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25% Ainz Having fun in the New World / Chapter 4: chapter 4

Chapter 4: chapter 4

The knights that were previously having their fun slaughtering innocent villagers that did them no wrong were currently  struck with absolute fear, they quake in their boots  as they bore witness to an undead creature  of unknown origin  completely decimate their fellow  men. Today they were faced with a great threat and they were so terrified they were  petrified in place forced to watch as the unholy creature massacre them.

"Help me you idiots ggwargh"

They watched as a loud mouth noble get stabbed repeatedly  until they could no longer hear his cries. Once done the creature moved on to the next victim.

One of their courageous or perhaps stupid knights  rushed forward sword in hand, he  reached his target, he swung his sword expecting to cut the monster in two but  the sword shattered upon contact and in turn the death knight bisected the man and let his blood spray on to the ground.

"Alright men take formation,  we're taking this thing down it too dangerous to let roam free"

The captain ordered his troops, the captain was very much aware that they had slim chance of victory but he had to try, lest he be labeled a coward.

his troops reluctantly took the formation, however that was futile  the death knight charged at them and completely  destroyed any semblance of hope the knights had at defeating it and proceeded to spill their blood on the ground, it's sword long and sharp and cut through armor like paper.

"those who came to spill blood must be prepared to have their blood spilled"

The captain recites a passage from the teachings of the six great gods. The death knight towered over him its sword over head already descending down to bisect the man, he trembled in in fear but hid it under false bravado, he stood his ground and stared death in the face, let no one tell him he cowered before the great equalizer that is death.

"Stop death knight"

A deep and commanding voice Made itself known, heeding the words of it's  master the death knight halted its swinging arm and turned to face  its master  the knight captain dropped to the floor on his knees, he could feel the pounding of his heart, sweat dripped from his forehead, he had never faced such a creature before, only he and a few men Managed to survive the encounter.

"greetings villagers and Marauders, I am Ainz Ool Gown  and be at ease the death knight will attack you no longer"

Ainz Reassured the villagers, establishing a good relationship with the villagers should prove to be beneficial in the long run not to mention staying in the village will give him a sort of background in case his origins are ever questioned.

"insolent worm-"

Just as Albedo about to inform the villagers to prostrate and offer words of gratitude to her Ainz, Ainz himself  expected such behavior from her and raised his hand to stop her mid sentence.

"Shalltear, round up the remaining knights and capture them"

"Yes Lord Ainz"

With a command from her master Shalltear got to work, Her along with Albedo  are currently in disguise a simple illusion spell made her look human enough  to fool the villagers, simple blonde hair and blue eyes, Albedo had to be given an item that would hide her demonic features.

The villagers looked at the man, and the woman beside him, they cast doubtful eyes towards the two unsure of their motivate, never has anyone offered their assistance without asking something in return, not to mention the man before them  commanded an undead creature  that can wipe out a whole troop of Knights

"I didn't help without expecting something in return, where is your village chief I would to discuss a form of payment with him"

the villagers doubt was ease, they felt better knowing the motive of his actions.

Ainz was able to get the information he required from the village chief and was able to get an empty house to use, he had mentioned to the village chief that he had he recently fled from his home country in the far east and the he would like to take up residence within the village the village chief was happy to oblige and offered a house that was large enough to house 3 people.

After their exchange was done They were informed of a group of knights heading for the village, Ainz instructed the villagers to hide  themselves while he and the village chief met with the knights.

It turns out that they had nothing to worry about as the knights were from the Re-estize kingdom and the troop commander was Gazeff stronoff, after retelling the events of what transpired And handing the captured knights to Gazeff  and left him be on his way to report to the king, earlier before Gazeff arrived Ainz had tasked Shalltear to eliminate the people that had surrounded them except for the commander and it was because of that  Gazeff was not attacked and returned to The capital without issues.


( I chose to skip that whole interaction with Gazeff and the sunlight scripture because this is my third try at an overlord fanfic and it felt repetitive to write that whole situation again either that or I was lazy)


This place is disgusting"

Albedo offered her criticism of the house they were given by the chief, it was a normal home that any regular human could live in however she doesn't believe a Supreme being deserves to live in such subpar housing.

"I understand your sentiment Albedo, however for now  we have to make do, I do possess several Items to help make this place a little presentable but for today at least stomach it."

