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25.18% Harry Potter: Card Drawing System / Chapter 133: Chapter 133: Unclean Fudge, Gaunt's Ancestral House

Chapter 133: Chapter 133: Unclean Fudge, Gaunt's Ancestral House

Knockturn Alley, Arya Manor.

"Didn't you hold a new book launch abroad?"

Alvin took a sip of black tea, looked at Lockhart sitting next to him, and said slowly. He was scared away by a curse before he finished his class last semester, and when Alvin was on summer vacation, he showed up.

"Yeah, I know you're on summer vacation, and I rushed back right away, but Muggle multiplayer brooms are good."

Lockhart's self-righteousness did not convince Alvin, but he became more and more contemptuous of him.

"It's called a plane, not a broomstick." Alvin rolled his eyes, not bothering Lockhart's ignorance, but asked about the business.

"How's your entry into the Ministry of Magic going?"

Lockhart leaned back on the sofa and said in a relaxed tone: "Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Fudge helped me arrange it."

Alvin nodded and was not surprised that Fudge helped Lockhart. Lockhart was quite a celebrity, and his influence among ordinary wizards was not small.

What Fudge lacks the most is the support of the people. Everyone thinks that he came to power by relying on Dumbledore. If he can draw Lockhart over, it will greatly benefit him.

However, Alvin still mentioned Lockhart in a few words, "You can rely on Fudge to climb up, but you don't get too close to him. His seat is not very clean."

Malfoy and Alvin had said that after Fudge took that position, their pureblood families gave Fudge a lot of benefits, making him turn a blind eye to the small actions of these families.

Alvin took this information secretly, and it may be of some help when Fudge dismounts in the future.

"Don't worry, I know what to do, but Amelia is not very friendly to me. She always thinks I'm a liar."

Lockhart knew about Fudge's problem, but he had just joined the Ministry of Magic. If he wanted to ascend to a high position quickly, he still needed his help.

Alvin rolled his eyes, "Aren't you always a liar? Amelia, do you mean Amelia Bones?"

"Yes, it's her."

Alvin also knows this person. She is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She can do this position as a woman, which shows that she is not simple.

And this person is also a staunch Voldemort rebel. Alvin still remembers the sixth part. Voldemort brutally killed her.

Alvin thought silently in his heart that Lockhart was still having a hard time at the Ministry of Magic. Still, for the time being, he had nothing to do unless Alvin was cruel and went directly to the homes of several high-ranking officials to control them with the Imperius Curse.

However, this is also difficult. No matter how well-hidden wizards are controlled by Imperius Curse, there will still be some differences from usual. Although the Ministry of Magic does not have top powerhouses, those Aurors are not vegetarians. The abnormality will be found.

What's more, Alvin doesn't want to be so rude. For him, controlling the Ministry of Magic is just a chess game. If he wants to dominate the magic world, he can wait until the end of the seventh part of the plot, and the three top powerhouses die.

With his strength, the entire magic world will be unstoppable at that time.

Pushing these thoughts out of his mind, Alvin said to Lockhart: "You can do this, for now, don't have any conflict with Bones, and I'll see if I can draw her to our side in the future."

Alvin remembered that the Bones family seemed to have a little wizard who was still studying at Hogwarts to see if he could take advantage of this relationship.

After talking about Lockhart's situation, Alvin turned his attention to Arya, silently listening.

The current Arya has not changed much from the time she met Alvin for the first time, but the aura of the high-ranking person is much stronger.

But that's right. After all, the current Arya is already an influential person in power. The more than 200 wizards under her obey her orders and issue orders daily.

"Have you found the ancestral home of the Gaunt family that I asked you to find?"

Alvin asked Arya, and Arya replied without hesitation: "Yes, we found the old site of the Gaunt family in Little Hangleton."

"According to your instructions, I did not send anyone in but arranged for a squib to monitor the surroundings."

Alvin nodded with satisfaction. Arya was reliable. She also found a squib as an eye to prevent her from being discovered.

"Okay, send someone to take me there tomorrow, and when I come back, the people there can be removed," Alvin ordered. He was going to get the Resurrection Stone.

He has a lot of tasks this summer, and the Resurrection Stone needs to be obtained as soon as possible.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Arya asked Alvin thoughtfully.

Alvin shook his head, "You don't have to go. Show the way. There are so many things in Knockturn Alley waiting for you to deal with."

Hearing what Alvin said, Arya no longer insisted. She does a lot of work daily, from tiny dark wizards to troublemakers in Knockturn Alley to negotiating with those pure-blooded nobles. She did everything she could.

After a few people finished talking, Alvin returned to his bedroom, ready to write a letter to Fleur.

He planned to go to Gaul in August. He had to explain the situation in advance to prevent the Fleur from blowing up. He also wrote a letter to Nico and Mrs. Perenal about his itinerary.

The time came for the second day.

After waking up in the morning, Alvin was ready to eat a few bites of breakfast and set off for the Gaunt ancestral home.

Arya brought an ordinary-looking wizard to his side and introduced him to Alvin:

"This is Brian, where he found it, and he's leading the way for you today."

The sorcerer named Brian bowed respectfully to Alvin and then stopped talking. It could be seen that he was a taciturn person.

Alvin nodded indifferently, just leading the way. Anyone can do, as for Brian, knowing his true identity?

Anyone Arya can bring here must have signed a contract, and he is not worried.

After eating the last two bites of food, he picked up the towel on the table and wiped it. Alvin said, "Since everything is ready, let's go!"

AsFBlack AsFBlack

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