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32.55% Please, don’t leave me alone ! / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 : New beginning

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 : New beginning

When I woke up, they had already buried Klein.

I saw that it would be night and searched for the cemetery.

I was worried that Klein had already resurrected and left without me.

If he left, how would I find him then ?

Would he still go to Blacklund ?

While walking under the dimly lit lamps, I recalled something.

It happened before I met Mr. Fool (because yes I had a life before that).

The memory of the streets that night deeply traumatized me.

It would often repeat itself in my head again and again and wouldn't leave me.

It was because it was the moment was when I realized that I wouldn't be free.

I was all alone, and unable to live alone. When I tried to leave, this fact made me understand that I couldn't escape.

However, leaving was my last hope and the consequences after all worsened my situation.

I won't enter into the details since it is a bad memory but it's just to say that I really dislike the streets at night now.

What's more, I am scared of the dark, I am alone and I get lost easily.

If I miss Klein, will I even have a place to return to ?

It would be totally different.

Now that you died once, everything won't be like before.

That's unfair, can't everything revert back to how it used to be ?

I'm scared.

I don't like it when things change.

I don't like to be scared…

I walked faster.

It can't be that complicated to find a cemetery by myself, right ?

A few hours later, I finally found Klein's coffin and stood in front of it.

Then, I waited.

I sat on the ground.

The more time passed, the more I was anxious.

Another hour passed while I still didn't move.

He… He didn't leave yet, right ?

He is still in his grave ?

I stubbornly continued to wait while strangely not feeling hungry after all this time.

All I felt was the coldness of the night.

After a while, I heard a bang from the coffin where Klein was supposed to be.

The cover of the grave was finally pushed away and a faint smile appeared on my face.

« Welcome back, Klein. »

(Welcome back to hell. Your life will worsen from now on.)

I'm so glad that I didn't miss you.

I was relieved and saw a tear roll down Klein's cheek.

I returned what he said to me.

« Don't hold back. You can cry, you know ? »

Klein began to cry.

Maybe he was crying for the loss of his captain, maybe it was because of the stress accumulated while he wanted to return to his hometown or maybe it was for a completely different reason.

I smiled.

I reached out and wiped one of his tears.

All I know is that…

« Your despair is really beautiful. »

(Author : Are you sure you won't make him scared with your strange manner of speaking ?)

That despair stained face is what I wanted to see since the beginning.


You're finally letting out your emotions instead of holding them back…

(In a corner of my mind, I selfishly thought that you must have been comfortable enough around me to be able to cry in front of me.)

I am relieved.

(At least, you don't hate me.)

At least, you won't endure everything alone.

« Cry as much as want, Klein. »

I took him in my arms.

After he calmed down, I followed Klein until the door of his old home.

Then I watched him stalking his brother and sister to a circus.

The Morettis seemed to have been informed of Klein's death…

I also looked at him from afar when the clown gave flowers to Melissa.

I watched the sad clown make a happy smile.

Melissa and Benson looked at the clown in a daze. All they saw was a wide smile plastered over the pastel face. It was a happy smile, an exaggerated smile, a ridiculous smile.

At that moment, one thought emerged in my mind.

I would like to draw.

Klein came back to me and we took the train to Backlund.

After all, he was a Faceless so nobody would recognize him.

Goodbye Leonard, I won't be able to tease you for a while…


(Xin Jian : Actually, it's the author who is sad because Leonard can't appear in the next scenes for a while.

Author : How can we harass him in these conditions ?! ToT

Xin Jian : Calm down, calm down. Here's a tissue, blow your nose. *hands a tissue*)

I was very scared that he would send me back to 7 Pinster street and leave but I guess that he thought I could tell others that he's still alive so Klein also let me stay by his side.

We got a new house and he named himself Sherlock Moriarty.

Klein, your naming sense is the same as ever but I won't comment on it…

Sighing, I sat on our new sofa and began to draw.

I began by someone dressed as a clown but changed what I wanted to do halfway.

Hmm… My drawing skills have rusted a little, I have not drawn since before I met Mr. Fool… Or maybe it's just because I don't have a model this time.

I visualized the picture I had in mind on the paper and slowly retraced the contours.

Only the sound of my pen could be heard in the living room.

When I arrived at the face, I froze.

I can't memorize faces so all my memories of faces appear blurry.

Strangely, only the people that I see very rarely are clearer in my mind.

Hmm… A person that I don't see often…

I found someone and began to draw the familiar face.

Before that, I also blurred the other face.

I blurred it for the meaning of the picture, it is definitely not because I'm too lazy too to draw it…

As expected, it resembles them a lot…

The two people on the drawing exuded an air of familiarity and could be recognized by others who knew them.

