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55% City: My Past Life was Exposed and The Whole Network Burst Into Tears! / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 The Rosen Bridge Theory, Is That Hammer His? 

Chapter 32: Chapter 32 The Rosen Bridge Theory, Is That Hammer His? 

Before the roundtable.

The hearts of everyone are beating.

This discovery is like a bolt from the blue!

Roaring in the hearts of all.

The most important part of excavating history is archaeology!

Find historical objects!

Whether it's a book or something like a coffin jar.

even fossils.

As long as there is, it is a witness to a piece of history!

Today, the history of this unknown era.

There is an identical spot location appearing!

Like someone from the Azure Planet Federation.

holding a key.

Already tucked into the keyholes of this historical era!

As long as you poke it hard and twist it, you can open the history of the ban!

Thinking of this, everyone was so excited.

major discovery!

Li Longshen got up directly.

He decided to lead the team himself.

Explore the area well.

Near the pit, and the area under the rainbow funnel.

Full search!

If there is anything more to gain.

It will help the future of the Azure Planet Federation even more!

Wu Chengen added: "As for the issue that his activity can be increased during the capture process, let's continue to see the situation."

Now, Ye Xuan's live broadcast room shows the activity level.

Finally stabilized at 23.45 million!

It is nearly five times that of Jiang Liuer's latest activity!

The audience in the live broadcast room is even in this short period of time.

Rush to fifty million!

The pictures captured in the previous life continued.

Still around the pit.

[A large number of people are watching around the pit, as if they are hosting a party. ]

[Someone ran to the bottom of the deep pit and wanted to pick up the hammer, but found that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't shake the hammer. ]

[Someone has set up a barbecue around, greeting everyone. ]

[A car reversed to the edge of the deep pit, someone tied the chain to the car, and then wrapped the other end around the handle of the hammer. ]

["It's my time!" "Quick! Step on the accelerator! Step on the accelerator!"]

[The car accelerates, the chain straightens, pulls off with great force, and the wheels slip. ]

[Bang loud noise! The trunk of the pickup truck was pulled off directly and buckled upside down on the ground. ]

[Everyone laughs. ]

"F*ck, what's up with this hammer?"

"The carriage is broken, can't it be pulled?"

"f*ck... Fake, right?"

"Where's Tony! Your steel suit will definitely be able to move!"

"I saw Coulson come over just now, is this hammer from S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"No, have you forgotten, S.H.I.E.L.D., it should be a person with strong search ability all over the world."

"This hammer is 80% related to super powers!"

"Come on! You really believe in superpowers, it's okay to deceive ghosts."

"Tony is already on top of the world! It's so unfair to him if he really has superpowers."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. per capita Iron Man, maybe there are people with super powers."

"If there is, then aren't we still incomparable to our ancestors?"

There are more and more people in the live broadcast room, and more and more people are discussing.

Tens of millions of people, and the reward income brought to Ye Xuan is also rapidly accumulating.

Li Longshen brought a huge team of precision instruments.

Having come to the southwest area, he found the location of the deep pit at that time.

But the pit has since disappeared.



[Dark night, a jeep galloped across the wasteland. ]

[A lot of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the light flowed and intertwined, like an aurora. ]

[A huge and terrifying storm suddenly swept out, almost dragging the car into it. ]

[Suddenly a figure falls from the sky and hits the front of the car directly. ]

[After braking suddenly, three people quickly got out of the car. ]

[Jane rushed over, saw the man lying on the ground, and turned back loudly: "Go to that first aid kit!"]

["Don't die."]

[The glasses girl came over and said, "Does he need artificial respiration? I know how to do artificial respiration."]

[The man on the ground wakes up suddenly, stares at Jane for a moment, and suddenly lies on the ground. ]

[Jane asked in surprise: "Where did he come from?"]

[The man struggles to stand up, staggers around, and shouts at the same time: "Where's the hammer? Hammer!"]

[The glasses girl asked: "What's the matter with you? We can see that you are drunk, obviously."]

[Jane shines a flashlight on the ground and is surprised: "Eric! Come and see what this is!"]

