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Chapter 7 - Leaving

It took more than half an hour for Miyuki to complete his transformation.

When Miyuki opened his eyes, he only saw a black pool of water. He immediately jumped up and flushed out the water and spoke, "System what's going on?"

[ Host the true ancestor bloodline isn't cleansing bloodline, so, you still had many impurities in your body even after merging with it. ]

[ After using the life transformation liquid, most of the impurities in your body were removed. The black water is your impurity. ]

"I have so many impurities." Looking at the black water being flushed, Miyuki's mentality was a little unstable. Even though he knew that there were impurities inside him but didn't expect them to be so huge.

Miyuki also smelled an unbearable smell in the air. He immediately used fantasy materialization to form a wind barrier around him and isolated the unbearable stench.

A few minutes later, the black bath water was flushed out.

Miyuki didn't immediately refill the bath water instead, he used fantasy materialization to materialize the dew of rose, lily, sunflower, etc. Then he sprinkled it in the bathroom.

After he formed a wind in the bath and spread the smell of flowers to every corner.

Fearing that it might not be enough, Miyuki did it a few more times. Only then did he remove the wind barrier around him and smell the scent in the air.

Smelling the scent of various flowers, Miyuki felt refreshed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Why breathe a sigh of relief?

That's because of Yuki. Miyuki doesn't want Yuki to know about what happened.

After feeling that everything was alright, Miyuki cleaned the bathtub and filled it with bath water. Then he soaked himself in and began to enjoy a warm bath.

Lying in the bathtub, Miyuki felt his current situation.

His physical strength is four to five times stronger than before and the toughness of his body is also stronger than before. Even the bones and internal organs have become more tough and strong.

Although there is no increase in magic power, he can feel that the use of magic power has become stronger.

All in all, Miyuki feels that he has truly become stronger.

Ten minutes later, Miyuki walked out of the bath wearing casual clothes.

After the transformation, Miyuki's body leans more toward the natural side. The skin has become much whiter. It is also more smooth and soft. The body has also started to lean towards the soft side.

If the previous him was handsome then the current him is more natural. His handsome face has a tendency to be soft.

Although his changes aren't too huge, acquaintances can tell that he has changed slightly.

"Oni-chan." Yuki saw Miyuki and immediately perceived his changes. She felt that her Oni-chan seems to have become more in tune with the surroundings and there seems to be something special about him that attracts people's attention.

"Oni-chan why did you take such a long time washing off? I am hungry." Yuki shook her ponytail and spoke in a slightly angry manner.

She was hungry just now and because Miyuki went to bathe, she couldn't eat. So, she naturally became angry.

"Nothing..." Miyuki shook his head and rubbed Yuki's little head. He didn't intend to tell Yuki what happened.

"Go and wash your hand and come down to eat The dinner was already prepared, I will bring it up," Miyuki said and went to the kitchen.

"It's good." Yuki nodded and went to wash her hand.

After washing her hand she came back sat down on the chair and looked at Miyuki who sat opposite to her.

Miyuki was arranging the bowl, plate, chopsticks, etc.

"What's in the dinner." Yuki looked at Miyuki's action and asked.

"Well, it's your favorite," Miyuki spoke and opened the lid of the kitchen utensil.

Immediately various types of dishes were presented in front of Yuki.

"Fried noodles, tempura, pork chops, pickled vegetables,..." Yuki looked at various dishes her saliva flowed out.

Looking at Yuki's cute look, Miyuki smiled and began to serve the dishes.

"I am starting." Yuki couldn't wait and immediately started eating after Miyuki served the dishes.

"Okay, slow down. No one is going to snatch it." Miyuki spoke with a light smile when he saw Yuki's action.

After that Miyuki also started eating.


"Yuki, go and wash your hands. I will clean up the dish." Miyuki spoke and packed the dishes and put them in the sink in the kitchen. After that, he began to wash.

Yuki listened to Miyuki and washed her hands. Then she sat comfortably in tatami and began to watch TV.

A while later, Miyuki finished cleaning the dish and came out.

