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The couple who had always slept so close to each other was deeply asleep that night when the young wife woke up, lifted her head and looked around them to be sure Everyone was asleep. The enclosure was almost pitched black because the camp fire was dying out but she could see the burning cigarette of one of the men whose turn is to guard for the night.

He was seated under a tree across from the enclosure and smoking into the night. Adanna, the young wife who could no longer contain her sexual urge, began to caress her snoring husband. When he didn't wake up nor reacted to her touch, she tapped him awake.

He grunted severally in alarm then relax a bit when he realise it was his wife who had woken him up. "What?" He asked with a harsh voice, wiping his hand over his face to clear the partial blurriness.

"Let's make love" she whispered back.

"Make love?" He frowned in disbelief. "Have you gone mad? Make love kwa? In this place?" He maintained his whisper.

"Yes, what?" She asked, now frowning because of his harsh response.

"Adanna, how can you even suggest that we make love in this place, under captive. Have you forgotten that we are not the only ones here? You want me to make love to you in the presence of all this people?"

"But they are asleep, all you have to do is to get on me. I promise that i will try not to make a sound" she said anxiously.

"I can see that something is wrong with you" he said, staring at her in shock. "Can't you just wait until we are out of this place ?"

"As if you know when we will be out of this place. Do you have 15million in your account or shop to pay for both for both our release?"

"What are you insinuating?" He asked. "Where you not here when i spoke to my younger brother? He has agreed to sell everything i have that's sellable to help us raise the rest amount t of money that is needed".

"And do you even know how long it will take? See, lets just do this thing and get back to sleep".

"We have only been here for five days and you can't hold yourself?"

"Are you more concerned about that or the fact that you brought this misfortune upon us?" She reported.

"And what's that suppose to mean ?"

"It means that if you had accepted my suggestion of taking flight, we won't be here right now ".

"Why were you so keen about taking a flight when we are supposed to be managing money? Why were you so eager just to show off your friends that you've been on a plane?. Soon, you'll be asking me to take you to Dubai simply because your friends husband did so."

"So? Is it a bad thing? Is it a bad thing to crave for good life? Is it, Nnamdi ?"

He shook his head slowly at her in wonder. "You know? For a secondary school certificate owner i picked up from the village, you have too high a taste for your own good"

That struck a chord now and she stood up angrily. "Oh! You want to insult me?! You want to insult me, right ?! Yes! Go ahead and remind me that am not a graduate. Go on and run it in!"

"Why should i do that when i myself had promised to further your education?!"

"Yet, it had been two months and you are yet to do anything about it!" She countered.

"Why should i in just two months? I asked you to wait for a year so that i can raise more than enough to put you in university and you had deliberately refused to get pregnant too".

"Why should i get pregnant? Why?! Am only twenty years of age. I still have my whole life ahead of me to bear you babies you need. All i asked is you let me finish my education first. Plus one extra year for NYSC; Five years, is that too much to ask?"

"Why then did i marry you two months before i had to wait for five years?"

"So, you married me to turn me into a breeding machine? You are twenty two years older than I'm. Its not my fault that you choose to marry late because you are hustling. if you wanted children this bad, you should have done yourself a good favor by marrying in your early twenties. You have lived most of your life on your own rule, now, you want to come and rush my own life" she complained bitterly.

"Why then did you marry me if you were not ready to have babies?" He asked.

"I wanted a man that could take care of me and i choose you".

Nnamdi sighed. "It's obvious that you have chosen to remain adamant. Anyway, am not going to continue having this argument with you".

"Indeed" she snared. "You think am not aware why you wanted me travel with you to Abuja. You were deliberately only taking me to my aunt's house so that you could report me to her about my refusal to get pregnant!"

"Well, so far, since you no longer have a mother, she's the only relative i can confide in that can talk you out of your stubbornness".

"Well, how is that fairing for us now?, are we in Abuja? Instead, we are in the middle of no where, living like dogs all Because of you" She hissed.

"Am not in the mood of this bickering tonight" He simply stated, and lay back down.

"Oh! So, that's what you have to say right? Why not tell me to my face that you don't want to sex me! She snapped.

"Keep your voice down and go to sleep" He huffed.

"Don't tell me that" she retorted. "To think that i got married to a man twice my age whose big stomach even prevent him from doing what other men easily do!, TSK" She grumbled.


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