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Chapter 26: Episode 5

Ruthai walks around, Angry.

Ruthai yells at Jenny that "If you don't return her, I will fricking kill you!"

Jenny says, "I wasn't... I had to take her."

Ruthai yells, "No, you did not!"

Jenny says, "Months ago, I lost our savings. I tried to get a job, but they were too scared to hire me since I never owned a computer & was unable to put my info on job listing sites."

In Anniston, the town they lived in, you had to put your info on job listing sites.

They didn't have traditional background checks.

They have job listing sites where you could put the truth or what you wanted there & whatever the government said, the government would put it on your profile.

If you don't sign up to these sites, you're screwed because bosses will be too afraid to hire you, fearing you are a Satanist.

Jenny says, "I didn't have the 💰money💰 to go out of town to buy a 🖥️Desktop Computer.🖥️

So, I robbed a Rich Lady's 🏠House.🏠"

Ruthai says, "Thomas has a job!"

Jenny yells, "It doesn't pay enough 💵money💵 to pay for the bills!"

Day was carried out of the basement in human shape by Thomas in a human form.

Thomas says, "We're returning the toddler."

Thomas packs his things & says, "Meanwhile, pack your bags; we're skipping town."

Ruthai says, "Just knock on the door & Leave the toddler on the step."

Thomas says, "Alright, but you can't blame me if something goes wrong."

Thomas took The baby to the Mansion that Jenny robbed as she led them there.

Ruthai stayed home & packed.

Thomas left the baby on the doorstep & rang the bell 2 times, then ran to hide as Jenny took off as soon as they reached the home, saying, "We're here. Goodbye."

Thomas hid & saw a man named Night, a Satanist, pick up the four-year-old.

Thomas knew him; Night was evil.

He led the cops into murdering people.

He had no idea why Night was there; he did not believe that that was her father.

Thomas stayed behind & peeked through the windows with no plans of returning home to rescue his family in the case, and Night found him & followed him home.

Thomas saw Night blaming the four-year-old for being kidnapped.

A helpless 4-year-old.

Night yells, "You could have gotten yourself killed! You are four; you should know better!" In hatred for her kidnappers.

Thomas thought to "She's 4; what could she have done❔"

Night was a brutal killer.

He says, "If you do this again, I will hang you by your neck like I hung your mother!"👿


Day had shaped back into a 🐈Cat🐈

Day says, "I'm sad..." While 😭Crying.😭

Night complains, "I wish I never killed your mother; she was the only one who could shut you up!"

Thomas felt so sorry for her as he hid from the window as Night turned to look out of it.

Thomas snuck around & knocked on the🚪Door.🚪

Night struck Day with his 👊Fists👊 & opened the front🚪Door.🚪

Night says to Day that "That's The 😈Devil😈 coming to punish you."

Day cries, afraid of Satan.

Night says to Thomas, "Are you, Satan?"

Thomas asks, "Are you?"

Night laughs & asks, "What do you want? You want to upgrade your Life?"😈

Thomas says, "You sure about that being an upgrade?"

Night says, "Well, it's better than being hunted."

Thomas asks, "Hunting people?"

Night says, "For your amusement."

Thomas says, "Just like hunters hunting Animals?"

Night says, "Yeah."

Thomas says, "I returned the toddler after finding her on the... Street."

Night gets suspicious.

Night asks, "Where?"

Thomas says, "In front of the Temple."

Night froze & asked "Was she hurt?"

Thomas asks, "You care?"


Night pulls him inside the 🏠house🏠 asking, "Did you-" (Kidnap her?)

Thomas cut him off from continuing the sentence saying, "Someone else did." Lying.

Thomas was too afraid, to tell the truth.

Night says, "This conversation amounts up to 666 Words. This whole situation amounts up to 666 words."

Thomas says, "Listen, don't hurt your kids."

Night says, "It was her fault she was kidnapped."

Thomas is stunned.

Did he decide it was her fault, a four-year-old?

Did he just say that?

That's the dumbest thing ever.

Thomas says, "How?"

Night replies...

"She should have been more careful."

Night says, "No matter what you think of me, I did it all for me. My survival. I rose to the top."

Thomas says, "You 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 your way to the top."

Thomas & Night shapeshifted into their human forms.

Night was covered in all-black fur like a black cat.

Night says, "We are all genetically human, but due to the genetic modification, they forced us to appear as 🐈animals🐈 & do not treat us as humans."

Night pins him against the wall saying, "I had to 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 my way to the top!"

Thomas beat the crap out of him for that.

In front of him was a four-year-old.

Thomas thought that Night would rape him, plus he was Straight.

Thomas yells, "Get the fluff away from me!"

Day was still crying.

Thomas grabs Day, saying, "Dude! What is wrong with you?!"

Day says, "He's my daddy; that's what's wrong with him!!!"

Thomas took her outside, asking himself, "Did Jenny make the right choice?" Then he remembered how Jenny kept her locked in a basement, then said, "Nope."

Night yells, "What are you doing?!"

Thomas asked, "Does Day have relatives?!"

Day says, "Momma."

Night yells, "My crazy so-called 'Christian' aunt, but she ain't much better than me, we have 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨"

Thomas was purely disgusted.

Thomas yells, "My gosh, you are SICK!"

Day yells, "What is 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨❔"


Thomas yells, "How are you gonna raise a 4-year-old⁉️"

Night says, "I do it well! She is MINE!"

THOMAS TOOK THE BABY HOME AND said, "I... Made a mistake."

Night chased him, asking, "Where are you going?!"

Thomas knows it was wrong to kidnap a child & says, "I'm sorry, Night."

Thomas took The baby home @$ Night chased him.

Thomas says @s he realizes that his sisters had taken off, and he was okay with seeing what was happening.

He was kidnapping an abused child From a Satanist who sends 👮‍♂️cops👮‍♂️ to murder innocent people.

Thomas knew what could happen; even if Night was a good father, the girl wouldn't want to connect with him or be his friend.

Because if Thomas goes to jail, she'll blame Night.

Especially if Night doesn't like Thomas & Day may hate Night & disregard all of his feelings and not even care about the hurt Night had all the years that she wasn't with him because all those years...

Day was bonding with her kidnapper, not the person that she was kidnapped from that cared about her & not even really care that Night cared...

& end up hurting the person she was kidnapped from even more by choosing to spend more time with her kidnapper instead of the parent who always loved her.

That happens in real life; sometimes, kidnap victims who are raised by their kidnappers love their kidnappers more than their parents.

Thomas' cousin, Charlie, was a therapist who repaired families like this.

In these cases, the kidnapper would go to jail, but like a custody case, the child was legally mandated to visit them while in prison.

Because the child has an emotional connection to the kidnapper & in these cases, there is a therapist assigned to the family so that the child can learn to bond with her biological family & cope with the loss.

If the case of the family is too bad, the therapist is legally required to cut their ties until the child is able to to come to the grips & if the child wants to be reconnected to her biological family, then they can do it.

The therapist is also legally required to to inform both parties why they will be separated and how & what's going on unless it is too emotionally damaging.

In these cases, it must be best for both the biological parents & children.

To be connected...

Goodnight_Reads Goodnight_Reads


Rin's Town

Episode 5

Season 1

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