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Chapter 34 Earth Age! The impact of the Nine Realms and the World Tree! [Extra in celebration of 100k views]

[Thor wants to rush through the S.H.I.E.L.D. blockade to take Thor's Hammer. ]

[But I found that I couldn't hold it, and was finally caught by the people of SHIELD. ]

[After Eric and Jane quarreled, Eric said that the so-called Thor and Thor's Hammer were fairy tales. ]

[In the end, Eric used his friendship to let Thor be released. ]

Screen jumps.

[Beside the bonfire on the balcony, Thor is talking with Jane. ]

[Thor takes out the book from his arms and hands it to Jane. ]

[Jian's face is full of disbelief: "Oh my God."]

[Thor said: "I only took him with me, sorry, it's far less than what I promised you."]

[Jane said happily: "This is already very good, I don't need to start from scratch."]

[Saul asks Jane's worried expression, "what's the matter?"]

[Jane said: "S.H.I.E.L.D., whoever they are, they will use their power to do anything to ensure that this research will never be made public."]

[Saul said: "No, Jane, listen to me, you must not give up, you must complete your research."]

[Jane loses: "Why."]

[Thor said: "Because you are right."]

[Thor takes out a paper and pen and writes and draws on it. ]

[There are multiple planets on the paper. Thor drew lines on the side and said to Jane at the same time: "Your ancestors called it magic, and you think it is science."]

["I come from a place where the two are considered equal."]

[Jane asked in surprise: "What is this?"]

[Thor said: "My father explained it to me like this, your world is one of the nine realms of the universe, and they are connected to each other through the branches of Yggdrasil, which is the tree of the world."]

["You see it every day and don't know what it is."]

[Thor flips the note and says, "The image is call it the Hubble Telescope."]

["So this is the Nine Realms, this is the Atrium, this is the Earth, this is Alfheim, Wanaheim, Jotunheim, and the Asgard, I am from the Asgard."]

[On the paper, an obvious pattern of branches connects multiple planets in series. ]

This paper is full of fantastic colors.

Like a sharp blade, it pierces everyone's heart!

The number of people online in the live broadcast room soared to 50 million!

And it continues to increase.

Countless people took screenshots, took pictures, and preserved the moment when this piece of paper appeared.




All the people who saw this, all roared in their heads.

In addition to what Thor said, there is too much information exposed!

Not only more, but also breakthrough everyone's cognition!

The whole network exploded.

"Fu*k! World Tree?!"

"We live on the world tree!"

"Just kidding! Nine Realms? What the hell is this? Isn't it the Thorar system!"

"Gan! What about Venus, Jupiter and Saturn that I learned when I was a child?"

"Earth! Do you hear me, Azure Planet used to be called Earth!"

"No! Nine worlds, isn't it the same as a planet? It's nine worlds, not nine planets?"

"The Earth we once was, was part of one of those worlds?"

"Nine realms, are all the worlds of life?"

"I don't understand, how did you directly ascend to the world!"

"Where are the other worlds? Can you see it?"

"Azure Planet, it used to be called Earth! What is the reason that Earth should be named?"

"Is the current Azure Planet the former Earth?"

The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed.

The major offline social media are full of characters from Earth, Azure Planet, Nine Realms and the World Tree.

The entire Azure Planet seems to be in a boiling state.

Those physicists, astronomers, collapsed directly.

Things that have been studied for decades or hundreds of years may actually be problematic.

"But that's what we see through the telescope!"

"In those planets, we are not blind at all."

"Or, in the age of the earth, the level of cognition of the entire universe was different?"

"Thor knows so well, what is his so-called Asgard ?"

More physicists, immersed in another thing.

Rainbow bridge! Rosen Bridge! Wormhole!

This special existence is mentioned many times.

"There are still big secrets in the universe that we haven't penetrated!"

"There are still many possible lives that have not been discovered by us!"

"Our current vision is too limited!"

"Earth Era, Earth Era, seems to be stronger than the Azure Planet Federation!"

The expert group was also deeply shocked.

The historian Huang Lao no longer knows what kind of sentence to use.

to express this new discovery.

There are more than ten members of the expert group, and there are various voices.

"Thor is a non-Earth life! He can come to the region! The so-called Asgard must have mastered the method to directly descend to Earth, that is, Azure Planet!"

"Does the tree of the world exist? We did not find any similar traces!"

"Look, does the place where the World Tree is connected looks like a passage?"

"Wormholes? Forming rainbows, falling from the sky? Traveling quickly through different worlds?"

"The power system of the earth age is only exposed at present, and it is already very clear!"

"Humans are probably the lowest power level! Iron Man's armor is indeed the top level!"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking for Thor, and we don't yet know what strength Thor has."

"It's numb! I feel more and more incomprehensible, the age of the earth, it's too terrifying!"

Humanities and sociology Feng Xiaotian lost his calmness.

Looking at the live broadcast room with horror.

"Thor's social civilization level is obviously higher than that of the Earth era! I'm afraid the power system will be much stronger."

"This... in terms of human development, won't it be smashed by the destroyers in Asgard ?"

"Probably, they can do it!"

"Aren't the human beings in the age of the earth in a very dangerous environment?"

"After all, not all humans are Iron Man."

Tibetan Fox Xiaoliang stared at the screen with a hint of excitement on his face.

For him, this is a whole new species of life.

It has great research value.

"I don't know, is Thor's body structure the same as that of humans?"

"Is blood red too?"

"Are Thor's relatives, friends, the same kind, or other creatures like this in the so-called Nine Realms?"

"What type of creatures are other creatures in their world?"

Countless questions filled his head.

The chief was restless.

He felt that his previous speculation was getting more and more correct!

Now the terrifying power system has appeared!

The giant whale belongs to Thor's world.

Thor joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

So the giant whale is S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Earth era, is it the attack of Asgard or several other worlds that caused the problem?"

"Is Earth a Azure Planet?"

The chief doesn't know yet.

A place similar to the crater of the Earth era has been found on the Azure Planet.

And this moment.

Elder Li Longshen standing on the edge of the circle nesting pattern.

has fallen to the ground.

His whole body was covered in sweat.

Lost and lost, the phone fell at his feet.

"Earth is the Azure Planet! The proof is here."

"This pattern is still maintained, doesn't it mean that if Thor's people in the world of Asgard want to come to Azure Planet."

"As long as they want, anytime?!"

What Azure Planet crustal changes.

What volcanoes occur frequently and droughts are severe.

And what about Azure Planet's rapid decline.

It's not a crisis at all!

A terrifying world where the crisis has been clarified, but still unknown!

"Iron Man is out of control, controlled by artificial intelligence, what is it?"

It's just that Li Longshen or the director is fine.

Or all the elders of the Supreme Court.

Unexpectedly, what they see now is still not the whole picture.

When the screen in the memory of the present world jumps.

The entire Azure Planet was silent.


Next Chapters:

Chapter 35 Thor's Hammer Now! In the age of the earth, there is really extraordinary power! 

Chapter 36 Activity skyrockets again! The Supreme Elder robbed someone!

Chapter 37 Artificial Superman! The clues are gradually clear!

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