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Chapter 37 Artificial Superman! The clues are gradually clear!

The first million.

Twenty million for the second time.

This time, he was sprinting towards an activity of more than 30 million.

Based on historical experience, everyone can guess.

The fragments of the past life captured next are likely to be even more powerful than before!

Activity from 30 million.

to 35 million.

40 million again.

Finally it continues to grow.

Everyone looked at the jumping numbers in panic.

The beating speed is exaggerated.

On the Administration's side, the Director now has a headache.

A past life capture.

There are so many difficult things.

Active growth of twice now.

Not sure what the hell is going on.

There are so many crisis inferences from the Azure Planet Federation.

He was about to devour his soul!

He looked up at the expectant eyes of the expert team.

The director said that he is panicking now!

A series of soothing actions have been arranged.

But streaming across the web is too fast.

So far nothing has worked.

In particular, whether the danger of the Earth Age that has just been triggered coexists with Azure Planet.

He almost believed it himself.

But let people refute the rumors.


"The activity is still growing?"

"How could his past life be so..."

Aldice held a wine glass with scarlet blood and stared out the window in a daze.

"How can it be so magnificent!"

Much more interesting than the vampire castle he captured!

Anyone who awakens some memories will be stronger than her vampire.


Inside a luxury hotel.

Jiang Liuer watched the activity soaring again.

Suddenly out of anger.

He smashed the goblet in his hand suddenly.

Step into powder.

"The second skyrocketing, how can the activity skyrocket twice in a row in the same capture?"

"In the end what happened!"

As for the Azure Planet Federation, there are various threat theories spreading wildly outside at this time.

He is very happy!

Because only when danger comes.

He has a chance to stand up!

Use the memories he captured to defeat the enemy!

Become a hero of the Azure Planet Federation.

But now, on the Azure Planet Federation.

There may be a person who is stronger than him soon!

Press his head and become the savior!

As the first person to break the historical record in nearly a hundred years.

He doesn't want to!

He is the protagonist of this era!


The rate at which activity skyrockets.

Still going!

The whole network seems to be going crazy.


Activity paused abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, a new picture unfolded again.

"Huh? This place looks like an experimental base?"

"A lot of people are still wearing white coats."

"Are you going to have surgery?"

"Wow! This lesbian has an amazing figure!"

[A small and thin Thordier Rogers followed Agent Carter through the secret passage and walked into a huge laboratory. ]

[At this time, a large number of people gathered in the laboratory. ]

[There is a circle of equipment on the open space in the middle, as well as a mechanical equipment the size of a nutrition warehouse. ]

[Rogers follows Carter down the stairs to the Doctor. ]

["Good morning." The two shook hands. ]

["Are you ready?"]

[Rogers said: "Less preparations."]

[The doctor pointed to the top of his head and said, "Take off your shirt and tie, and take off your hat."]

[Rogers' thin body is very different from the people around him. ]

[Climbing clumsily onto the machine, Rogers lays down in the apparatus. ]

"This... such a thin person, how did he pass the physical examination?"

"What is it for? Is he going to be Iron Man too?"

"A lot of people, one person seems to be very familiar, seems to be Tony's father?"

"It's him! This segment, is the Earth Age, an earlier segment?"

"No wonder the activity will suddenly skyrocket, it turns out that the time has moved forward again!"

"At this point in time, Tony probably hasn't been born yet. How did he get the clip?"

"Your statement... I don't know how to explain it."

[The doctor walks to the side and asks, "Are you comfortable?"]

[Rogers said with a smile: "It's a bit big, did you leave that wine for me?"]

[The doctor smiled and said, "I didn't leave much, sorry, next time."]

[The on-site personnel are cleared. The doctor picked up the microphone and played it. There are many senior figures upstairs. ]

["can you hear?"]

["Girls and gentlemen, today we are not a day of perdition, but a step towards peace."]

[As a series of devices are attached to Rogers, the doctor continues: "First a series of minimally invasive injections."]

["Injecting serum into the muscle mass causes rapid changes in the cells after the serum injection, which then stimulates growth."]

["Then it will penetrate the main body through the life ray."]

[The Doctor comes to Rogers and sees that he is in good condition: "It's just penicillin." ]

[The doctor said to the assistant: "Start injecting serum, count down five seconds."]

[The blue serum was injected into Rogers' body with the help of machinery. ]

[Stark moved the wrench, and the huge mechanical compartment began to stand up, and merged and closed in the middle. ]

[Stark twists the switch to increase the power input. ]

["10%...20%...30%..." "All indicators are normal."]

[In the transparent glass of the mechanical cabin, a dazzling white light flickers. ]

[When the power output reached 70%, Rogers screamed suddenly from the mechanical cabin. ]

[Everyone panicked and was about to turn off the equipment when suddenly Rogers shouted: "Go ahead! Don't turn it off, I can resist!"]

[Stark paused for a while and directly turned on the power of the device to the maximum. ]

[All equipment is overloaded, sparks are emitted, and the light in the mechanical cabin dims. ]

[Everyone is staring at the mechanical warehouse. ]

[Two seconds later, the hatch opens. ]

[The original thin Rogers is gone, replaced by a strong man with a strong body, muscles all over his body, and he looks full of combat power! ]

All of a sudden, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned and shocked, and they were all crazy.

"Gan! What the hell is this technology?!"

"Ah husband! So handsome!"

"It got bigger? It's steamed with baking powder added!"

"Fu*k! Incredible!"

"Azure Planet has mastered this magical ability at such an old age."

