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31.94% The General’s Delicious Wife / Chapter 22: TGDW – Chapter 22 Procurement in the city

Chapter 22: TGDW – Chapter 22 Procurement in the city

The General's Delicious Wife Chapter 022: Procurement in the city

Until the evening, Qin Zheng has yet to return. Xia Yue Chu cannot stop herself from grumbling. "This incident is not even Qin Zheng's fault, what did you scold him for, is it good now, we don't even know where he has run off to!"

Xue Zhuang remains indifferent. "He has something to do outside and will come back once it's done."

Xia Yue Chu sees that it is not early anymore, so she prepares to start the fire and cook.

But Xue Zhuang mentions the injury on her arm, saying that she is unfit to work and stopping her from doing so.

"My hand is okay, it is only a cut, where am I so fragile."

"Wait for Ah Zheng to come back, let him do the cooking." Xue Zhuang insists.

The two of them are in a standoff for awhile until there is nothing Xia Yue Chu can do about it, and eventually loses her ground. Waiting again, almost to an hour later, then does Qin Zheng comes back.

"Big Brother." Qin Zheng pushes the door and comes in. "Sister-in-law, someone is looking for you outside."

"Who is looking for me?" As soon as Xia Yue Chu comes out, she sees Zheng Chun Ni standing by the door with her head down and she grimaces unconsciously.

Currently, she does not have a single bit of favourable emotion towards Zheng Chun Ni. To actually call someone and cut her down over such a small dispute, if not for Qin Zheng being there in time, she might not have been alive.

But she does not want this incident to be spread publicly, so she speaks to her with a dark expression. "Come inside to say what you have to!"

Qin Zheng goes inside to change his clothes, then goes to the stove hearth to start the fire. He does not spare a single glance at Zheng Chun Ni.

With both eyes red and swollen, it is unknown how long Zheng Chun Ni has been crying. She walks to the front of Xia Yue Chu slowly and as quietly as a mosquito she begins to say. "Xue elder sister-in-law, I'm so sorry."

Xia Yue Chu could not hear Zheng Chun Ni clearly for a moment so she asks. "What did you say?"

Zheng Chun Ni bites down on her lower lip stubbornly, forcefully enduring so that her tears do not fall, raising her volume. "I said the previous incident is my fault, I did not do things well and should not have blamed it on you, even more so, should not have found someone to teach you a lesson. Now I know that I am in the wrong, I came here specially to apologise to you."

Xia Yue Chu finds this apology strange, also it does not seem like Zheng Chun Ni is being sincere at all. But since at this moment, she does not have any evidence to base her suspicion on, she cannot possibly do anything to Zheng Chun Ni. So she only keeps her guard up secretly and replies her without any expression. "It is the best that you thought this through logically by yourself, I accept your apology but I do not intend to forgive you. In the future, the bridge belongs to the bridge and the path belongs to the path*, it is best if we have no more relations to each other."

Zheng Chun Ni has not expected Xia Yue Chu to respond like this. Her face reveals her humiliation, and her attention scrap passes Xia Yue Chu's shoulder and lands on Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng stuffs the firewood he is holding into the fire pit and coughs out forcefully.


Zheng Chun Ni bites down on her lower lip and her eyes shift unfocusedly, as if going through an intense battle inside her mind. Finally, she stretches her hand and pulls out a chain of coins from her inner pocket, forcing it to Xia Yue Chu.

"Really sorry for causing your injury." After Zheng Chun Ni says that in her quietest voice, she turns around and runs off immediately.

At this point of time, what else does Xia Yue Chu not understand? She goes over to Qin Zheng, knocking on his brain. "What did you run off to do just now?"

"Sister-in-law, what are we eating tonight?" Qin Zheng acts as if nothing happens and continues adding the firewood.

Xia Yue Chu ain't a saint. This incident is Zheng Chun Ni's fault from the very beginning, and she don't see anything wrong with teaching her a lesson. It is just that what exactly has Qin Zheng done to scare Zheng Chun Ni like this.