Ainz explained, if anything he felt guilty for letting a person like Albedo live in such a place and he hopes that in the future he will be able to gather enough funds to have her live in a luxurious Mansion that she deserves, The  [create fortress]  spell was a temporary spell that lasted around a week  as such he couldn't have it last indefinitely  but that doesn't matter.

Albedo's frown softened  at his words, She was put at ease by his words if Ainz truly had  the items he spoke off then she should be able to turn this disgusting peasant house in to a home at least worthy of a noble, not worthy of a Supreme being but it should be a start, not to mention  it's good start for their love nest.

"Very well my lord Shall ensure to cultivate this place in to a our love nest"

Her words left Ainz speechless, he had no reply to what Albedo was saying, the response he could give her was complete silence.

-love nest? Whose? Our? but I'm a Virgin.

Those thoughts circled around his head, the more he thought about it the more the idea of Albedo and him… became more vivid as he thought  his cheeks flushed red and he quickly turned his head to avoid anyone seeing.

Silence prevailed  within the room, while the two stood near each other in silence Albedo could not help notice her lord being all shy and cute trying to hide his embarrassment which caused her to believe he wasn't against the idea of them, that thought alone made her want to jump him right now but such a disgusting house was not worthy.

-now it's only Matter of who will be the head wife, I'll have to discuss this with that vampire.

Within the comfortable silence, a purple void with purple streaks of lightning  appeared in the middle of the room and the petite form of the vampire made itself known.

"It is done lord Ainz"

The vampire spoke as she licked the Last remaining  blood from her lips, she was quite grateful that her beloved master had allowed her to practice her sadistic side, when Yggdrasil was coming to an end she had less chances to go against players and punish them for trying to intrude on the great tomb.

"Excellent now relay the information you have gathered [create greater item]"

In a flash of bright light  a small round table and a couple of chairs appear before the three, Ainz did want the two of them to sit on the dirty chairs of this house as such he created  proper and clean chairs for them.

"Now let's sit and discuss what we've learned"

With that all three of them sat down and discussed the information they got from the chief and the information they got from Gazeff and those assailants.

Shalltear Divulged the information she had learned. It seems that the Slane theocracy  a country located south of the  Re-estize kingdom  was the one that sent those knights as a plot to kill Gazeff stronoff, It was an attempt to weaken the kingdom and have the Baharuth Empire  take the blame and strengthen hostilities between the two countries. The Baharuth empire is located east of the Kingdom separated by the Azarlisia mountain range and currently they were south of the mountain range near the great forest of Tob, southwest of their location was the holy kingdom  and south east was the dragon kingdom  those two kingdoms both flanked the Slane theocracy and up north was the Argland council state  a nation ruled by five dragons.

Shalltear also mentioned the Group that was trying lure out Gazeff was the Sunlight scripture and they possessed archangel flames and were able to cast spells from Yggdrasil, which made Ainz wonder if there had been players from Yggdrasil  that arrived here earlier before he did but he put that on the back of his mind for now.

"Excellent work Shalltear"

He praised the Vampire,  he couldn't help but note his nervousness, his heartbeat was  beating fast, it seems if he isn't occupied by something his brain automatically returns to this state, being trapped in another world with two world class beauties made him feel Like he was dreaming even right now  he half expects to wake in his  bed tomorrow back in his old world.

"It was my pleasure my lord"

Again her melodic and pleasant voice reached his ears  there was a voice deep down inside that told him these immoral thoughts he was having about-what basically amounts to children of his friends-  was wrong  but another voice assured him his friends would never find out.

-I mean if it's another world it should be fine right?

He questioned himself but his morality would not be swayed, how could he even think of doing such a thing to them but it was clear Albedo was willing  if he understood what she meant earlier but at the same time could he do that, Tabula would surely frown.

-No! If he cared at all he would have stayed  why should I feel guilty, it's clear he never cared about Nazzarick in the first place

The anger inside him spoke  but It was  immediately quelled, Yggdrasil was just a game nothing more nothing less, he's the one at fault for assuming  other people would Share his sentiment about Game not to mention other people had lives outside the game they couldn't just abandon.

"Now moving on to the next thing to discuss, what should we do in this new world we find ourselves in?"


Xinum_Sensational Xinum_Sensational

hope you like the chapter, please comment your thoughts on it.

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