Klein had sorted out his thoughts and put down the newspaper.

He slowly went behind me and looked at was I was so focused on.

On the right, there was a man with black hair. His face was blurred by fog but you could still see his tired eyes and the relieved expression on his face.

He had clothes of vibrant colors similar to a clown's but he didn't wear shoes. The soles of his feet were in blood and behind him was a dark thorny path. You could see that he had experienced a lot of hardships.

When he looked closer, Klein found that the man's appearance was very similar to Zhou Mingrui's.

He shook his head.

He thought that there was no way that I could know what Zhou Mingrui looked like but he didn't know that I had indeed drawn Mr. Fool.

The man was reaching out as if he wanted to hug the person before him.

It was a woman with outstretched arms.

Klein could recognize Daly.

On the left, Daly had a smile on her face but it was different from her usual teasing smiles and it just seemed happy.

Behind her were sky high buildings illuminated by a bright light. It was the hope to return to his hometown.

(Mr. Fool : Let's give a blind fool to Klein so that he won't wonder how Xin Jian knows what a building is…)

Klein looked once more at the tired and relieved man that had a smile on his face while reaching his hometown after a lot of hardships.

He thought that it was a happy picture and unconsciously smiled.

Meanwhile, I finished the details.

« It's a happy picture. » Klein said before going to the kitchen to begin to cooking.

I glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

Then, I turned back to the sheet of paper.

« Is it really ? » I mumbled.

Above the gray fog, Mr. Fool's expression darkened.

Mr. Fool was aware that His hometown didn't exist anymore. It meant that the Zhou Mingrui in the picture was heading to an illusory hope after all these hardships. He was headed to his hometown that didn't exist anymore.

The fog blurring the man's face also indicated that I had drawn Him, the owner of Sefirah Castle.

However, this was not what made Him frown.

The smile on the face of the Daly in the drawing.

It was the one she made when she died.

Since I couldn't save Dunn after all I did, I guessed that I wouldn't be able to save Daly either. So, I began to see Daly as already dead, because, in all the previous lives, she always died in the end.

To me, the one in the picture was the dead Daly.

I looked at their outstretched arms.

The real meaning of this picture was that the man eagerly went into the embrace of death.

While "dying", the man was tired, relieved and smiling.

I looked up, trying to see through the ceiling the familiar gray fog were I was sure that Mr. Fool was watching me.

In a low voice, I spoke.

« When we observed your first life, Klein, no, your past self often made the dead ones appear and sit above the gray fog. Even before falling asleep at the end, you made them talk and laugh between themselves, do you remember ? »

Mr. Fool blankly stared at the crimson star where I was talking.

I continued :

« You may not remember it but, one time, you told me that you gave up breaking this cycle and that you just wanted everything to end. »

I looked at the drawing of Mr. Fool once more and my eyes became sharp.

« This is what you want, right ? »

Mr. Fool stayed silent, neither agreeing or denying what I said or even asking what I meant by that.

I concluded :

« You want to die. »

Mr. Fool didn't answer.

I knew that he was listening, I felt it.

« Please don't. »

I pleaded.

« Please don't die, or at least let me die with you ! I don't want to be alone once again… »

(Klein in the kitchen : *of course he didn't hear anything, he was too busy cooking*)

He still didn't answer.

I took the drawing and tore it in half, preventing the two worlds from touching.

There was Mr. Fool on one side and the dead Daly on the other.

I looked at the two sides of the torn up paper and had a blank look. The drawing was ruined.

I made a bitter smile.

« That's also a form of art… »

—————— I am the dividing line~

After buying the house, the first thing that Klein to go to Cherwood Borough's Backlund Bulletin to post a tiny advertisement for a month at the cost of thirty pounds.

From Tuesday, the Backlund Bulletin's loyal readers would see a tiny advertisement along the seams of its seventh and eighth page.

"Sherlock Moriarty. Good at various types of private investigations. Reasonable prices and strictly adheres to the principles of confidentiality. Resides at Cherwood Borough's 15 Minsk Street."

I gave him a side glance.

Maybe you shouldn't adhere too much to the principle of confidentiality… (After all, Ian is coming soon…)

However, I kept silent.

Well, let's give him a chance to grow by experiencing hardships. What's more, he is far stronger now, it's not like he will risk death if I don't say anything. He also has too accumulate fighting experience…

Okay, at this point I'm just convincing myself. In truth I just want to enjoy the fun.

(Still, I hope I won't be in the room while they're fighting and that I'll be able to just peacefully watch them on the gray fog… I think I'm jinxing it.)