"Shit, what is this serum?"

"Blast! This muscle is so handsome!"

The magical scene, not only the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

Even the expert group went crazy.

Biologist Tibetan fox Xiaoliang even stood up with excitement.

"Biopharmaceuticals! Terrifying biopharmaceuticals! It can have such a powerful energy!"

"Take a person from being so thin to being so strong."

"This is beyond the rules of biological laws!"

Other experts were equally astonished.

Watching helplessly, a thin human.

After an operation and the blessing of equipment.

directly become like this.

Totally incomprehensible.

An expert said with excitement: "If we master this so-called serum and technology."

"Is it possible to make some people stronger?"

The chief's expression changed.

Heart beating wildly.

"If the citizens of the Azure Planet Federation are to use this method."

"Can't the Azure Planet citizens have stronger powers themselves?"

The chief immediately shook his head.

It also depends on how the final strength of the serum performs.

Otherwise just getting stronger doesn't do much.

Captured footage continues.

[Above the entire laboratory, an explosion suddenly occurred. ]

[When it was dangerous, someone took the only bottle of serum left. ]

[The commotion continued, and the man raised a gun and killed the doctor. ]

[The man took the serum, rushed out quickly, got into the car, and ran away directly. ]

[Agent Carter shot the driver to death with a pistol, and the other party drove directly over, trying to hit her to death. ]

[Suddenly, Rogers rushed over and took Agent Carter away to avoid being hit by a car. ]

[Then Rogers opened his legs and ran directly after the car. ]

[The speed is even much faster than the speed of the car! ]

[One leap, volleying up three meters high and rushing over an iron gate. ]

[The road is full of cars, and Rogers climbed directly to the roof of the car, and actually started to use the roof of the car as a springboard, jumping frantically on the roof and chasing forward. ]

[The gangster took the child as a hostage, rushed to the river, a small submarine was raised below, and dived directly into the water to escape. ]

[Rogers jumped straight into the water, as if catching up quickly, shattering the glass of the submarine with one punch and pulling the gangster out. ]

"Fu*k! Non-human! Is your body so strong?"

"That's underwater! In the water, even if the bullet can't exert much force, he can smash the glass with one punch!"

"I want this serum! Give me an injection! I'm not afraid of pain!"

within the Authority.

The major experts were stunned when Rogers started running.

"The high jump in place is at least three meters high!"

"The speed is out! When he was chasing, the fastest speed exceeded 15 meters/s! And it was obviously not his fastest speed according to the situation!"

"The power of that punch is probably equal to the power of a bomb explosion!"

"Awful makeover!"

The hand of the historian Huang Lao's record stopped again.

No matter what kind of pen and ink I use, it seems that I can't completely record everything I just saw.

The chief swallowed.

"Tony's iron suit, Thor's Quake, and now another Rogers like Superman."

"And Tony's father, Stark."

"These people are probably all members of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Not just the chief.

Multiple fragments of clues are connected in series.

Everyone seems to have vaguely guessed.

It was in the Superman team organization document that was on Tony's desk.

The record may be about this group of people!

"Upgrade the information related to the reincarnation of the world to the 8th-level extraordinary file level directly!"

The director directly ordered the assistant.

The assistant was dumbfounded.

Level 3 to Level 5, Level 5 is directly upgraded to Level 8!

There are only nine levels in total!

Level 8 is already the highest level that the director can improve the file level!

Level 9 requires confirmation by the Supreme Court.

However, when he was about to operate, he suddenly panicked.

"Director, that, the file level of Hundreds of Reincarnations is already the highest level 9."

The director was stunned for a moment, and asked in a meaningful way, "Who promoted it?"

The assistant said quickly: "A minute ago, the Supreme Court Elder Li Longshen was promoted."

The chief nodded.

They are probably all paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room.

The director didn't dare to think further, looked up at the expert team and said, "How have you recovered those technologies?"

As a result, most of the people in charge who were doing it shook their heads and smiled wryly.

"No progress, let alone new elements, even the ordinary Ark reactor is not done."

"In the creation of new elements, several scrapped colliders have been added."

"Difficult, difficult."

The chief sighed.

It's never been difficult.

If not for seeing the madness of the earth age!

Not to learn that there is a greater world beyond this world.

Where is the urgency to restore those equipment?

This could be the future.

The Azure Planet Federation's means of resisting unknown terror!

The huge mechanical whale flashed by in his mind.

There was a glimmer of hope in the director again.

"If you can clone and develop that mechanical whale."

The director asked the assistant again, "How is the situation looking for people?"

The assistant was embarrassed again.

"There is no result yet, but during the investigation, a total of 43 children around the age of eight were found to have successfully captured their memories."

The director's eyes lit up slightly, then dimmed immediately.

This is a nice find.

However, the probability is too small to be announced to the entire Azure Planet Federation.

What he hoped was.

There are some fixed methods.

Directly able to capture the age of memory earlier.

The value of this to the Azure Planet Federation is enormous.

I am afraid it is not worse than developing new elements!

However, just when he was about to report the situation to the elders.

Office holographic projection.

A team of highly knowledgeable and highly qualified experts.

All screamed.

That look, there is a word to describe it very well.



Next Chapters:

Chapter 38 Breaking 100 million! Horror activity! Global shaking!

Chapter 39 The Vision of the Heavenly Dao! Longevity Flower! Global benefit! (Extra unlocked at 75 Power Stones)

Chapter 40 Threats from the depths of the universe! Cosmic Rubik's Cube! (Extra unlocked at 120 Power Stones)

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