After Qin Zheng has the fire going, he stands up and snatches over the knife from Xia Yue Chu's hand, changing the subject. "Sister-in-law, previously you said that there is a way for me to earn money for a living, you are not just pacifying me right?"

"You are not Big Ni Er or Second Ni Er, why do I need to pacify you?" Xia Yue Chu almost has a heart attack** watching Qin Zheng cut vegetables, she has the urge to get it done by herself but she could not win him in snatch.

"Sister-in-law, you don't fight over this with me, Big Brother has given me a command. You are injured, so today you are only permitted to move your mouth and not allowed to move your hands."

"The potato needs to be in shreds, you are cutting it into sticks like this!"

Qin Zheng is also sweating bullets under the pressure. He is trained with the swords, he also knows how to use spears. A ten over catties of heavy armory weapon in his hands can be managed effortlessly as if it is his own arm, but now he is tripping in front of a small little kitchen knife. It does not matter how much he tries, the blade in his hand does not listen well to his commands.

It is not an easy feat but finally, two potatoes have been cut into uneven matchsticks, Qin Zheng wipes off the perspiration on his forehead and asks. "Sister-in-law, then when will you come up with this idea?

"This cannot be rushed, I need to make some time, go to the city and look, then I'll know."

Two days later after saying so, the chance of going to the city is presented before her eyes.

The Tomb's Sweeping Day is just around the corner, every household has started preparing the memorial offerings to commemorate their ancestors.

Because of Xue Zhuang's return, Xue Liang Ping plans to arranged this event properly this year.

Firstly, to thank the ancestor for their protection for returning his son alive.

Secondly, to pray to their ancestors for protection, so that his son can get better soon.

To commemorate the dead, it is necessary to prepare some incense and candles, paper money and other things as offerings. On top of that, Xue Zhuang is down to his last pack of medicine.

Xue Liang Ping plans to loop up the cart to make a trip to the city, planning to run the errand of purchasing the entire list of items and medicine together and then returning.

This is such a rare opportunity that Xia Yue Chu finds, so a day ahead, while feeding the chickens in the yard with Madam Sun, she intentionally broods aloud. "We have been using the prescription that Doctor Tang gave the last time for over half a month, though he is not coughing anymore, but there doesn't seem to be any improvement on his legs. I don't know if we should diagnose his pulse again and maybe change another prescription to try."

Xue Liang Ping is also in the yard chopping the firewood. Hearing this and agrees to the logic, he stops the axe in his hands and wipes off his perspiration. "Yue Chu, I am looping the cart going to the city tomorrow, you wake up earlier and prepare Da Zhuang for the trip. Bring him to the city and let Doctor Tang takes a look."

Upon hearing his words, Xia Yue Chu blooms in happiness, acknowledging in response repeatedly.

That night when she returns to her room, Xia Yue Chu takes out all her money and counts it thoroughly. The total is five hundred sixty coins.

She does not know what this money is enough for, but still, she finds a string to tie it up and hides it within her waist sash. She aims to search for a business opportunity in the city, is it necessary for her to bring some money along as capital to buy the necessary ingredients.

In any case, since her body is so very thin, no one will be able to notice what she is hiding once she wears a coat over.

The next day early morning, because they need to bring Xue Zhuang along, the journey will definitely not be fast paced. Hence, Xue Liang Ping has instructed the night before, saying that they will be moving out as soon as they wake up and bringing some rations to eat on the way.

Xia Yue Chu gives Xue Zhuang the new clothes which Madam Sun has made for him earlier, helps him comb his hair neatly, revealing his forehead and strong vivid eyes, twists a handkerchief dry so that he can wipe his face. This person is born with good looks, it is a pity…

When Xue Liang Ping enters the room and sees the scene, his heart is pained to tears. His son is such a handsome young man, why so unfortunate to have such an illness.

Qin Zheng helps Xue Liang Ping in moving Xue Zhuang and the wheelchair up the cart, pleading earnestly. "Uncle Xue, let me go to the city with all of you, I can be your extra help."