I took the opportunity to also buy an entry in the newspaper with my pocket money.

Why is it so costly…

I wrote :

"Currently in search of the angels Amon, Adam, and Ouroboros. I hope that these misters could visit us at 15 Minsk Street if they saw this announcement. Thank you~."

Mr. Fool spit out His tea.

I received an oracle.

« Xin Jian, erase that right now ! »

While looking at the figure in the gray fog, I said :

« But I don't want to. »

And I submitted the advertisement.

Klein had already left to buy herbs so I decided to explore Backlund a bit (search for the way home).

I hope I'll make it in time for the Tarot Club… Wait, I feel like I forgot something.

Hmm. If I noticed it it means that it should have been something important…

I searched my memory for a while but still didn't find what it was.

(Arrodes : Er… Master ? Where are you ? *abandoned.jpg*

Author : Oops. Sorry, I forgot this detail.

Arrodes : *glares*

Author : Arrodes, a mirror CAN'T glare.

Arrodes : *glaring emoji*

Author : …)

Well, I should also prepare for the Tarot Club.

At least, it's something that hasn't changed.

I arrived home and went above the gray fog.

« Did you steal it ? » I asked.

Mr. Fool nodded.

I complained.

« It's too bad that you're not a born mythical creature or else we could have used you… »

Mr. Fool shivered and His thoughts came to my ears.

"Why do I feel like you wanted to use me as Beyonder materials ?"

Maybe because it was the case !

I did as if I hadn't heard Him and urged Him.

« Hurry up. We have to make the spells now, the Tarot Club will begin soon. »

I arrived home only a few minutes before 3 p.m. so there was not much time !

After that, I hid the spells next to my seat and saw a crimson light erupt in the gray fog.

I stood up then Audrey took the lead in greeting everyone and I did the same.

While I was sitting down, Mr. Hanged Man spoke up. He bowed his head.

« Mr. Fool, I must thank you for sending your adorer to help me get rid of Qilangos. I wonder what you would like in exchange ? »

Since Mr. Fool is the "poor god", just give money…

Ah, right. I forgot to tell you something.

Since a while ago (many weeks), we successfully convinced (forced) Klein to take The Fool's seat.

Ahem, in truth I told Klein that the current Fool sitting at the table was a puppet and that since he is already answering the prayers of the members of the Tarot Club he has to take responsibility…

Then we pulled him up in advance and when Klein saw that The Fool was not there he panicked and took His place.

So, Klein is acting as The Fool while Mr. Fool is sipping tea and watching the show~. (I definitely saw Amanises glance at His direction. They even waved at each other… I knew it, She knows that He's there.) Mr. Fool only comes back for the divine meeting at the end.

I glanced at the other angels (+ Lilith) present.

Azik and Will were ignoring Him but Klein's lips definitely twitched.

I retrained my urge to facepalm and kept a smile on my face.

So Mr. Fool's invisibility only works on Beyonders below the angel level ?!

Imagine a gathering where half of the members see a man leisurely sipping next to the table. Can it still be called secret and mysterious ?!

Wait, I'm just an ordinary person, why can I see Mr. Fool ?!

And if Klein is at the top of the table, who is playing Mr. World… Ah, right. It's a secret puppet, Klein has the abilities of a sequence 5 in this round.

This is ridiculous. Really ridiculous…

In response to Alger's question, our new "Mr. Fool" (that was swapped with only a little more than half of the members not knowing it) answered that he wanted pages of Roselle's diary.

(While thinking that he wanted Qilangos's bounty, I bet on it.)

As expected.

I glanced at Mr. Fool leisurely sipping sweet iced tea.

Okay, I can't stand it.

I used the power of the gray fog to put on an illusion and went to sit next to Mr. Fool.

It has already been a few Tarot Clubs, I can't stand it anymore.

What's more, the sofa where He was sitting on is far more comfortable. I want to lie down too.

I waved to the people who could see me and made my voice come to the ears of Will, Amanises and Lilith.

« Do you want to play cards ? I'll just put on an illusion for you. There are snacks too. »

The uninvited Azik turned a blind eye to this while Will ignored me (I still brought Him ice cream) and Amanises and Lilith came. Sitting at the Fool's seat, Klein's lips twitched even more when he saw people gather.

From his point of view, it's true that the story about the true Mr. Fool being only a puppet is not really credible when the latter is sipping tea by the side…

Well, Klein was scammed, that's his problem.

I'm also pretty sure that Klein would like to join us too (but he can't because he has to manage the meeting).

I shrugged to him.