Waking in the living room, Miyuki saw Yuki sitting inside the tatami and watching TV.

"I am going back. Also, remember to do your homework and don't stay up too late." Miyuki rubbed Yuki's head lightly and left.


Back in his room, Miyuki sat at the table and first finished his homework.

"If I had this memory in my previous life then the college entrance exam would have been easy." Miyuki couldn't help but think after he finished his homework.

After merging with the true ancestor bloodline and transforming once, his memory is now almost at the photographic level.

Miyuki very much hopes that he had such a memory in his previous life.

After complaining about life for a while, he took out a few manga and novels and put them beside his bed. Then he got into bed.

Covering himself with a blanket, Miyuki began to read the mangas which he didn't read in his previous life.

The ACGN culture of this world is also very advanced. Although many works of previous life aren't available in this world but there are still many good works.

Time slowly passed by, and an hour quickly passed by.

Putting down the manga in his hand, Miyuki looked at the ceiling and then spoke, "System I still have the special sign-in chance, right."

[ Yes, Host ]

"Then, use it."

[ Ding! The host does special sign-in ]

[ Ding! The host gets Lucky bonus. ]

[ Lucky Bonus: It is the passive ability to increase luck. ]

"Is it just luck?" Earlier he had high hopes, so, seeing the reward, Miyuki was a bit disappointed.

[ Host, luck is a very important thing. It places a role in many places. ]

Hearing systems voice, Miyuki cheered up and remembered the Type-moon world where luck plays a significant role. Although he didn't know if luck would really play a role but he knew that it was a good thing to increase luck. After all, spear man died because of Lucky E. He didn't want to be the spearman.

"System use 60 points to strengthen me in an overall way." Miyuki wanted to try the strengthening function. He wanted to know how much he could improve with its help.

[ 60 points were deducted for strengthening. Currently remaining 50 points. ]

[ Ding! Strengthening begins. ]

Immediately Miyuki felt a warm sensation from his head to his toes. Then he felt his body, magic power as well as mental power were being strengthened.

This strengthening lasted for ten minutes and then ended.

After the strengthening, Miyuki carefully felt his strength. Physical strength, magic power, mental power, everything has been strengthened in an all-round way. His strength is now 10% stronger than before. The current him definitely has the ability to destroy a small city easily.

After a comprehensive evaluation of his strength, Miyuki understood that he couldn't put all of his hopes on strengthening function.

According to the system, the consumption of points will increase proportionally to the increase in his strength.

This means that the same 60 points can no longer increase his strength by 10%. He will have to spend more points to become stronger.

Carefully understanding that he couldn't put all of his hope on strengthening function, Miyuki began to think about traveling again.

Just as he was thinking, the door of his room was opened.

"Huh, Yuki why are you here." The one standing at the door was Yuki wearing pink pajamas. Miyuki was curious why she came here.

"Well, it's raining. I am afraid. So, can I sleep with you Oni-chan?" Yuki pressed her fingers together and spoke in an awkward voice.

"Raining." Miyuki looked out of the window and saw it was raining heavily, even thunder could be vaguely seen.

"Okay, come in." Miyuki nodded. From the original owner's memory, he knew that Yuki was afraid of lightning and thunder, so, she would sleep with the original owner whenever it rained. Miyuki didn't mind sleeping with Yuki to relieve her fear.

Yuki heard Miyuki's approval and immediately trotted in. Coming up to the bed she quickly got in.

"Well, go to sleep." Miyuki looked at Yuki's cute watery eyes and said while rubbing her head.

"Oni-chan, sleep together." Yuki looked at Miyuki with hopeful eyes.

"Okay." Miyuki saw Yuki's pitiful eyes filled with a bit of fear and agreed.

For a cute sister like Yuki, he didn't mind postponing his plans a bit.

Turning off the lights, he also got into bed.

Yuki immediately hugged Miyuki when he got into bed.

"Okay, okay, Oni-chan will be always here. So, sleep peacefully." Miyuki found Yuki's hands were slightly trembling, so, he spoke in a very gentle manner while rubbing Yuki's back.