Xue Liang Ping has always been easy going, naturally he does not have much opinion, so he nods his head in agreement. Then turning to go back into his room to find Madam Sheng for money.

Madam Sheng is sick consecutively for a few days, she is not in her best of moods, and she explodes upon the money request.

"You old and not dead one, buying some incense candles and money paper, you need one tael of silver? How do you have the face to grow this mouth***!"

"You lower your volume, isn't this for Da Zhuang to see the doctor!" Xue Liang Ping's voice is filled with awkwardness. He does not want everyone outside to know.

"I lower what volume, I am scrimping and thrifting everyday, how I wish I can break each copper coin in half for the spending. You are so good now, your heart is only worried for that worthless son of yours, Da li and Da Yong, they are not your sons?"

"Da Li and Da Yong are they not alright now, if they do get sick, I will also find a doctor for them in the same way."

"Pei!" Madam Sheng spits on Xue Liang Ping's face. "You heartless old thing, you are the one who is getting sick! Who would curse their own sons, you get out, get out now, in the future just stay with that crippled son of yours for the rest of your days, I will stay with my sons, we are unrelated! See if that crippled is able to continue your lineage for you or is able to support you in your retirement and prepare your funeral!"

Madam Sheng gets louder with every word she says. It frustrates Qin Zheng who is gripping his fist tightly, how he wishes to barge in and beat up that foul-mouth witch.

On the contrary, Xue Zhuang has a calm demeanour as if it has nothing to do with him. He stretches his hand and pats Qin Zheng on his shoulder, signaling him not to act rashly.

Although Xia Yue Chu has always knew that Madam Sheng spares no mercy with that mouth of hers but hearing her repeatedly berating with 'crippled" and 'crippled', her heart is pained on behalf of Xue Zhuang.

She uses the cotton clothes in her hands as a blanket and covers over Xue Zhuang's legs, consoling him in a whisper. "It is not an issue, if she doesn't allow the claim, I still have some money. The days may be tight, but your medicine will not be stocked out"

Xue Zhuang is sitting on the cart, looking down from above, he can only see the top of Xia Yue Chu's head. Her hair is thin and yellowy, and her body is so scrawny that a gust of wind would have blown her away.

Seeing her covering the cotton clothes over him and tugging in all the edges thoughtfully, his heart experiences a complex mixed of emotions, like that of sour sweet bitter and spicy, all at the same time. Having tasted this yet unable to identify what is the nature of this flavour.

But when Xia Yue Chu lifts up her head again, he has already suppressed his feelings, returning to his usual honest self.

Xue Liang Ping argues with Madam Sheng in the room for a long time, eventually violence has been resorted. Loud banging and clashing sounds are heard mixed with the shrilling cries of Madam Sheng.

At long last, Xue Liang Ping comes out of the house in a sorry state. Clenching onto half a string of coins which he forcefully seizes from Madam Sheng's trunk.

The three of them who are outside immediately look away, pretending to be unaware of what has happened in the room just a while ago.

Xue Qin comes out from the house and chases after him, before she manages to say anything, she notices Qin Zheng who is standing beside the ox cart. The words at her mouth instantly come out gentler than it normally does. Daintily telling Xue Liang Ping, "Father, you don't forget to buy some threads and needles for me."

"I remember!" Xue Liang Ping mumbles his confirmation, looping the cart onto the old ox, picking up the whip and preparing to go.

Xue Qin withdraws her focus from Qin Zheng, then does she see that Xue Zhuang and Xia Yue Chu are also on the cart, suddenly shrieking in a shout. "Mother, you hurry come out and look, Father is bringing so many people into the city!"

Madam Sheng has just fought with Xue Liang Ping for an extended period of time, she is tired and testy, heaving heavily in the room when she hears this and she dashes out immediately with difficulty.

"Yue Chu, come down quickly, what are you following them for!" Madam Sheng has certain reservations towards Xue Zhuang and Qin Zheng, so she can only target her efforts toward Xia Yue Chu.

"Lessen your concern on the things that are none of your business." Xue Liang Ping is still at the top of his fury, what he says is exceptionally unyielding. He swings his whip down and makes a move.