[On the ground, a strange circle nesting pattern. ]

[Jane squatted down and said eagerly, "We must act quickly before the situation changes."]

[Eric glanced at the crazy man and said, "Jane, we're going to take him to the hospital."]

[Simply received: "He looks fine."]

[The messy man staggers, calling towards the sky: "Father!"]

["Heimdall! I know you can hear! Open the Rainbow Bridge!"]

[The man pointed at Eric and shouted, "Where is this place? Alfheim? Nornheim?"]

[The glasses girl pointed at the man with a stun gun: "This is New Mexico."]

[The man said arrogantly: "How dare you use such a short weapon to threaten my dignified Sol!"]

[Before he finished speaking, one was directly hit by a stun gun and fell to the ground shaking. ]

In this picture, Tony does not appear.

But the shock of the crowd was still very strong.

"That's it, Aurora?! Sandstorm! It's scary!"

"What the hell! Rainbow Bridge? What is that?"

"What does he mean, is that hammer his?"

"I've never heard of those place names?"

"But I suspect that he is really crazy and actually speaks to the sky."

"Saul, it sounds very cool, but he was shot down."

In the southwestern region of the Federation, Li Longshen, who has come to station here, has completed his stationing.

Watch the live screen playing on your phone.

Scalp tingling.

Same aurora scene!

Same funnel sandstorm!

And the pattern that flashed by.

It's the pattern he saw!

And this pattern has not disappeared!

Drive over quickly.

Get out of the car, look at the circle under your feet, and compare it with the screenshot on your phone.


"Rainbow bridge, same pattern, rainbow funnel."

Elder Li Longshen unconsciously connected this series of things together.


Full of shock!

[Boundary/Boundary of Old Bridge Town, inside a small studio near the gas station. ]

[Jane, Eric, and the glasses girl are discussing the astronomical changes that happened last night. ]

[Eric said: "You think this is not just a magnetic storm, right?"]

[Jane said, "Look, these rings at the edge are characteristic of the Einstein-Rosen bridge theory."]

[As an intern, Eye Girl doesn't understand what it means. ]

[Eric explained: "The Einstein-Rosen bridge refers to two space-time points, and theoretically there are some connection points."]

[Jane leaned over and said, "It means wormhole."]

["Eric, look, what did you see." Jane handed Eric a picture. ]

[Eric said: "Planet?"]

[Jane said: "Yes, but different from our planet."]

["Look, this is the current stellar distribution in our quadrant."]

["Unless Ursa Minor is going to take a day off, these constellations elsewhere..."]

[The glasses girl calls: "Come and see this!"]

[The two walked over quickly and saw the clear photo posted on the blackboard. The image above was processed by the aurora storm, and it was obviously a human figure. ]

[Thinking of Sol's appearance, both of them called it impossible, and hurried to the hospital to find Sol. ]

[However, when I feel the hospital, Sol is no longer there. ]

[Back to the car, Jane clearly wants to find Sol, otherwise the figure inside the aurora phenomenon cannot be explained. ]

[Eric is speechless: "So we have to search the whole city? Right?"]

[Jane firmly said: "Completely correct."]

[Jane starts the car, backs up, and with a bang, hits one person and falls to the ground. ]

[Everyone hurriedly got out of the car and found that this person was exactly the Sol they were looking for. ]

The barrage in the live broadcast room fluttered wildly.

Many people were about to burst into laughter at this moment.

"Does Sol have a grudge against the car?"

"Perfect interpretation of what it means to walk without looking at the road!"

"It hurts!"

"Major news! Constellation! I actually heard the constellation! Did the Azure Planets already know the constellation at that time?"

"It's not just the constellation, what is the Rosen Bridge? What do you mean, I don't understand.


Next Chapters:

Chapter 33 The dawn of the new home immigration plan! (Extra tonight for crushing my Power Stone Goal)

Chapter 34 (Extra Tonight or Normal Update Tomorrow)

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EXTRA CHAPTER tonight if power stones reach 45


Geek_Lantern Geek_Lantern

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