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12.5% Ainz Having fun in the New World / Chapter 2: chapter 2

Chapter 2: chapter 2

Within the fortress inside one of its many Room, Momonga sat in a in a chair around a round table  while the other two, Shalltear and Albedo sat parallel to him. The two women had long since unequipped their armor and were currently sitting down and awaiting their master's instructions, their anticipation to serve was very palpable, Momonga could clearly see the Zeal in their eyes.

"Albedo, Shalltear"

He called out to the two worldly beauties in front of him, both Albedo and Shalltear were such beautiful creatures that Momonga found it difficult to look at them, especially Albedo as he could feel her Succubus aura was making him feel a certain way, but luckily he was able to stuff this feelings down.

"Yes Milord"

A simultaneous reply from the two, their voices were quite melodic and pleasing to hear, he guessed that must be a thing they both shared considering that both vampires and Succubi have the ability to charm.

"As I've already stated, we are currently in an unknown location outside of Nazzarick, not only that but I cannot directly teleport to Nazzarick, someone or something is preventing me from returning us to our home"

He explained, it wasn't lost on him that he was probably Transmigrated to another world, the genre of anime  called isekai was very familiar to him, in fact the isekai genre was one of the most popular genres out there, this is mostly because  it's concept of being sent to another world, living in such a world that he lived many sought to be sent to another world  or be reincarnated in a future where everything was better, in fact a new genre was created an opposite of a dystopia genre  a Utopia, the genre was basically a reversal of a dystopia.

"but Milord how can that be, how can there be an individual capable of such a feat, it was my understanding that the Supreme ones were undefeated"

Albedo was quite shocked, she remembers the day where the pitiful invaders came to take the home of the Supreme ones but they failed "Ainz Ool gown doesn't know defeat" a phrase Momonga himself has said countless times.

Shalltear was also in Similar disbelief but the shock was drowned out by her feelings of Despair, she remembers the day she failed her duty and let the invaders in, her failure is still fresh on her mind, she couldn't help but stare downward afraid to meet her master's eyes

"As of right now I do not know, however  this is not a bad thing, while losing the tomb and the other guardians greatly saddens me but this can be an opportunity"

He exclaimed, confusing the two, Momonga was staring straight at them giving them the impression that he was looking at them directly  but that was not the case, he was staring at the wall behind them, he felt it impossible not to blush when face to face with such beautiful women.

He had thought his undead body would prevent such a thing from happening but he soon realized he wasn't undead the World item He used turned him into a being of flesh and blood.

"You see, the world of Yggdrasil was ending, It was no longer capable of maintaining itself and was collapsing on its self this meant that eventually we would be all destroyed"

he came up with a believable explanation to describe the situation to the two, it seemed obsurd to consider but it was the best he got.

"Was that the reason you had stayed with us Milord, was that the why the other Supreme ones left?"

Understanding what Momonga was saying Albedo, quickly questioned him, in her mind  she has thought the other Supreme one left because they did something wrong, like she and the rest of the denizens of Nazzarick were failures that did not deserve the grace of their Supreme ones.

"indeed, but I could not bare of leaving for another world leaving you to your fate, I simply couldn't…."

His voice began to crack as he recalled that he may never see his friends again nor see the other denizens of Nazzarick. What he was saying was mostly true, as a loner Suzuki Satorou's life was the game, his enjoyment came from it, however he could not fault his friends for choosing real life afterall they had families and friends outside of Yggdrasil but at  the same time he could not help but be angry, only one hour they couldn't spare a single hour.

-No, you're being selfish

he scolded himself He friends aren't at fault he shouldn't cast blame on them.

"Your Benevolence knows no bounds truly, to be so merciful towards us even though we don't deserve it"

"indeed the Master of Ainz Ool Gown is truly the greatest among the Supreme ones, the only one worthy to rule them all."

Albedo  and Shalltear's words of praise and reverence echoed in the room, Momonga felt rather embarrassed, they seemed earnest in their praise that he felt  conflict on whether to stop them or let them continue.

"please it's only natural to want to stay with your loved one"

That sentence was to reassure Albedo and Shalltear that he would be with them and to reassuring himself that his friends did what was right for themselves.

