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10% The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones ) / Chapter 3: (3) The Young Wolf and The White Wolf

Chapter 3: (3) The Young Wolf and The White Wolf

( POV Thorin Stark )


My blunted axe met Jon's bastard sword that he held in two hands, while my sword met Robb's shield. Robb swung at Jon forcing him to take a step back to dodge and while Robb was distracted i slashed my sword at him, only for the blow to hit his shield forcing him to stagger backwards. Before I could press the attack Jon's bastard sword was swung again forcing me to duck under the blow.

"Boys come get ready for the kings arrival." Came mothers voice from across the yard.

"You too snow." She said a second later.


( POV Thorin Stark )

"So I hear you've got new names of your own, let's hear the story about the White Wolf and the Young Wolf" I asked them as we entered the room..

Robb began to speak.

"Well I was on a boat to Bravos-"


( POV Robb Stark Flashback)

I could taste the salt in the air and feel the wind on my face as I stood on the prow of the ship. This wasn't my first trip to Bravos, Lord Manderly thought as the future Lord of Winterfell I should have experience in forming trade deals, and father agreed.

Currently I was thinking of what I should get my bride to be as a gift. I always bought Wylla a present when I left for one of these journeys. I looked to Greywind and wished he could tell me what I should get her. I could get her a crystal mermaid pin, she loves mermaids.

That when I noticed them first, a ship around the same size as the one we sailed on, but it flew no banner and it's sails where black, I knew what that meant, Pirates. Greywind felt my emotions rise and he came to my side I felt my hand sink into the dark grey fur on his neck and I became calm as the sea before me.

"My lord you should retire to your room before the fighting begins" Ser Wylis told me and while three years ago when I first began fostering I would have heeded his advice, but not anymore.

"No Ser I will fight." I replied with a steel in my voice and he knew I wouldn't sit the fight out.

And so we waited and when the ship began to get close I unsheathed Dawnbreaker and held it in my right hand while my left held my Weirwood shield. As the pirates pulled up beside us I was the first over to their ship. My fur cloak billowing behind me as I landed on the deck.

I raised Dawnbreaker, it's blade glinting blue and the amber shard set into the hilt shined as if it was a piece of the sun itself. And as Greywind landed behind me his growl louder than even the billowing wind I swore I saw a few men piss their britches.

"FOR THE NORTH!" Was the war cry that came from my mouth as I lead the charge against the pirates.

They where expecting poorly defended merchants instead they got fully armoured knights of White-Harbour tridents in hand and leading them was a Stark of Winterfell Direwolf by his side, it was a massacre.

When the fighting was done I was covered in blood none of it my own my blade no longer glinted blue instead it was red but the amber in the cross guard still shone as brightly as before. The men surrounded me and began to chant my new title.

"Young Wolf!" "Young Wolf!" "Young Wolf!"

As they chanted I raised Dawnbreaker into the air and Greywind howled.


( POV Thorin Stark )

After Robb finished Jon began his tale

"I was three years into my fostering-


( POV Jon Snow Flashback)

It was a cold night the sun had just set and the wind was howling outside the tent. We where hunting a large group of Wildlings that had come into Umber land, they where led by the infamous Lord of Bones, so Lord Umber was leading personally and I was acting as a squire.

I was still in full armour as the camp was only just set up I was on edge because Ghost could tell that the Wildlings where close. As I unstrapped my bastard sword Frostmourne from my waist Ghost eyes slammed open and I knew he felt something wrong.

I strapped Frostmourne back on my belt and went to tell Lord Umber that Ghost sensed something wrong but when I arrived at his tent I found the guard posted at his entrance dead. I rushed in to find a two Wildling creeping his way towards Lord Umber I rushed the first one and he was dead before he knew what was happening the second didn't live much longer as Ghost was on him.

"Lord Umber wake up where under attack!" I shouted to the Lord.

When he awoke he thanked me then bellowed at the top of his voice that we where under attack. He then put on a layer of chainmail and a belt then grabbed his great sword. Great sword in hand he cut through the wildling, though me and Ghost killed nearly as many. The Wildlings where poorly equipped and unorganised.

At some point I found myself facing the Lord of Bones himself. It was the dead of night it, we fought on a bed of fresh snow, the light from a fire pit illuminating our faces. The ruby on the pommel of Frostmourne glowed and ominous red, similarly to how Ghosts eyes glow in the dark.

The Lord of Bones struck first his bronze and bone sword slashing with surprising speed, though it was met with Frostmourne, and I retaliated only to be blocked. And it continued as the battle raged around us with our blows being met with steel or air. I dealt the first wound, a small cut to the led. He got the second a shallow slice above my eyebrow.

It continued until on yet another block by the Lord of Bones left his bronze and bone sword shattered. In a last desperate attempt to end me he stabbed the blade at my stomach but I was quicker and he lost his arm then his head.

Seeing their leaders head roll on the ground had the Wildlings running in fear. When the last remaining Wildling was killed Lord Umber approached me. He looked at me, standing proudly in my black armour with my blood stained blade in my hand, Ghost at my side soaked in the blood of his prey and the Lord of Bones, a feared Wildling headless at my feet and he cheered.

"White Wolf! You've saved my life and killed yourself a Wildling!" He said to me, then the men began to chant.

"White Wolf!" "White Wolf!" "White Wolf!"

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