you are human or not, I can't sign a contract like this, the terms are too harsh," Damien said, returning the paper back to Ezran.

"But I would actually not mind signing a trust contract with you."

Receiving the paper back, Ezran glanced at it before snapping his fingers, changing the properties of the contract.

He showed Damien once again but he only replied saying,

"A little less bloody and tiring",

After what seemed to be hours, they had finally come to an agreement.

1. Neither party will do anything remotely close to harming the other.

2. Both parties will devote themselves to one another, loyally.

3. Breach in contract will corrupt ones soul

After signing the contract, Damien had gained Ezran as his familiar and from now onwards they would travel together.

After the bizarre conversation, Damien asked Nyrer to open up his status window, what he saw shocked him.


Name– Damien Hunter

Race– Demi-divine

Level– (–E )

Rank– ?????

Cp– 0

Hp– 25/25

Faith– 25/25


>>Due to death prevention, Skill Black wind has been forfeited

>>Due to death prevention, Skill Dead eyes will mutate, result will depend on luck.

Damien's eyes widened in shock as more of his progress and skills seemed to be disappearing.

"Nyrer... w-why am I losing skills? What's all this rank shit and where the FUCK are my exp?" Damien screamed inwardly, the only thing keeping him from yelling out loud was Ezran who was busy writing away besides him.

Nyrer didn't reply immediately as it was also being overwhelmed with a barrage of information that threatened to make it lose its bearings. Once all the info was in, Nyrer sorted the new information before relaying everything back to Damien.

"Okay first of, based on what you heard from the stranger, the whole exp thing was only there so you could get to a level of an actual faithed, exp. seems to have been replaced with Cp which means Contributions points. Apparently the more you work hard and try to save humanity, in fact the more you don't lazy around the more Cp you get," Nyrer paused after the lengthy explanation .

"The fuck!" Damien replied.

"What could I do with the Cp?" Damien asked, his face showing his obvious displeasure.

"You can purchase and unlock things from the store I guess, like Oh! i just saw a taste bud enhancer in the store", Nyrer strategically said. Hearing that, Damien rushed to the store trying to confirm its existence, making him calm down instantly.

"This realm is doomed..., Nyrer said with a non existent face palm.

So all it'll take for him to switch sides in a war is the amount of food on his plate?" Nyrer said shaking its head.

"As for your skills, I'm guessing since you were helped in defeating your enemy, the system decided to take a few of them." Nyrer said.

Damien could barely believe what he was hearing, all he had worked for for so long had vanished, Damien didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"And the rank?"

"I assume it has to do with your position as a Saint, I believe the system intends for you to become a Saint." Nyrer finished, waiting for Damien's reply.


Releasing a sigh, Damien stared at the white and black menu before him wandering where it all went wrong.

"Yup! I should have just stayed dead" Damien said as he shook his head.

"It's not like I have an option, if I want to grow stronger, becoming a Saint is the first step." Damien said, fearing a future of torture after death, all of a sudden Damien was scared of death.

"Oh yeah Nyrer, any idea on the guy who used my body when I was out cold? he seemed freakishly strong," Damien asked with a complicated look on his face.

When Damien watched his body being controlled, he felt just like how he felt before he chased after the Titan bears, his blood was overflowing with adrenaline and he could very barely control his urges to throw punches and very oddly to get hit too.

"Am I a masochist now or what?" Damien thought to himself, cringing at the thought.

Since Damien had woken up, he had felt the urge to do certain things, like exchanging blows with bears and hopping from tree to tree. Normally, Damien wouldn't want to even think about things like men-killing bears, but for some reason that was exactly what he did, infact, he didn't even think, he practically picked a fight with a 9ft bear.

He went looking for a bear to fight in the forest. Damien repeated in his mind wandering if he was possessed, before he could dwell on it more, Nyrer replied him.

"No, to be honest, I only have surface knowledge on things of this realm, most of what I know lie in the other realms." Nyrer explained with a solemn voice.

"If you're wondering about something, you're free to ask." Ezran suddenly said, his eyes fixed to the pages of the book he was writing.

"I know alot, you see" he said again, lightly tapping the side of his head.

Damien pondered for a while, he was seriously considering whether he should ask Ezran or not, but he soon gave up and decided to ask him. Damien really hated thinking to hard, it was one thing he couldn't stand.

'You... saw what happened when... when I killed the bear right?" Damien said, quickly grabbing Ezran's attention.

"I wasn't really myself, it was like I was possessed by someone," Damien yawned placing his head on his interlocked fingers that rested behind his head, not expecting much from Ezran.

"Yeah I noticed, to be honest it was hard trying to figure out what exactly was in you and what could be so powerful, but then I remembered something", Ezran said holding on the last bit of information to build suspense.

It seemed to have worked, as Damien was glaring at him intently, his demeanour changing from laid back on a beach to killing intent flowing in the middle of a battlefield in zero seconds.


Ezran suddenly laughed provoking Damien a little before he continued.

"I saw a sword, at first I thought it was nothing special but then, when I recalled what he called it, ' Daiken onigoro tai ' which translates to ' Great sword devil killer' the sword used by Echendu Sano". Ezran said staring at Damien for sometime before he continued.

"Echendu Sano, was the biggest hero in the Dark wars over 200 years ago, when an overwhelming amount of demons and devils alike appeared from the Nether realm causing a war that lasted for over a decade, he was even rumoured to have slain a fallen". Ezran said with a focus like smile, waiting for Damien's reply, which he bet would be good based on the look of shock and disbelief on his face.

"H–how do you know all these?" the only words Damien was a able to formulate.

"I told you, I know alot." Ezran said with a smile.

Forgetter_in Forgetter_in

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