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Chapter 18: CHAPTER 18

Ahmad and others where still trying to stop the two women from fighting but Sandra was too feisty to get enough revenge that she kept trying to attack Onome. She even shoved away her colleagues who had Came to hold her back. She felt so insulted that she wanted to tear Onome into pieces. Soon, she struggled with all her might, jammed her elbow towards Tuga's ribs and as the man howled and bent in pain, she took the opportunity and fully went towards Onome who was now being calmed by Ahmad.

She punched Onome on the face, and violently pulled the front of her blouse until she heard a ripping sound. But that's not satisfying, No one would dare disrespect her and get away with it. she wanted to do more damage to Onome, probably, break that hand she had slapped her with so that she never gets to use it again.

Her violet attack made Pascal and Onome fall to the ground and Sandra took advantage of that to pummel Onome who tried to fight her off. Seeing that Sandra had the advantage and her mother was losing, Jane who was so naive but desperate to save her mother, ran to the scene and began to pull the back of Sandra's shirt as she said in tears.

"Leave my mother alone, leave her...."

Irritated by the little girl's intrusion, Sandra gave her a hard shove and Jane staggered back so much and almost fell into the camp fire which was closet by, making Dorathy gasp in shock, her hands flying up to cover her mouth as her eyes widen in horror but Jane's fall was broken for a firm hand caught her before she could fall into the fire.

Mikel who had heard the noise from where he had been in the forest and had saved the little girl from being roasted alive, set her aside,at a safe distance from the fire, then stared at the mess that was going on with angry eyes. Some if his men who had noticed his presence quickly stood still in silence and respect and kept nervous glancing at Sandra who was still trying to scratch out Onome's eyes with Pascal underneath them.

"Sandra!" Mikel called in authoritative voice that shook the camp.

Sandra immediately frozen, then turned to look at Mikel, still breathing in anger.

"Get off her" Mikel ordered.

Reluctantly Sandra obeyed. Her bra was in view because of her torn top but she didn't care. she was still fuming and hungry for a fight. She placed her hand on her waist, restlessly tapping on the ground with her foot in anger.

"Bosco! Shawty! Help them up" Mike ordered his men and they quickly helped Pascal and Onome up to their feet. Pascal had gotten a few accidental blows and scratches but he didn't mind. He had done it for the woman he likes.

When both parties were standing and Onome had to hold the torn part of her top together, Mike glanced from one person to the other. "What the fuck is going on here?"

"This bitch slapped me!" Sandra quickly said, pointing at Onome. If looks could kill, Onome would have dropped down dead at the spot. Sandra was literally boiling and if not for Mikel, she would have launched a fourth attack.

"She keeps starving us and keeping the food for herself. She doesn't even give us meat" Onome stated.

Mikel gave a puzzle frown and shifted his gaze to Ahmad. "Ahmad, is that true?"

Ahmad hesitated and simply shrugged. "Am just hearing this for the first time too, boss"

Mikel riveted his gaze to Sandra. "Sandra, is this true?" He asked calmly. "Have you been feeding the captives less than deserved and hoarding the food all for yourself?"

Sandra pouted now and began to stutter without being able to look at Mikel in the eyes. She kept rumbling and made no attempt to answer.

Mikel sighed, looked around and spotted the food Sandra was about to go hoard for the night. He walked to the cooler, picked it up and stared into it, noticing the rice and several pieces of meats. "You can't even finish this for God's sake! Why the greedy?!" He said to Sandra who shamefully averted her gaze but was still unremorseful.

Walking to Onome, Mike handed the cooler to her, much to everyone's surprise. "Take this, make sure it goes around, and eat to your film" he said gently.

"What?!" Sandra erupted now. "That's my food"

"It's not yours" Mike snapped. "Now get the fuck out of here and let this be the last time you ever disrupt the peace of this camp or cheat this people of their fair share" Mikel warned.

Fuming and almost vibrating in anger, Sandra glared at Onome and spat. "You will pay for this! You will pay!" She slapped her hand on her chest severally in rage. "I promise you that you will pay for this!" She threatened, turned and stormed off.

"Thank you" Onome said to Mikel but he said nothing. She took her daughter by the hand, turned towards the captive enclosure and the other men started to return to their posts.

As Mikel turned to walk away, Dorathy quickly went after him. "Wait, i need to talk to you"!" She said aloud and when Mike stopped, she came to an abrupt halt in fear. A few feet behind him and watched him slowly turned to look at her over his shoulders.

"If you have anything to say, talk to my right-hand-man" Mikel simply said and started to walk away when she said.

"Well, I've been waiting to speak with you like forever but i demand audience now!"

Mikel Blinked his eyes in surprise , and lifting a quizzical brow to look at her. "Did you just order me?" He asked as he partially turned to face her.

"It's obvious that being polite really has no effect around here" She said.

He turned fully and approached her now. "It had better be worth it. shoot" He folded his arms, standing akimbo.

"I want to speak with my family"


"Why?" She frowned in surprise at the question which she considered to be rather dumb. In such a situation, wasn't it the norm to call her parents, tell them about her dilemma, have them pay the ransom and get out of here for good? Why would he ask her that ?. "Because i want to get out of here, that's why"

"I'm sure that Ahmad had already done that on your behalf"

"Done that on my behalf? Am i not supposed to do that by myself? Beside, why is everyone else allowed to speak to their family except me? I don't even know if my family even knows what has become of me. For all i know, they are probably worried sick by now. Especially my mum, i need to speak to them".

"Is that what you are worried about?" Mike asked. "That your folks are probably out their looking for you"

"Yes. More reason i need to reach out to them so that they know what had become of me".

"I see....i don't see any reason why you should be in a hurry. We are doing this in batches, just Wait your turn".

"Wait, my turn?" She couldn't believe her ears. "I have not got all the time in the world, i need to get out of here"

"When the ransom is paid, you will, but for now sit right and just wait" He stated and started to walk away when she quickly said, making him pause.

"How much is being charged as ransom anyway?"

"A hundred million naira" Mikel replied.

Dorathy's brows lifted in shock. "A what?!, what the hell! You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

"Language lady!" He chided softly.

She spat. "Spare me that mister, last time i checked, language is really not a thing here.....your men use swear words in pidgin almost all the time...., back to the ransom, why the hell in the world would you charge others ten million each or even less and charge me more? Isn't that unfair?"

"We charge according to status"

"And you think i am what? Bill gate heiress? "

"Funny" Mikel drily said in sarcasm. "You wish".

"I can't afford that. There is no way in hell i have got a hundred million naira lying somewhere just to give it away" She stubbornly said.

"And what made you to think that you are in any place to decide the amount the ransom ought to be ?" Mikel asked wryly.

"For God's sake, have a heart! I can't afford that am being honest!. You guys have taken most of my stuff from me! The longer i stay here, the more possibility i lose my job if my boss doesn't hear from me soon"

"Good, i will advice that you start making a home then"

"i don't answer to you ma'am, go to your place" He said.

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