"Pulling so many people into the city, aren't the animal going to exhaust to a wreck!" Madam Sheng is relentless, jumping forth to hold onto the ox. "Besides, going with less people, if you meet anyone who need to hitch a ride on the way, you can earn a couple of copper coins."

Xue Qin speaking resentfully. "That's right, Mother has always worry about the ox being too tired and not allowing me to follow on any of the trips, all of you are good now, three of you going at once!"

"Yue Chu is accompanying me to see the doctor, Qin Zheng is going to find work in the city." Xue Zhuang says coldly. "Are you crippled or sick, why do we have to bring you along!"

After Xue Zhuang says so, everyone's expressions change.

Xue Liang Ping knows that his son must have heard the argument in the house just now, the more he thinks about it the more miserable he feels about himself.

That time he is not able to protect his son, letting him go into the army when he is so young.

Now that his son comes back injured, he is still letting him suffer this frustration.


The more Xue Liang Ping thinks the angrier he gets, seeing how Madam Sheng is still gripping onto the leash and not letting go, suddenly a fire explodes in his heart.

"Let go!" He yells out and whips down at Madam Sheng's hand. Indifferent to the cries at the back, he chases the ox out the door.

Xue Qin skirts to a distance in fear, afraid that the whip will also land on herself. Seeing that Xue Liang Ping has left, then does she go up to Madam Sheng. She sees the back of her hand that has an open gash on the skin and lacerated flesh, her cry changes off pitch in her fright.


Madam Sheng is vexed and in pain, almost falling unconscious. She takes some time to stabilize her breathing, then sitting in the yard wailing as she slaps her own thigh.

"What sin have I done in my previous life, to be matched with this old man, why is my life so hard…"

Xue Li shouts from the room in the east wing, with his temper from being disturbed. "Early morning, can't let people continue their sleep?"

Madam Sun rushes out from the room hurriedly, going up to support Madam Sheng.

Madam Sheng evades with her elbow, flinging Madam Sun to one side, chiding in her bad mood. "No need for you to pretend kind-hearted."

Madam Sun and Xue Qin send Madam Sheng back into her room together, and the portiere of the room in the west direction is lifted open to a slit, a drowsy Madam Zhou pokes her head out to ask. "What happen? What time are we eating breakfast?"

"Eat eat eat, all you know is eating from day to night!" Madam Sheng is upset and her rage spills onto anyone she sees.

However, Madam Zhou does not get offended, smiling as she caresses her baby bump. "Mother, it is not me who is a glutton, it is your grandson who is hungry, wants to eat something!"


As Madam Sheng hears this, her manner tones down and responds with some warmth. "You go lie down for a while, will call you when breakfast is ready."

Having said so, she kicks at Madam Sun and reproaches her. "Why are you still standing here like a wood pillar, quickly go start the fire and cook the meal!"


Translator Notes:

*The bridge belongs to the bridge and the path belongs to the path, meaning the two roads are distinct and should not cross in their paths, they have no reason to be in contact anymore.

**Almost having a heart attack, the words the Author has used should be directly translated as 'anxious to the point of death'. In the common Chinese language 'to death' is used as an exaggerator, 'hungry to death', 'tired to death', 'laugh to death', etc.

***How do you have the face to grow this mouth. In the Chinese community, face is the representation of shame, reputation, public image and the like. So in essence, Madam Sheng is saying how does he have the shame to open his mouth and say these words, make such request.

To clarify why Xue Liang Ping always goes to Madam Sheng for money, it is not that he is snatching her money, in case some of you might be thinking so. The money would be earned by Xue Liang Ping in the first place but kept with Madam Sheng, since she is in charged of all expenditures of the household, and since she is a housewife she does not go out to work, all the money she has will be given by Xue Liang Ping or by her children. In the Chinese culture, there is an old principle, that the man should be in charged of the outside matters, working and earning a living, while the woman should be in charged of the inward matters, everything within the household, including handling all the money. So the man has the practice of giving his salary to his wife.

Translated by Yellow. Sep 2022.

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