That night Yuki slept very peacefully. Miyuki also enjoyed sleeping with his cute sister.


Life went on, time quickly passed by, and three days passed.

During these three days, Miyuki didn't do too much. He just enjoyed his daily life with his sister and Yuri.

It's just during these days, Yuri avoided being alone with him. It was as if Yuri didn't dare to be alone with him.

In fact, the reason for Yuri's behavior was simple. It was because Miyuki had kissed her, and Yuri didn't know what would happen if she was alone with Miyuki again.

Miyuki also understood the reason, so, he didn't specially create a situation where they were alone.

Another thing worth mentioning is that it took a while for Miyuki to explain to Yuki that he was going out for a few days.

In fact, it was very troublesome. Yuki didn't listen to his explanation. In the end, Miyuki said that he was going to spend a few days with Yuri and some classmates as a study session for the final examination.

It was only after such a reasonable explanation that Yuki believed Miyuki and let him come out.


Tokyo, Yuri's shrine,

"What are you holding Yuri," Miyuki asked when he saw Yuri had something in her hand.

"Well, this is for you. It is a charm I made with spiritual power, it can protect you at important times." Yuri handed a red charm symbol with protection written on it and explained.

"Thanks." Miyuki took the charm and thanked her. He could feel huge spiritual power inside the charm, so, he understood that Yuri must have worked hard to make this thing. Immediately his heart warmed up and he couldn't help but look at Yuri with a tender look.

"Well, it was just made for your protection, don't think too much." Yuri saw Miyuki's changing eyes and explained in a hurry.

Miyuki didn't listen to Yuri's explanation and carefully put the charm in his pocket.

"Yuri, take care of Yuki when I am gone," Miyuki said with a light smile.

"Idiot, don't you know that we are feigning study session? How can I take care of Yuki?" Yuri gave Miyuki an idiotic look and spoke.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot." Miyuki was embarrassed, he spoke while scratching his head with his backhand.

"By the way, you didn't forget to say goodbye to Yuki, right!?" Yuri spoke in a strong questioning tone and looked at Miyuki. If Miyuki dared to say forgot again then she will definitely beat him up.

"I have already said it. Don't think of me as an idiot. I will not forget such an important thing." Miyuki taped on Yuri's head lightly and spoke.

"How will you leave? And have you selected the place where you will test your power?" Yuri looked at Miyuki worriedly and asked.

"Well, the place has already been found. As for leaving, I will fly to the uninhabited island I searched for." Miyuki gave Yuri a reassuring look and spoke with a smile.

Yuri still looked a little worried.

"Don't worry too much. I will not be in any danger. After all, I still have to fulfill my promise to you." Miyuki spoke in a rather teasing tone and looked at Yuri playfully.

"Who has a promise with you..." Serious type Yuri couldn't handle Miyuki's offensive and she spoke in an aggressive way.

"Well, I am going but before leaving I shall take some interest from my lovely Miko," Miyuki spoke and then he didn't have Yuri a chance to react and hugged her in his arm.

"You,... what are you doing?" Yuri looked at Miyuki's face up close and spoke in an incoherent tone.

Looking at Miyuki's face coming closer and closer to her and feeling his arms wrapping around her waist tightly, Yuri's face turned redder and redder. Feeling his breath hitting her face, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

"Yuri, I love you." Miyuki didn't hesitate and confessed then he kissed Yuri's lips and didn't give her a chance to resist.

Hearing Miyuki's confession, Yuri felt her mind go blank. Even when her lips were sealed, she didn't resist much.

Even when the kiss was over, Yuri didn't react.

"Yuri, give me the answer when I return," Miyuki spoke and then vanished from the shrine.

It was only after Miyuki vanished that Yuri reacted.

Touching her moist lips, Yuri smiled charmingly and murmured, "Such shameless request. How could I agree."

Although Yuri said so but in fact, her heart has already made a decision. She looked at the horizon and said, "Come back early."


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