« If you don't know what to do, just explain to them the laws of Beyonder characteristics. »

I explained them to him before.

While we started playing cards, the Tarot gathering now composed of 9 real people, 3 illusions and 1 secret puppet continued.

Mr. Fool spoke up :

« I was recently reminded of some simple knowledge that I don't recall informing you all. As the summoner of the Tarot Club, I feel it's necessary to let all of you know this. Of course, I'm very certain that some of you are already aware of this. »

Will, who heard me giving Klein this advice a few seconds before, gave him a blank look.

Klein avoided his gaze and continued.

Don't worry, Klein, The Fool's image was already completely shattered anyway, now Will only lost faith in you.

Klein : Should I be reassured…?

The low sequence Beyonders leaned forward to listen to what "Mr. Fool" had to say. (Meanwhile, the real Mr. Fool was winning at cards… Hey, stop cheating !)

Klein stopped rapping the table and described with a calm voice :

« The first piece of general knowledge : Law of Beyonder Characteristics Indestructibility. The characteristics of a Beyonder is never destroyed or reduced. It's only passed from one carrier to the next. »

Leonard looked around. Thanks to Pallez, he already knew this information.

Klein added :

« After a Rampager dies, they will leave behind an item of Beyonder Characteristics. It could be the main ingredient, or it could be a mystical artifact that requires sealing. An ordinary Beyonder's death results in similar results. However, the item left behind will be equivalent to the corresponding potion without the supplementary ingredients. Of course, the item alone will contain Beyonder powers. They can be used as a half-mystical object. »

Klein, it's really amazing how, whichever round it is, you're able to say exactly the same thing, word for word and no matter how much we change things.

Some members realized something, (yep guys, you did cannibalism while drinking your potion(s)) and had nausea while others already knew this information (and others were leisurely playing cards, I'm included).

(Xin Jian : It's really hard to describe my point of view on something when I'm doing something else…

Author : Then switch the viewpoint to another person.

Xin Jian : No, that's fine. I was just complaining… Wait, Mr. Fool ! Stop using blind fool to take a glance at our cards ! *facepalming* That's why I don't like playing cards… *sipping orange juice*

Author : *speechless*)

Klein wasn't surprised by the members' reactions. He continued in a calm tone :

« The second piece of general knowledge : Law of Similar Sequence Beyonder Characteristics Conservation. »

« Why Similar Sequence ? » Alger couldn't help asking.

Klein smiled and replied :

« What do you wish to pay for the answer ? »

Klein's as stingy as ever… Wait, aren't you just scamming people ?!

Klein : Free things cost the most. *nod, nod*

After some people showed interest and were asked for something by Klein in exchange for the information, he explained :

« The so-called similar Sequence refers to how High-Sequence Beyonders are exchangeable with other pathways.

Let me give an example. The Death pathway's Sequence 5, Gatekeeper, can not only be advanced normally, but one can also choose the Giant pathway, which is the Gatekeeper pathway's Sequence 4, Demon Hunter.

This won't lead to the danger of losing control, nor will it accumulate madness. It's different from taking the wrong potion.

Of course, if it's not a similar Sequence, a semi-deranged state is the best result. »

« Exchangeable ? » Audrey blurted out, surprised and delighted.

While everyone was in their thoughts, she asked :

« Mr. Fool, may I ask what other pathways are exchangeable with the Spectator pathway ? »

This time, Klein knew the answer and immediately replied.

After that, I made my illusion speak for me.

« Little Sun, since your living environment is quite dangerous, I created a charm which can let you use one of Mr. Fool's angels to help you. »

I glanced at Azik and Will.

Of course, you can also call true gods, it's fine if you just don't call me (since I wouldn't have the strength to help you…).

« In case of an emergency, just ask Mr. Fool to get one of His angels to help and He will send you the corresponding image. Next, you just have to visualize that angel and pull it out of the historical void. Of course, others can also ask for a similar charm but you will have to pay for it. Little Sun's is just an advance payment. »

Xin Jian : Whoa, this explanation was hard. I nearly said Derrick many times.

Derrick : Little ? I'm not little…

As you have guessed (or not), this charm was the one made just before the Tarot Club with Antigonus' worms of time~. They were given by the goddess.

After that, some transactions were made and we entered the segment of free exchange. We talked about Qilangos' death and Leonard talked about the events in Tingen. (The poor guy is still mourning…)

Then the Tarot Club ended and it was time for the divine meeting of the gods.

After the figures disappeared, I turned to the gods playing cards.

« Well, let's just continue playing… »

And after that, we also used Mr. Fool's historical projections to play at video games.

As expected, video games are far more interesting than cards. UwU.

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