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Chapter 148: Chapter 148: Amazing Appearance of The Cooling Rune

Two reasons that cause all props with a lifespan limit.

The first is the problem of making materials, like a typical Invisibility Cloak, because it is made from the hide of a Demiguise. After the death of the Demiguise, his fur will gradually lose its invisibility.

Even if the wizards delay this time in the production process, it can not be used permanently.

The second reason is that the Runes is damaged.

The reason for the Invisibility Cloak is that every time the magic spell is activated, it will cause some damage to the Runes. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, the Runes will be scrapped, and the entire Invisibility Cloak will naturally become unusable.

However, Alvin has some exclusive skills which can avoid some problems. Still, he will not share them in vain and only show some technologies slightly beyond the magic world's existing level.

Alvin smiled slightly, "Master, have you considered adding some Runes for cooling when drawing Runes?"

Cooling? Does the white-haired old man have? Some doubts about how to cool?

Alvin knew his words were useless, so he directly used his wand to outline a Runes in the void.

Fudge opened his mouth. He wanted to tell Alvin that underage people should not use magic outside of school, but he gave up the idea.

At first glance, the old man saw this was the Runes of a set of Shield Charm used on the Shield Cloak. Still, Alvin's runes were more complicated.

"I added a few Runes to each Runes node, which play a role in concrete repair. Every time the magic spell is activated, it will form a protection for the node, which greatly prolongs the service life. Secondly... "

Alvin pointed at the Runes formation in the air with his wand and talked eloquently.

The white-haired old man's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Not only he, but many other people present were also interested. Some took out parchment and quill pens and recorded what Alvin said.

When Alvin stopped speaking, the audience also remembered the warm applause.

Everyone was impressed by Alvin's ingenious idea. If implemented according to Alvin's method, they had calculated that the service life of the Shield Cloak would at least double.

Alvin bowed slightly to the surroundings in thanks and then sat back in his seat.

He came here today to make a blockbuster, and the effect is still good.

The white-haired old man also looked at Alvin gratefully. This problem has troubled him for five years, and Alvin has solved it today. He decided to have a good chat with Alvin when he reached the stage of accessible communication.

The white-haired old man's family is in the business of making Shield Cloaks, and his family is the supplier of the French Ministry of Magic. If he uses Alvin's technology himself, that's all. Still, he will not fight with the original owner if it is used for business.

It is estimated that his reputation in the whole circle will also stink.

Although the exchange meeting is to exchange experiences, it is not for everyone to share their research results unconditionally. If other people's ideas are helpful to you, you must have some sincerity.

Next, the exchange meeting continued, and strange questions were thrown out by alchemists worldwide.

Alvin didn't continue to be in the limelight anymore. He knew that it was too much.

But Alvin still listened carefully to everyone's speech, although some people's problems were very simple to him.

But listening to other people's ideas can also give Alvin some inspiration.

The meeting continued into the evening, during which there were all kinds of questions, and some people argued with red faces and thick necks to prove their arguments were correct.

Two of them even almost fought, but the people pulled them next to them, and it was a pity for Alvin, who was watching the fun.

"Have they always been like this?"

Alvin secretly asked Nico. Some couldn't believe this was the top group of alchemists in the world.

Nico shook his head with a smile, "It used to be more exaggerated than it is now. I remembered fifty years ago, two people really did it, and one of them was seriously injured."

"That is, since that time, everyone has restrained a lot, and even if they do it, they will be measured."

Alvin was dumbfounded.

This is the legend that I can't convince you of verbally, so am I going to use physics to persuade you?

After the exchange meeting on the first day, it was time for dinner.

Alvin says that French cuisine is much better than England's.

Escargot, Foie gras, Lamb Chops...

Alvin is also pleased to eat. Although he trained the house elf at Hogwarts to cook Chinese national dishes, such authentic French cuisine still cannot be cooked.

Fleur, on the side, was looking at Alvin with admiration.

She already knew about Alvin's brilliant performance at the exchange meeting.

Alvin also enjoys this feeling.

Who doesn't want their girlfriend, fiancee, and the person they admire most to be themselves?

Alvin also asked Fleur what was going on there.

"It's nothing. Mrs. Perenelle brought me to meet some people. Still, they didn't talk about anything. They were all about clothes and bags. You wouldn't be interested."

Alvin is speechless. Can the witches in the wizarding world also be unable to resist the charm of clothes and bags?

There was a small reception after the dinner. Still, Alvin didn't go there because he was not old enough as an excuse.

If the day is an occasion for alchemists to exchange experiences, then the night is for politicians like Fudge.

After all, most of those who can afford alchemy are wizards from wealthy families. Their influence in the magic world is enormous. Politicians need such an occasion for them to expand their contacts.

Alvin isn't interested in these things. He wants fame and status, not troublesome intrigue.

There are only two days for this summit. Tomorrow morning is part of the exhibition of works, and the afternoon is the time for accessible communication.

Then it's over.

The display of works is the most crucial part of Alvin.

Although today's cooling Runes are fantastic, it is not shocking enough.

Therefore, Alvin will introduce Minion's existence to the world tomorrow and spread his fame.

AsFBlack AsFBlack

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