'loved ones'

Those words echoed within the two women's head  and soon a blush was evident on their faces, they became Elated that their master referred to them as his  loved ones, Momonga saw their faces and a realized his wording, he wished to correct himself but  does it even matter, ever since the death of his mother he had been alone, would be so bad to have people he loves and besides….

"Getting back on track, we need to gather information about were we are and it's natives I'll send a couple of undead to scout the area while they happen I want each of to think of a plan moving forward."

"Very well Milord we shall do as you ask- Shalltear the Lord is addressing us look him in the eyes"

Albedo chided the down cast vampire

"Is Something the matter Shalltear? You seem occupied"

Momonga didn't wish for her to look him in the eyes lest he blush like a highschooler, her beauty was something he was not used to yet.

"I'm too ashamed to look at you Milord my failures during  the invasion still haunt me"

The sweet voice of a depressed maiden struck Momonga's ears, even when depressed her voice sounded angelic.

-ironic she's far from anything divine


Albedo's aura Exploded as she shouted, the disrespect the lamprey was showing to the Supreme one was unacceptable.

"Albedo it's fine,  Shalltear do not  feel distressed the invaders were many, no one person could stop them, in fact it was thanks to your efforts that we were able to fend them off, so you did not fail but instead did as expected"


The vampire's pain expression brought heartache to The heart of the Supreme one, her beautiful face stained with tears was unacceptable

'Such beauty needs not wear such an expression'

"really, I would never fault you for doing your duty"

Her heart eased and her smile returned, the reassuring words of the Supreme one washed her shame as if it never existed and now a new passion was born in her heart to serve and  love her master for the remainder of her eternal life.

His heart was eased seeing her beautiful face returned to its natural state, he swore he could look at the both of them all his life and never get tired  they were true Ethereal beauties that no words could ever describe.

"Truly Benevolent of you lord Momonga, a testament to your caring heart"

Albedo clasped her hands together and held them close to her bosom and sang praise of her master, the Supreme overlord that ruled her heart.

She recalled the hug he gave them earlier and her heart thumped in her chest, his embrace was something she had always craved ever since she witnessed him alone in the tomb ever since the Supreme ones left, she saw his loneliness, she witnessed his toil as he tried to maintain Nazzarick in the absence of the other Supreme ones. She wished to hug him and reassure her master, ease him of his pain but as a servant she could never do anything without the express command of the Supreme ones.

Her inability to do anything caused her to desire to embrace him even more, each passing moments was torture watching him sit on an empty throne, his occasional bouts of anger causing him to slam his hand on the throne.

Her heart blackened at the thought of the other Supreme ones, they left her beloved Momonga alone, what could be so important that they all had to leave and not stay till the last day? Albedo's ignorance of the circumstances surrounding the Supreme ones caused her to hate them, she did not want to see them anymore, much like a child misunderstanding the reasoning of her parents.

'Whatever is in this new world, I shall help Lord Momonga face it and rule it and be known far and wide, its only fitting that a man if his caliber should rule'

Her thoughts were clear and sound, she would go above and beyond to have her master on the throne of the world, he ruled Gods before so it's only natural that he rule again.

"Ahem, for now let us retire to individual rooms I have some things to think about"

"Very well lord"

"by your will milord."


3 days later

Satorou Suzuki or Rather Momonga found himself in a quite a pickle, the pickle being is that he had no idea how to act like  a Supreme one, or least not the one Albedo and Shalltear were imagining as such he has been put in an awkward spot where he pretends and acts regal in front of them as to not disappoint them and now he has a facade he needs to constantly pull off. Secondly is that  he never once in his life found it to be difficult being a male, he cursed  his foolish behavior for wanting a living avatar, if he had stuck to being undead he wouldn't be having these problems.

To be frank, The two women he had come to this world with were drop dead gorgeous, absolute stunners that could make great men do their bidding without ever uttering a single word, a mere glance and they would prostate themselves and swear their undying allegiance, or at least that's what he believed.

Due to the lack of capable man power Momonga has had to interact with the two women more often than not  as such in the past 3 days he has been a nervous wreck, acting as their master was all well and good however when it can to normal  conversation and chit-chat he found it difficult to find a interesting topic  and moments of Long silence usually filling the space instead of words.

Truly troublesome However shall he deal with this?

Xinum_Sensational Xinum_Sensational

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